Items where Research Centre is "TB Centre"

Jump to: 2023
Number of items: 61.
Achar, Jay;
Seddon, James A;
Knight, Gwenan M;
Dodd, Peter J;
Esmail, Hanif;
Hughes, Jennifer;
McQuaid, C Finn;
Guiding pragmatic treatment choices for rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in the absence of second-line drug susceptibility testing.
The European Respiratory Journal, 62 (5).
p. 2300969.
ISSN 0903-1936
Ahimbisibwe, Gift;
Nakibuule, Marjorie;
Martin Ssejoba, Marvin;
Oyamo, David;
Mulwana, Rose;
Nabulime, Josephine;
Babirye, Febronius;
Kizito, Musana Abdusalaamu;
Lekuya, Hervé Monka;
Adakun, Akello Suzan;
+7 more...
Nalumansi, Daisy;
Muryasingura, Stella;
Lukande, Robert;
Kyazze, Andrew;
Baluku, Joseph Baruch;
Biraro, Irene Andia;
Cose, Stephen;
Feasibility and acceptability of undertaking postmortem studies for tuberculosis medical research in a low income country.
Frontiers in immunology, 14.
ISSN 1664-3224
Billows, Nina;
Phelan, Jody E;
Xia, Dong;
Peng, Yonghong;
Clark, Taane G;
Chang, Yu-Mei;
Feature weighted models to address lineage dependency in drug-resistance prediction from Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome sequences.
Bioinformatics, 39 (7).
ISSN 1367-4803
Bonnet, Maryline;
Vasiliu, Anca;
Tchounga, Boris K;
Cuer, Benjamin;
Fielding, Katherine;
Ssekyanzi, Bob;
Tchakounte Youngui, Boris;
Cohn, Jennifer;
Dodd, Peter J;
Tiendrebeogo, Georges;
+9 more...
Tchendjou, Patrice;
Simo, Leonie;
Okello, Richard F;
Kuate Kuate, Albert;
Turyahabwe, Stavia;
Atwine, Daniel;
Graham, Stephen M;
Casenghi, Martina;
CONTACT study group;
Effectiveness of a community-based approach for the investigation and management of children with household tuberculosis contact in Cameroon and Uganda: a cluster-randomised trial.
The Lancet Global health, 11 (12).
ISSN 2214-109X
Bozzani, Fiammetta Maria;
McCreesh, Nicky;
Diaconu, Karin;
Govender, Indira;
White, Richard G;
Kielmann, Karina;
Grant, Alison D;
Vassall, Anna;
Cost-effectiveness of tuberculosis infection prevention and control interventions in South African clinics: a model-based economic evaluation informed by complexity science methods.
BMJ Global Health, 8 (2).
ISSN 2059-7908
Broger, Tobias;
Koeppel, Lisa;
Huerga, Helena;
Miller, Poppy;
Gupta-Wright, Ankur;
Blanc, François-Xavier;
Esmail, Aliasgar;
Reeve, Byron WP;
Floridia, Marco;
Kerkhoff, Andrew D;
+21 more...
Ciccacci, Fausto;
Kasaro, Margaret P;
Thit, Swe Swe;
Bastard, Mathieu;
Ferlazzo, Gabriella;
Yoon, Christina;
Van Hoving, Daniël J;
Sossen, Bianca;
García, Juan Ignacio;
Cummings, Matthew J;
Wake, Rachel M;
Hanson, Josh;
Cattamanchi, Adithya;
Meintjes, Graeme;
Maartens, Gary;
Wood, Robin;
Theron, Grant;
Dheda, Keertan;
Olaru, Ioana Diana;
Denkinger, Claudia M;
TBYield Study Consortium;
Diagnostic yield of urine lipoarabinomannan and sputum tuberculosis tests in people living with HIV: a systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data.
The Lancet Global health, 11 (6).
ISSN 2214-109X
Burke, Rachael M;
McQuaid, C Finn;
Identifying people with tuberculosis and linking to care: finding the missing millions - meet the guest editors.
BMC global and public health, 1 (1).
ISSN 2731-913X
Burke, Rachael M;
Nliwasa, Marriott;
Dodd, Peter J;
Feasey, Helena RA;
Khundi, McEwen;
Choko, Augustine;
Nzawa-Soko, Rebecca;
Mpunga, James;
Webb, Emily L;
Fielding, Katherine;
+2 more...
MacPherson, Peter;
Corbett, Elizabeth L;
Impact of Community-Wide Tuberculosis Active Case Finding and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing on Tuberculosis Trends in Malawi.
Clinical infectious diseases, 77 (1).
pp. 94-100.
ISSN 1058-4838
Burke, Rachael M;
Twabi, Hussein H;
Johnston, Cheryl;
Nliwasa, Marriott;
Gupta-Wright, Ankur;
Fielding, Katherine;
Ford, Nathan;
MacPherson, Peter;
Corbett, Elizabeth L;
Interventions to reduce deaths in people living with HIV admitted to hospital in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review.
PLOS Global Public Health, 3 (2).
ISSN 2767-3375
Carter, Naomi;
Webb, Emily L;
Lebina, Limakatso;
Motsomi, Kegaugetswe;
Bosch, Zama;
Martinson, Neil A;
MacPherson, Peter;
Prevalence of subclinical pulmonary tuberculosis and its association with HIV in household contacts of index tuberculosis patients in two South African provinces: a secondary, cross-sectional analysis of a cluster-randomised trial.
BMC Global and Public Health, 1 (1).
ISSN 2731-913X
Chatterjee, Susmita;
Das, Palash;
Shikhule, Aaron;
Munje, Radha;
Vassall, Anna;
Journey of the tuberculosis patients in India from onset of symptom till one-year post-treatment.
PLOS global public health, 3 (2).
ISSN 2767-3375
Chiang, Silvia S;
Waterous, Patricia M;
Atieno, Vivian Faith;
Bernays, Sarah;
Bondarenko, Yaroslava;
Cruz, Andrea T;
de Oliveira, Márcia CB;
Del Castillo Barrientos, Hernán;
Enimil, Anthony;
Ferlazzo, Gabriella;
+23 more...
Ferrand, Rashida Abbas;
Furin, Jennifer;
Hoddinott, Graeme;
Isaakidis, Petros;
Kranzer, Katharina;
Maleche-Obimbo, Elizabeth;
Mansoor, Homa;
Marais, Ben J;
Mohr-Holland, Erika;
Morales, Mabel;
Nguyen, Anh Phuong;
Oliyo, Joshua Ochieng;
Sant'Anna, Clemax Couto;
Sawyer, Susan M;
Schaaf, H Simon;
Seddon, James A;
Sharma, Sangeeta;
Skrahina, Alena;
Starke, Jeffrey R;
Triasih, Rina;
Tsogt, Bazarragchaa;
Welch, Henry;
Enane, Leslie A;
Caring for Adolescents and Young Adults With Tuberculosis or at Risk of Tuberculosis: Consensus Statement From an International Expert Panel.
The Journal of adolescent health, 72 (3).
pp. 323-331.
ISSN 1054-139X
Clark, Rebecca A;
Mukandavire, Christinah;
Portnoy, Allison;
Weerasuriya, Chathika K;
Deol, Arminder;
Scarponi, Danny;
Iskauskas, Andrew;
Bakker, Roel;
Quaife, Matthew;
Malhotra, Shelly;
+8 more...
Gebreselassie, Nebiat;
Zignol, Matteo;
Hutubessy, Raymond CW;
Giersing, Birgitte;
Jit, Mark;
Harris, Rebecca C;
Menzies, Nicolas A;
White, Richard G;
The impact of alternative delivery strategies for novel tuberculosis vaccines in low-income and middle-income countries: a modelling study.
The Lancet. Global health, 11 (4).
ISSN 2214-109X
Clark, Rebecca A;
Weerasuriya, Chathika K;
Portnoy, Allison;
Mukandavire, Christinah;
Quaife, Matthew;
Bakker, Roel;
Scarponi, Danny;
Harris, Rebecca C;
Rade, Kirankumar;
Mattoo, Sanjay Kumar;
+3 more...
Tumu, Dheeraj;
Menzies, Nicolas A;
White, Richard G;
New tuberculosis vaccines in India: modelling the potential health and economic impacts of adolescent/adult vaccination with M72/AS01E and BCG-revaccination.
BMC medicine, 21 (1).
ISSN 1741-7015
Daif, Abdulselam;
Glazik, Rosanna;
Checchi, Francesco;
Khan, Palwasha;
The effect of internal displacement due to armed conflict on tuberculosis treatment outcomes in northwest Syria, 2019-2020.
Journal of Migration and Health, 8.
ISSN 2666-6235
Davies, Leela RL;
Smith, Malisa T;
Cizmeci, Deniz;
Fischinger, Stephanie;
Shih-Lu Lee, Jessica;
Lu, Lenette L;
Layton, Erik D;
Grant, Alison D;
Fielding, Katherine;
Stein, Catherine M;
+7 more...
Boom, W Henry;
Hawn, Thomas R;
Fortune, Sarah M;
Wallis, Robert S;
Churchyard, Gavin J;
Alter, Galit;
Seshadri, Chetan;
IFN-γ independent markers of Mycobacterium tuberculosis exposure among male South African gold miners.
EBioMedicine, 93.
ISSN 2352-3964
DeSanto, Daniel;
Velen, Kavindhran;
Lessells, Richard;
Makgopa, Sewele;
Gumede, Dumile;
Fielding, Katherine;
Grant, Alison D;
Charalambous, Salome;
Chetty-Makkan, Candice M;
A qualitative exploration into the presence of TB stigmatization across three districts in South Africa.
BMC public health, 23 (1).
ISSN 1471-2458
Dickson, Lindy;
Le Roux, Sacha Roxanne;
Mitrani, Leila;
Hill, Jeremy;
Jassat, Waasila;
Cox, Helen;
Mlisana, Koleka;
Black, John;
Loveday, Marian;
Grant, Alison;
+4 more...
Kielmann, Karina;
Ndjeka, Norbert;
Moshabela, Mosa;
Nicol, Mark;
Organisation of care for people receiving drug-resistant tuberculosis treatment in South Africa: a mixed methods study.
BMJ open, 13 (11).
ISSN 2044-6055
Divala, Titus H;
Corbett, Elizabeth L;
Kandulu, Chikondi;
Moyo, Brewster;
MacPherson, Peter;
Nliwasa, Marriott;
French, Neil;
Sloan, Derek J;
Chiume, Lingstone;
Ndaferankhande, Masiye John;
+4 more...
Chilanga, Sanderson;
Majiga, Sabina Tazirwa;
Odland, Jon Øyvind;
Fielding, Katherine L;
Trial-of-antibiotics to assist tuberculosis diagnosis in symptomatic adults in Malawi (ACT-TB study): a randomised controlled trial.
The Lancet Global Health, 11 (4).
ISSN 2214-109X
Dodd, Peter J;
Shaweno, Debebe;
Ku, Chu-Chang;
Glaziou, Philippe;
Pretorius, Carel;
Hayes, Richard J;
MacPherson, Peter;
Cohen, Ted;
Ayles, Helen;
Transmission modeling to infer tuberculosis incidence prevalence and mortality in settings with generalized HIV epidemics.
Nature communications, 14 (1).
ISSN 2041-1723
Eckold, Clare;
van Doorn, Cassandra LR;
Ruslami, Rovina;
Ronacher, Katharina;
Riza, Anca-Lelia;
van Veen, Suzanne;
Lee, Ji-Sook;
Kumar, Vinod;
Kerry-Barnard, Sarah;
Malherbe, Stephanus T;
+16 more...
Kleynhans, Léanie;
Stanley, Kim;
Joosten, Simone A;
Critchley, Julia A;
Hill, Philip C;
van Crevel, Reinout;
Wijmenga, Cisca;
Haks, Mariëlle C;
Ioana, Mihai;
Alisjahbana, Bachti;
Walzl, Gerhard;
Ottenhoff, Tom HM;
Dockrell, Hazel M;
Vianello, Eleonora;
Cliff, Jacqueline M;
TANDEM Consortium$;
Impaired resolution of blood transcriptomes through tuberculosis treatment with diabetes comorbidity.
Clinical and translational medicine, 13 (9).
ISSN 2001-1326
Ellis, Jayne;
Bangdiwala, Ananta S;
Skipper, Caleb P;
Tugume, Lillian;
Nsangi, Laura;
Matovu, John;
Pastick, Katelyn A;
Ssebambulidde, Kenneth;
Morawski, Bozena M;
Musubire, Abdu K;
+6 more...
Schleiss, Mark R;
Moore, David AJ;
Jarvis, Joseph N;
Boulware, David R;
Meya, David B;
Castelnuovo, Barbara;
Baseline Cytomegalovirus Viremia at Cryptococcal Meningitis Diagnosis Is Associated With Long-term Increased Incident TB Disease and Mortality in a Prospective Cohort of Ugandan Adults With HIV.
Open Forum Infectious Diseases, 10 (9).
Emery, Jon C;
Dodd, Peter J;
Banu, Sayera;
Frascella, Beatrice;
Garden, Frances L;
Horton, Katherine C;
Hossain, Shahed;
Law, Irwin;
van Leth, Frank;
Marks, Guy B;
+11 more...
Nguyen, Hoa Binh;
Nguyen, Hai Viet;
Onozaki, Ikushi;
Quelapio, Maria Imelda D;
Richards, Alexandra S;
Shaikh, Nabila;
Tiemersma, Edine W;
White, Richard G;
Zaman, Khalequ;
Cobelens, Frank;
Houben, Rein MGJ;
Estimating the contribution of subclinical tuberculosis disease to transmission: An individual patient data analysis from prevalence surveys.
eLife, 12.
ISSN 2050-084X
Fehr, J;
Gunda, R;
Siedner, MJ;
Hanekom, W;
Ndung U, T;
Grant, A;
Lippert, C;
Wong, EB;
CAD4TB software updates: different triaging thresholds require caution by users and regulation by authorities.
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 27 (2).
pp. 157-160.
ISSN 1027-3719
Foster, Nicola;
Tadesse, Amare W;
McQuaid, Christopher Finn;
Gosce, Lara;
Abdurhman, Tofik;
Assefa, Demelash;
Bedru, Ahmed;
Houben, Rein MGJ;
van Kalmthout, Kristian;
Letta, Taye;
+8 more...
Mohammed, Zemedu;
van Rest, Job;
Umeta, Demekech G;
Weldemichael, Gedion T;
Yazew, Hiwot;
Jerene, Degu;
Quaife, Matthew;
Fielding, Katherine L;
Evaluating the equity impact and cost-effectiveness of digital adherence technologies with differentiated care to support tuberculosis treatment adherence in Ethiopia: protocol and analysis plan for the health economics component of a cluster randomised trial.
Trials, 24 (1).
ISSN 1745-6215
Glynn, Judith R;
Khan, Palwasha;
Mzembe, Themba;
Sichali, Lifted;
Fine, Paul EM;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Houben, Rein MGJ;
Contribution of remote M.tuberculosis infection to tuberculosis disease: A 30-year population study.
PloS one, 18 (1).
ISSN 1932-6203
Gómez-González, Paula Josefina;
Grabowska, Anna D;
Tientcheu, Leopold D;
Tsolaki, Anthony G;
Hibberd, Martin L;
Campino, Susana;
Phelan, Jody E;
Clark, Taane G;
Functional genetic variation in pe/ppe genes contributes to diversity in Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineages and potential interactions with the human host.
Frontiers in microbiology, 14.
ISSN 1664-302X
Hamada, Yohhei;
Quartagno, Matteo;
Law, Irwin;
Malik, Farihah;
Bonsu, Frank Adae;
Adetifa, Ifedayo MO;
Adusi-Poku, Yaw;
D'Alessandro, Umberto;
Bashorun, Adedapo Olufemi;
Begum, Vikarunnessa;
+57 more...
Lolong, Dina Bisara;
Boldoo, Tsolmon;
Dlamini, Themba;
Donkor, Simon;
Dwihardiani, Bintari;
Egwaga, Saidi;
Farid, Muhammad N;
Celina G Garfin, Anna Marie;
Mae G Gaviola, Donna;
Husain, Mohammad Mushtuq;
Ismail, Farzana;
Kaggwa, Mugagga;
Kamara, Deus V;
Kasozi, Samuel;
Kaswaswa, Kruger;
Kirenga, Bruce;
Klinkenberg, Eveline;
Kondo, Zuweina;
Lawanson, Adebola;
Macheque, David;
Manhiça, Ivan;
Maama-Maime, Llang Bridget;
Mfinanga, Sayoki;
Moyo, Sizulu;
Mpunga, James;
Mthiyane, Thuli;
Mustikawati, Dyah Erti;
Mvusi, Lindiwe;
Nguyen, Hoa Binh;
Nguyen, Hai Viet;
Pangaribuan, Lamria;
Patrobas, Philip;
Rahman, Mahmudur;
Rahman, Mahbubur;
Rahman, Mohammed Sayeedur;
Raleting, Thato;
Riono, Pandu;
Ruswa, Nunurai;
Rutebemberwa, Elizeus;
Rwabinumi, Mugabe Frank;
Senkoro, Mbazi;
Sharif, Ahmad Raihan;
Sikhondze, Welile;
Sismanidis, Charalambos;
Sovd, Tugsdelger;
Stavia, Turyahabwe;
Sultana, Sabera;
Suriani, Oster;
Thomas, Albertina Martha;
Tobing, Kristina;
Van der Walt, Martie;
Walusimbi, Simon;
Zaman, Mohammad Mostafa;
Floyd, Katherine;
Copas, Andrew;
Abubakar, Ibrahim;
Rangaka, Molebogeng X;
Association of diabetes, smoking, and alcohol use with subclinical-to-symptomatic spectrum of tuberculosis in 16 countries: an individual participant data meta-analysis of national tuberculosis prevalence surveys.
EClinicalMedicine, 63.
ISSN 2589-5370
Jerene, Degu;
Levy, Jens;
van Kalmthout, Kristian;
Rest, Job van;
McQuaid, Christopher Finn;
Quaife, Matthew;
Charalambous, Salome;
Gamazina, Katya;
Garfin, AM Celina;
Mleoh, Liberate;
+4 more...
Terleieva, Yana;
Bogdanov, Alexsey;
Maraba, Noriah;
Fielding, Katherine;
Effectiveness of digital adherence technologies in improving tuberculosis treatment outcomes in four countries: a pragmatic cluster randomised trial protocol.
BMJ open, 13 (3).
ISSN 2044-6055
Jiang, Qi;
Liu, Hai-Can;
Liu, Qing-Yun;
Phelan, Jody E;
Tao, Feng-Xi;
Zhao, Xiu-Qin;
Wang, Jian;
Glynn, Judith R;
Takiff, Howard E;
Clark, Taane G;
+2 more...
Wan, Kang-Lin;
Gao, Qian;
The Evolution and Transmission Dynamics of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis in an Isolated High-Plateau Population of Tibet, China.
Microbiology spectrum, 11 (2).
ISSN 2165-0497
Jindani, Amina;
Atwine, Daniel;
Grint, Daniel;
Bah, Boubacar;
Adams, Jack;
Ticona, Eduardo Rómulo;
Shrestha, Bhabana;
Agizew, Tefera;
Hamid, Saeed;
Jamil, Bushra;
+35 more...
Byamukama, Adolf;
Kananura, Keneth;
Mugisha Taremwa, Ivan;
Bonnet, Maryline;
Camara, Lansana Mady;
Bah-Sow, Oumou Younoussa;
Bah, Kindy Sadio;
Bah, Nene Mamata;
Sow, Maimouna;
Ticona Huaroto, César Eduardo;
Mugruza Pineda, Raquel;
Tandukar, Bijesh;
Raya, Bijendra Bhakta;
Shrestha, Neko;
Mathoma, Anikie;
Mathebula-Modongo, Unami P;
Basotli, Joyce;
Irfan, Muhammad;
Begum, Dilshad;
Muzammil, Ammara;
Ahmed, Imran;
Hasan, Rumina;
Burgos, Marcos V;
Sultan, Faisal;
Hassan, Mariam;
Masood, Iqra;
Robb, Claire;
Decker, Jonathan;
Grubnic, Sisa;
Butcher, Philip D;
Witney, Adam;
Dhillon, Jasvir;
Munshi, Tulika;
Fielding, Katherine;
Harrison, Thomas S;
Four-Month High-Dose Rifampicin Regimens for Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
NEJM evidence, 2 (9).
ISSN 2766-5526
Jones, Harriet S;
Hensen, Bernadette;
Musemburi, Sithembile;
Chinyanganya, Lilian;
Takaruza, Albert;
Chabata, Sungai T;
Matambanadzo, Primrose;
Platt, Lucy;
Rice, Brian;
Cowan, Frances M;
+1 more...
Hargreaves, James R;
Temporal trends in, and risk factors for, HIV seroconversion among female sex workers accessing Zimbabwe's national sex worker programme, 2009-19: a retrospective cohort analysis of routinely collected HIV testing data.
The lancet HIV, 10 (7).
ISSN 2405-4704
Libiseller-Egger, Julian;
Wang, Linfeng;
Deelder, Wouter;
Campino, Susana;
Clark, Taane G;
Phelan, Jody E;
TB-ML-a framework for comparing machine learning approaches to predict drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Bioinformatics advances, 3 (1).
ISSN 2635-0041
Maust, Brandon S;
Petkov, Stefan;
Herrera, Carolina;
Feng, Colin;
Brown, Bryan P;
Lebina, Limakatso;
Opoka, Daniel;
Ssemata, Andrew;
Pillay, Natasha;
Serwanga, Jennifer;
+12 more...
Seatlholo, Portia;
Namubiru, Patricia;
Odoch, Geoffrey;
Mugaba, Susan;
Seiphetlo, Thabiso;
Gray, Clive M;
Kaleebu, Pontiano;
Webb, Emily L;
Martinson, Neil;
Chiodi, Francesca;
Fox, Julie;
Jaspan, Heather B;
Bacterial microbiome and host inflammatory gene expression in foreskin tissue.
Heliyon, 9.
ISSN 2405-8440
McQuaid, C Finn;
Sinha, Pranay;
Bhargava, Madhavi;
Weerasuriya, Chathika;
Houben, Rein MGJ;
Bhargava, Anurag;
Tuberculosis and nutrition: what gets measured gets managed.
The Lancet Respiratory medicine, 11 (4).
pp. 308-310.
ISSN 2213-2600
Millington, Kerry A;
White, Richard G;
Lipman, Marc;
McQuaid, C Finn;
Hauser, Janika;
Wooding, Vincent;
Potter, Jessica;
Abubakar, Ibrahim;
Wingfield, Tom;
The 2023 UN high-level meeting on tuberculosis: renewing hope, momentum, and commitment to end tuberculosis.
The Lancet. Respiratory Medicine, 12 (1).
pp. 10-13.
ISSN 2213-2600
Motta, Ilaria;
Boeree, Martin;
Chesov, Dumitru;
Dheda, Keertan;
Günther, Gunar;
Horsburgh, Charles Robert;
Kherabi, Yousra;
Lange, Christoph;
Lienhardt, Christian;
McIlleron, Helen M;
+9 more...
Paton, Nicholas I;
Stagg, Helen R;
Thwaites, Guy;
Udwadia, Zarir;
Van Crevel, Reinout;
Velásquez, Gustavo E;
Wilkinson, Robert J;
Guglielmetti, Lorenzo;
Study group on Mycobacteria (ESGMYC) of the European Society of ;
Recent advances in the treatment of tuberculosis.
Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 30 (9).
pp. 1107-1114.
ISSN 1198-743X
Mukora, Rachel;
Ahumah, Barack;
Maraba, Noriah;
Orrell, Catherine;
Jennings, Lauren;
Naidoo, Pren;
Fielding, Katherine L;
Velen, Kavindhran;
Charalambous, Salome;
Chetty-Makkan, Candice M;
Acceptability of using the medication monitor and experience of a differentiated care approach for TB treatment adherence among people living with TB in South Africa.
PLOS global public health, 3 (10).
ISSN 2767-3375
Mukora, Rachel;
Maraba, Noriah;
Orrell, Catherine;
Jennings, Lauren;
Naidoo, Pren;
Mbatha, M Thulani;
Velen, Kavindhran;
Fielding, Katherine;
Charalambous, Salome;
Chetty-Makkan, Candice Maylene;
Qualitative study exploring the feasibility of using medication monitors and a differentiated care approach to support adherence among people receiving TB treatment in South Africa.
BMJ Open, 13 (3).
ISSN 2044-6055
Ngosa, Dennis;
Moonga, Given;
Shanaube, Kwame;
Jacobs, Choolwe;
Ruperez, Maria;
Kasese, Nkatya;
Klinkenberg, Eveline;
Schaap, Ab;
Mureithi, Linda;
Floyd, Sian;
+4 more...
Fidler, Sarah;
Sichizya, Veronica;
Maleya, Adrian;
Ayles, Helen;
Assessment of non-tuberculosis abnormalities on digital chest x-rays with high CAD4TB scores from a tuberculosis prevalence survey in Zambia and South Africa.
BMC infectious diseases, 23.
ISSN 1471-2334
Nkereuwem, Esin;
Agbla, Schadrac;
Jatta, Muhammed Lamin;
Masterton, Uma;
Owolabi, Olumuyiwa;
Edem, Victory Fabian;
Kampmann, Beate;
Togun, Toyin;
Childhood TB sequel: evaluating respiratory function after treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis in a prospective cohort of Gambian children - a study protocol.
BMC pulmonary medicine, 23 (1).
ISSN 1471-2466
Olbrich, Laura;
Nliwasa, Marriott;
Sabi, Issa;
Ntinginya, Nyanda E;
Khosa, Celso;
Banze, Denise;
Corbett, Elizabeth L;
Semphere, Robina;
Verghese, Valsan P;
Michael, Joy Sarojini;
+13 more...
Graham, Stephen M;
Egere, Uzochukwu;
Schaaf, H Simon;
Morrison, Julie;
McHugh, Timothy D;
Song, Rinn;
Nabeta, Pamela;
Trollip, Andre;
Geldmacher, Christof;
Hoelscher, Michael;
Zar, Heather J;
Heinrich, Norbert;
RaPaed-AIDA-TB Consortium;
Rapid and Accurate Diagnosis of Pediatric Tuberculosis Disease: A Diagnostic Accuracy Study for Pediatric Tuberculosis.
The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 42 (5).
pp. 353-360.
ISSN 0891-3668
Oliveira Hashiguchi, Lauren;
Cox, Sharon E;
Edwards, Tansy;
Castro, Mary C;
Khan, Mishal;
Liverani, Marco;
How can tuberculosis services better support patients with a diabetes co-morbidity? A mixed methods study in the Philippines.
BMC health services research, 23 (1).
ISSN 1472-6963
Paton, Nicholas I;
Cousins, Christopher;
Suresh, Celina;
Burhan, Erlina;
Chew, Ka Lip;
Dalay, Victoria B;
Lu, Qingshu;
Kusmiati, Tutik;
Balanag, Vincent M;
Lee, Shu Ling;
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Ruslami, Rovina;
Pokharkar, Yogesh;
Djaharuddin, Irawaty;
Sugiri, Jani JR;
Veto, Rholine S;
Sekaggya-Wiltshire, Christine;
Avihingsanon, Anchalee;
Sarin, Rohit;
Papineni, Padmasayee;
Nunn, Andrew J;
Crook, Angela M;
Treatment Strategy for Rifampin-Susceptible Tuberculosis.
The New England journal of medicine, 388 (10).
pp. 873-887.
ISSN 0028-4793
Pereira, Susan Martins;
Barreto, Florisneide Rodrigues;
de Souza, Ramon Andrade;
de Souza Teles Santos, Carlos Antonio;
Pereira, Marcos;
da Paixão, Enny Santos;
de Jesus Lima, Carla Cristina Oliveira;
da Natividade, Marcio Santos;
Lindoso, Ana Angélica Bulcão Portela;
Fernandes, Eder Gatti;
+14 more...
Junior, Evonio Barros Campelo;
Pescarini, Julia Moreira;
de Andrade, Kaio Vinicius Freitas;
de Souza, Fernanda Mattos;
de Britto, Elisangela Alves;
Nunes, Ceuci;
Ichihara, Maria Yuri;
Dalcolmo, Margareth;
Trajman, Anete;
Barral-Netto, Manoel;
Abubakar, Ibrahim;
Barreto, Mauricio Lima;
de Alencar Ximenes, Ricardo Arraes;
Rodrigues, Laura Cunha;
Previous BCG vaccination is associated with less severe clinical progression of COVID-19.
BMC medicine, 21 (1).
ISSN 1741-7015
Phelan, Jody;
Gomez-Gonzalez, Paula Josefina;
Andreu, Nuria;
Omae, Yosuke;
Toyo-Oka, Licht;
Yanai, Hideki;
Miyahara, Reiko;
Nedsuwan, Supalert;
de Sessions, Paola Florez;
Campino, Susana;
+10 more...
Sallah, Neneh;
Parkhill, Julian;
Smittipat, Nat;
Palittapongarnpim, Prasit;
Mushiroda, Taisei;
Kubo, Michiaki;
Tokunaga, Katsushi;
Mahasirimongkol, Surakameth;
Hibberd, Martin L;
Clark, Taane G;
Genome-wide host-pathogen analyses reveal genetic interaction points in tuberculosis disease.
Nature communications, 14 (1).
ISSN 2041-1723
Portnoy, Allison;
Arcand, Jean-Louis;
Clark, Rebecca A;
Weerasuriya, Chathika K;
Mukandavire, Christinah;
Bakker, Roel;
Patouillard, Edith;
Gebreselassie, Nebiat;
Zignol, Matteo;
Jit, Mark;
+2 more...
White, Richard G;
Menzies, Nicolas A;
The potential impact of novel tuberculosis vaccine introduction on economic growth in low- and middle-income countries: A modeling study.
PLoS medicine, 20 (7).
ISSN 1549-1277
Portnoy, Allison;
Clark, Rebecca A;
Quaife, Matthew;
Weerasuriya, Chathika K;
Mukandavire, Christinah;
Bakker, Roel;
Deol, Arminder K;
Malhotra, Shelly;
Gebreselassie, Nebiat;
Zignol, Matteo;
+7 more...
Sim, So Yoon;
Hutubessy, Raymond CW;
Baena, Inés Garcia;
Nishikiori, Nobuyuki;
Jit, Mark;
White, Richard G;
Menzies, Nicolas A;
The cost and cost-effectiveness of novel tuberculosis vaccines in low- and middle-income countries: A modeling study.
PLOS Medicine, 20 (1).
ISSN 1549-1277
Portnoy, Allison;
Clark, Rebecca A;
Weerasuriya, Chathika K;
Mukandavire, Christinah;
Quaife, Matthew;
Bakker, Roel;
Garcia Baena, Inés;
Gebreselassie, Nebiat;
Zignol, Matteo;
Jit, Mark;
+2 more...
White, Richard G;
Menzies, Nicolas A;
The potential impact of novel tuberculosis vaccines on health equity and financial protection in low-income and middle-income countries.
BMJ global health, 8 (7).
ISSN 2059-7908
Rehal, Sunita;
Cro, Suzie;
Phillips, Patrick Pj;
Fielding, Katherine;
Carpenter, James R;
Handling intercurrent events and missing data in non-inferiority trials using the estimand framework: A tuberculosis case study.
Clinical trials (London, England), 20 (5).
pp. 497-506.
ISSN 1740-7745
Richards, Alexandra S;
Sossen, Bianca;
Emery, Jon C;
Horton, Katherine C;
Heinsohn, Torben;
Frascella, Beatrice;
Balzarini, Federica;
Oradini-Alacreu, Aurea;
Häcker, Brit;
Odone, Anna;
+6 more...
McCreesh, Nicky;
Grant, Alison D;
Kranzer, Katharina;
Cobelens, Frank;
Esmail, Hanif;
Houben, Rein MGJ;
Quantifying progression and regression across the spectrum of pulmonary tuberculosis: a data synthesis study.
The Lancet Global health, 11 (5).
ISSN 2214-109X
Ruperez, Maria;
Shanaube, Kwame;
Mureithi, Linda;
Wapamesa, Chali;
Burnett, Michael J;
Kosloff, Barry;
de Haas, Petra;
Hayes, Richard;
Fidler, Sarah;
Gachie, Thomas;
+5 more...
Schaap, Albertus;
Floyd, Sian;
Klinkenberg, Eveline;
Ayles, Helen;
TREATS study team;
Use of point-of-care C-reactive protein testing for screening of tuberculosis in the community in high-burden settings: a prospective, cross-sectional study in Zambia and South Africa.
The Lancet. Global health, 11 (5).
ISSN 2214-109X
Scarponi, Danny;
Clark, Rebecca A;
Weerasuriya, Chathika Krishan;
Emery, Jon;
Houben, Rein MGJ;
White, Richard;
McCreesh, Nicky;
Is neglect of self-clearance biasing TB vaccine impact estimates?
BMJ global health, 8 (8).
ISSN 2059-7908
Scarponi, Danny;
Iskauskas, Andrew;
Clark, Rebecca A;
Vernon, Ian;
McKinley, Trevelyan J;
Goldstein, Michael;
Mukandavire, Christinah;
Deol, Arminder;
Weerasuriya, Chathika;
Bakker, Roel;
+2 more...
White, Richard G;
McCreesh, Nicky;
Demonstrating multi-country calibration of a tuberculosis model using new history matching and emulation package - hmer.
Epidemics, 43.
ISSN 1755-4365
Schwalb, Alvaro;
Emery, Jon C;
Dale, Katie D;
Horton, Katherine C;
Ugarte-Gil, César A;
Houben, Rein MGJ;
Impact of Reversion of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Immunoreactivity Tests on the Estimated Annual Risk of Tuberculosis Infection.
American journal of epidemiology, 192 (12).
pp. 1937-1943.
ISSN 0002-9262
Singh, Urisha;
Olivier, Stephen;
Cuadros, Diego;
Castle, Alison;
Moosa, Yumna;
Zulu, Thando;
Edwards, Jonathan Alex;
Kim, Hae-Young;
Gunda, Resign;
Koole, Olivier;
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Surujdeen, Ashmika;
Gareta, Dickman;
Munatsi, Day;
Modise, Tshwaraganang H;
Dreyer, Jaco;
Nxumalo, Siyabonga;
Smit, Theresa K;
Ordering-Jespersen, Greg;
Mpofana, Innocentia B;
Khan, Khadija;
Sikhosana, Zinzile EL;
Moodley, Sashen;
Shen, Yen-Ju;
Khoza, Thandeka;
Mhlongo, Ngcebo;
Bucibo, Sanah;
Nyamande, Kennedy;
Baisley, Kathy J;
Grant, Alison D;
Herbst, Kobus;
Seeley, Janet;
Pillay, Deenan;
Hanekom, Willem;
Ndung'u, Thumbi;
Siedner, Mark J;
Tanser, Frank;
Wong, Emily B;
Vukuzazi team;
The met and unmet health needs for HIV, hypertension, and diabetes in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: analysis of a cross-sectional multimorbidity survey.
The Lancet Global Health, 11 (9).
ISSN 2214-109X
Sossen, Bianca;
Richards, Alexandra S;
Heinsohn, Torben;
Frascella, Beatrice;
Balzarini, Federica;
Oradini-Alacreu, Aurea;
Odone, Anna;
Rogozinska, Ewelina;
Häcker, Brit;
Cobelens, Frank;
+3 more...
Kranzer, Katharina;
Houben, Rein MGJ;
Esmail, Hanif;
The natural history of untreated pulmonary tuberculosis in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
The Lancet Respiratory medicine, 11 (4).
pp. 367-379.
ISSN 2213-2600
Swanepoel, Jeremi;
van der Zalm, Marieke M;
Preiser, Wolfgang;
van Zyl, Gert;
Whittaker, Elizabeth;
Hesseling, Anneke C;
Moore, David AJ;
Seddon, James A;
SARS-CoV-2 infection and pulmonary tuberculosis in children and adolescents: a case-control study.
BMC infectious diseases, 23 (1).
Tadesse, Amare Worku;
Cusinato, Martina;
Weldemichael, Gedion Teferra;
Abdurhman, Tofik;
Assefa, Demelash;
Yazew, Hiwot;
Gadissa, Demekech;
Shiferaw, Amanuel;
Belachew, Mahilet;
Sahile, Mamush;
+5 more...
van Rest, Job;
Bedru, Ahmed;
Foster, Nicola;
Jerene, Degu;
Fielding, Katherine Linda;
Risk factors for poor engagement with a smart pillbox adherence intervention among persons on tuberculosis treatment in Ethiopia.
BMC public health, 23 (1).
ISSN 1471-2458
Timire, Collins;
Pedrazzoli, Debora;
Boccia, Delia;
Houben, Rein MGJ;
Ferrand, Rashida A;
Bond, Virginia;
Kranzer, Katharina;
Use of a Sustainable Livelihood Framework-Based Measure to Estimate Socioeconomic Impact of Tuberculosis on Households.
Clinical infectious diseases, 77 (5).
pp. 761-767.
ISSN 1058-4838
Yates, Tom A;
Karat, Aaron S;
Bozzani, Fiammetta;
McCreesh, Nicky;
MacGregor, Hayley;
Beckwith, Peter G;
Govender, Indira;
Colvin, Christopher J;
Kielmann, Karina;
Grant, Alison D;
Time to change the way we think about tuberculosis infection prevention and control in health facilities: insights from recent research.
Antimicrobial stewardship & healthcare epidemiology : ASHE, 3 (1).
ISSN 2732-494X