Browse by Uncontrolled Keywords
Number of items: 28.
Zhou, B;
Bentham, J;
di Cesare, M;
Bixby, H;
Danaei, G;
Cowan, MJ;
Paciorek, CJ;
Singh, G;
Hajifathalian, K;
Bennett, JE;
+763 more...
Taddei, C;
Bilano, V;
Carrillo-Larco, RM;
Djalalinia, S;
Khatibzadeh, S;
Lugero, C;
Peykari, N;
Zhang, WZ;
Lu, Y;
Stevens, GA;
Riley, LM;
Bovet, P;
Elliott, P;
Gu, DF;
Ikeda, N;
Jackson, RT;
Joffres, M;
Kengne, AP;
Laatikainen, T;
Lam, TH;
Laxmaiah, A;
Liu, J;
Miranda, JJ;
Mondo, CK;
Neuhauser, HK;
Sundstrom, J;
Smeeth, L;
Soric, M;
Woodward, M;
Ezzati, M;
Abarca-Gomez, L;
Abdeen, ZA;
Rahim, HA;
Abu-Rmeileh, NM;
Acosta-Cazares, B;
Adams, R;
Aekplakorn, W;
Afsana, K;
Aguilar-Salinas, CA;
Agyemang, C;
Ahmadvand, A;
Ahrens, W;
al Raddadi, R;
al Woyatan, R;
Ali, MM;
Alkerwi, A;
Aly, E;
Amouyel, P;
Amuzu, A;
Andersen, LB;
Anderssen, SA;
Angquist, L;
Anjana, RM;
Ansong, D;
Aounallah-Skhiri, H;
Araujo, J;
Ariansen, I;
Aris, T;
Arlappa, N;
Aryal, K;
Arveiler, D;
Assah, FK;
Assuncao, MCF;
Avdicova, M;
Azevedo, A;
Azizi, F;
Babu, BV;
Bahijri, S;
Balakrishna, N;
Bandosz, P;
Banegas, JR;
Barbagallo, CM;
Barcelo, A;
Barkat, A;
Barros, AJD;
Barros, MV;
Bata, I;
Batieha, AM;
Baur, LA;
Beaglehole, R;
ben Romdhane, H;
Benet, M;
Benson, LS;
Bernabe-Ortiz, A;
Bernotiene, G;
Bettiol, H;
Bhagyalaxmi, A;
Bharadwaj, S;
Bhargava, SK;
Bi, YF;
Bikbov, M;
Bjerregaard, P;
Bjertness, E;
Bjokelund, C;
Blokstra, A;
Bo, S;
Bobak, M;
Boeing, H;
Boggia, JG;
Boissonnet, CP;
Bongard, V;
Bovet, P;
Braeckman, L;
Brajkovich, I;
Branca, F;
Breckenkamp, J;
Brenner, H;
Brewster, LM;
Bruno, G;
Bueno-de-Mesquita, HB;
Bugge, A;
Burns, C;
Bursztyn, M;
de Leon, AC;
Cameron, C;
Can, G;
Candido, APC;
Capuano, V;
Cardoso, VC;
Carlsson, AC;
Carvalho, MJ;
Casanueva, FF;
Casanueva, FF;
Casas, JP;
Caserta, CA;
Chamukuttan, S;
Chan, AW;
Chan, Q;
Chaturvedi, HK;
Chaturvedi, N;
Chen, CJ;
Chen, FF;
Chen, HS;
Chen, S;
Chen, ZM;
Cheng, CY;
Dekkaki, IC;
Chetrit, A;
Chiolero, A;
Chiou, ST;
Chirita-Emandi, A;
Cho, B;
Cho, Y;
Chudek, J;
Cifkova, R;
Claessens, F;
Clays, E;
Concin, H;
Cooper, C;
Cooper, R;
Coppinger, TC;
Costanzo, S;
Cottel, D;
Cowell, C;
Craig, CL;
Crujeiras, AB;
Cruz, JJ;
D'Arrigo, G;
D'Orsi, E;
Dallongeville, J;
Damasceno, A;
Danaei, G;
Dankner, R;
Dantoft, TM;
Dauchet, L;
de Backer, G;
de Gaetano, G;
de Henauw, S;
de Smedt, D;
Deepa, M;
Dehghan, A;
Delisle, H;
Deschamps, V;
Dhana, K;
di Castelnuovo, AF;
Dias-da-Costa, JS;
Diaz, A;
Dickerson, TT;
Djalalinia, S;
Do, HTP;
Dobson, AJ;
Donfrancesco, C;
Donoso, SP;
Doring, A;
Doua, K;
Drygas, W;
Dulskiene, V;
Dzakula, A;
Dzerve, V;
Dziankowska-Zaborszczyk, E;
Eggertsen, R;
Ekelund, U;
el Ati, J;
Ellert, U;
Elliott, P;
Elosua, R;
Erasmus, RT;
Erem, C;
Eriksen, L;
Escobedo-de la Pena, J;
Evans, A;
Faeh, D;
Fall, CH;
Farzadfar, F;
Felix-Redondo, FJ;
Ferguson, TS;
Fernandez-Berges, D;
Ferrante, D;
Ferrari, M;
Ferreccio, C;
Ferrieres, J;
Finn, JD;
Fischer, K;
Foger, B;
Foo, LH;
Forslund, AS;
Forsner, M;
Fortmann, SP;
Fouad, HM;
Francis, DK;
Franco, MD;
Franco, OH;
Frontera, G;
Fuchs, FD;
Fuchs, SC;
Fujita, Y;
Furusawa, T;
Gaciong, Z;
Gareta, D;
Garnett, SP;
Gaspoz, JM;
Gasull, M;
Gates, L;
Gavrila, D;
Geleijnse, JM;
Ghasemian, A;
Ghimire, A;
Giampaoli, S;
Gianfagna, F;
Giovannelli, J;
Goldsmith, RA;
Goncalves, H;
Gross, MG;
Rivas, JPG;
Gottrand, F;
Graff-Iversen, S;
Grafnetter, D;
Grajda, A;
Gregor, RD;
Grodzicki, T;
Grontved, A;
Gruden, G;
Grujic, V;
Gu, DF;
Guan, OP;
Gudnason, V;
Guerrero, R;
Guessous, I;
Guimaraes, AL;
Gulliford, MC;
Gunnlaugsdottir, J;
Gunter, M;
Gupta, PC;
Gureje, O;
Gurzkowska, B;
Gutierrez, L;
Gutzwiller, F;
Hadaegh, F;
Halkjaer, J;
Hambleton, IR;
Hardy, R;
Harikumar, R;
Hata, J;
Hayes, AJ;
He, J;
Hendriks, ME;
Henriques, A;
Cadena, LH;
, Herqutanto;
Herrala, S;
Heshmat, R;
Hihtaniemi, IT;
Ho, SY;
Ho, SC;
Hobbs, M;
Hofman, A;
Dinc, GH;
Hormiga, CM;
Horta, BL;
Houti, L;
Howitt, C;
Htay, TT;
Htet, AS;
Hu, YH;
Huerta, JM;
Husseini, AS;
Huybrechts, I;
Hwalla, N;
Iacoviello, L;
Iannone, AG;
Ibrahim, MM;
Ikram, MA;
Irazola, VE;
Islam, M;
Ivkovic, V;
Iwasaki, M;
Jackson, RT;
Jacobs, JM;
Jafar, T;
Jamrozik, K;
Janszky, I;
Jasienska, G;
Jelakovic, B;
Jiang, CQ;
Johansson, M;
Jonas, JB;
Jorgensen, T;
Joshi, P;
Juolevi, A;
Jurak, G;
Juresa, V;
Kaaks, R;
Kafatos, A;
Kalter-Leibovici, O;
Kamaruddin, NA;
Kasaeian, A;
Katz, J;
Kauhanen, J;
Kaur, P;
Kavousi, M;
Kazakbaeva, G;
Keil, U;
Boker, LK;
Keinanen-Kiukaanniemi, S;
Kelishadi, R;
Kemper, HCG;
Kengne, AP;
Kersting, M;
Key, T;
Khader, YS;
Khalili, D;
Khang, YH;
Khaw, KT;
Kiechl, S;
Killewo, J;
Kim, J;
Klumbiene, J;
Kolle, E;
Kolsteren, P;
Korrovits, P;
Koskinen, S;
Kouda, K;
Koziel, S;
Kristensen, PL;
Krokstad, S;
Kromhout, D;
Kruger, HS;
Kubinova, R;
Kuciene, R;
Kuh, D;
Kujala, UM;
Kula, K;
Kulaga, Z;
Kumar, RK;
Kurjata, P;
Kusuma, YS;
Kuulasmaa, K;
Kyobutungi, C;
Laatikainen, T;
Lachat, C;
Landrove, O;
Lanska, V;
Lappas, G;
Larijani, B;
Laugsand, LE;
Laxmaiah, A;
Bao, KLN;
le, TD;
Leclercq, C;
Lee, J;
Lee, J;
Lehtimaki, T;
Lekhraj, R;
Leon-Munoz, LM;
Levitt, NS;
Lilly, CL;
Lim, WY;
Lima-Costa, MF;
Lin, HH;
Lin, X;
Linneberg, A;
Lissner, L;
Litwin, M;
Liu, J;
Lorbeer, R;
Lotufo, PA;
Lozano, JE;
Luksiene, D;
Lundqvist, A;
Lunet, N;
Lytsy, P;
Ma, GS;
Ma, J;
Machado-Coelho, GLL;
MacHi, S;
Maggi, S;
Magliano, DJ;
Majer, M;
Makdisse, M;
Malekzadeh, R;
Malhotra, R;
Rao, KM;
Malyutina, S;
Manios, Y;
Mann, JI;
Manzato, E;
Margozzini, P;
Marques-Vidal, P;
Marrugat, J;
Martorell, R;
Mathiesen, EB;
Matijasevich, A;
Matsha, TE;
Mbanya, JCN;
Posso, AJM;
McFarlane, SR;
McFarlane, SR;
McGarvey, ST;
McLachlan, S;
McLean, RM;
McNulty, BA;
Khir, ASM;
Mediene-Benchekor, S;
Medzioniene, J;
Meirhaeghe, A;
Meisinger, C;
Menezes, AMB;
Menon, GR;
Meshram, II;
Metspalu, A;
Mi, J;
Mikkel, K;
Miller, JC;
Miquel, JF;
Miranda, JJ;
Misigoj-Durakovic, M;
Mohamed, MK;
Mohammad, K;
Mohammadifard, N;
Mohan, V;
Yusoff, MFM;
Moller, NC;
Molnar, D;
Momenan, A;
Mondo, CK;
Monyeki, KDK;
Moreira, LB;
Morejon, A;
Moreno, LA;
Morgan, K;
Moschonis, G;
Mossakowska, M;
Mostafa, A;
Mota, J;
Motlagh, ME;
Motta, J;
Muiesan, ML;
Muller-Nurasyid, M;
Murphy, N;
Mursu, J;
Musil, V;
Nagel, G;
Naidu, BM;
Nakamura, H;
Namsna, J;
Nang, EEK;
Nangia, VB;
Narake, S;
Navarrete-Munoz, EM;
Ndiaye, NC;
Neal, WA;
Nenko, I;
Nervi, F;
Neuhauser, HK;
Nguyen, ND;
Nguyen, QN;
Nieto-Martinez, RE;
Niiranen, TJ;
Ning, G;
Ninomiya, T;
Nishtar, S;
Noale, M;
Noboa, OA;
Noorbala, AA;
Norat, T;
Noto, D;
al Nsour, M;
O'Reilly, D;
Oh, K;
Olinto, MTA;
Oliveira, IO;
Omar, MA;
Onat, A;
Ordunez, P;
Osmond, C;
Ostojic, SM;
Otero, JA;
Overvad, K;
Owusu-Dabo, E;
Paccaud, FM;
Padez, C;
Pahomova, E;
Pajak, A;
Palli, D;
Palmieri, L;
Panda-Jonas, S;
Panza, F;
Papandreou, D;
Parnell, WR;
Parsaeian, M;
Pecin, I;
Pednekar, MS;
Peer, N;
Peeters, PH;
Peixoto, SV;
Pelletier, C;
Peltonen, M;
Pereira, AC;
Perez, RM;
Peters, A;
Petkeviciene, J;
Peykari, N;
Pham, ST;
Pigeot, I;
Pikhart, H;
Pilav, A;
Pilotto, L;
Pitakaka, F;
Plans-Rubio, P;
Polakowska, M;
Polasek, O;
Porta, M;
Portegies, MLP;
Pourshams, A;
Pradeepa, R;
Prashant, M;
Price, JF;
Puiu, M;
Punab, M;
Qasrawi, RF;
Qorbani, M;
Radic, I;
Radisauskas, R;
Rahman, M;
Raitakari, O;
Raj, M;
Rao, SR;
Ramos, E;
Rampal, S;
Reina, DAR;
Rasmussen, F;
Redon, J;
Reganit, PFM;
Ribeiro, R;
Riboli, E;
Rigo, F;
de Wit, TFR;
Ritti-Dias, RM;
Robinson, SM;
Robitaille, C;
Rodriguez-Artalejo, F;
Rodriguez-Villamizar, LA;
Rojas-Martinez, R;
Rosengren, A;
Rubinstein, A;
Rui, O;
Ruiz-Betancourt, BS;
Horimoto, A;
Rutkowski, M;
Sabanayagam, C;
Sachdev, HS;
Saidi, O;
Sakarya, S;
Salanave, B;
Martinez, ES;
Salmeron, D;
Salomaa, V;
Salonen, JT;
Salvetti, M;
Sanchez-Abanto, J;
Sans, S;
Santos, D;
Santos, IS;
Dos Santos, RN;
Santos, R;
Saramies, JL;
Sardinha, LB;
Margolis, GS;
Sarrafzadegan, N;
Saum, KU;
Savva, SC;
Scazufca, M;
Schargrodsky, H;
Schneider, IJ;
Schultsz, C;
Schutte, AE;
Sen, A;
Senbanjo, IO;
Sepanlou, SG;
Sharma, SK;
Shaw, JE;
Shibuya, K;
Shin, DW;
Shin, YC;
Siantar, R;
Sibai, AM;
Silva, DAS;
Simon, M;
Simons, J;
Simons, LA;
Sjotrom, M;
Skovbjerg, S;
Slowikowska-Hilczer, J;
Slusarczyk, P;
Smeeth, L;
Smith, MC;
Snijder, MB;
So, HK;
Sobngwi, E;
Soderberg, S;
Solfrizzi, V;
Sonestedt, E;
Song, Y;
Sorensen, TIA;
Soric, M;
Jerome, CS;
Soumare, A;
Staessen, JA;
Starc, G;
Stathopoulou, MG;
Stavreski, B;
Steene-Johannessen, J;
Stehle, P;
Stein, AD;
Stergiou, GS;
Stessman, J;
Stieber, J;
Stockl, D;
Stocks, T;
Stokwiszewski, J;
Stronks, K;
Strufaldi, MW;
Sun, CA;
Sundstrom, J;
Sung, YT;
Suriyawongpaisal, P;
Sy, RG;
Tai, ES;
Tammesoo, ML;
Tamosiunas, A;
Tang, L;
Tang, X;
Tanser, F;
Tao, Y;
Tarawneh, MR;
Tarqui-Mamani, CB;
Taylor, A;
Theobald, H;
Thijs, L;
Thuesen, BH;
Tjonneland, A;
Tolonen, HK;
Topbas, M;
Topor-Madry, R;
Tormo, MJ;
Torrent, M;
Traissac, P;
Trichopoulos, D;
Trichopoulou, A;
Trinh, OTH;
Trivedi, A;
Tshepo, L;
Tulloch-Reid, MK;
Tuomainen, TP;
Turley, ML;
Tynelius, P;
Tzourio, C;
Ueda, P;
Ugel, E;
Ulmer, H;
Uusitalo, HMT;
Valdivia, G;
Valvi, D;
van der Schouw, YT;
van Herck, K;
van Rossem, L;
van Valkengoed, IGM;
Vanderschueren, D;
Vanuzzo, D;
Vatten, L;
Vega, T;
Velasquez-Melendez, G;
Veronesi, G;
Verschuren, WMM;
Verstraeten, R;
Victora, CG;
Viet, L;
Viikari-Juntura, E;
Vineis, P;
Vioque, J;
Virtanen, JK;
Visvikis-Siest, S;
Viswanathan, B;
Vollenweider, P;
Vrdoljak, A;
Vrijheid, M;
Wade, AN;
Wagner, A;
Walton, J;
Mohamud, WNW;
Wang, MD;
Wang, Q;
Wang, YX;
Wannamethee, SG;
Wareham, N;
Wederkopp, N;
Weerasekera, D;
Whincup, PH;
Widhalm, K;
Widyahening, IS;
Wiecek, A;
Wijga, AH;
Wilks, RJ;
Willeit, P;
Williams, EA;
Wilsgaard, T;
Wojtyniak, B;
Wong, TY;
Wong-McClure, RA;
Woo, J;
Woodward, M;
Wu, AG;
Wu, FC;
Wu, SL;
Xu, HQ;
Yan, WL;
Yang, XG;
Ye, XW;
Yiallouros, PK;
Yoshihara, A;
Younger-Coleman, NO;
Yusoff, AF;
Zambon, S;
Zdrojewski, T;
Zeng, Y;
Zhao, D;
Zhao, WH;
Zheng, Y;
Zhu, D;
Zimmermann, E;
Cisneros, JZ;
Collaboration, NCDRF;
Worldwide trends in blood pressure from 1975 to 2015: a pooled analysis of 1479 population-based measurement studies with 19.1 million participants.
Lancet, 389 (10064).
pp. 37-55.
ISSN 0140-6736
Cooper, BS;
Kotirum, S;
Kulpeng, W;
Praditsitthikorn, N;
Chittaganpitch, M;
Limmathurotsakul, D;
Day, NPJ;
Coker, R;
Teerawattananon, Y;
Meeyai, A;
Mortality Attributable to Seasonal Influenza A and B Infections in Thailand, 2005-2009: A Longitudinal Study.
American journal of epidemiology, 181 (11).
pp. 898-907.
ISSN 0002-9262
Haagsma, JA;
Geenen, PL;
Ethelberg, S;
Fetsch, A;
Hansdotter, F;
Jansen, A;
Korsgaard, H;
O'Brien, SJ;
Scavia, G;
Spitznagel, H;
+4 more...
Stefanoff, P;
Tam, CC;
Havelaar, AH;
Med Vet Net Working, Grp;
Community incidence of pathogen-specific gastroenteritis: reconstructing the surveillance pyramid for seven pathogens in seven European Union member states.
Epidemiology and infection, 141 (8).
pp. 1625-1639.
ISSN 0950-2688
Njie-Jobe, J;
Nyamweya, S;
Miles, DJC;
van der Sande, M;
Zaman, S;
Touray, E;
Hossin, S;
Adetifa, J;
Palmero, M;
Burl, S;
+5 more...
Jeffries, D;
Rowland-Jones, S;
Flanagan, K;
Jaye, A;
Whittle, H;
Immunological impact of an additional early measles vaccine in Gambian children: Responses to a boost at 3 years.
Vaccine, 30 (15).
pp. 2543-2550.
ISSN 0264-410X
Thomasson, D;
Wright, EA;
Hughes, JM;
Dodd, NS;
Cox, AP;
Boyce, K;
Gerwash, O;
Abushahma, M;
Lun, ZR;
Murphy, RG;
+2 more...
Rogan, MT;
Hide, G;
Prevalence and co-infection of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in Apodemus sylvaticus in an area relatively free of cats.
Parasitology, 138 (9).
pp. 1117-1123.
ISSN 0031-1820
Boxall, A;
Hardy, A;
Beulke, S;
Boucard, T;
Burgin, L;
Falloon, P;
Haygarth, P;
Hutchinson, T;
Kovats, S;
Leonardi, G;
+10 more...
Levy, L;
Nichols, G;
Parsons, S;
Potts, L;
Stone, D;
Topp, E;
Turley, D;
Walsh, K;
Wellington, E;
Williams, R;
Impacts of climate change on indirect human exposure to pathogens and chemicals from agriculture.
Ciencia & saude coletiva, 15 (3).
pp. 743-756.
ISSN 1413-8123
Full text not available from this repository.
Chow, CK;
Lock, K;
Teo, K;
Subramanian, SV;
McKee, M;
Yusuf, S;
Environmental and societal influences acting on cardiovascular risk factors and disease at a population level: a review.
International journal of epidemiology, 38 (6).
pp. 1580-1594.
ISSN 0300-5771
Full text not available from this repository.
Kenyon, C;
Dlamini, S;
Boulle, A;
White, RG;
Badri, M;
A network-level explanation for the differences in HIV prevalence in South Africa's racial groups.
African journal of AIDS research, 8 (3).
pp. 243-254.
ISSN 1608-5906
Full text not available from this repository.
Kitchener, HC;
Almonte, M;
Gilham, C;
Dowie, R;
Stoykova, B;
Sargent, A;
Roberts, C;
Desai, M;
Peto, J;
Grp, ATS;
ARTISTIC: a randomised trial of-human-papillomavirus (HPV) testing in primary cervical screening.
Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 13 (51).
ISSN 1366-5278
Trifiro, G;
Pariente, A;
Coloma, PM;
Kors, JA;
Polimeni, G;
Miremont-Salame, G;
Catania, MA;
Salvo, F;
David, A;
Moore, N;
+8 more...
Caputi, AP;
Sturkenboom, M;
Molokhia, M;
Hippisley-Cox, J;
Acedo, CD;
van der Lei, J;
Fourrier-Reglat, A;
Grp, E.-, A;
Data mining on electronic health record databases for signal detection in pharmacovigilance: which events to monitor?
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety, 18 (12).
pp. 1176-1184.
ISSN 1053-8569
Full text not available from this repository.
Gallus, S;
Schiaffino, A;
la Vecchia, C;
Townsend, J;
Fernandez, E;
Price and cigarette consumption in Europe.
Tobacco control, 15 (2).
pp. 114-119.
ISSN 0964-4563
Full text not available from this repository.
Glynn, JR;
Kremer, K;
Borgdorff, MW;
Rodriguez, MP;
van Soolingen, D;
Beijing/W genotype Mycobacterium tuberculosis and drug resistance.
Emerging infectious diseases, 12 (5).
pp. 736-743.
ISSN 1080-6040
Full text not available from this repository.
Schaaf, HS;
Marais, BJ;
Hesseling, AC;
Gie, RP;
Beyers, N;
Donald, PR;
Childhood drug-resistant tuberculosis in the Western Cape Province of South Africa.
Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway, 95 (5).
pp. 523-528.
ISSN 0803-5253
Full text not available from this repository.
Wilson, APR;
Hodgson, B;
Liu, M;
Plummer, D;
Taylor, I;
Roberts, J;
Jit, M;
Sherlaw-Johnson, C;
Reduction in wound infection rates by wound surveillance with postdischarge follow-up and feedback.
The British journal of surgery, 93 (5).
pp. 630-638.
ISSN 0007-1323
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Angell, SY;
Behrens, RH;
Risk assessment and disease prevention in travelers visiting friends and relatives.
Infectious disease clinics of North America.
p. 49.
ISSN 0891-5520
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Bray, F;
Carstensen, B;
Møller H, H;
Zappa, M;
Zakelj, MP;
Lawrence, G;
Hakama, M;
Weiderpass, E;
Incidence trends of adenocarcinoma of the cervix in 13 European countries.
Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention, 14 (9).
pp. 2191-2199.
ISSN 1055-9965
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Malik, AN;
Godfrey-Faussett, P;
Effects of genetic variability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains on the presentation of disease.
The Lancet infectious diseases.
p. 174.
ISSN 1473-3099
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Angus, DC;
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Improving care of the critically ill: institutional and health- care system approaches.
Lancet, 363 (9417).
pp. 1314-20.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Conaty, SJ;
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Glynn, JR;
Drobniewski, FA;
Watson, JM;
Explaining risk factors for drug-resistant tuberculosis in England and Wales: contribution of primary and secondary drug resistance.
Epidemiology and infection, 132 (6).
pp. 1099-108.
ISSN 0950-2688
Coker, RJ;
Public health impact of detention of individuals with tuberculosis: systematic literature review.
Public health, 117 (4).
pp. 281-287.
ISSN 0033-3506
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Mbopi-Keou, FX;
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Belec, L;
Brown, DWG;
Herpes simplex virus type 2 and heterosexual spread of human immunodeficiency virus infection in developing countries: hypotheses and research priorities.
Clinical microbiology and infection, 9 (3).
pp. 161-171.
ISSN 1198-743X
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McDavid, K;
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Coleman, MP;
Cancer survival in Kentucky and health insurance coverage.
Archives of internal medicine, 163 (18).
pp. 2135-2144.
ISSN 0003-9926
Mwinga, A;
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Warndorff, D;
Fine, P;
Darbyshire, J;
Zumla, A;
Mycobacterium vaccae (SRL172) immunotherapy as an adjunct to standard antituberculosis treatment in HIV-infected adults with pulmonary tuberculosis: a randomised placebo-controlled trial.
Lancet, 360 (9339).
pp. 1050-5.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Rhodes, SD;
Hergenrather, KC;
Yee, LJ;
Increasing hepatitis B vaccination among young African-American men who have sex with men: Simple answers and difficult solutions.
AIDS patient care and STDs, 16 (11).
pp. 519-525.
ISSN 1087-2914
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Grieve, R;
Hutton, J;
Bhalla, A;
Rastenyte, D;
Ryglewicz, D;
Sarti, C;
Lamassa, M;
Giroud, M;
Dundas, R;
Wolfe, CDA;
A comparison of the costs and survival of hospital-admitted stroke patients across Europe.
Stroke; a journal of cerebral circulation, 32 (7).
pp. 1684-91.
ISSN 0039-2499
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Houthuijs, D;
Breugelmans, O;
Hoek, G;
Vaskovi, E;
Mihalikova, E;
Pastuszka, JS;
Jirik, V;
Sachelarescu, S;
Lolova, D;
Meliefste, K;
+8 more...
Uzunova, E;
Marinescu, C;
Volf, J;
de Leeuw, F;
van de Wiel, H;
Fletcher, T;
Lebret, E;
Brunekreef, B;
PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations in Central and Eastern Europe: results from the Cesar study.
Atmospheric environment (Oxford, England, 35 (15).
pp. 2757-2771.
ISSN 1352-2310
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Sandhu, MS;
White, IR;
McPherson, K;
Systematic review of the prospective cohort studies on meat consumption and colorectal cancer risk: A meta-analytical approach.
Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention, 10 (5).
pp. 439-46.
ISSN 1055-9965
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Yee, LJ;
Weiss, HL;
Langner, RG;
Herrera, J;
Kaslow, RA;
van Leeuwen, DJ;
Risk factors for acquisition of hepatitis C virus infection: a case series and potential implications for disease surveillance.
BMC infectious diseases, 1.
art. no.-8.
ISSN 1471-2334