Browse by Uncontrolled Keywords
Number of items: 42.
Aponte, JJ;
Schellenberg, D;
Egan, A;
Breckenridge, A;
Carneiro, I;
Critchley, J;
Danquah, I;
Dodoo, A;
Kobbe, R;
Lell, B;
+22 more...
May, J;
Premji, Z;
Sanz, S;
Sevene, E;
Soulaymani-Becheikh, R;
Winstanley, P;
Adjei, S;
Anemana, S;
Chandramohan, D;
Issifou, S;
Mockenhaupt, F;
Owusu-Agyei, S;
Greenwood, B;
Grobusch, MP;
Kremsner, PG;
MacEte, E;
Mshinda, H;
Newman, RD;
Slutsker, L;
Tanner, M;
Alonso, P;
Menendez, C;
Efficacy and safety of intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for malaria in African infants: a pooled analysis of six randomised, placebo-controlled trials.
Lancet, 374 (9700).
pp. 1533-1542.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Bahl, R;
Bhandari, N;
Dube, B;
Edmond, K;
Fawzi, W;
Fontaine, O;
Kaur, J;
Kirkwood, BR;
Martines, J;
Masanja, H;
+9 more...
Mazumder, S;
Msham, S;
Newton, S;
Oleary, M;
Ruben, J;
Shannon, C;
Smith, E;
Taneja, S;
Yoshida, S;
Efficacy of early neonatal vitamin A supplementation in reducing mortality during infancy in Ghana, India and Tanzania: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Trials, 13:22. (doi).
ISSN 1745-6215
Bockarie, MJ;
Tisch, DJ;
Kastens, W;
Alexander, ND;
Dimber, Z;
Bockarie, F;
Ibam, E;
Alpers, MP;
Kazura, JW;
Mass treatment to eliminate filariasis in Papua New Guinea.
The New England journal of medicine, 347 (23).
pp. 1841-8.
ISSN 0028-4793
Boeree, MJ;
Sauvageot, D;
Banda, HT;
Harries, AD;
Zijlstra, EE;
Efficacy and safety of two dosages of cotrimoxazole as preventive treatment for HIV-infected Malawian adults with new smear-positive tuberculosis.
Tropical medicine & international health, 10 (8).
pp. 723-733.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Bradley, DJ;
Bannister, B;
Guidelines for malaria prevention in travellers from the United Kingdom for 2001.
Communicable disease and public health / PHLS, 4 (2).
pp. 84-101.
ISSN 1462-1843
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Breeze, E;
Rake, EC;
Donoghue, MD;
Fletcher, AE;
Comparison of quality of life and cough on eprosartan and enalapril in people with moderate hypertension.
Journal of human hypertension, 15 (12).
pp. 857-62.
ISSN 0950-9240
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Cohen, C;
White, JM;
Savage, EJ;
Glynn, JR;
Choi, Y;
Andrews, N;
Brown, D;
Ramsay, ME;
Vaccine effectiveness estimates, 2004-2005 mumps outbreak, England.
Emerging infectious diseases, 13 (1).
pp. 12-7.
ISSN 1080-6040
Dorsey, G;
Vlahos, J;
Kamya, MR;
Staedke, SG;
Rosenthal, PJ;
Prevention of increasing rates of treatment failure by combining sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine with artesunate or amodiaquine for the sequential treatment of malaria.
The Journal of infectious diseases, 188 (8).
pp. 1231-8.
ISSN 0022-1899
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Edwards, D;
Fletcher, K;
Deller, R;
McManus, R;
Lasserson, D;
Giles, M;
Sims, D;
Norrie, J;
McGuire, G;
Cohn, S;
+4 more...
Whittle, F;
Hobbs, V;
Weir, C;
Mant, J;
RApid Primary care Initiation of Drug treatment for Transient Ischaemic Attack (RAPID-TIA): study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial.
Trials, 14.
p. 194.
ISSN 1745-6215
Fogg, C;
Bajunirwe, F;
Piola, P;
Biraro, S;
Checchi, F;
Kiguli, J;
Namiiro, P;
Musabe, J;
Kyomugisha, A;
Guthmann, JP;
Adherence to a six-dose regimen of artemether-lumefantrine for treatment of uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Uganda.
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 71 (5).
pp. 525-30.
ISSN 0002-9637
Fowlkes, A;
Witte, D;
Beeler, J;
Audet, S;
Garcia, P;
Curns, A;
Yang, CF;
Fudzulani, R;
Broadhead, R;
Bellini, WJ;
+2 more...
Cutts, F;
Helfand, RF;
Persistence of Vaccine-Induced Measles Antibody Beyond Age 12 Months: A Comparison of Response to One and Two Doses of Edmonston-Zagreb Measles Vaccine Among HIV-Infected and Uninfected Children in Malawi.
The Journal of infectious diseases, 204.
ISSN 0022-1899
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Harries, AD;
Chimzizi, R;
Zachariah, R;
Safety, effectiveness, and outcomes of concomitant use of highly active antiretroviral therapy with drugs for tuberculosis in resource-poor settings.
Lancet, 367 (9514).
pp. 944-945.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Harries, AD;
Hargreaves, NJ;
Salaniponi, FM;
Design of regimens for treating tuberculosis in patients with HIV infection, with particular reference to sub-Saharan Africa.
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 5 (12).
pp. 1109-15.
ISSN 1027-3719
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Jose, S;
Hamzah, L;
Campbell, LJ;
Hill, T;
Fisher, M;
Leen, C;
Gilson, R;
Walsh, J;
Nelson, M;
Hay, P;
+7 more...
Johnson, M;
Chadwick, D;
Nitsch, D;
Jones, R;
Sabin, CA;
Post, FA;
Study, UKCHC;
Incomplete Reversibility of Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Decline Following Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate Exposure.
The Journal of infectious diseases, 210 (3).
pp. 363-373.
ISSN 0022-1899
Kayentao, K;
Garner, P;
van Eijk, AM;
Naidoo, I;
Roper, C;
Mulokozi, A;
MacArthur, JR;
Luntamo, M;
Ashorn, P;
Doumbo, OK;
+1 more...
Ter Kuile, FO;
Intermittent Preventive Therapy for Malaria During Pregnancy Using 2 vs 3 or More Doses of Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine and Risk of Low Birth Weight in Africa Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
JAMA, 309 (6).
pp. 594-604.
ISSN 0098-7484
Kennedy, CR;
Ayers, S;
Campbell, MJ;
Elbourne, D;
Hope, P;
Johnson, A;
Randomized, controlled trial of acetazolamide and furosemide in posthemorrhagic ventricular dilation in infancy: Follow-up at 1 year.
Pediatrics, 108 (3).
pp. 597-607.
ISSN 0031-4005
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Lawn, SD;
Myer, L;
Bekker, LG;
Wood, R;
CD4 cell count recovery among HIV-infected patients with very advanced immunodeficiency commencing antiretroviral treatment in sub-Saharan Africa.
BMC infectious diseases, 6.
ISSN 1471-2334
Manaseki-Holland, S;
Maroof, Z;
Bruce, J;
Mughal, MZ;
Masher, MI;
Bhutta, ZA;
Walraven, G;
Chandramohan, D;
Effect on the incidence of pneumonia of vitamin D supplementation by quarterly bolus dose to infants in Kabul: a randomised controlled superiority trial.
Lancet, 379 (9824).
pp. 1419-1427.
ISSN 0140-6736
Mbonye, AK;
Schultz Hansen, K;
Bygbjerg, IC;
Magnussen, P;
Effect of a community-based delivery of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy on treatment seeking for malaria at health units in Uganda.
Public health, 122 (5).
pp. 516-25.
ISSN 0033-3506
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Mpimbaza, A;
Ndeezi, G;
Staedke, S;
Rosenthal, PJ;
Byarugaba, J;
Comparison of buccal midazolam with rectal diazepam in the treatment of prolonged seizures in Ugandan children: A randomized clinical trial.
Pediatrics, 121 (1).
ISSN 0031-4005
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Orrell, C;
Harling, G;
Lawn, SD;
Kaplan, R;
McNally, M;
Bekker, LG;
Wood, R;
Conservation of first-line antiretroviral treatment regimen where therapeutic options are limited.
Antiviral therapy, 12 (1).
pp. 83-8.
ISSN 1359-6535
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Piola, P;
Fogg, C;
Bajunirwe, F;
Biraro, S;
Grandesso, F;
Ruzagira, E;
Babigumira, J;
Kigozi, I;
Kiguli, J;
Kyomuhendo, J;
+4 more...
Ferradini, L;
Taylor, W;
Checchi, F;
Guthmann, JP;
Supervised versus unsupervised intake of six-dose artemether-lumefantrine for treatment of acute, uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Mbarara, Uganda: a randomised trial.
Lancet, 365 (9469).
pp. 1467-73.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Poerksen, G;
Nyirenda, M;
Pollock, L;
Blencowe, H;
Tembo, P;
Chesshyre, E;
Jefferis, O;
Kenny, J;
Moons, P;
Bunn, J;
+1 more...
Molyneux, E;
Comparison of previous and present World Health Organization clinical staging criteria in HIV-infected Malawian children.
AIDS (London, England), 23 (14).
pp. 1913-6.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Punekar, YS;
Sunderland, T;
Hawkins, N;
Lindsay, J;
Cost-effectiveness of scheduled maintenance treatment with infliximab for pediatric Crohn's disease.
Value in health, 13.
pp. 188-195.
ISSN 1098-3015
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Rake, EC;
Breeze, E;
Fletcher, AE;
Quality of life and cough on antihypertensive treatment: a randomised trial of eprosartan, enalapril and placebo.
Journal of human hypertension, 15 (12).
pp. 863-7.
ISSN 0950-9240
Full text not available from this repository.
Renaville, B;
Mullen, A;
Moloney, F;
Larondelle, Y;
Schneider, YJ;
Roche, HM;
Eicosapentaenoic acid and 3,10 dithia stearic acid inhibit the desaturation of trans-vaccenic acid into cis-9, trans-11-conjugated linoleic acid through different pathways in Caco-2 and T84 cells.
The British journal of nutrition, 95 (4).
pp. 688-95.
ISSN 0007-1145
Rothwell, PM;
Fowkes, FGR;
Belch, JFF;
Ogawa, H;
Warlow, CP;
Meade, TW;
Effect of daily aspirin on long-term risk of death due to cancer: analysis of individual patient data from randomised trials.
Lancet, 377 (9759).
pp. 31-41.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Rothwell, PM;
Wilson, M;
Price, JF;
Belch, JFF;
Meade, TW;
Mehta, Z;
Effect of daily aspirin on risk of cancer metastasis: a study of incident cancers during randomised controlled trials.
Lancet, 379 (9826).
pp. 1591-1601.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Schellenberg, D;
Menendez, C;
Kahigwa, E;
Aponte, J;
Vidal, J;
Tanner, M;
Mshinda, H;
Alonso, P;
Intermittent treatment for malaria and anaemia control at time of routine vaccinations in Tanzanian infants: a randomised, placebo-controlled trial.
Lancet, 357 (9267).
pp. 1471-7.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Schouten, EJ;
Jahn, A;
Midiani, D;
Makombe, SD;
Mnthambala, A;
Chirwa, Z;
Harries, AD;
van Oosterhout, JJ;
Meguid, T;
Ben-Smith, A;
+8 more...
Zachariah, R;
Lynen, L;
Zolfo, M;
van Damme, W;
Gilks, CF;
Atun, R;
Shawa, M;
Chimbwandira, F;
Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and the health-related Millennium Development Goals: time for a public health approach.
Lancet, 378 (9787).
pp. 282-284.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Schroeder, K;
Ebrahim, S;
Fahey, T;
Montgomery, A;
Peters, T;
Daily regimen and compliance with treatment. All available evidence needs to be evaluated.
BMJ, 324 (7334).
p. 425.
ISSN 1468-5833
Schroeder, K;
Fahey, T;
Ebrahim, S;
How can we improve adherence to blood pressure-lowering medication in ambulatory care? Systematic review of randomized controlled trials.
Archives of internal medicine, 164 (7).
pp. 722-32.
ISSN 0003-9926
Staalsoe, T;
Shulman, CE;
Dorman, EK;
Kawuondo, K;
Marsh, K;
Hviid, L;
Intermittent preventive sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine treatment of primigravidae reduces levels of plasma immunoglobulin G, which protects against pregnancy-associated Plasmodium falciparum malaria.
Infection and immunity, 72 (9).
pp. 5027-5030.
ISSN 0019-9567
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Stone, GW;
Witzenbichler, B;
Guagliumi, G;
Peruga, JZ;
Brodie, BR;
Dudek, D;
Kornowski, R;
Hartmann, F;
Gersh, BJ;
Pocock, SJ;
+6 more...
Dangas, G;
Wong, SC;
Fahy, M;
Parise, H;
Mehran, R;
Investigators, H.-, AT;
Heparin plus a glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor versus bivalirudin monotherapy and paclitaxel-eluting stents versus bare-metal stents in acute myocardial infarction (HORIZONS-AMI): final 3-year results from a multicentre, randomised controlled trial.
Lancet, 377 (9784).
pp. 2193-2204.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Suri, R;
Grieve, R;
Normand, C;
Metcalfe, C;
Thompson, S;
Wallis, C;
Bush, A;
Effects of hypertonic saline, alternate day and daily rhDNase on healthcare use, costs and outcomes in children with cystic fibrosis.
Thorax, 57 (10).
pp. 841-6.
ISSN 0040-6376
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Tostmann, A;
Boeree, MJ;
Harries, AD;
Sauvageot, D;
Banda, HT;
Zijlstra, EE;
Short communication: antituberculosis drug-induced hepatotoxicity is unexpectedly low in HIV-infected pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Malawi.
Tropical medicine & international health, 12 (7).
pp. 852-855.
ISSN 1360-2276
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van Leeuwen, DJ;
Yee, LJ;
Langner, RG;
24 weeks of interferon-ribavirin therapy should not routinely be given to all hepatitis C patients.
The American journal of gastroenterology, 97 (2).
pp. 497-8.
ISSN 0002-9270
Full text not available from this repository.
von Hertzen, H;
Grimes, D;
Ali, MM;
Medical abortion at 57 to 63 days' gestation with a lower dose of mifepristone and gemeprost. A randomized controlled trial.
Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica, 80 (5).
pp. 447-51.
ISSN 0001-6349
Full text not available from this repository.
Wang, C;
Mamza, J;
Idris, I;
Biphasic vs basal bolus insulin regimen in Type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Diabetic medicine, 32 (5).
pp. 585-94.
ISSN 0742-3071
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Wood, R;
Lawn, SD;
Should the CD4 threshold for starting ART be raised?
Lancet, 373 (9672).
pp. 1314-1316.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Zlotkin, S;
Arthur, P;
Antwi, KY;
Yeung, G;
Randomized, controlled trial of single versus 3-times-daily ferrous sulfate drops for treatment of anemia.
Pediatrics, 108 (3).
pp. 613-6.
ISSN 0031-4005
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Zlotkin, S;
Arthur, P;
Antwi, KY;
Yeung, G;
Treatment of anemia with microencapsulated ferrous fumarate plus ascorbic acid supplied as sprinkles to complementary (weaning) foods.
The American journal of clinical nutrition, 74 (6).
pp. 791-5.
ISSN 0002-9165
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