Browse by Uncontrolled Keywords
Number of items: 75.
Kityo, C;
Thompson, J;
Nankya, I;
Hoppe, A;
Ndashimye, E;
Warambwa, C;
Mambule, I;
van Oosterhout, JJ;
Wools-Kaloustian, K;
Bertagnolio, S;
+5 more...
Easterbrook, PJ;
Mugyenyi, P;
Walker, AS;
Paton, NI;
Europe Africa Research Network For Evaluation Of Second-Line The, T;
HIV Drug Resistance Mutations in Non-B Subtypes After Prolonged Virological Failure on NNRTI-Based First-Line Regimens in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 75 (2).
ISSN 1525-4135
Forouzanfar, MH;
Afshin, A;
Alexander, LT;
Anderson, HR;
Bhutta, ZA;
Biryukov, S;
Brauer, M;
Burnett, R;
Cercy, K;
Charlson, FJ;
+634 more...
Cohen, AJ;
Dandona, L;
Estep, K;
Ferrari, AJ;
Frostad, JJ;
Fullman, N;
Gething, PW;
Godwin, WW;
Griswold, M;
Kinfu, Y;
Kyu, HH;
Larson, HJ;
Liang, X;
Lim, SS;
Liu, PY;
Lopez, AD;
Lozano, R;
Marczak, L;
Mensah, GA;
Mokdad, AH;
Moradi-Lakeh, M;
Naghavi, M;
Neal, B;
Reitsma, MB;
Roth, GA;
Salomon, JA;
Sur, PJ;
Vos, T;
Wagner, JA;
Wang, H;
Zhao, Y;
Zhou, M;
Aasvang, GM;
Abajobir, AA;
Abate, KH;
Abbafati, C;
Abbas, KM;
Abd-Allah, F;
Abdulle, AM;
Abera, SF;
Abraham, B;
Abu-Raddad, LJ;
Abyu, GY;
Adebiyi, AO;
Adedeji, IA;
Ademi, Z;
Adou, AK;
Adsuar, JC;
Agardh, EE;
Agarwal, A;
Agrawal, A;
Kiadaliri, AA;
Ajala, ON;
Akinyemiju, TF;
Al-Aly, Z;
Alam, K;
Alam, NKM;
Aldhahri, SF;
Aldridge, RW;
Alemu, ZA;
Ali, R;
Alkerwi, A;
Alla, F;
Allebeck, P;
Alsharif, U;
Altirkawi, KA;
Martin, EA;
Alvis-Guzman, N;
Amare, AT;
Amberbir, A;
Amegah, AK;
Amini, H;
Ammar, W;
Amrock, SM;
Andersen, HH;
Anderson, BO;
Antonio, CAT;
Anwar, P;
Arnlov, J;
Al, A;
Asayesh, H;
Asghar, RJ;
Assadi, R;
Atique, S;
Avokpaho, E;
Awasthi, A;
Quintanilla, BPA;
Azzopardi, P;
Bacha, U;
Badawi, A;
Bahit, MC;
Balakrishnan, K;
Barac, A;
Barber, RM;
Barker-Collo, SL;
Barnighausen, T;
Barquera, S;
Barregard, L;
Barrero, LH;
Basu, S;
Bans, C;
Bazargan-Hejazi, S;
Beardsley, J;
Bedi, N;
Beghi, E;
Bell, ML;
Bello, AK;
Bennett, DA;
Bensenor, IM;
Berhane, A;
Bernabe, E;
Betsu, BD;
Beyene, AS;
Bhala, N;
Bhansali, A;
Bhatt, S;
Biadgilign, S;
Bikbov, B;
Bisanzio, D;
Bjertness, E;
Blore, JD;
Borschmann, R;
Boufous, S;
Bourne, RRA;
Brainin, M;
Brazinova, A;
Breitborde, NJK;
Brenner, H;
Broday, DM;
Brugha, TS;
Brunekreef, B;
Butt, ZA;
Cahill, LE;
Calabria, B;
Campos-Nonato, IR;
Cardenas, R;
Carpenter, D;
Casey, DC;
Castaneda-Oquela, CA;
Rivas, JC;
Castro, RE;
Catala-Lopez, F;
Chang, JC;
Chiang, PPC;
Chibalabala, M;
Chimed-Ochir, O;
Chisumpa, VH;
Chitheer, AA;
Choi, JYJ;
Christensen, H;
Christopher, DJ;
Ciobanu, LG;
Coates, MM;
Colquhoun, SM;
Cooper, LT;
Cooperrider, K;
Cornaby, L;
Cortinovis, M;
Crump, JA;
Cuevas-Nasu, L;
Damasceno, A;
Dandona, R;
Darby, SC;
Dargan, PI;
Das Neves, J;
Davis, AC;
Davletov, K;
de Castro, EF;
de la Cruz-Gongora, V;
de Leo, D;
Degenhardt, L;
del Gobbo, LC;
del Pozo-Cruz, B;
Dellavalle, RP;
Deribew, A;
Des Jarlais, DC;
Dharmaratne, SD;
Dhillon, PK;
Diaz-Tome, C;
Dicker, D;
Ding, EL;
Dorsey, ER;
Doyle, KE;
Driscoll, TR;
Duan, L;
Dubey, M;
Duncan, BB;
Elyazar, I;
Endries, AY;
Ermakov, SP;
Erskine, HE;
Eshrati, B;
Esteghamati, A;
Fahimi, S;
Faraon, EJA;
Farid, TA;
Farinha, C;
Faro, A;
Farvid, MS;
Farzadfar, F;
Feigin, VL;
Fereshtehnejad, SM;
Fernandes, JG;
Fischer, F;
Fitchett, JRA;
Fleming, T;
Foigt, N;
Foreman, K;
Fowkes, FGR;
Franklin, RC;
Furst, T;
Futran, ND;
Gakidou, E;
Garcia-Basteiro, AL;
Gebrehiwot, TT;
Gebremedhin, AT;
Geleijnse, JM;
Gessner, BD;
Giref, AZ;
Giroud, M;
Gishu, MD;
Goenka, S;
Gomez-Cabrera, MC;
Gomez-Dantes, H;
Gona, P;
Goodridge, A;
Gopalani, SV;
Gotay, CC;
Goto, A;
Gouda, HN;
Gugnani, HC;
Guillemin, F;
Guo, YM;
Gupta, R;
Gupta, R;
Gutierrez, RA;
Haagsma, JA;
Hafezi-Nejad, N;
Haile, D;
Hailu, GB;
Halasa, YA;
Hamadeh, RR;
Hamidi, S;
Handal, AJ;
Hankey, GJ;
Hao, YT;
Harb, HL;
Harikrishnan, S;
Haro, JM;
Hassanvand, MS;
Hassen, TA;
Havmoeller, R;
Heredia-Pi, IB;
Hernandez-Llanes, NF;
Heydarpour, P;
Hoek, HW;
Hoffman, HJ;
Horino, M;
Horita, N;
Hosgood, HD;
Hoy, DG;
Hsairi, M;
Htet, AS;
Hu, G;
Huang, JJ;
Husseini, A;
Hutchings, SJ;
Huybrechts, I;
Iburg, KM;
Idrisov, BT;
Ileanu, BV;
Inoue, M;
Jacobs, TA;
Jacobsen, KH;
Jahanmehr, N;
Jakovljevic, MB;
Jansen, H;
Jassal, SK;
Javanbakht, M;
Jayatilleke, AU;
Jee, SH;
Jeemon, P;
Jha, V;
Jiang, Y;
Jibat, T;
Jin, Y;
Johnson, CO;
Jonas, JB;
Kabir, Z;
Kalkonde, Y;
Kamal, R;
Kan, H;
Karch, A;
Karema, CK;
Karimkhani, C;
Kasaeian, A;
Kaul, A;
Kawakami, N;
Kazi, DS;
Keiyoro, PN;
Kemp, AH;
Kengne, AP;
Keren, A;
Kesavachandran, CN;
Khader, YS;
Khan, AR;
Khan, EA;
Khan, G;
Khang, YH;
Khatibzadeh, S;
Khera, S;
Khoja, TAM;
Khubchandani, J;
Kieling, C;
Kim, CI;
Kim, D;
Kimokoti, RW;
Kissoon, N;
Kivipelto, M;
Knibbs, LD;
Kokubo, Y;
Kopec, JA;
Koul, PA;
Koyanagi, A;
Kravchenko, M;
Kromhout, H;
Krueger, H;
Ku, T;
Defo, BK;
Kuchenbecker, RS;
Bicer, BK;
Kuipers, EJ;
Kumar, GA;
Kwan, GF;
Lal, DK;
Lalloo, R;
Lallukka, T;
Lan, Q;
Larsson, A;
Latif, AA;
Lawrynowicz, AEB;
Leasher, JL;
Leigh, J;
Leung, J;
Levi, M;
Liang, J;
Liu, SW;
Lloyd, BK;
Logroscino, G;
Lotufo, PA;
Lunevicius, R;
MacLntyre, M;
Mahdavi, M;
Majdan, M;
Majeed, A;
Malekzadeh, R;
Malta, DC;
Manamo, WAA;
Mapoma, CC;
Marcenes, W;
Martin, RV;
Martinez-Raga, J;
Masiye, F;
Matsushita, K;
Matzopoulos, R;
Mayosi, BM;
McGrath, JJ;
McKee, M;
Meaney, PA;
Medina, C;
Mehari, A;
Mena-Rodriguez, F;
Mekonnen, AB;
Melaku, YA;
Memish, ZA;
Mendoza, W;
Mensink, GBM;
Meretoja, A;
Meretoja, TJ;
Mesfin, YM;
Mhimbira, FA;
Miller, TR;
Mills, EJ;
Mirarefin, M;
Misganaw, A;
Mock, CN;
Mohammadi, A;
Mohammed, S;
Mola, GLD;
Monasta, L;
Hernandez, JCM;
Montico, M;
Morawska, L;
Mori, R;
Mozaffarian, D;
Mueller, UO;
Mullany, E;
Mumford, JE;
Murthy, GVS;
Nachega, JB;
Naheed, A;
Nangia, V;
Nassiri, N;
Newton, JN;
Ng, M;
Nguyen, Q;
Nisar, MI;
Pete, PMN;
Norheim, OF;
Norman, RE;
Norrving, B;
Nyakarahuka, L;
Obermeyer, CM;
Ogbo, FA;
Oh, IH;
Oladimeji, O;
Olivares, PR;
Olsen, H;
Olusanya, BO;
Olusanya, JO;
Opio, JN;
Oren, E;
Orozco, R;
Ortiz, A;
Ota, E;
Mahesh, PA;
Pana, A;
Park, EK;
Parry, CD;
Parsaeian, M;
Patel, T;
Caicedo, AJP;
Patil, ST;
Patten, SB;
Patton, GC;
Pearce, N;
Pereira, DM;
Perico, N;
Pesudovs, K;
Petzold, M;
Phillips, MR;
Piel, FB;
Pillay, JD;
Plass, D;
Polinder, S;
Pond, CD;
Pope, CA;
Pope, D;
Popova, S;
Poulton, RG;
Pourmalek, F;
Prasad, NM;
Qorbani, M;
Rabiee, RHS;
Radfar, A;
Rafay, A;
Rahimi-Movaghar, V;
Rahman, M;
Rahman, MHU;
Rahman, SU;
Rai, RK;
Rajsic, S;
Raju, M;
Ram, U;
Rana, SM;
Ranganathan, K;
Rao, P;
Garcia, CAR;
Refaat, AH;
Rehm, CD;
Rehm, J;
Reinig, N;
Remuzzi, G;
Resnikoff, S;
Ribeiro, AL;
Rivera, JA;
Rolm, HS;
Rodriguez, A;
Rodriguez-Ramirez, S;
Rojas-Rueda, D;
Roman, Y;
Ronfani, L;
Roshandel, G;
Rothenbacher, D;
Roy, A;
Saleh, MM;
Sanabria, JR;
Sanchez-Nino, MD;
Sanchez-Pimienta, TG;
Sandar, L;
Santomauro, DF;
Santos, IS;
Sarmiento-Suarez, R;
Sartorius, B;
Satpathy, M;
Savic, M;
Sawhney, M;
Schmidhuber, J;
Schmidt, MI;
Schneider, IJC;
Schottker, B;
Schutte, AE;
Schwebel, DC;
Scott, JG;
Seedat, S;
Sepanlou, SG;
Servan-Mori, EE;
Shaheen, A;
Shahraz, S;
Shaikh, MA;
Levy, TS;
Sharma, R;
She, J;
Sheikhbahaei, S;
Shen, J;
Sheth, KN;
Shi, PL;
Shibuya, K;
Shigematsu, M;
Shin, MJ;
Shiri, R;
Shishani, K;
Shiue, I;
Shrime, MG;
Sigfusdottir, ID;
Silva, DAS;
Silveira, DGA;
Silverberg, JI;
Simard, EP;
Sindi, S;
Singh, A;
Singh, JA;
Singh, PK;
Slepak, EL;
Soljak, M;
Soneji, S;
Sorensen, RJD;
Sposato, LA;
Sreeramareddy, CT;
Stathopoulou, V;
Steckling, N;
Steel, N;
Stein, DJ;
Stein, MB;
Stockl, H;
Stranges, S;
Stroumpoulis, K;
Sunguya, BF;
Swaminathan, S;
Sykes, BL;
Szoeke, CEI;
Tabares-Seisdedos, R;
Takahashi, K;
Talongwa, RT;
Landon, N;
Tanne, D;
Tavakkoli, M;
Taye, BW;
Taylor, HR;
Tedla, BA;
Tefera, WM;
Tegegne, TK;
Tekle, DY;
Terkawi, AS;
Thakur, JS;
Thomas, BA;
Thomas, ML;
Thomson, AJ;
Thorne-Lyman, AL;
Thrift, AG;
Thurston, GD;
Tillmann, T;
Tobe-Gai, R;
Tobollik, M;
Topor-Madry, R;
Topouzis, F;
Towbin, JA;
Tran, BX;
Dimbuene, ZT;
Tsilimparis, N;
Tura, AK;
Tuzcu, EM;
Tyrovolas, S;
Ukwaja, KN;
Undurraga, EA;
Uneke, CJ;
Uthman, OA;
van Donkelaar, A;
van Os, J;
Varakin, YY;
Vasankari, T;
Veerman, JL;
Venketasubramanian, N;
Violante, FS;
Vollset, SE;
Wagner, GR;
Waller, SG;
Wang, JL;
Wang, LH;
Wang, YP;
Weichenthal, S;
Weiderpass, E;
Weintraub, RG;
Werdecker, A;
Westerman, R;
Whiteford, HA;
Wijeratne, T;
Wiysonge, CS;
Wolfe, CDA;
Won, S;
Woolf, AD;
Wubshet, M;
Xavier, D;
Xu, GL;
Yadav, AK;
Yakob, B;
Yalew, AZ;
Yano, Y;
Yaseri, M;
Ye, PP;
Yip, P;
Yonemoto, N;
Yoon, SJ;
Younis, MZ;
Yu, CH;
Zaidi, Z;
Zaki, MES;
Zhu, J;
Zipkin, B;
Zodpey, S;
Zuhlke, LJ;
Murray, CJL;
Global, regional, and national comparative risk assessment of 79 behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risks or clusters of risks, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015.
Lancet, 388 (10053).
pp. 1659-1724.
ISSN 0140-6736
Kambugu, A;
Thompson, J;
Hakim, J;
Tumukunde, D;
van Oosterhout, JJ;
Mwebaze, R;
Hoppe, A;
Abach, J;
Kwobah, C;
Arenas-Pinto, A;
+3 more...
Walker, SA;
Paton, NI;
Team, ET;
Neurocognitive Function at the First-Line Failure and on the Second-Line Antiretroviral Therapy in Africa: Analyses From the EARNEST Trial.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 71 (5).
pp. 506-13.
ISSN 1525-4135
Closser, S;
Cox, K;
Parris, TM;
Landis, RM;
Justice, J;
Gopinath, R;
Maes, K;
Amaha, HB;
Mohammed, IZ;
Dukku, AM;
+13 more...
Omidian, PA;
Varley, E;
Tedoff, P;
Koon, AD;
Nyirazinyoye, L;
Luck, MA;
Pont, WF;
Neergheen, V;
Rosenthal, A;
Nsubuga, P;
Thacker, N;
Jooma, R;
Nuttall, E;
The Impact of Polio Eradication on Routine Immunization and Primary Health Care: A Mixed-Methods Study.
The Journal of infectious diseases, 210.
ISSN 0022-1899
Naidoo, K;
Gichuhi, S;
Basanez, M.-, G;
Flaxman, SR;
Jonas, JB;
Keeffe, J;
Leasher, JL;
Pesudovs, K;
Price, H;
Smith, JL;
+6 more...
Turner, HC;
White, RA;
Wong, TY;
Resnikoff, S;
Taylor, HR;
Bourne, RRA;
Prevalence and causes of vision loss in sub-Saharan Africa: 1990-2010.
The British journal of ophthalmology, 98 (5).
pp. 612-618.
ISSN 0007-1161
Full text not available from this repository.
Mwai, GW;
Mburu, G;
Torpey, K;
Frost, P;
Ford, N;
Seeley, J;
Role and outcomes of community health workers in HIV care in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review.
Journal of the International AIDS Society, 16 (1).
p. 18586.
ISSN 1758-2652
Gouws, E;
Cuchi, P;
International Collaboration on Estimating HIV Incidence by Modes;
Gouws, E;
Cuchi, P;
Ghys, P;
Gobet, B;
Reddy, A;
Brown, T;
+118 more...
Loo, V;
Peerapatanapokin, W;
Saidel, T;
Siripong, N;
Sein, AA;
Hone, S;
Aye, KZ;
Bühler, M;
Samonte, G;
Palaypayon, N;
Mosende, ZY;
Kurniawan, A;
Indrawati, V;
Indrasari, W;
Hidayat, AE;
Wahyuniar, L;
Karki, D;
Poudyal, AK;
Malviya, A;
Zohrabyan, L;
Case, K;
Scutelniciuc, O;
Plesca, V;
Bivol, S;
Iovita, A;
Grigoryan, S;
Papoyan, A;
Jacobs, M;
Borquez, A;
Vesga, JF;
Doloros, Y;
Vaillant, TC;
Conklin-Ballester, E;
Nieto, AI;
Sorto, JS;
Betancourt, H;
Martinez, MA;
Alarcon, J;
Pun, M;
Suarez, L;
Tejada, R;
Gutierrez, C;
St Charles, O;
Hernandez, R;
Acevedo, EB;
Palma, LC;
Medrano, J;
Soza, D;
Chicas, O;
Setayesh, H;
Abu-Raddad, L;
Mumtaz, GR;
Zidouh, A;
El-Rhilani, H;
Bennani, A;
Alami, K;
Nasirian, M;
Haghdoost, A;
Doroudi, F;
Kasedde, S;
Colvin, M;
Stover, J;
Fraser, N;
Gelmon, L;
Kenya, P;
Oguya, F;
Cheluget, B;
Haile, G;
Khobotlo, M;
Tshehlo, R;
Nkonyama, J;
Hildrebrand, M;
Cysne, M;
Luntamo, M;
Kassanjee, R;
Welte, A;
Damisoni, H;
Mngani, S;
Mkhatshwa, H;
Lapidos, T;
Khumalo, T;
Tsela, S;
Nhlabatsi, N;
Odido, H;
Wabwire-Mangen, F;
Odiit, M;
Kirungi, W;
Kisitu, DK;
Wanyama, JO;
Witola, H;
Buyu, C;
Gboun, M;
Mpofu, N;
James, V;
Milanzi, A;
Nzima, M;
Assani, A;
Stover, J;
Borquez, A;
Lowndes, C;
Alary, M;
Victor-Ahuchogu, J;
Guedeme, A;
Ekanmian, G;
Toussou, J;
Kintin, F;
Kaboré, A;
Gatali, JB;
Seck, K;
Eba, E;
Eby, P;
Bosu, W;
Zeboah, K;
Gurumurthy, R;
Nnorom, J;
Oluwole, F;
Sagbohan, J;
Seck, K;
Focusing the HIV response through estimating the major modes of HIV transmission: a multi-country analysis.
Sexually transmitted infections, 88 Sup (Suppl).
ISSN 1368-4973
Baiden, F;
Owusu-Agyei, S;
Webster, J;
Chandramohan, D;
The need for new antibiotics.
Lancet, 375 (9715).
pp. 637-638.
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
Harries, AD;
Zachariah, R;
Tayler-Smith, K;
Schouten, EJ;
Chimbwandira, F;
van Damme, W;
el-Sadr, WM;
Keeping health facilities safe: one way of strengthening the interaction between disease-specific programmes and health systems.
Tropical medicine & international health, 15 (12).
pp. 1407-1412.
ISSN 1360-2276
Full text not available from this repository.
McCoy, SI;
Watts, CH;
Padian, NS;
Preventing HIV infection: turning the tide for young women.
Lancet, 376 (9749).
pp. 1281-1282.
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
English, M;
Reyburn, H;
Goodman, C;
Snow, RW;
Abandoning Presumptive Antimalarial Treatment for Febrile Children Aged Less Than Five Years-A Case of Running Before We Can Walk?
PLoS medicine, 6 (1).
pp. 7-9.
ISSN 1549-1277
Seale, AC;
Mwaniki, M;
Newton, C;
Berkley, JA;
Maternal and early onset neonatal bacterial sepsis: burden and strategies for prevention in sub-Saharan Africa.
The Lancet infectious diseases, 9 (7).
ISSN 1473-3099
Full text not available from this repository.
Tiono, AB;
Dicko, A;
Ndububa, DA;
Agbenyega, T;
Pitmang, S;
Awobusuyi, J;
Pamba, A;
Duparc, S;
Goh, LE;
Harrell, E;
+4 more...
Carter, N;
Ward, SA;
Greenwood, B;
Winstanley, PA;
Chlorproguanil-Dapsone-Artesunate versus Chlorproguanil-Dapsone: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Phase III Trial in African Children, Adolescents, and Adults with Uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum Malaria.
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 81 (6).
pp. 969-978.
ISSN 0002-9637
Kitua, AY;
Mboera, L;
Magesa, SM;
Maxwell, CA;
Curtis, CF;
The untapped potential of bed nets.
Science (New York, NY), 319 (5865).
p. 900.
ISSN 0036-8075
Full text not available from this repository.
Shillcutt, S;
Morel, C;
Goodman, C;
Coleman, P;
Bell, D;
Whitty, CJM;
Mills, A;
Cost-effectiveness of malaria diagnostic methods in sub-Saharan Africa in an era of combination therapy.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 86 (2).
pp. 101-110.
ISSN 0042-9686
Dickins, TE;
Sear, R;
Wells, AJ;
Mind the gap(s) theory, method and data: Re-examining Kanazawa.
British journal of health psychology, 12.
pp. 167-178.
ISSN 1359-107X
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Hanvoravongchai, P;
Scaling up health workforces in response to critical shortages.
Lancet, 370 (9605).
pp. 2080-1.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Piot, P;
Greener, R;
Russell, S;
Squaring the circle: AIDS, poverty, and human development.
PLoS medicine, 4 (10).
pp. 1571-5.
ISSN 1549-1277
Pronyk, PM;
Hargreaves, JR;
Morduch, J;
Microfinance programs and better health - Prospects for sub-Saharan Africa.
JAMA, 298 (16).
pp. 1925-1927.
ISSN 0098-7484
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Worrall, E;
Morel, C;
Yeung, S;
Borghi, J;
Webster, J;
Hill, J;
Wiseman, V;
Mills, A;
The economics of malaria in pregnancy - a review of the evidence and research priorities.
The Lancet infectious diseases, 7 (2).
pp. 156-168.
ISSN 1473-3099
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Cleland, J;
Ali, MM;
Sexual abstinence, contraception, and condom use by young African women: a secondary analysis of survey data.
Lancet, 368 (9549).
pp. 1788-1793.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Harries, AD;
Boxshall, M;
Phiri, S;
Kwanjana, J;
Managing HIV and tuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa.
Lancet, 367 (9525).
pp. 1817-1818.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Hayes, R;
Weiss, H;
Epidemiology - Understanding HIV epidemic trends in Africa.
Science (New York, NY), 311 (5761).
pp. 620-621.
ISSN 0036-8075
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Lawn, SD;
Myer, L;
Bekker, LG;
Wood, R;
CD4 cell count recovery among HIV-infected patients with very advanced immunodeficiency commencing antiretroviral treatment in sub-Saharan Africa.
BMC infectious diseases, 6.
ISSN 1471-2334
Schneider, H;
Blaauw, D;
Gilson, L;
Chabikuli, N;
Goudge, J;
Health systems and access to antiretroviral drugs for HIV in southern Africa: Service delivery and human resources challenges.
Reproductive health matters, 14 (27).
pp. 12-23.
ISSN 0968-8080
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Harries, AD;
HIV/AIDS: the epidemic, its impact and turning the tide.
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 9 (5).
pp. 471-4.
ISSN 1027-3719
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Harries, AD;
Predicting the failure of 3 by 5.
Lancet, 366 (9480).
p. 117.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Libamba, E;
Makombe, S;
Harries, AD;
Chimzizi, R;
Salaniponi, FM;
Schouten, EJ;
Mpazanje, R;
Scaling up antiretroviral therapy in Africa: learning from tuberculosis control programmes--the case of Malawi.
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 9 (10).
pp. 1062-71.
ISSN 1027-3719
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Seeley, JA;
Allison, EH;
HIV/AIDS in fishing communities: challenges to delivering antiretroviral therapy to vulnerable groups.
AIDS care, 17 (6).
pp. 688-697.
ISSN 0954-0121
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Nosten, F;
Rogerson, SJ;
Beeson, JG;
McGready, R;
Mutabingwa, TK;
Brabin, B;
Malaria in pregnancy and the endemicity spectrum: what can we learn?
Trends in parasitology, 20 (9).
pp. 425-432.
ISSN 1471-4922
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Schmid, GP;
Buve, A;
Mugyenyi, P;
Garnett, GP;
Hayes, RJ;
Williams, BG;
Calleja, JG;
de Cock, KM;
Whitworth, JA;
Kapiga, SH;
+5 more...
Ghys, PD;
Hankins, C;
Zaba, B;
Helmer, R;
Boerma, JT;
Transmission of HIV-1 infection in sub-Saharan Africa and effect of elimination of unsafe injections.
Lancet, 363 (9407).
pp. 482-488.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Seeley, J;
Grellier, R;
Barnett, T;
Gender and HIV/AIDS impact mitigation in sub-Saharan Africa - recognising the constraints.
SAHARA J, 1 (2).
pp. 87-98.
ISSN 1729-0376
Addington, W;
Lines, J;
Mortimer, J;
Webster, J;
Advancing the war on malaria.
Annals of internal medicine, 139 (4).
pp. 305-6.
ISSN 0003-4819
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Black, RE;
Morris, SS;
Bryce, J;
Where and why are 10 million children dying every year?
Lancet, 361 (9376).
pp. 2226-2234.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Harries, AD;
Chimzizi, RB;
Nyirenda, TE;
van Gorkom, J;
Salaniponi, FM;
Preventing recurrent tuberculosis in high HIV-prevalent areas in sub-Saharan Africa: what are the options for tuberculosis control programmes?
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 7 (7).
pp. 616-22.
ISSN 1027-3719
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Lush, L;
Walt, G;
Ogden, J;
Transferring policies for treating sexually transmitted infections: what's wrong with global guidelines?
Health policy and planning, 18 (1).
pp. 18-30.
ISSN 0268-1080
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van der Werf, MJ;
de Vlas, SJ;
Brooker, S;
Looman, CW;
Nagelkerke, NJ;
Habbema, JD;
Engels, D;
Quantification of clinical morbidity associated with schistosome infection in sub-Saharan Africa.
Acta tropica, 86 (2-3).
pp. 125-39.
ISSN 0001-706X
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Brooker, S;
Schistosomes, snails and satellites.
Acta tropica, 82 (2).
pp. 207-14.
ISSN 0001-706X
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Brugha, R;
Starling, M;
Walt, G;
GAVI, the first steps: lessons for the Global Fund.
Lancet, 359 (9304).
pp. 435-8.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Fenton, KA;
Chinouya, M;
Davidson, O;
Copas, A;
, MAYISHAstudyteam;
HIV testing and high risk sexual behaviour among London's migrant African communities: a participatory research study.
Sexually transmitted infections, 78 (4).
pp. 241-245.
ISSN 1368-4973
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Godfrey-Faussett, P;
Ayles, H;
The impact of HIV on tuberculosis control--towards concerted action.
Leprosy review, 73 (4).
pp. 376-85.
ISSN 0305-7518
Harries, AD;
Management of HIV in resource-poor countries, with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa.
Leprosy review, 73 (3).
pp. 268-75.
ISSN 0305-7518
Harries, AD;
Hargreaves, NJ;
Chimzizi, R;
Salaniponi, FM;
Highly active antiretroviral therapy and tuberculosis control in Africa: synergies and potential.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 80 (6).
pp. 464-9.
ISSN 0042-9686
Hashimoto, H;
Kapiga, SH;
Murata, Y;
Mass treatment with nevirapine to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan African countries.
The journal of obstetrics and gynaecology research, 28 (6).
pp. 313-9.
ISSN 1341-8076
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Korenromp, EL;
Bakker, R;
de Vlas, SJ;
Robinson, NJ;
Hayes, R;
Habbema, JDF;
Can behavior change explain increases in the proportion of genital ulcers attributable to herpes in sub-Saharan Africa? A simulation modeling study.
Sexually transmitted diseases, 29 (4).
pp. 228-38.
ISSN 0148-5717
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Miller, LH;
Greenwood, B;
Malaria - a shadow over Africa.
Science (New York, NY), 298 (5591).
pp. 121-122.
ISSN 0036-8075
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Philpott, A;
Maher, D;
Grosskurth, H;
Translating HIV/AIDS research findings into policy: lessons from a case study of 'the Mwanza trial'.
Health policy and planning, 17 (2).
pp. 196-201.
ISSN 0268-1080
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Walker, DG;
Walker, GJ;
Forgotten but not gone: the continuing scourge of congenital syphilis.
The Lancet infectious diseases, 2 (7).
pp. 432-6.
ISSN 1473-3099
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Auvert, B;
Buve, A;
Ferry, B;
Carael, M;
Morison, L;
Lagarde, E;
Robinson, NJ;
Kahindo, M;
Chege, J;
Rutenberg, N;
+4 more...
Musonda, R;
Laourou, M;
Akam, E;
Ecological and individual level analysis of risk factors for HIV infection in four urban populations in sub-Saharan Africa with different levels of HIV infection.
AIDS (London, England), 15 Sup.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Auvert, B;
Buve, A;
Lagarde, E;
Kahindo, M;
Chege, J;
Rutenberg, N;
Musonda, R;
Laourou, M;
Akam, E;
Weiss, HA;
+1 more...
Cities, fortheStudyGrouponHeterogeneityofHIVEpidemicsinAfricanCities;
Male circumcision and HIV infection in four cities in sub-Saharan Africa.
AIDS (London, England), 15 Sup.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Buve, A;
Carael, M;
Hayes, RJ;
Auvert, B;
Ferry, B;
Robinson, NJ;
Anagonou, S;
Kanhonou, L;
Laourou, M;
Abega, S.-, C;
+12 more...
Akam, E;
Zekeng, L;
Chege, J;
Kahindo, M;
Rutenberg, N;
Kaona, F;
Musonda, R;
Sukwa, T;
Morison, L;
Weiss, HA;
Laga, M;
, fortheStudyGrouponHeterogeneityofHIVEpidemicsinAfricanCities;
The multicentre study on factors determining the differential spread of HIV in four African cities: summary and conclusions.
AIDS (London, England), 15 Sup.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Buve, A;
Carael, M;
Hayes, RJ;
Auvert, B;
Ferry, B;
Robinson, NJ;
Anagonou, S;
Kanhonou, L;
Laourou, M;
Abega, S.-, C;
+11 more...
Akam, E;
Zekeng, L;
Chege, J;
Kahindo, M;
Rutenberg, N;
Kaona, F;
Musonda, R;
Sukwa, T;
Morison, L;
Weiss, HA;
Laga, MfortheStudyGrouponHeterogeneityofHIVEpidemicsinAfricanCities;
Multicentre study on factors determining differences in rate of spread of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: methods and prevalence of HIV infection.
AIDS (London, England), 15 Sup.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Buve, A;
Weiss, HA;
Laga, M;
van Dyck, E;
Musonda, R;
Zekeng, L;
Kahindo, M;
Anagonou, S;
Morison, L;
Robinson, NJ;
+2 more...
Hayes, RJ;
Cities, fortheStudyGrouponHeterogeneityofHIVEpidemicsinAfricanCities;
The epidemiology of gonorrhoea, chlamydial infection and syphilis in four African cities.
AIDS (London, England), 15 Sup.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Buve, A;
Weiss, HA;
Laga, M;
van Dyck, E;
Musonda, R;
Zekeng, L;
Kahindo, M;
Anagonou, S;
Morison, L;
Robinson, NJ;
+2 more...
Hayes, RJ;
Cities, fortheStudyGrouponHeterogeneityofHIVEpidemicsinAfricanCities;
The epidemiology of trichomoniasis in women in four African cities.
AIDS (London, England), 15 Sup.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Fenton, KA;
Chinouya, M;
Davidson, O;
Copas, A;
, MAYISHAresearchteam;
HIV transmission risk among sub-Saharan Africans in London travelling to their countries of origin.
AIDS (London, England), 15 (11).
pp. 1442-1445.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Glynn, JR;
Buve, A;
Carael, M;
Musonda, RM;
Kahindo, M;
MacAuley, I;
Tembo, F;
Zekeng, L;
Factors influencing the difference in HIV prevalence between antenatal clinic and general population in sub-Saharan Africa.
AIDS (London, England), 15 (13).
pp. 1717-25.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Goodman, CA;
Coleman, PG;
Mills, AJ;
Changing the first line drug for malaria treatment--cost-effectiveness analysis with highly uncertain inter-temporal trade-offs.
Health economics, 10 (8).
pp. 731-49.
ISSN 1057-9230
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Goodman, CA;
Coleman, PG;
Mills, AJ;
The cost-effectiveness of antenatal malaria prevention in sub-Saharan Africa.
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 64 (1-2 Su).
pp. 45-56.
ISSN 0002-9637
Harries, AD;
Gausi, FK;
Kwanjana, JH;
Nyirenda, TE;
Salaniponi, FM;
Is oral intermittent initial phase anti-tuberculosis treatment associated with higher mortality in high HIV-prevalent areas in sub-Saharan Africa?
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 5 (5).
pp. 483-5.
ISSN 1027-3719
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Harries, AD;
Hargreaves, NJ;
Kemp, J;
Jindani, A;
Enarson, DA;
Maher, D;
Salaniponi, FM;
Deaths from tuberculosis in sub-Saharan African countries with a high prevalence of HIV-1.
Lancet, 357 (9267).
pp. 1519-23.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Harries, AD;
Hargreaves, NJ;
Salaniponi, FM;
Design of regimens for treating tuberculosis in patients with HIV infection, with particular reference to sub-Saharan Africa.
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 5 (12).
pp. 1109-15.
ISSN 1027-3719
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Harries, AD;
Nyangulu, DS;
Hargreaves, NJ;
Kaluwa, O;
Salaniponi, FM;
Preventing antiretroviral anarchy in sub-Saharan Africa.
Lancet, 358 (9279).
pp. 410-4.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Lagarde, E;
Auvert, B;
Carael, M;
Laourou, M;
Ferry, B;
Akam, E;
Sukwa, T;
Morison, L;
Maury, B;
Chege, J;
+2 more...
N'Doye, I;
Buve, A;
Concurrent sexual partnerships and HIV prevalence in five urban communities of sub-Saharan Africa.
AIDS (London, England), 15 (7).
pp. 877-84.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Lagarde, E;
Auvert, B;
Chege, J;
Sukwa, T;
Glynn, JR;
Weiss, HA;
Akam, E;
Laourou, M;
Cara?l, M;
Buv?, A;
+1 more...
, AndTheStudyGroupOnHeterogeneityOfHivEpidemicsInAfricanCities;
Condom use and its association with HIV/STDs in four urban communities of sub-Saharan Africa.
AIDS (London, England), 15.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Montresor, A;
Engels, D;
Chitsulo, L;
Bundy, DA;
Brooker, S;
Savioli, L;
Development and validation of a 'tablet pole' for the administration of praziquantel in sub-Saharan Africa.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 95 (5).
pp. 542-4.
ISSN 0035-9203
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Morison, L;
Buve, A;
Zekeng, L;
Heyndrickx, L;
Anagonou, S;
Musonda, R;
Kahindo, M;
Weiss, HA;
Hayes, RJ;
Laga, M;
+2 more...
Janssens, W;
van der Groen, G;
HIV-1 subtypes and the HIV epidemics in four cities in sub-Saharan Africa.
AIDS (London, England), 15 Sup.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Morison, L;
Weiss, HA;
Buve, A;
Carael, M;
Abega, SC;
Kaona, F;
Kanhonou, L;
Chege, J;
Hayes, RJ;
Commercial sex and the spread of HIV in four cities in sub-Saharan Africa.
AIDS (London, England), 15 Sup.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Piot, P;
A gendered epidemic: women and the risks and burdens of HIV.
Journal of the American Medical Women's Association (1972), 56 (3).
pp. 90-1.
ISSN 0098-8421
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Schofield, CJ;
Maudlin, I;
Trypanosomiasis control.
International journal for parasitology, 31 (5-6).
pp. 614-9.
ISSN 0020-7519
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Schwartlander, B;
Stover, J;
Walker, N;
Bollinger, L;
Gutierrez, JP;
McGreevey, M;
Opuni, M;
Forsythe, S;
Kumaranayake, L;
Watts, C;
+1 more...
Bertozzi, S;
AIDS - Resource needs for HIV/AIDS.
Science (New York, NY), 292 (5526).
pp. 2434-2436.
ISSN 0036-8075
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Waldman, ADB;
Day, JH;
Shaw, P;
Bryceson, ADM;
Subacute pulmonary granulomatous schistosomiasis: high resolution CT appearances - another cause of the halo sign.
The British journal of radiology, 74 (887).
pp. 1052-5.
ISSN 0007-1285
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Weiss, HA;
Buve, A;
Robinson, NJ;
van Dyck, E;
Kahindo, M;
Anagonou, S;
Musonda, R;
Zekeng, L;
Morison, L;
Carael, M;
+2 more...
Laga, M;
Hayes, RJ;
The epidemiology of HSV-2 infection and its association with HIV infection in four urban African populations.
AIDS (London, England), 15 Sup.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Weiss, HA;
Hawkes, S;
An overview of the global epidemiology of HIV/AIDS.
Leprosy review, 72 (1).
pp. 92-8.
ISSN 0305-7518
Yeung, SM;
Gibb, DM;
Paediatric HIV infection--diagnostic and epidemiological aspects.
International journal of STD & AIDS, 12 (9).
pp. 549-54.
ISSN 0956-4624
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van der Sande, MA;
Coleman, RL;
Schim van der Loeff, MF;
McAdam, KP;
Nyan, OA;
Thien, T;
Dolmans, WM;
Walraven, GE;
A template for improved prevention and control of cardiovascular disease in sub-Saharan Africa.
Health policy and planning, 16 (4).
pp. 345-50.
ISSN 0268-1080
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