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, UkFlexibleSigmoidoscopyScreeningTrialInvestigators;
Cook, C;
Single flexible sigmoidoscopy screening to prevent colorectal cancer: baseline findings of a UK multicentre randomised trial.
Lancet, 359 (9314).
pp. 1291-300.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Benzaken, AS;
Bazzo, ML;
Galban, E;
Pereira Pinto, IC;
Nogueira, CL;
Golfetto, L;
Benzaken, NS;
Sollis, KA;
Mabey, D;
Peeling, RW;
External quality assurance with dried tube specimens (DTS) for point-of-care syphilis and HIV tests: experience in an indigenous populations screening programme in the Brazilian Amazon.
Sexually transmitted infections, 90 (1).
pp. 14-18.
ISSN 1368-4973
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Cavallo, F;
Rimpela, A;
Normand, C;
Bury, J;
Public health training in Europe - Development of European masters degrees in public health.
European journal of public health, 11 (2).
pp. 171-3.
ISSN 1101-1262
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Cole, RP;
Browne, JP;
Towards performance measurement in reconstructive surgery: A multicentre pilot study of free and pedicled flap procedures.
Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery, 59 (3).
pp. 257-262.
ISSN 1748-6815
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Cowan, FM;
Langhaug, LF;
Mashungupa, GP;
Nyamurera, T;
Hargrove, J;
Jaffar, S;
Peeling, RW;
Brown, DWG;
Power, R;
Johnson, AM;
+3 more...
Stephenson, JM;
Bassett, MT;
Hayes, RJ;
School based HIV prevention in Zimbabwe: feasibility and acceptability of evaluation trials using biological outcomes.
AIDS (London, England), 16 (12).
pp. 1673-1678.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Doshi, JS;
French, RS;
Evans, HE;
Wilkinson, CL;
Feasibility of a self-completed history questionnaire in women requesting repeat combined hormonal contraception.
The journal of family planning and reproductive health care / Faculty of Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care, Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, 34 (1).
pp. 51-4.
ISSN 1471-1893
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Edwards, P;
Farrell, B;
Lomas, G;
Mashru, R;
Ritchie, N;
Roberts, I;
Sandercock, P;
Wasserberg, J;
Yates, D;
CRASH Trial Pilot Study Collaborative Group;
The MRC CRASH Trial: study design, baseline data, and outcome in 1000 randomised patients in the pilot phase.
Emergency medicine journal, 19 (6).
pp. 510-4.
ISSN 1472-0205
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Fenton, KA;
Copas, A;
Mitchell, K;
Elam, G;
Carder, C;
Ridgway, G;
Wellings, K;
Erens, B;
Field, J;
Johnson, AM;
The acceptability of urinary LCR testing for Chlamydia trachomatis among participants in a probability sample survey of sexual attitudes and lifestyles.
Sexually transmitted infections, 77 (3).
pp. 194-8.
ISSN 1368-4973
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Halstead, JC;
Lim, E;
Venkateswaran, RM;
Charman, SC;
Goddard, M;
Ritchie, AJ;
Improved survival with VATS pleurectomy-decortication in advanced malignant mesothelioma.
European journal of surgical oncology, 31 (3).
pp. 314-20.
ISSN 0748-7983
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Hongoro, C;
McPake, B;
Hospital costs of high-burden diseases: malaria and pulmonary tuberculosis in a high HIV prevalence context in Zimbabwe.
Tropical medicine & international health, 8 (3).
pp. 242-50.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Johnson, AM;
Copas, AJ;
Erens, B;
Mandalia, S;
Fenton, K;
Korovessis, C;
Wellings, K;
Field, J;
Effect of computer-assisted self interviews on reporting of sexual HIV risk behaviours in a general population sample: a methodological experiment.
AIDS (London, England), 15 (1).
pp. 111-115.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Keegan, TJ;
Walker, SAS;
Brooks, C;
Langdon, T;
Linsell, L;
MacOnochie, NES;
Doyle, P;
Fletcher, T;
Nieuwenhuijsen, MJ;
Carpenter, LM;
+1 more...
Venables, KM;
Exposures Recorded for Participants in the UK Chemical Warfare Agent Human Research Programme, 1941-1989.
The Annals of occupational hygiene, 53 (1).
pp. 83-97.
ISSN 0003-4878
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Klavs, I;
Rodrigues, LC;
Wellings, K;
Kese, D;
Svab, I;
Feasibility of testing for Chlamydia trachomatis in a general population sexual behaviour survey in Slovenia.
International journal of STD & AIDS, 13 Sup.
pp. 5-8.
ISSN 0956-4624
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Kumar, A;
Gupta, D;
Nagaraja, SB;
Nair, SA;
Satyanarayana, S;
Kumar, AMV;
Chadha, SS;
Wilson, NC;
Sharma, SK;
Soneja, M;
+19 more...
Ganie, A;
Prakash, BC;
Ravish, KS;
Prabhakar, B;
Nair, S;
Subramonianpillai, J;
Jali, MV;
Mahishale, VK;
Hiremath, MB;
Viswanathan, V;
Kumpatla, S;
Arthur, P;
Ramadurai, S;
Varadarajan, S;
Lonnroth, K;
Kapur, A;
Zachariah, R;
Harries, AD;
India Diabet Mellitus, TBStudyGrp;
Screening of patients with diabetes mellitus for tuberculosis in India.
Tropical medicine & international health, 18 (5).
pp. 646-654.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Kumar, A;
Jain, DC;
Gupta, D;
Satyanarayana, S;
Kumar, AMV;
Chadha, SS;
Wilson, N;
Nagaraja, SB;
Shah, AN;
Naik, B;
+36 more...
Yoele, RD;
Syed, Ifia;
Achanta, S;
Nair, SA;
Sharma, SK;
Soneja, M;
Krishnappa, D;
Prakash, BC;
Ravish, KS;
Ranganath, TS;
Chauhan, MC;
Dave, PV;
Narayanaswamy, MV;
Suryakanth, MD;
Bhist, A;
Sinha, UC;
Dayal, R;
Tekumalla, RR;
Nair, S;
Kumari, AK;
Subramonianpillai, J;
Jali, MV;
Mahishale, VK;
Hiremath, MB;
Khanna, A;
Lohiya, S;
Chaudhry, A;
Shaw, N;
Varadarajan, S;
Arthur, P;
Sathiyasekaran, BWC;
Kapur, A;
Lonnroth, K;
Zachariah, R;
Harries, AD;
India, TBDiabetStudyGrp;
Screening of patients with tuberculosis for diabetes mellitus in India.
Tropical medicine & international health, 18 (5).
pp. 636-645.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Latter, S;
Maben, J;
Myall, M;
Young, A;
Evaluating the clinical appropriateness of nurses' prescribing practice: method development and findings from an expert panel analysis.
Quality & safety in health care, 16 (6).
pp. 415-21.
ISSN 1475-3898
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Lugada, ES;
Watera, C;
Nakiyingi, J;
Elliott, A;
Brink, A;
Nanyunja, M;
French, N;
Antivelink, L;
Gilks, C;
Whitworth, JAG;
Operational assessment of isoniazid prophylaxis in a community AIDS service organisation in Uganda.
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 6 (4).
pp. 326-31.
ISSN 1027-3719
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MacLachlan, EW;
Baganizi, E;
Bougoudogo, F;
Castle, S;
Mint-Youbba, Z;
Gorbach, P;
Parker, K;
Ryan, CA;
The feasibility of integrated STI prevalence and behaviour surveys in developing countries.
Sexually transmitted infections, 78 (3).
pp. 187-9.
ISSN 1368-4973
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Manders, AJ;
Banerjee, A;
van Den Borne, HW;
Harries, AD;
Kok, GJ;
Salaniponi, FM;
Can guardians supervise TB treatment as well as health workers? A study on adherence during the intensive phase.
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 5 (9).
pp. 838-42.
ISSN 1027-3719
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Michelson, D;
Ben-Zion, I;
James, AI;
Draper, L;
Penney, C;
Day, C;
'Living with Teenagers': Feasibility study of a peer-led parenting intervention for socially disadvantaged families with adolescent children.
Archives of disease in childhood, 99 (8).
pp. 731-737.
ISSN 0003-9888
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Mitcheson, L;
McCambridge, J;
Byrne, S;
Pilot cluster-randomised trial of adjunctive motivational interviewing to reduce crack cocaine use in clients on methadone maintenance.
European addiction research, 13 (1).
pp. 6-10.
ISSN 1022-6877
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Morris, MC;
Edmunds, WJ;
Miller, E;
Brown, DWG;
Oral fluid collection by post - a pilot study of two approaches.
Public health, 116 (2).
pp. 113-119.
ISSN 0033-3506
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Vickers, M;
Meade, T;
Darbyshire, J;
WISDOM: history and early demise - was it inevitable?
Climacteric, 5 (4).
pp. 317-25.
ISSN 1369-7137
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Wee, HL;
Xie, F;
Zhang, XH;
Luo, N;
Feeny, D;
Cheung, YB;
Machin, D;
Fong, KY;
Thumboo, J;
Validity, feasibility and acceptability of time trade-off and standard gamble assessments in health valuation studies: A study in a multiethnic Asian population in Singapore.
Value in health, 11.
ISSN 1098-3015
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Zachariah, R;
Spielmann, M.-, PL;
Chinji, C;
Gomani, P;
Arendt, V;
Hargreaves, NJ;
Salaniponi, FM;
Harries, AD;
Voluntary counselling, HIV testing and adjunctive cotrimoxazole reduces mortality in tuberculosis patients in Thyolo, Malawi.
AIDS (London, England), 17 (7).
pp. 1053-1061.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Ajayi, IO;
Browne, EN;
Garshong, B;
Bateganya, F;
Yusuf, B;
Agyei-Baffour, P;
Doamekpor, L;
Balyeku, A;
Munguti, K;
Cousens, S;
+1 more...
Pagnoni, F;
Feasibility and acceptability of artemisinin-based combination therapy for the home management of malaria in four African sites.
Malaria journal, 7.
ISSN 1475-2875
Edwards, D;
Fletcher, K;
Deller, R;
McManus, R;
Lasserson, D;
Giles, M;
Sims, D;
Norrie, J;
McGuire, G;
Cohn, S;
+4 more...
Whittle, F;
Hobbs, V;
Weir, C;
Mant, J;
RApid Primary care Initiation of Drug treatment for Transient Ischaemic Attack (RAPID-TIA): study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial.
Trials, 14.
p. 194.
ISSN 1745-6215
Gupta, SK;
Murthy, GVS;
Morrison, N;
Price, GM;
Dherani, M;
John, N;
Fletcher, AE;
Chakravarthy, U;
Prevalence of early and late age-related macular degeneration in a rural population in Northern India: The INDEYE feasibility study.
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 48 (3).
pp. 1007-1011.
ISSN 0146-0404
Jagannath, VA;
Fedorowicz, Z;
Thaker, V;
Chang, AB;
Day care versus in-patient surgery for age-related cataract.
The Cochrane database of systematic reviews (1).
ISSN 1469-493X
King, M;
Jones, L;
McCarthy, O;
Rogers, M;
Richardson, A;
Williams, R;
Tookman, A;
Nazareth, I;
Development and pilot evaluation of a complex intervention to improve experienced continuity of care in patients with cancer.
British journal of cancer, 100 (2).
pp. 274-80.
ISSN 0007-0920
Lucas, ME;
Deen, JL;
von Seidlein, L;
Wang, XY;
Ampuero, J;
Puri, M;
Ali, M;
Ansaruzzaman, M;
Amos, J;
Macuamule, A;
+8 more...
Cavailler, P;
Guerin, PJ;
Mahoudeau, C;
Kahozi-Sangwa, P;
Chaignat, CL;
Barreto, A;
Songane, FF;
Clemens, JD;
Effectiveness of mass oral cholera vaccination in Beira, Mozambique.
The New England journal of medicine, 352 (8).
pp. 757-67.
ISSN 0028-4793
Morris-Cunnington, MC;
Edmunds, WJ;
Miller, E;
Brown, DWG;
A novel method of oral fluid collection to monitor immunity to common viral infections.
Epidemiology and infection, 132 (1).
pp. 35-42.
ISSN 0950-2688
Murthy, GVS;
Gupta, SK;
Maraini, G;
Camparini, M;
Price, GM;
Dherani, M;
John, N;
Chakravarthy, U;
Fletcher, AE;
Prevalence of lens opacities in North India: The INDEYE feasibility study.
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, 48 (1).
pp. 88-95.
ISSN 0146-0404