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Number of items: 12.
Garcia-Larsen, V;
Luczynska, M;
Kowalski, ML;
Voutilainen, H;
Ahlstrom, M;
Haahtela, T;
Toskala, E;
Bockelbrink, A;
Lee, HH;
Vassilopoulou, E;
+10 more...
Papadopoulos, NG;
Ramalho, R;
Moreira, A;
Delgado, L;
Castel-Branco, MG;
Calder, PC;
Childs, CE;
Bakolis, I;
Hooper, R;
Burney, PG;
Use of a common food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) to assess dietary patterns and their relation to allergy and asthma in Europe: pilot study of the GA2LEN FFQ.
European journal of clinical nutrition, 65 (6).
pp. 750-6.
ISSN 0954-3007
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Nagel, G;
Weinmayr, G;
Kleiner, A;
Garcia-Marcos, L;
Strachan, DP;
Isaac Phase Two Study Grp [Inc Pearce, N];
Effect of diet on asthma and allergic sensitisation in the International Study on Allergies and Asthma in Childhood (ISAAC) Phase Two.
Thorax, 65 (6).
pp. 516-522.
ISSN 0040-6376
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Weinmayr, G;
Genuneit, J;
Nagel, G;
Bjorksten, B;
van Hage, M;
Priftanji, A;
Cooper, P;
Rijkjarv, MA;
von Mutius, E;
Tsanakas, J;
+7 more...
Forastiere, F;
Doekes, G;
Garrido, JB;
Suarez-Varela, MM;
Braback, L;
Strachan, DP;
Isaac Phase Two Study Grp [Inc Pearce, N];
International variations in associations of allergic markers and diseases in children: ISAAC Phase Two.
Allergy, 65 (6).
pp. 766-775.
ISSN 0105-4538
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Douwes, J;
Pearce, N;
The end of the hygiene hypothesis?
International journal of epidemiology, 37 (3).
pp. 570-572.
ISSN 0300-5771
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Cooper, PJ;
Chico, ME;
Vaca, MG;
Rodriguez, A;
Alcantara-Neves, NM;
Genser, B;
de Carvalho, LP;
Stein, RT;
Cruz, AA;
Rodrigues, LC;
+1 more...
Barreto, ML;
Risk factors for asthma and allergy associated with urban migration: background and methodology of a cross-sectional study in Afro-Ecuadorian school children in Northeastern Ecuador (Esmeraldas-SCAALA Study).
BMC pulmonary medicine, 6.
p. 24.
ISSN 1471-2466
Dagoye, D;
Bekele, Z;
Woldemichael, K;
Nida, H;
Yamam, M;
Hall, H;
Venn, AJ;
Britton, JR;
Hubbard, R;
Lewis, SA;
Wheezing, allergy, and parasite infection in children in urban and rural Ethiopia.
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 167 (10).
pp. 1369-1373.
ISSN 1073-449X
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Floyd, S;
Ponnighaus, JM;
Bliss, L;
Nkhosa, P;
Sichali, L;
Msiska, G;
Fine, PE;
Kinetics of delayed-type hypersensitivity to tuberculin induced by bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccination in northern Malawi.
The Journal of infectious diseases, 186 (6).
pp. 807-14.
ISSN 0022-1899
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Lockwood, DN;
Colston, MJ;
Khanolkar-Young, SR;
The detection of Mycobacterium leprae protein and carbohydrate antigens in skin and nerve from leprosy patients with type 1 (reversal) reactions.
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 66 (4).
pp. 409-15.
ISSN 0002-9637
Menendez, C;
Sunyer, J;
Ventura, PJ;
Aponte, JJ;
Acosta, CJ;
Schellenberg, D;
Kahigwa, E;
Anto, JM;
Alonso, PL;
Malaria infection does not appear to modify the risk of bronchiolitis early in life.
The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 21 (3).
pp. 249-54.
ISSN 0891-3668
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Black, GF;
Fine PEM;
Warndorff, DK;
Floyd, S;
Weir, RE;
Blackwell, JM;
Bliss, L;
Sichali, L;
Mwaungulu, L;
Chaguluka, S;
+3 more...
Jarman, E;
Ngwira, B;
Dockrell, HM;
Relationship between IFN-gamma and skin test responsiveness to Mycobacterium tuberculosis PPD in healthy, non-BCG-vaccinated young adults in Northern Malawi.
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 5 (7).
pp. 664-72.
ISSN 1027-3719
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Schnorr, JJ;
Cutts, FT;
Wheeler, JG;
Akramuzzaman, SM;
Alam, MS;
Azim, T;
Schneider-Schaulies, S;
Ter-Meulen, V;
Immune modulation after measles vaccination of 6-9 months old Bangladeshi infants.
Vaccine, 19 (11-12).
pp. 1503-10.
ISSN 0264-410X
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Yazdanbakhsh, M;
Rodrigues, LC;
Allergy and the hygiene hypothesis: The Th1/Th2 counterregulation can not provide an explanation.
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 113 (23-24).
pp. 899-902.
ISSN 0043-5325
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