Number of items: 260.
Forouzanfar, MH;
Afshin, A;
Alexander, LT;
Anderson, HR;
Bhutta, ZA;
Biryukov, S;
Brauer, M;
Burnett, R;
Cercy, K;
Charlson, FJ;
+634 more...
Cohen, AJ;
Dandona, L;
Estep, K;
Ferrari, AJ;
Frostad, JJ;
Fullman, N;
Gething, PW;
Godwin, WW;
Griswold, M;
Kinfu, Y;
Kyu, HH;
Larson, HJ;
Liang, X;
Lim, SS;
Liu, PY;
Lopez, AD;
Lozano, R;
Marczak, L;
Mensah, GA;
Mokdad, AH;
Moradi-Lakeh, M;
Naghavi, M;
Neal, B;
Reitsma, MB;
Roth, GA;
Salomon, JA;
Sur, PJ;
Vos, T;
Wagner, JA;
Wang, H;
Zhao, Y;
Zhou, M;
Aasvang, GM;
Abajobir, AA;
Abate, KH;
Abbafati, C;
Abbas, KM;
Abd-Allah, F;
Abdulle, AM;
Abera, SF;
Abraham, B;
Abu-Raddad, LJ;
Abyu, GY;
Adebiyi, AO;
Adedeji, IA;
Ademi, Z;
Adou, AK;
Adsuar, JC;
Agardh, EE;
Agarwal, A;
Agrawal, A;
Kiadaliri, AA;
Ajala, ON;
Akinyemiju, TF;
Al-Aly, Z;
Alam, K;
Alam, NKM;
Aldhahri, SF;
Aldridge, RW;
Alemu, ZA;
Ali, R;
Alkerwi, A;
Alla, F;
Allebeck, P;
Alsharif, U;
Altirkawi, KA;
Martin, EA;
Alvis-Guzman, N;
Amare, AT;
Amberbir, A;
Amegah, AK;
Amini, H;
Ammar, W;
Amrock, SM;
Andersen, HH;
Anderson, BO;
Antonio, CAT;
Anwar, P;
Arnlov, J;
Al, A;
Asayesh, H;
Asghar, RJ;
Assadi, R;
Atique, S;
Avokpaho, E;
Awasthi, A;
Quintanilla, BPA;
Azzopardi, P;
Bacha, U;
Badawi, A;
Bahit, MC;
Balakrishnan, K;
Barac, A;
Barber, RM;
Barker-Collo, SL;
Barnighausen, T;
Barquera, S;
Barregard, L;
Barrero, LH;
Basu, S;
Bans, C;
Bazargan-Hejazi, S;
Beardsley, J;
Bedi, N;
Beghi, E;
Bell, ML;
Bello, AK;
Bennett, DA;
Bensenor, IM;
Berhane, A;
Bernabe, E;
Betsu, BD;
Beyene, AS;
Bhala, N;
Bhansali, A;
Bhatt, S;
Biadgilign, S;
Bikbov, B;
Bisanzio, D;
Bjertness, E;
Blore, JD;
Borschmann, R;
Boufous, S;
Bourne, RRA;
Brainin, M;
Brazinova, A;
Breitborde, NJK;
Brenner, H;
Broday, DM;
Brugha, TS;
Brunekreef, B;
Butt, ZA;
Cahill, LE;
Calabria, B;
Campos-Nonato, IR;
Cardenas, R;
Carpenter, D;
Casey, DC;
Castaneda-Oquela, CA;
Rivas, JC;
Castro, RE;
Catala-Lopez, F;
Chang, JC;
Chiang, PPC;
Chibalabala, M;
Chimed-Ochir, O;
Chisumpa, VH;
Chitheer, AA;
Choi, JYJ;
Christensen, H;
Christopher, DJ;
Ciobanu, LG;
Coates, MM;
Colquhoun, SM;
Cooper, LT;
Cooperrider, K;
Cornaby, L;
Cortinovis, M;
Crump, JA;
Cuevas-Nasu, L;
Damasceno, A;
Dandona, R;
Darby, SC;
Dargan, PI;
Das Neves, J;
Davis, AC;
Davletov, K;
de Castro, EF;
de la Cruz-Gongora, V;
de Leo, D;
Degenhardt, L;
del Gobbo, LC;
del Pozo-Cruz, B;
Dellavalle, RP;
Deribew, A;
Des Jarlais, DC;
Dharmaratne, SD;
Dhillon, PK;
Diaz-Tome, C;
Dicker, D;
Ding, EL;
Dorsey, ER;
Doyle, KE;
Driscoll, TR;
Duan, L;
Dubey, M;
Duncan, BB;
Elyazar, I;
Endries, AY;
Ermakov, SP;
Erskine, HE;
Eshrati, B;
Esteghamati, A;
Fahimi, S;
Faraon, EJA;
Farid, TA;
Farinha, C;
Faro, A;
Farvid, MS;
Farzadfar, F;
Feigin, VL;
Fereshtehnejad, SM;
Fernandes, JG;
Fischer, F;
Fitchett, JRA;
Fleming, T;
Foigt, N;
Foreman, K;
Fowkes, FGR;
Franklin, RC;
Furst, T;
Futran, ND;
Gakidou, E;
Garcia-Basteiro, AL;
Gebrehiwot, TT;
Gebremedhin, AT;
Geleijnse, JM;
Gessner, BD;
Giref, AZ;
Giroud, M;
Gishu, MD;
Goenka, S;
Gomez-Cabrera, MC;
Gomez-Dantes, H;
Gona, P;
Goodridge, A;
Gopalani, SV;
Gotay, CC;
Goto, A;
Gouda, HN;
Gugnani, HC;
Guillemin, F;
Guo, YM;
Gupta, R;
Gupta, R;
Gutierrez, RA;
Haagsma, JA;
Hafezi-Nejad, N;
Haile, D;
Hailu, GB;
Halasa, YA;
Hamadeh, RR;
Hamidi, S;
Handal, AJ;
Hankey, GJ;
Hao, YT;
Harb, HL;
Harikrishnan, S;
Haro, JM;
Hassanvand, MS;
Hassen, TA;
Havmoeller, R;
Heredia-Pi, IB;
Hernandez-Llanes, NF;
Heydarpour, P;
Hoek, HW;
Hoffman, HJ;
Horino, M;
Horita, N;
Hosgood, HD;
Hoy, DG;
Hsairi, M;
Htet, AS;
Hu, G;
Huang, JJ;
Husseini, A;
Hutchings, SJ;
Huybrechts, I;
Iburg, KM;
Idrisov, BT;
Ileanu, BV;
Inoue, M;
Jacobs, TA;
Jacobsen, KH;
Jahanmehr, N;
Jakovljevic, MB;
Jansen, H;
Jassal, SK;
Javanbakht, M;
Jayatilleke, AU;
Jee, SH;
Jeemon, P;
Jha, V;
Jiang, Y;
Jibat, T;
Jin, Y;
Johnson, CO;
Jonas, JB;
Kabir, Z;
Kalkonde, Y;
Kamal, R;
Kan, H;
Karch, A;
Karema, CK;
Karimkhani, C;
Kasaeian, A;
Kaul, A;
Kawakami, N;
Kazi, DS;
Keiyoro, PN;
Kemp, AH;
Kengne, AP;
Keren, A;
Kesavachandran, CN;
Khader, YS;
Khan, AR;
Khan, EA;
Khan, G;
Khang, YH;
Khatibzadeh, S;
Khera, S;
Khoja, TAM;
Khubchandani, J;
Kieling, C;
Kim, CI;
Kim, D;
Kimokoti, RW;
Kissoon, N;
Kivipelto, M;
Knibbs, LD;
Kokubo, Y;
Kopec, JA;
Koul, PA;
Koyanagi, A;
Kravchenko, M;
Kromhout, H;
Krueger, H;
Ku, T;
Defo, BK;
Kuchenbecker, RS;
Bicer, BK;
Kuipers, EJ;
Kumar, GA;
Kwan, GF;
Lal, DK;
Lalloo, R;
Lallukka, T;
Lan, Q;
Larsson, A;
Latif, AA;
Lawrynowicz, AEB;
Leasher, JL;
Leigh, J;
Leung, J;
Levi, M;
Liang, J;
Liu, SW;
Lloyd, BK;
Logroscino, G;
Lotufo, PA;
Lunevicius, R;
MacLntyre, M;
Mahdavi, M;
Majdan, M;
Majeed, A;
Malekzadeh, R;
Malta, DC;
Manamo, WAA;
Mapoma, CC;
Marcenes, W;
Martin, RV;
Martinez-Raga, J;
Masiye, F;
Matsushita, K;
Matzopoulos, R;
Mayosi, BM;
McGrath, JJ;
McKee, M;
Meaney, PA;
Medina, C;
Mehari, A;
Mena-Rodriguez, F;
Mekonnen, AB;
Melaku, YA;
Memish, ZA;
Mendoza, W;
Mensink, GBM;
Meretoja, A;
Meretoja, TJ;
Mesfin, YM;
Mhimbira, FA;
Miller, TR;
Mills, EJ;
Mirarefin, M;
Misganaw, A;
Mock, CN;
Mohammadi, A;
Mohammed, S;
Mola, GLD;
Monasta, L;
Hernandez, JCM;
Montico, M;
Morawska, L;
Mori, R;
Mozaffarian, D;
Mueller, UO;
Mullany, E;
Mumford, JE;
Murthy, GVS;
Nachega, JB;
Naheed, A;
Nangia, V;
Nassiri, N;
Newton, JN;
Ng, M;
Nguyen, Q;
Nisar, MI;
Pete, PMN;
Norheim, OF;
Norman, RE;
Norrving, B;
Nyakarahuka, L;
Obermeyer, CM;
Ogbo, FA;
Oh, IH;
Oladimeji, O;
Olivares, PR;
Olsen, H;
Olusanya, BO;
Olusanya, JO;
Opio, JN;
Oren, E;
Orozco, R;
Ortiz, A;
Ota, E;
Mahesh, PA;
Pana, A;
Park, EK;
Parry, CD;
Parsaeian, M;
Patel, T;
Caicedo, AJP;
Patil, ST;
Patten, SB;
Patton, GC;
Pearce, N;
Pereira, DM;
Perico, N;
Pesudovs, K;
Petzold, M;
Phillips, MR;
Piel, FB;
Pillay, JD;
Plass, D;
Polinder, S;
Pond, CD;
Pope, CA;
Pope, D;
Popova, S;
Poulton, RG;
Pourmalek, F;
Prasad, NM;
Qorbani, M;
Rabiee, RHS;
Radfar, A;
Rafay, A;
Rahimi-Movaghar, V;
Rahman, M;
Rahman, MHU;
Rahman, SU;
Rai, RK;
Rajsic, S;
Raju, M;
Ram, U;
Rana, SM;
Ranganathan, K;
Rao, P;
Garcia, CAR;
Refaat, AH;
Rehm, CD;
Rehm, J;
Reinig, N;
Remuzzi, G;
Resnikoff, S;
Ribeiro, AL;
Rivera, JA;
Rolm, HS;
Rodriguez, A;
Rodriguez-Ramirez, S;
Rojas-Rueda, D;
Roman, Y;
Ronfani, L;
Roshandel, G;
Rothenbacher, D;
Roy, A;
Saleh, MM;
Sanabria, JR;
Sanchez-Nino, MD;
Sanchez-Pimienta, TG;
Sandar, L;
Santomauro, DF;
Santos, IS;
Sarmiento-Suarez, R;
Sartorius, B;
Satpathy, M;
Savic, M;
Sawhney, M;
Schmidhuber, J;
Schmidt, MI;
Schneider, IJC;
Schottker, B;
Schutte, AE;
Schwebel, DC;
Scott, JG;
Seedat, S;
Sepanlou, SG;
Servan-Mori, EE;
Shaheen, A;
Shahraz, S;
Shaikh, MA;
Levy, TS;
Sharma, R;
She, J;
Sheikhbahaei, S;
Shen, J;
Sheth, KN;
Shi, PL;
Shibuya, K;
Shigematsu, M;
Shin, MJ;
Shiri, R;
Shishani, K;
Shiue, I;
Shrime, MG;
Sigfusdottir, ID;
Silva, DAS;
Silveira, DGA;
Silverberg, JI;
Simard, EP;
Sindi, S;
Singh, A;
Singh, JA;
Singh, PK;
Slepak, EL;
Soljak, M;
Soneji, S;
Sorensen, RJD;
Sposato, LA;
Sreeramareddy, CT;
Stathopoulou, V;
Steckling, N;
Steel, N;
Stein, DJ;
Stein, MB;
Stockl, H;
Stranges, S;
Stroumpoulis, K;
Sunguya, BF;
Swaminathan, S;
Sykes, BL;
Szoeke, CEI;
Tabares-Seisdedos, R;
Takahashi, K;
Talongwa, RT;
Landon, N;
Tanne, D;
Tavakkoli, M;
Taye, BW;
Taylor, HR;
Tedla, BA;
Tefera, WM;
Tegegne, TK;
Tekle, DY;
Terkawi, AS;
Thakur, JS;
Thomas, BA;
Thomas, ML;
Thomson, AJ;
Thorne-Lyman, AL;
Thrift, AG;
Thurston, GD;
Tillmann, T;
Tobe-Gai, R;
Tobollik, M;
Topor-Madry, R;
Topouzis, F;
Towbin, JA;
Tran, BX;
Dimbuene, ZT;
Tsilimparis, N;
Tura, AK;
Tuzcu, EM;
Tyrovolas, S;
Ukwaja, KN;
Undurraga, EA;
Uneke, CJ;
Uthman, OA;
van Donkelaar, A;
van Os, J;
Varakin, YY;
Vasankari, T;
Veerman, JL;
Venketasubramanian, N;
Violante, FS;
Vollset, SE;
Wagner, GR;
Waller, SG;
Wang, JL;
Wang, LH;
Wang, YP;
Weichenthal, S;
Weiderpass, E;
Weintraub, RG;
Werdecker, A;
Westerman, R;
Whiteford, HA;
Wijeratne, T;
Wiysonge, CS;
Wolfe, CDA;
Won, S;
Woolf, AD;
Wubshet, M;
Xavier, D;
Xu, GL;
Yadav, AK;
Yakob, B;
Yalew, AZ;
Yano, Y;
Yaseri, M;
Ye, PP;
Yip, P;
Yonemoto, N;
Yoon, SJ;
Younis, MZ;
Yu, CH;
Zaidi, Z;
Zaki, MES;
Zhu, J;
Zipkin, B;
Zodpey, S;
Zuhlke, LJ;
Murray, CJL;
Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015.
Lancet, 388 (10053).
pp. 1659-1724.
ISSN 0140-6736
NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC);
Zhou, B;
Lu, Y;
Hajifathalian, K;
Bentham, J;
Di Cesare, M;
Danaei, G;
Bixby, H;
Cowan, MJ;
+505 more...
Ali, MK;
Taddei, C;
Lo, WC;
Reis-Santos, B;
Stevens, GA;
Riley, LM;
Miranda, JJ;
Bjerregaard, P;
Rivera, JA;
Fouad, HM;
Ma, G;
Mbanya, JC;
McGarvey, ST;
Mohan, V;
Onat, A;
Pilav, A;
Ramachandran, A;
Romdhane, HB;
Paciorek, CJ;
Bennett, JE;
Ezzati, M;
Abdeen, ZA;
Abdul Kadir, K;
Abu-Rmeileh, NM;
Acosta-Cazares, B;
Adams, R;
Aekplakorn, W;
Aguilar-Salinas, CA;
Agyemang, C;
Ahmadvand, A;
Al-Othman, AR;
Alkerwi, A;
Amouyel, P;
Amuzu, A;
Andersen, LB;
Anderssen, SA;
Anjana, RM;
Aounallah-Skhiri, H;
Aris, T;
Arlappa, N;
Arveiler, D;
Assah, FK;
Avdicová, M;
Azizi, F;
Balakrishna, N;
Bandosz, P;
Barbagallo, CM;
Barceló, A;
Batieha, AM;
Baur, LA;
Romdhane, HB;
Benet, M;
Bernabe-Ortiz, A;
Bharadwaj, S;
Bhargava, SK;
Bi, Y;
Bjerregaard, P;
Bjertness, E;
Bjertness, MB;
Björkelund, C;
Blokstra, A;
Bo, S;
Boehm, BO;
Boissonnet, CP;
Bovet, P;
Brajkovich, I;
Breckenkamp, J;
Brenner, H;
Brewster, LM;
Brian, GR;
Bruno, G;
Bugge, A;
Cabrera de León, A;
Can, G;
Cândido, AP;
Capuano, V;
Carlsson, AC;
Carvalho, MJ;
Casanueva, FF;
Casas, JP;
Caserta, CA;
Castetbon, K;
Chamukuttan, S;
Chaturvedi, N;
Chen, CJ;
Chen, F;
Chen, S;
Cheng, CY;
Chetrit, A;
Chiou, ST;
Cho, Y;
Chudek, J;
Cifkova, R;
Claessens, F;
Concin, H;
Cooper, C;
Cooper, R;
Costanzo, S;
Cottel, D;
Cowell, C;
Crujeiras, AB;
D'Arrigo, G;
Dallongeville, J;
Dankner, R;
Dauchet, L;
de Gaetano, G;
De Henauw, S;
Deepa, M;
Dehghan, A;
Deschamps, V;
Dhana, K;
Di Castelnuovo, AF;
Djalalinia, S;
Doua, K;
Drygas, W;
Du, Y;
Dzerve, V;
Egbagbe, EE;
Eggertsen, R;
El Ati, J;
Elosua, R;
Erasmus, RT;
Erem, C;
Ergor, G;
Eriksen, L;
Escobedo-de la Peña, J;
Fall, CH;
Farzadfar, F;
Felix-Redondo, FJ;
Ferguson, TS;
Fernández-Bergés, D;
Ferrari, M;
Ferreccio, C;
Feskens, EJ;
Finn, JD;
Föger, B;
Foo, LH;
Forslund, AS;
Fouad, HM;
Francis, DK;
Franco, MdoC;
Franco, OH;
Frontera, G;
Furusawa, T;
Gaciong, Z;
Garnett, SP;
Gaspoz, JM;
Gasull, M;
Gates, L;
Geleijnse, JM;
Ghasemian, A;
Ghimire, A;
Giampaoli, S;
Gianfagna, F;
Giovannelli, J;
Giwercman, A;
Gross, MG;
González Rivas, JP;
Gorbea, MB;
Gottrand, F;
Grafnetter, D;
Grodzicki, T;
Grøntved, A;
Gruden, G;
Gu, D;
Guan, OP;
Guerrero, R;
Guessous, I;
Guimaraes, AL;
Gutierrez, L;
Hambleton, IR;
Hardy, R;
Hari Kumar, R;
Hata, J;
He, J;
Heidemann, C;
Herrala, S;
Hihtaniemi, IT;
Ho, SY;
Ho, SC;
Hofman, A;
Hormiga, CM;
Horta, BL;
Houti, L;
Howitt, C;
Htay, TT;
Htet, AS;
Htike, MM;
Hu, Y;
Hussieni, AS;
Huybrechts, I;
Hwalla, N;
Iacoviello, L;
Iannone, AG;
Ibrahim, MM;
Ikeda, N;
Ikram, MA;
Irazola, VE;
Islam, M;
Iwasaki, M;
Jacobs, JM;
Jafar, T;
Jamil, KM;
Jasienska, G;
Jiang, CQ;
Jonas, JB;
Joshi, P;
Kafatos, A;
Kalter-Leibovici, O;
Kasaeian, A;
Katz, J;
Kaur, P;
Kavousi, M;
Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi, S;
Kelishadi, R;
Kengne, AP;
Kersting, M;
Khader, YS;
Khalili, D;
Khang, YH;
Kiechl, S;
Kim, J;
Kolsteren, P;
Korrovits, P;
Kratzer, W;
Kromhout, D;
Kujala, UM;
Kula, K;
Kyobutungi, C;
Laatikainen, T;
Lachat, C;
Laid, Y;
Lam, TH;
Landrove, O;
Lanska, V;
Lappas, G;
Laxmaiah, A;
Leclercq, C;
Lee, J;
Lee, J;
Lehtimäki, T;
Lekhraj, R;
León-Muñoz, LM;
Li, Y;
Lim, WY;
Lima-Costa, MF;
Lin, HH;
Lin, X;
Lissner, L;
Lorbeer, R;
Lozano, JE;
Luksiene, D;
Lundqvist, A;
Lytsy, P;
Ma, G;
Machado-Coelho, GL;
Machi, S;
Maggi, S;
Magliano, DJ;
Makdisse, M;
Mallikharjuna Rao, K;
Manios, Y;
Manzato, E;
Margozzini, P;
Marques-Vidal, P;
Martorell, R;
Masoodi, SR;
Mathiesen, EB;
Matsha, TE;
Mbanya, JC;
McFarlane, SR;
McGarvey, ST;
McLachlan, S;
McNulty, BA;
Mediene-Benchekor, S;
Meirhaeghe, A;
Menezes, AM;
Merat, S;
Meshram, II;
Mi, J;
Miquel, JF;
Miranda, JJ;
Mohamed, MK;
Mohammad, K;
Mohammadifard, N;
Mohan, V;
Mohd Yusoff, MF;
Møller, NC;
Molnár, D;
Mondo, CK;
Morejon, A;
Moreno, LA;
Morgan, K;
Moschonis, G;
Mossakowska, M;
Mostafa, A;
Mota, J;
Motta, J;
Mu, TT;
Muiesan, ML;
Müller-Nurasyid, M;
Mursu, J;
Nagel, G;
Námešná, J;
Nang, EE;
NangThetia, VB;
Navarrete-Muñoz, EM;
Ndiaye, NC;
Nenko, I;
Nervi, F;
Nguyen, ND;
Nguyen, QN;
Nieto-Martínez, RE;
Ning, G;
Ninomiya, T;
Noale, M;
Noto, D;
Nsour, MA;
Ochoa-Avilés, AM;
Oh, K;
Onat, A;
Ordunez, P;
Osmond, C;
Otero, JA;
Owusu-Dabo, E;
Pahomova, E;
Palmieri, L;
Panda-Jonas, S;
Panza, F;
Parsaeian, M;
Peixoto, SV;
Peltonen, M;
Peters, A;
Peykari, N;
Pham, ST;
Pilav, A;
Pitakaka, F;
Piwonska, A;
Piwonski, J;
Plans-Rubió, P;
Porta, M;
Portegies, ML;
Poustchi, H;
Pradeepa, R;
Price, JF;
Punab, M;
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Emerging Risk, Factors;
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Expression of a type B RIFIN in Plasmodium falciparum merozoites and gametes.
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A Semimechanistic Pharmacokinetic-Enzyme Turnover Model for Rifampin Autoinduction in Adult Tuberculosis Patients.
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Impact of changing oxygenation policies on retinopathy of prematurity in a neonatal unit in Argentina.
The British journal of ophthalmology, 96 (12).
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Annals of internal medicine, 154.
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Staphylococcus epidermidis antimicrobial delta-toxin (phenol-soluble modulin-gamma) cooperates with host antimicrobial peptides to kill group A Streptococcus.
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Using serological measures to monitor changes in malaria transmission in Vanuatu.
Malaria journal, 9.
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Activation of TLR2 by a small molecule produced by Staphylococcus epidermidis increases antimicrobial defense against bacterial skin infections.
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Neurotoxicology, 31 (1).
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High Serum A beta and Vascular Risk Factors in First-Degree Relatives of Alzheimer's Disease Patients.
Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass), 15 (3-4).
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Selective antimicrobial action is provided by phenol-soluble modulins derived from Staphylococcus epidermidis, a normal resident of the skin.
The Journal of investigative dermatology, 130 (1).
pp. 192-200.
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The association between diet and serum concentrations of IGF-I, IGFBP-1, IGFBP-2, and IGFBP-3 in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition.
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Multicenter study to assess potential hazards from exposure to lipid peroxidation products in soya bean oil from Trilucent (TM) breast implants.
Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology, 53 (2).
pp. 107-120.
ISSN 0273-2300
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Yamasaki, K;
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Gallo, RL;
NLRP3/cryopyrin is necessary for interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) release in response to hyaluronan, an endogenous trigger of inflammation in response to injury.
The Journal of biological chemistry, 284 (19).
pp. 12762-71.
ISSN 0021-9258
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Leonard, B;
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Gilman, RH;
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Inter- and intra-assay reproducibility of microplate Alamar blue assay results for isoniazid, rifampicin, ethambutol, streptomycin, ciprofloxacin, and capreomycin drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Journal of clinical microbiology, 46 (10).
pp. 3526-9.
ISSN 0095-1137
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Organochlorine pesticide exposure in children living in southern Spain.
Environmental research, 106 (1).
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Early invasive vs conservative treatment strategies in women and men with unstable angina and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction - A meta-analysis.
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Intake of antioxidant vitamins and trace elements during pregnancy and risk of advanced beta cell autoimmunity in the child.
The American journal of clinical nutrition, 88 (2).
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Identification and analysis of functional elements in 1% of the human genome by the ENCODE pilot project.
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Immunodominant Francisella tularensis antigens identified using proteome microarray.
Proteomics, 7 (13).
pp. 2172-2183.
ISSN 1615-9853
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Kamal, N;
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Deletion of a previously uncharacterized flagellar-hook-length control gene fliK modulates the sigma(54)-dependent regulon in Campylobacter jejuni.
Microbiology (Reading, England), 153.
pp. 3099-3111.
ISSN 1350-0872
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Owino, VO;
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Fortified complementary foods with or without alpha-amylase treatment increase hemoglobin but do not reduce breast milk intake of 9-mo-old Zambian infants.
The American journal of clinical nutrition, 86 (4).
pp. 1094-1103.
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Modeling rotavirus-like particles production in a baculovirus expression vector system: Infection kinetics, baculovirus DNA replication, mRNA synthesis and protein production.
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Do MDM2 SNP309 and TP53 R72P interact in breast cancer susceptibility? A large pooled series from the breast cancer association consortium.
Cancer research, 67 (19).
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A live experimental vaccine against Burkholderia pseudomallei elicits CD4(+) T cell-mediated immunity, priming T cells specific for 2 type III secretion system proteins.
The Journal of infectious diseases, 194 (9).
pp. 1241-1248.
ISSN 0022-1899
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Manandhar, DS;
Effect of multiple micronutrient supplementation during pregnancy on inflammatory markers in Nepalese women.
The American journal of clinical nutrition, 84 (5).
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Delayed whole-body cooling to 33 or 35 degrees C and the development of impaired energy generation consequential to transient cerebral hypoxia-ischemia in the newborn piglet.
Pediatrics, 117 (5).
pp. 1549-59.
ISSN 0031-4005
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Critical role of type 1 cytokines in controlling initial infection with Burkholderia mallei.
Infection and immunity, 74 (9).
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Endosulfan and its metabolites in fertile women, placenta, cord blood, and human milk.
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Genotyping cytochrome P450 3A5 using the light cycler.
Annals of clinical biochemistry, 42.
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Shin, H;
Sivam, D;
Squares, R;
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Vogt, C;
Volckaert, G;
Wambutt, R;
Warren, T;
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Zhou, SG;
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Blackwell, JM;
Stuart, KD;
Barrell, B;
Myler, PJ;
The genome of the kinetoplastid parasite, Leishmania major.
Science (New York, NY), 309 (5733).
p. 436.
ISSN 0036-8075
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Siddiqui, AA;
Brouwer, AE;
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Jaffar, S;
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Irving, D;
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White, NJ;
Harrison, TS;
IFN-gamma at the site of infection determines rate of clearance of infection in cryptococcal meningitis.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md, 174 (3).
pp. 1746-1750.
ISSN 0022-1767
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Brodin, P;
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Enhanced protection against tuberculosis by vaccination with recombinant Mycobacterium microti vaccine that induces T cell immunity against region of difference 1 antigens.
The Journal of infectious diseases, 190 (1).
p. 115.
ISSN 0022-1899
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Holden, MTG;
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Peacock, SJ;
Cerdeno-Tarraga, AM;
Atkins, T;
Crossman, LC;
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Cherevach, I;
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Davis, P;
Deshazer, D;
Feltwell, T;
Fraser, A;
Hance, Z;
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Keith, KE;
Maddison, M;
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Price, C;
Quail, MA;
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Rutherford, K;
Sanders, M;
Simmonds, M;
Songsivilai, S;
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Tumapa, S;
Vesaratchavest, M;
Whitehead, S;
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Barrell, BG;
Oyston, PCF;
Parkhill, J;
Genornic plasticity of the causative agent of melioidosis, Burkholderia pseudomallei.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101 (39).
pp. 14240-14245.
ISSN 0027-8424
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Katzenschlager, R;
Evans, A;
Manson, A;
Patsalos, PN;
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Watt, H;
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Mucuna pruriens in Parkinson's disease: a double blind clinical and pharmacological study.
Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry.
p. 1672.
ISSN 0022-3050
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Kobayashi, M;
Iaccarino, C;
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Heidt, V;
Bozzi, Y;
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Simultaneous absence of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor-mediated signaling is lethal in mice.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101 (31).
pp. 11465-70.
ISSN 0027-8424
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Mantyla, A;
Garnier, T;
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Nevalainen, T;
Vepsalainen, J;
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Synthesis, in vitro evaluation, and antileishmanial activity of water-soluble prodrugs of buparvaquone.
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 47 (1).
pp. 188-195.
ISSN 0022-2623
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Caldwell, HD;
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Bailey, R;
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Mabey, D;
MacLean, I;
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Schachter, J;
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Belland, RJ;
McClarty, G;
Polymorphisms in Chlamydia trachomatis tryptophan synthase genes differentiate between genital and ocular isolates.
The Journal of clinical investigation, 111 (11).
pp. 1757-1769.
ISSN 0021-9738
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Diebold, SS;
Montoya, M;
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Alexopoulou, L;
Roy, P;
Haswell, LE;
Al-Shamkhani, A;
Flavell, R;
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Sousa, CRE;
Viral infection switches non-plasmacytoid dendritic cells into high interferon producers.
Nature, 424 (6946).
pp. 324-328.
ISSN 0028-0836
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Elliott, AM;
Mawa, PA;
Joseph, S;
Namujju, PB;
Kizza, M;
Nakiyingi, JS;
Watera, C;
Dunne, DW;
Whitworth, JAG;
Associations between helminth infection and CD4(+) T cell count, viral load and cytokine responses in HIV-1-infected Ugandan adults.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 97 (1).
pp. 103-108.
ISSN 0035-9203
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Friedrichs, B;
Tepel, C;
Reinheckel, T;
Deussing, J;
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Thyroid functions of mouse cathepsins B, K, and L.
The Journal of clinical investigation, 111 (11).
pp. 1733-45.
ISSN 0021-9738
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Atkins, T;
Prior, RG;
Mack, K;
Russell, P;
Nelson, M;
Oyston, PCF;
Dougan, G;
Titball, RW;
A mutant of Burkholderia pseudomallei, auxotrophic in the branched chain amino acid biosynthetic pathway, is attenuated and protective in a murine model of melioidosis.
Infection and immunity, 70 (9).
pp. 5290-4.
ISSN 0019-9567
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Black, GF;
Weir, RE;
Floyd, S;
Bliss, L;
Warndorff, DK;
Crampin, AC;
Ngwira, B;
Sichali, L;
Nazareth, B;
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Branson, K;
Chaguluka, SD;
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Fine, PEM;
Dockrell, HM;
BCG-induced increase in interferon-gamma response to mycobacterial antigens and efficacy of BCG vaccination in Malawi and the UK: two randomised controlled studies.
Lancet, 359 (9315).
pp. 1393-1401.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Brahmbhatt, S;
Hussain, R;
Zafar, S;
Dawood, G;
Ottenhoff, TH;
Drijfhout, JW;
Bothamley, G;
Smith, S;
Lopez, FV;
Dockrell, HM;
Human T cell responses to peptides of the Mycobacterium leprae 45-kD serine-rich antigen.
Clinical and experimental immunology, 128 (1).
pp. 140-8.
ISSN 0009-9104
Fillon, S;
Klingel, K;
Warntges, S;
Sauter, M;
Gabrysch, S;
Pestel, S;
Tanneur, V;
Waldegger, S;
Zipfel, A;
Viebahn, R;
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Haussinger, D;
Broer, S;
Kandolf, R;
Lang, F;
Expression of the serine/threonine kinase hSGK1 in chronic viral hepatitis.
Cellular physiology and biochemistry, 12 (1).
pp. 47-54.
ISSN 1015-8987
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Justin, N;
Walker, N;
Bullifent, HL;
Songer, G;
Bueschel, DM;
Jost, H;
Naylor, C;
Miller, J;
Moss, DS;
Titball, RW;
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Basak, AK;
The first strain of Clostridium perfringens isolated from an avian source has an alpha-toxin with divergent structural and kinetic properties.
Biochemistry, 41 (20).
pp. 6253-62.
ISSN 0006-2960
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Ota, MOC;
Vekemans, J;
Schlegel-Haueter, SE;
Fielding, K;
Sanneh, M;
Kidd, M;
Newport, MJ;
Aaby, P;
Whittle, H;
Lambert, PH;
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McAdam, K;
Siegrist, CA;
Marchant, A;
Influence of Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guerin on antibody and cytokine responses to human neonatal vaccination.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md, 168 (2).
pp. 919-25.
ISSN 0022-1767
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Wacker, M;
Linton, D;
Hitchen, PG;
Nita-Lazar, M;
Haslam, SM;
North, SJ;
Panico, M;
Morris, HR;
Dell, A;
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Aebi, M;
N-linked glycosylation in Campylobacter jejuni and its functional transfer into E-coli.
Science (New York, NY), 298 (5599).
pp. 1790-1793.
ISSN 0036-8075
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Calabi, E;
Ward, S;
Wren, B;
Paxton, T;
Panico, M;
Morris, H;
Dell, A;
Dougan, G;
Fairweather, N;
Molecular characterization of the surface layer proteins from Clostridium difficile.
Molecular microbiology, 40 (5).
pp. 1187-99.
ISSN 0950-382X
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Jones, GJ;
Watera, C;
Patterson, S;
Rutebemberwa, A;
Kaleebu, P;
Whitworth, JA;
Gotch, FM;
Gilmour, JW;
Comparative loss and maturation of peripheral blood dendritic cell subpopulations in African and non-African HIV-1-infected patients.
AIDS (London, England), 15 (13).
pp. 1657-63.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Jowsey, IR;
Thomson, AM;
Flanagan, JU;
Murdock, PR;
Moore, GBT;
Meyer, DJ;
Murphy, GJ;
Smith, SA;
Hayes, JD;
Mammalian class Sigma glutathione S-transferases: catalytic properties and tissue-specific expression of human and rat GSH- dependent prostaglandin D-2 synthases.
The Biochemical journal, 359 (Pt 3).
pp. 507-16.
ISSN 0264-6021
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Koletzko, B;
Agostoni, C;
Carlson, SE;
Clandinin, T;
Hornstra, G;
Neuringer, M;
Uauy, R;
Yamashiro, Y;
Willatts, P;
Long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) and perinatal development.
Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway, 90 (4).
pp. 460-4.
ISSN 0803-5253
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Kuper, H;
Mantzoros, C;
Lagiou, P;
Tzonou, A;
Tamimi, R;
Mucci, L;
Benetou, V;
Spanos, E;
Stuver, SO;
Trichopoulos, D;
Estrogens, testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin in relation to liver cancer in men.
Oncology, 60 (4).
pp. 355-60.
ISSN 0030-2414
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Marcilla, A;
Bargues, MD;
Ramsey, JM;
Magallon-Gastelum, E;
Salazar-Schettino, PM;
Abad-Franch, F;
Dujardin, JP;
Schofield, CJ;
Mas-Coma, S;
The ITS-2 of the nuclear rDNA as a molecular marker for populations, species, and phylogenetic relationships in Triatominae (Hemiptera : Reduviidae), vectors of Chagas disease.
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 18 (1).
pp. 136-142.
ISSN 1055-7903
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Mota, MM;
Pradel, G;
Vanderberg, JP;
Hafalla, JC;
Frevert, U;
Nussenzweig, RS;
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Rodriguez, A;
Migration of Plasmodium sporozoites through cells before infection.
Science (New York, NY), 291 (5501).
pp. 141-144.
ISSN 0036-8075
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Ohkanda, J;
Lockman, JW;
Yokoyama, K;
Gelb, MH;
Croft, SL;
Kendrick, H;
Harrell, MI;
Feagin, JE;
Blaskovich, MA;
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Hamilton, AD;
Peptidomimetic inhibitors of protein farnesyltransferase show potent antimalarial activity.
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, 11 (6).
pp. 761-764.
ISSN 0960-894X
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Prior, RG;
Klasson, L;
Larsson, P;
Williams, K;
Lindler, L;
Sjostedt, A;
Svensson, T;
Tamas, I;
Wren, BW;
Oyston, PCF;
+2 more...
Andersson, SGE;
Titball, RW;
Preliminary analysis and annotation of the partial genome sequence of Francisella tularensis strain Schu 4.
Journal of applied microbiology, 91 (4).
pp. 614-20.
ISSN 1364-5072
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Soares, RPP;
Barbosa, SE;
Borges, EC;
Melo, TA;
Romanha, AJ;
Dujardin, JP;
Schofield, CJ;
Diotaiuti, L;
Genetic studies of Psammolestes tertius (Hemiptera : Reduviidae : Triatominae) using male genital morphology, morphometry, isoenzymes, and random amplified polymorphic DNA.
Biochemical genetics, 39 (1-2).
pp. 1-13.
ISSN 0006-2928
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Tan, TH;
Edgerton, SA;
Kumari, R;
McAlister, MS;
Roe, SM;
Nagl, S;
Pearl, LH;
Selkirk, ME;
Bianco, AE;
Totty, NF;
+4 more...
Engwerda, C;
Gray, CA;
Meyer, DJ;
Rowe, SM;
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor of the parasitic nematode Trichinella spiralis.
The Biochemical journal, 357 (Pt 2).
pp. 373-83.
ISSN 0264-6021
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This list was generated on Fri Jul 26 07:47:49 2019 BST.