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Number of items: 6.
Piper, J;
Elze, MC;
Cauchy, P;
Cockerill, PN;
Bonifer, C;
Ott, S;
Wellington: A novel method for the accurate identification of digital genomic footprints from DNase-seq data.
Nucleic acids research, 41 (21).
ISSN 0305-1048
Birney, E;
Stamatoyannopoulos, JA;
Dutta, A;
Guigo, R;
Gingeras, TR;
Margulies, EH;
Weng, ZP;
Snyder, M;
Dermitzakis, ET;
Thurman, RE;
+302 more...
Kuehn, MS;
Taylor, CM;
Neph, S;
Koch, CM;
Asthana, S;
Malhotra, A;
Adzhubei, I;
Greenbaum, JA;
Andrews, RM;
Flicek, P;
Boyle, PJ;
Cao, H;
Carter, NP;
Clelland, GK;
Davis, S;
Day, N;
Dhami, P;
Dillon, SC;
Dorschner, MO;
Fiegler, H;
Giresi, PG;
Goldy, J;
Hawrylycz, M;
Haydock, A;
Humbert, R;
James, KD;
Johnson, BE;
Johnson, EM;
Frum, TT;
Rosenzweig, ER;
Karnani, N;
Lee, K;
Lefebvre, GC;
Navas, PA;
Neri, F;
Parker, SCJ;
Sabo, PJ;
Sandstrom, R;
Shafer, A;
Vetrie, D;
Weaver, M;
Wilcox, S;
Yu, M;
Collins, FS;
Dekker, J;
Lieb, JD;
Tullius, TD;
Crawford, GE;
Sunyaev, S;
Noble, WS;
Dunham, I;
Denoeud, F;
Reymond, A;
Kapranov, P;
Rozowsky, J;
Zheng, DY;
Castelo, R;
Frankish, A;
Harrow, J;
Ghosh, S;
Sandelin, A;
Hofacker, IL;
Baertsch, R;
Keefe, D;
Dike, S;
Cheng, J;
Hirsch, HA;
Sekinger, EA;
Lagarde, J;
Abril, JF;
Shahab, A;
Flamm, C;
Fried, C;
Hackermuller, J;
Hertel, J;
Lindemeyer, M;
Missal, K;
Tanzer, A;
Washietl, S;
Korbel, J;
Emanuelsson, O;
Pedersen, JS;
Holroyd, N;
Taylor, R;
Swarbreck, D;
Matthews, N;
Dickson, MC;
Thomas, DJ;
Weirauch, MT;
Gilbert, J;
Drenkow, J;
Bell, I;
Zhao, X;
Srinivasan, KG;
Sung, WK;
Ooi, HS;
Chiu, KP;
Foissac, S;
Alioto, T;
Brent, M;
Pachter, L;
Tress, ML;
Valencia, A;
Choo, SW;
Choo, CY;
Ucla, C;
Manzano, C;
Wyss, C;
Cheung, E;
Clark, TG;
Brown, JB;
Ganesh, M;
Patel, S;
Tammana, H;
Chrast, J;
Henrichsen, CN;
Kai, C;
Kawai, J;
Nagalakshmi, U;
Wu, JQ;
Lian, Z;
Lian, J;
Newburger, P;
Zhang, XQ;
Bickel, P;
Mattick, JS;
Carninci, P;
Hayashizaki, Y;
Weissman, S;
Hubbard, T;
Myers, RM;
Rogers, J;
Stadler, PF;
Lowe, TM;
Wei, CL;
Ruan, YJ;
Struhl, K;
Gerstein, M;
Antonarakis, SE;
Fu, YT;
Green, ED;
Karaoz, U;
Siepel, A;
Taylor, J;
Liefer, LA;
Wetterstrand, KA;
Good, PJ;
Feingold, EA;
Guyer, MS;
Cooper, GM;
Asimenos, G;
Dewey, CN;
Hou, MM;
Nikolaev, S;
Montoya-Burgos, JI;
Loytynoja, A;
Whelan, S;
Pardi, F;
Massingham, T;
Huang, HY;
Zhang, NR;
Holmes, I;
Mullikin, JC;
Ureta-Vidal, A;
Paten, B;
Seringhaus, M;
Church, D;
Rosenbloom, K;
Kent, WJ;
Stone, EA;
Batzoglou, S;
Goldman, N;
Hardison, RC;
Haussler, D;
Miller, W;
Sidow, A;
Trinklein, ND;
Zhang, ZDD;
Barrera, L;
Stuart, R;
King, DC;
Ameur, A;
Enroth, S;
Bieda, MC;
Kim, J;
Bhinge, AA;
Jiang, N;
Liu, J;
Yao, F;
Vega, VB;
Lee, CWH;
Ng, P;
Yang, A;
Moqtaderi, Z;
Zhu, Z;
Xu, XQ;
Squazzo, S;
Oberley, MJ;
Inman, D;
Singer, MA;
Richmond, TA;
Munn, KJ;
Rada-Iglesias, A;
Wallerman, O;
Komorowski, J;
Fowler, JC;
Couttet, P;
Bruce, AW;
Dovey, OM;
Ellis, PD;
Langford, CF;
Nix, DA;
Euskirchen, G;
Hartman, S;
Urban, AE;
Kraus, P;
van Calcar, S;
Heintzman, N;
Kim, TH;
Wang, K;
Qu, CX;
Hon, G;
Luna, R;
Glass, CK;
Rosenfeld, MG;
Aldred, SF;
Cooper, SJ;
Halees, A;
Lin, JM;
Shulha, HP;
Zhang, XL;
Xu, MS;
Haidar, JNS;
Yu, Y;
Iyer, VR;
Green, RD;
Wadelius, C;
Farnham, PJ;
Ren, B;
Harte, RA;
Hinrichs, AS;
Trumbower, H;
Clawson, H;
Hillman-Jackson, J;
Zweig, AS;
Smith, K;
Thakkapallayil, A;
Barber, G;
Kuhn, RM;
Karolchik, D;
Armengol, L;
Bird, CP;
de Bakker, PIW;
Kern, AD;
Lopez-Bigas, N;
Martin, JD;
Stranger, BE;
Woodroffe, A;
Davydov, E;
Dimas, A;
Eyras, E;
Hallgrimsdottir, IB;
Huppert, J;
Zody, MC;
Abecasis, GR;
Estivill, X;
Bouffard, GG;
Guan, XB;
Hansen, NF;
Idol, JR;
Maduro, VVB;
Maskeri, B;
McDowell, JC;
Park, M;
Thomas, PJ;
Young, AC;
Blakesley, RW;
Muzny, DM;
Sodergren, E;
Wheeler, DA;
Worley, KC;
Jiang, HY;
Weinstock, GM;
Gibbs, RA;
Graves, T;
Fulton, R;
Mardis, ER;
Wilson, RK;
Clamp, M;
Cuff, J;
Gnerre, S;
Jaffe, DB;
Chang, JL;
Lindblad-Toh, K;
Lander, ES;
Koriabine, M;
Nefedov, M;
Osoegawa, K;
Yoshinaga, Y;
Zhu, BL;
de Jong, PJ;
Consortium, EP;
Identification and analysis of functional elements in 1% of the human genome by the ENCODE pilot project.
Nature, 447 (7146).
pp. 799-816.
ISSN 0028-0836
Full text not available from this repository.
Scott, C;
Partridge, JD;
Stephenson, JR;
Green, J;
DNA target sequence and FNR-dependent gene expression.
FEBS letters, 541 (1-3).
pp. 97-101.
ISSN 0014-5793
Full text not available from this repository.
Rojas, CV;
Greiner, RS;
Fuenzalida, LC;
Martinez, JI;
Salem, N;
Uauy, R;
Long term n-3 FA deficiency modifies peroxisome proliferator activated receptor mRNA abundance in rat ocular tissues.
Lipids, 37 (4).
pp. 367-74.
ISSN 0024-4201
Full text not available from this repository.
Horn, D;
Nuclear gene transcription and chromatin in Trypanosoma brucei.
International journal for parasitology, 31 (11).
pp. 1157-65.
ISSN 0020-7519
Full text not available from this repository.
Niino, M;
Iwabuchi, K;
Kikuchi, S;
Ato, M;
Morohashi, T;
Ogata, A;
Tashiro, K;
Onoe, K;
Amelioration of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in C57BL/6 mice by an agonist of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma.
Journal of neuroimmunology, 116 (1).
pp. 40-8.
ISSN 0165-5728
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