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Drachler, MDL;
Marshall, T;
Leite, JCD;
A continuous-scale measure of child development for population-based epidemiological surveys: a preliminary study using Item Response Theory for the Denver Test.
Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology, 21 (2).
pp. 138-153.
ISSN 0269-5022
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Ingram, AK;
Horn, D;
Histone deacetylases in Trypanosoma brucei: two are essential and another is required for normal cell cycle progression.
Molecular microbiology, 45 (1).
pp. 89-97.
ISSN 0950-382X
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Muhia, DK;
Swales, CA;
Deng, W;
Kelly, JM;
Baker, DA;
The gametocyte-activating factor xanthurenic acid stimulates an increase in membrane-associated guanylyl cyclase activity in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum.
Molecular microbiology, 42 (2).
pp. 553-60.
ISSN 0950-382X
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Uauy, R;
Castillo, C;
Lipid requirements of infants: Implications for nutrient composition of fortified complementary foods.
The Journal of nutrition, 133 (9).
ISSN 0022-3166
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Brooker, S;
Beasley, M;
Ndinarotan, M;
Madjiouroum, EM;
Baboguel, M;
Djenguinabe, E;
Hay, SI;
Bundy, DAP;
Use of remote sensing and a geographical information system in a national helminth control programme in Chad.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 80 (10).
pp. 783-9.
ISSN 0042-9686
Campoy, C;
Escolano-Margarit, MV;
Anjos, T;
Szajewska, H;
Uauy, R;
Omega 3 fatty acids on child growth, visual acuity and neurodevelopment.
The British journal of nutrition, 107.
ISSN 0007-1145
Makowiecka, K;
Schellenberg, JA;
Strengthening Capacity for Measurement, Learning and Evaluation among Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation implementation projects.
In: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Staff Symposium 2014, 17 September 2014, London, UK.
Mason, J;
Freemantle, N;
Nazareth, I;
Eccles, M;
Haines, A;
Drummond, M;
When is it cost-effective to change the behavior of health professionals?
JAMA, 286 (23).
pp. 2988-2992.
ISSN 0098-7484
Moya, C;
Evolved priors for ethnolinguistic categorization: A case study from the Quechua-Aymara boundary in the Peruvian Altiplano.
Evolution and human behavior, 34 (4).
pp. 265-272.
ISSN 1090-5138