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Group by: Year | Author | Faculty | Supervisor | Full Text
Jump to: Abbott, S | Abu-Raddad, L | Acharya, A | Ackers, JP | Adagu, IS | Adagu, S | Addo, J | Adetifa, I M | Aggarwal, A | Akira, E | Alexander, N | Alexander, Neal | Allemani, C | Allen, E | Allen, Elizabeth | Allen, P | Allen, Pauline | Allen, S | Anderson, ES | Anderson, S | Andrews, N | Antonio, M | Araya, R | Ariti, C | Ariyoshi, K | Armitage, P | Armstrong, B | Armstrong, Ben | Armstrong- Schellenberg, J | Ashworth, A | Ashworth, Ann | Atkins, H | Atkins, KE | Aunger, R | Aunger, Robert | Ayles, H | Ayles, Helen | Babiker, A | Bacchus, L | Bacchus, LJ | Baguelin, M | Bailey, R | Bailey, RL | Bailey, Robin | Baiocchi, M | Baisley, K | Baisley, Kathy | Bajos, N | Baker, D | Baker, DA | Baker, David | Baker, S | Balabanova, D | Balabanova, Dina | Ball, Helen Louise | Ballatore, A | Balmford, A | Bancroft, G J | Bancroft, Gregory | Banerjee, A | Baraitser, P | Barasa, E | Barnett, T | Bartlett, Jonathan | Bascaran, C | Baschieri, A | Bastawrous, A | Bates, I | Behague, D | Behrens, R | Behrens, Ron | Bell, S | Belot, A | Benova, L | Beral, V | Berger, N | Bernays, S | Berridge, V | Berridge, Virginia | Bertram, DS | Bhakta, S | Bhaskaran, K | Bhaskaran, Krishnan | Bhatt, R | Bhattacharyya, T | Bickle, Q | Bickle, Quentin | Biran, A | Biran, Adam | Bird, RO | Birdthistle, I | Birdthistle, Isolde | Black, N | Black, Nick | Blackman, MJ | Blake, D | Blanchet, K | Blanchet, Karl | Blatt, BS | Blencowe, H | Blumenthal, U | Boccia, D | Bond, V | Bonell, C | Boorman, J | Borghi, J | Bottomley, C | Bottomley, Christian | Boulware, DR | Bourke, A | Bourne, A | Bourne, Adam | Bousema, Teun | Bowman, R | Boyland, E | Bracher, J | Bradley, D | Bradley, DJ | Bradley, David | Bradley, J | Brady, OJ | Brass, T | Brass, W | Braunschweig, EN | Brickley, EB | Brodbelt, D | Brooker, Simon | Brooksby, JB | Brown, CGD | Brown, J | Brown, KA | Bruce, Jane | Bruce-Chwait, LJ | Brugha, Rf | Buchan, J | Buckley, JJC | Buller, AM | Buller Soto, A | Burchett, H | Burchett, HE | Burr, SE | Burton, K | Burton, M | Burton, MJ | Burton, Matthew | Bustinduy, A | Bustinduy, AL | Busvine, JR | Busza, J | Busza, Joanna | Butcher, P | Bärenbold, O | Cairncross, S | Cairncross, Sandy | Cairns, J | Cairns, John | Cairns, M | Calvert, C | Cameron, M | Cameron, MM | Cameron, Mary | Campbell, O | Campbell, OM | Campbell, Oona | Campino, S | Caplin, Ben | Carpenter, J | Carpenter, JR | Carpenter, James | Carpenter, S | Carter, Simon | Castle, S | Cerami, C | Chakraborty, J | Chalabi, Z | Chalabi, Zaid | Chandler, C | Chandler, CIR | Chandler, Clare | Chandramohan, D | Chandramohan, Daniel | Chapman, J | Checchi, F | Checchi, Francesco | Chi, P | Chico, M | Church, K | Cislaghi, B | Cislaghi, Ben | Clark, G | Clark, Graham | Clark, T | Clark, TG | Clark, Taane | Clarke, Amber | Clarke, L | Clarke, Lynda | Clarke, S | Clarke, SE | Clarke, Sian | Clarke, Taane | Clasen, T | Cleland, J | Cleland, John | Clements | Cliff, JM | Cliff, Jackie | Clifford, S | Cohen, A | Cohn, S | Cohn, Simon | Coker, R | Coker, Richard | Coleman, M | Coleman, MP | Coleman, Michel | Coleman, Paul | Colley, JRT | Collier, T | Collins, KJ | Collumbien, M | Collumbien, Martine | Colombini, M | Conway, DJ | Conway, David | Cook, J | Cooper, P | Corbett, EL | Corbett, L | Corbett, Liz | Cori, A | Cornelsen, L | Cose, S | Cose, Stephen | Costello, A | Cousens, S | Cousens, Simon | Cowan, F | Cowling, T | Cowling, TE | Cox, Jonathan | Crastes dit Sourd, R | Cresswell, J | Croft, S | Croft, SL | Croft, Simon | Cromwell, D | Cromwell, DA | Cruickshank, K | Cumming, O | Cumming, Oliver | Cummins, S | Cummins, Steven | Cunnington, M | Curtis, C | Curtis, CF | Curtis, V | Curtis, Val | Cusick, L | Dandona, L | Dangour, A | Dangour, AD | Daniel, RM | Davey, C | Davidson, G | Davies, C | Davies, CTM | Davies, Clive R. | Davies, D | Dawson, L | Dawson, LF | De Stavola, B | De Stavola, BL | De Stavola, Bianca | De silva, M | De silva, MJ | De stavola, BL | DeCelles, J | Deeny, S | Deeny, Sarah | Delany-Moretlwe, S | Delves, MJ | Denaxas, S | Denham, D | Denham, DA | Denyer Willis, L | Derrick, Tamsyn | Desmond, N | Dessens, JT | Dessens, Johannes | Devries, K | Devries, Karen | Dewhirst, S | Diaz-Ordaz, K | Diaz-ordaz, Karla | Dixon, J | Dockrell, H | Dockrell, HM | Dockrell, Hazel | Dolk, H | Donnelly, M | Dorell, N | Dorrell, N | Dorrell, Nick | Dorsey, G | Dos Santos Silva, I | Dos santos silva, Isabel | Dos-Santos-Silva, I | Dougan, Gordon | Douglas, I | Douglas, Ian | Douglas, R | Doyle, AM | Doyle, Pat | Doyle, R | Drakeley, C | Drakeley, Chris | Draper, CC | Drasar, B | Dreibelbis, R | Driessen, A | Dringus, S | Duclos, D | Dudbridge, F | Due, Pernille | Duncan, J | Durand, MA | Dye, C | Díaz-Ordaz, K | Eames, Ken | Eaton, JW | Ebrahim, Shah | Economou, T | Edmunds, J | Edmunds, John | Edmunds, WJ | Edsall, G | Edwards, P | Edwards, Phil | Edwards, T | Egan, M | Egan, Ma | Egan, Matt | Eggo, R M | Eggo, RM | Elbourne, Diana | Elliott, A | Elliott, AM | Elliott, Am | Elliott, P | Ellis, L | Elmi, Abdi | Emberton, M | England, M | Enria, L | Ensink, JH | Ensink, Jh | Ettelt, S | Evans, T | Fairlamb, A | Fearon, E | Ferguson, E | Ferguson, EL | Ferguson, Elaine | Ferguson, Elaine L | Fernández, MAL | Ferrand, R | Ferrand, RA | Ferrari, G | Fidler, S | Fielding, K | Fielding, Katherine | Filippi, V | Filippi, Veronique | Fillinger, Ulrike | Filteau, S | Filteau, Suzanne | Filteau, s | Fine, P | Fine, PE | Fine, Paul | Flasche, S | Flasche, Stefan | Fletcher, A | Fletcher, Astrid | Fletcher, HA | Fletcher, Helen | Fletcher, T | Fletcher, Tony | Floyd, S | Flueck, C | Ford, D | Foss, Anna | Foster, A | Fournie, G | Fox, RH | Fox-rushby, Julia | Francis, S | Francis, SC | Free, C | Free, Cari | French, N | French, RS | Friedman, J | Frost, C | Frost, Chris | Fuhr, DC | Funk, S | Furnham, N | Galwey, N | Garlick, P | Garnham, PCC | Gasparrini, A | Gasparrini, Antonio | Gass, K | Gaunt, MW | Geissler, PW | Geissler, W | Ghani, A | Gilbert, C | Gilbert, Clare | Gilson, L | Gilson, Lucy | Gingell, D | Glynn, JR | Glynn, Judith | Godfrey, DG | Godfrey-Faussett, P | Godfrey-faussett, Peter | Gomes, M | Gomez, G | Gompels, U | Gompels, Ua | Gompels, Ursula | Gon, G | Goodier, MR | Goodier, Martin | Goodman, C | Goodman, Catherine | Goodwin, N | Gordon-Smith, CE | Gorsky, M | Gorsky, Martin | Gosling, J | Graham, WJ | Grant, AD | Grant, Alison | Greco, G | Green, J | Green, Judith | Green, R | Greenhough, B | Greenwood, B | Greenwood, Brian | Grieve, R | Grieve, Richard | Griffiths, UK | Griffiths, Ulla | Grint, D | Groce, N | Grosskurth, H | Grosskurth, Heiner | Grundy, C | Grundy, Emily | Guinness, L | Guinness, Lorna | Guitian, J | Gundogdu, O | Gungabissoon, U | Gupta-Wright, A | Gureje, O | Gurol-urganci, I | Gyapong, M | Hafalla, J | Hafalla, JCR | Hafalla, Julius | Haines, A | Hajat, S | Hajat, Shakoor | Hall, A | Hall, AJ | Hamblin, AS | Hameed, S | Hanefeld, J | Hansen, B | Hansen, KS | Hanson, C | Hanson, K | Hanson, Kara | Harbarth, S | Hargreaves, J | Hargreaves, JR | Hargreaves, James | Harman, P | Harpham, T | Harris, M | Harris, R | Harris, RJC | Harrison, TJ | Harriss, B | Harron, K | Hartwell, G | Hatcher, A | Hattersley, A | Hawkins, B | Hawkins, Benjamin | Hayes, R | Hayes, RJ | Hayes, Richard | Hayward, R | Healy, MJR | Heard, CRC | Heaviside, C | Heise, Lori | Hellenthal, G | Hemingway, H | Hemingway, J | Henderson, AD | Hennig, BJ | Hensen, B | Hewson, R | Heyderman, R | Heymann, DL | Hibberd, M | Hibberd, ML | Hibberd, Martin | Hickson, F | Hill, A | Hill, N | Hill, Z | Hirayama, K | Hirayami, K | Holden, C | Holland, K | Holland, MJ | Holland, Martin | Hongoro, C | Horton-Smith, C | Hosegood, V | Hosegood, Vicky | Hossain, M | Houben, R | Houben, RMGJ | Howard, CR | Howard, N | Howie, Sarah | Hu, V | Hue, S | Hughes, A | Hundt, G | Hunter, K | Hussein, FS | Hussein, MF | Hutchinson, C | Hutchinson, E | Huttly, Sharon Ra | Ismail, S | Ismail, Sharif | Ito, Y | Jackson, D | James, VPT | Jamieson, A | Jan, Stephen | Jarvis, C | Jarvis, J | Jasseh, Momodou | Jenkins, M | Jit, M | Jit, Mark | Jitlal, M | Johnston, D | Jones, A | Jones, C | Jones, Caroline | Jones, DW | Joy, E | Juarez, F | Judd, A | Kadiyala, S | Kakuma, R | Kaleebu, P | Kampmann, B | Kamradt-Scott, Adam | Kamya, M | Kariuki, S | Kaski, JP | Kaur, H | Kaur, Harparkash | Kelly, J | Kelly, JM | Kenward, MG | Kenward, Mg | Kenwood, M | Keogh, R | Keogh, RH | Keogh, Ruth | Keogh-brown, MR | Kerac, M | Kerac, Marko | Kessel, A | Ketterman, AJ | Khalil, A | Khan, M | Khan, MS | Khan, N | Kielmann, Karina | Kinra, S | Kinra, Sanjay | Kirkwood, BR | Kirkwood, Betty | Kiss, L | Kita, K | Kleinschmidt, I | Kleinschmidt, Immo | Knai, C | Knai, Cecile | Knight, GM | Knight, Gwen | Koudou, B | Kovats, RS | Kramer, K | Kranzer, K | Kucharski, A | Kucharski, AJ | Kucharski, Adam | Kucharski, Adam J | Kumaranayake, L | Kuper, H | Kuper, Hannah | Kyegombe, N | Lagarde, M | Lagarde, Mylene | Lambert, H | Lamping, D | Lamping, DL | Lane, Dr | Lane, RP | Langan, S M | Langan, SM | Lange, Isabelle L | Langham, S | Larson, H | Larson, HJ | Larson, Heidi | Last, A | Lau, C | Laurence, BR | Lavy, C | Lawley, T | Lawn, J | Lawn, JE | Lawn, Joy | Lawn, Joy E | Lawn, SD | Lawn, Stephen | Lawson, DW | Lay-Myint, Y | Lee, K | Lee, Kelley | Lees, S | Leeson, P | Legood, R | Legood, Rosa | Leon, D | Leon, DA | Leon, David | Lepine, A | Lewin, A | Lewin, S | Lewis, David | Lewis, G | Lewis, JJ | Lewis, MD | Leyrat, C | Lin, L | Lindsay, J | Lindsay, S | Lindsay, Steve | Lines, J | Lines, Jo | Liverani, M | Liverani, Marco | Lob-Levyt, J | Lock, Karen | Lockwood, D | Lockwood, Diana | Logan, J | Logan, James | Loh, M | Lorenz, L | Lougarre, C | Lowe, R | Lumsden, WHR | Luque-fernandez, M A | Lush, Alyson Laney | Lynch, Rebecca | Lynd, A | Lyratzopoulos, G | Maani hessari, N | Maben, J | Mabey, D | Mabey, David | MacPherson, P | Macdonald, WW | Machiyama, K | Mackenzie, DWR | Mackenzie, G | Mackintosh, JM | Mackworth-Young, C | Macleod, D | Magesa, S | Magill, N | Maheswaran, H | Manaseki-holland, S | Mangtani, P | Mangtani, Punam | Mansfield, K | Marchant, T | Marchant, Tanya | Marks, D | Marks, M | Marmot, M | Marshall, Trudie | Marston, C | Marston, Milly | Martinez-alvarez, Melisa | Masset, E | Mateus, A | Mathanga, D | Matowo, NS | Maude, G | Maude, GH | Maunder, JW | Mawas, F | Maxwell, C | May, C R | May, CR | Mayaud, P | Mayaud, Philippe | Mayhew, S | Mayhew, SH | Mayhew, Susannah | Mays, N | Mays, Nicholas | Mbwambo, J | McCambridge, J | McCormack, V | McCracken, IE | McDonald, C | McKee, M | McPake, B | McPherson, K | McTaggart, I | Mccormack, V | Mccreesh, N | Mcdonald, H | Mckee, M | Mckee, Martin | Mckeigue, Pm | Mcnerney, Ruth | Mcpake, B | Medley, G | Medley, G F | Medley, GF | Melendez-Torres, GJ | Mercer, C | Messenger, L | Meulen, J | Michelo, C | Miles, M | Miles, M A | Miles, MA | Miles, Michael | Milligan, P | Milligan, Paul | Mills, A | Mills, Anne | Milner, J | Milojevic, A | Minassian, C | Miners, A | Miners, Alec | Mitchell, Kirstin | Miura, K | Mold, A | Molyneux, S | Moon, R | Moon, R W | Moore, D | Moore, DAJ | Moore, S | Moore, SE | Moore, Sarah | Morgan, KE | Morgan, WJB | Morison, L | Morley, D | Morris, J | Morris, T | Mosha, F | Mosser, J | Mostowy, S | Mounier-Jack, S | Mukandavire, Z | Mulholland, K | Muller, R | Murcott, A | Murdan, S | Murdan, SM | Murphy, A | Murray, IG | Murthy, GVS | Murthy, Gvs | Muthami, L | Mwandumba, H | Müllervo, H | Nadal, IP | Nanchahal, K | Nanchahal, Kiran | Nash, S | Nathan, Rose | Nelson, G | Nelson, GS | Nelson, OS | Neuberger, J | Neuman, M | Newton, C | Newton, R | Newton, Rob | Nicholas, Jennifer | Nijman, R | Nitsch, D | Nitsch, Dorothea | Njagi, EN | Nokes, J | Normand, Charles | Nyirenda, M | N’Guessan, R | O'reilly, K | Ojal, J | Okwaraji, Y B | Omerod, WE | Ong, J | Opondo, C | Overgaard, H | Pain, J | Palla, L | Palmer, J | Palmer, N | Paparini, S | Park, MH | Parker, M | Parker, Melissa | Parkhurst, J | Parkhurst, JO | Parkhurst, Justin | Pasupathy, D | Patel, D | Patel, Daksha | Patel, V | Patel, Vikram | Paterson, P | Paterson, Pauline | Payne, PR | Peacock, S | Pearce, N | Pearce, Neil | Pebody, R | Pedrazzoli, D | Peeling, RW | Peeling, Rosanna | Pembrey, L | Penn-Kekana, L | Perel, P | Perel, Pablo | Peretti-Watel, P | Peters, W | Petticrew, M | Petticrew, Mark | Pettigrew, M | Phelan, J | Platt, L | Ploubidis, George B | Pocock, SJ | Polack, S | Polack, Sarah | Pollack, S | Pool, R | Pool, Robert | Porter, J | Porter, John | Potts, H | Powell-Jackson, T | Powell-Jackson, Timothy | Powell-jackson, T | Powell-jackson, Timothy | Prabhakaran, Dorairaj | Prasher, Deepak | Prentice, A | Prentice, A M | Prentice, AM | Prentice, Andrew | Prieto, JR | Prior, J | Protopopoff, N | Pullan, R L | Pullan, RL | Quaife, M | Qualter, A | Quaresma, M | Quinnell, R | Quinnell, RJ | Quint, JK | Quint, Jennifer K | R0wland, Mark | Rachet, B | Rachet, Bernard | Radice, R | Rafferty, AM | Rafferty, Am | Ranganathan, M | Rathod, S | Rathod, S D | Rathod, SD | Raynes, J | Raynes, JG | Raynes, John | Ready, PD | Rechel, Bernd | Reeves, A | Rehman, AM | Reljic, R | Renedo, A | Renedo, Alicia | Reniers, G | Renju, J | Reynolds, J | Rhodes, SJ | Rhodes, T | Rhodes, Tim | Rifkin, S | Riley, E | Riley, EM | Riley, Eleanor | Rivers, J | Robert, A | Roberts, B | Roberts, Bayard | Roberts, C H | Roberts, CH | Roberts, Chrissy | Roberts, I | Roberts, Ian | Roberts, J | Roberts, JA | Robotham, J | Roca, A | Rodger, A | Rodrigues, L | Rodrigues, LC | Rodrigues, Laura | Roemer-Mahler, A | Rogers, J | Rogers, M | Rogers, ME | Rohan, H | Rondle, CJM | Ronsmans, C | Ronsmans, Carine | Roper, Cally | Rosa, G | Rose, G | Rosenthal, P | Ross, DA | Ross, Da | Ross, David | Ross, I | Rossiter, C | Rowe, B | Rowland, M | Rowland, Mark | Roy, Polly | Rudan, I | Rudge, J W | Ruiz-Palacios, GM | Rukmini, E | Rushby, JF | Rushton, J | Sadique, Z | Sagoo, MK | Saibil, H | Salim, A | Sanders, C | Sanderson, C | Sanderson, CJ | Sanderson, Colin | Sanderson, M | Sandmann, F | Santos, Andreia Costa | Sauerwein, RW | Scheelbeek, P | Schellenberg, David | Schellenberg, J | Schellenberg, Joanna | Scherer, N | Schilling, HSK | Schmidt, WP | Schmidt, Wolf | Scott, A | Scott, Ag | Scott, Anthony | Sear, R | Sear, Rebecca | Seeley, J | Seeley, Janet | Segal, LB | Shakespeare, T | Shakur, H | Shakur-Still, H | Shankar, B | Sharland, M | Sharples, L | Sharples, LD | Shaw, A | Shepherd, S | Shetty, Ps | Shidhaye, Rahul | Shiode, S | Shortt, HE | Silver, MJ | Silverman, D | Silverwood, RJ | Simmons, C | Simms, V | Simpson, DIH | Singh, NS | Sirota, Miro | Slaymaker, E | Slaymaker, Emma | Sloggett, Andy | Smeeth, L | Smeeth, Liam | Smith, C | Smith, Daniel Martin | Smith, L | Smith, R | Smith, Richard | Smith, S | Smith, Sarah | Smith, Steven G | Smithers, SR | Smythe, T | Snow, B | Soldan, K | Solomon, AW | Solomon, Anthony | Sondorp, Egbert | Southgate, B | Spicer, N | Spicer, Neil | Staedke, S | Staedke, SG | Staines, H | Stanway, S | Stephens, C | Stephens, Carolyn | Stevenson, F | Steward, Michael | Stewart, R | Stoker, N | Stone, W | Strachan, D | Stresman, G | Stresman, Gillian | Strickland, S | Strickland, SS | Strong, Pippa | Strongman, H | Stöckl, H | Sumner, T | Sumner, Tom | Sutherland, Colin | Svastisalee, Chalida | Swerdlow, T | Taegtmeyer, M | Takken, W | Tam, Cheong | Tann, C | Tann, C J | Tanton, C | Targett, GAT | Tarp-Jensen, H | Taylor, MC | Taylor, P | Terris-Prestholt, F | Terris-Prestholt, Fern | Terris-prestholt, F | Terris-prestholt, Fern | Tetteh, K | Tetteh, KK | Thampi, B | Thomas, Jane | Thomas, S | Thomas, SL | Thomas, Sara L. | Thomas, Selina | Thompson, C | Thompson, S | Thomson, N | Thomson, WL | Thorogood, M | Thorogood, N | Thorogood, Nicki | Thurnham, DI | Thursz, M | Timaeus, IM | Timaeus, Ian | Timæus, I | Todd, J | Todd, Jim | Togun, T | Toizumi, M | Tomkins, A | Tomlinson, LA | Tomlinson, Laurie | Torondel | Torondel, B | Torondel, Belen | Towers, GJ | Townsend, J | Tusting, L | Uauy, Ricardo | Umar, N | Unterhalter, E | Van Ooij, C | Van der Meulen, J | Van der meulen, Jan | Van hoek, AJ | Van leeuwen, E | Vansteelandt, S | Vardoulakis, S | Varma, MGR | Vassall, A | Vassall, Anna | Vaughan, C | Vaughan, P | Velleman, R | Venables, Emilie | Verhoef, Hans | Vickerman, Peter | Voller, A | Vwalika, B | Vynnycky, E | Vynnycky, Emilia | Waiswa, P | Walker, K | Walker, T | Walls, H | Walt, G | Walt, Gill | Walters, S | Walther, M | Ward, Theresa | Ward-Platt, Martin | Warhurst, DC | Warhurst, David | Warren-Gash, C | Warwick, Ian | Waterlow, J | Waterlow, JC | Watson, S | Watson-Jones, D | Watson-jones, Deborah | Watts, C | Watts, Charlotte | Weatherburn, P | Webb, E | Webb, EL | Webbe, G | Webber, R | Webster, J | Webster, Jayne | Weerasuriya, C | Weetman, D | Weiss, H | Weiss, HA | Weiss, Helen | Wellings, K | Wellings, Kaye | West, E | Wheeler, E | Whitby, D | White, N | White, R | White, RG | White, Richard | Whittaker, JC | Whitty, Chris | Whitworth, J | Wilbur, J | Wilesmith, J | Wilkinson, P | Williams, L | Williams, R | Williamson, E | Wills, B | Wilson, Sam J | Wing, K | Wiseman, V | Wiseman, Virginia | Wood, R | Woodruff, AD | Woodruff, AW | Woods, D | Woods, LM | Woods, Laura | Wren, B | Wren, BW | Wren, Brendan | Wringe, A | Wringe, Alison | Yakob, L | Yardley, V | Yardley, Vanessa | Yarwood, J | Yazdanbakhsh, M | Yeo, M | Yeung, S | Yeung, Shunmay | Yip, Jl | Yoshida, LM | Yudkin, J | Yui, K | Zaba, B | Zaba, Basia | Zaman, S | Zambon, Maria | Zelmer, A | Zimmerman, C | Zimmerman, Cathy | Zuckerman, AJ | Zwi, Anthony | de Lima Hutchison, C | de Stavola, BL | van Hoek, AJ | van der Meulen, J
Number of items: 2413.

Abbott, S

Abu-Raddad, L

Moumtaz, GR; (2017) The Epidemiology of HIV Infection Among People Who Inject Drugs in the Middle East and North Africa. PhD (research paper style) thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Acharya, A

Ackers, JP

Soliman, MOI; (1980) Isoenzyme characterization of trichomonad parasites. PhD thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Adagu, IS

Adagu, S

Addo, J

Adetifa, I M

Aggarwal, A

Akira, E

Alexander, N

Lim, JK; (2019) Undocumented Burden of Dengue in Africa. PhD (research paper style) thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Hustedt, John; (2020) Determining Effectiveness of New Approaches to Dengue Vector Control in Cambodia. PhD (research paper style) thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Alexander, Neal

Horby, Peter William; (2012) Avian, inter-pandemic, and pandemic influenza in Vietnam. PhD (research paper style) thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Jarvis, C; (2018) Spatial Analysis of Cluster Randomised Trials. PhD (research paper style) thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Allemani, C

Matz, M; (2017) Factors influencing ovarian cancer survival worldwide. PhD thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Alawadhi, E; (2019) Population-based cancer survival in Kuwait. PhD (research paper style) thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Allen, E

Allen, Elizabeth

Hossain, A; (2017) Missing Data in Cluster Randomised Trials. PhD (research paper style) thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Allen, P

Allen, Pauline

Douglas, Hannah-Rose; (2003) Economic evaluation of complex multidimensional health services : the case of palliative day care. PhD thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Allen, S

Anderson, ES

Riddell Smith, H; (1975) Studies of non auto-transferring plasmids in Escherichia coli and salmonellae. PhD thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Anderson, S

Dreser Mansilla, A; (2018) Antibiotics in Mexico: An analysis of problems, policies, and politics. PhD thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Andrews, N

Antonio, M

Araya, R

Ariti, C

Ariyoshi, K

Armitage, P

Kay, R; (1976) Regression Models and the Analysis of Censored Survival Data. PhD thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Darby, SC; (1976) A Bayesian approach to parallel line bioassay. PhD thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Armstrong, B

Armstrong, Ben

Gouveia, Nelson Da Cruz; (1998) Air pollution and health effects in Sao Paulo, Brazil : a time series analysis. PhD thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Vrijheid, Martine; (2000) Risk of congenital anomaly in relation to residence near hazardous waste landfill sites. PhD thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

McElvenny, DM; (2017) Meta-analysis of Rare Diseases in Occupational Epidemiology. PhD thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Armstrong- Schellenberg, J

Ashworth, A

Haider, Rukhsana; (1998) Impact of peer counsellors on breastfeeding practices in Dhaka, Bangladesh. PhD thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Ashworth, Ann

Atkins, H

Spear, Abigail Mary; (2011) Identification and characterisation of bacterial TIR domains, with particular focus on yersinia pestis. PhD (research paper style) thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:
[img] [img]

Atkins, KE

Aunger, R

Tidwell, JB; (2018) Creating Demand for Peri-Urban Sanitation in Lusaka, Zambia. PhD (research paper style) thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:
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Aunger, Robert

Judah, GD; (2015) An Investigation into the Psychological Determinants of Health Habit Formation. PhD thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Ayles, H

Ayles, Helen

Babiker, A

Phillips, Patrick Peter John; (2009) Prognostic and surrogate markers for outcome in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. PhD thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Bacchus, L

Bacchus, LJ

Baguelin, M

Mendes, D; (2019) The Impact and Cost-Effectiveness of Cervical Screening Strategies in Portugal. PhD (research paper style) thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:

Bailey, R

Bailey, RL

Bailey, Robin

Baiocchi, M

Baisley, K

Baisley, Kathy

Bajos, N

Baker, D

Baker, DA

Baker, David

Baker, S

Balabanova, D

Boland, ST; (2022) Examining the origin, nature, and effect of military support to Sierra Leone’s Ebola response. PhD (research paper style) thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. DOI:
[img] [img]

Balabanova, Dina

Ball, Helen Louise

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