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Number of items: 36.
Bertone, MP;
Meessen, B;
Clarysse, G;
Hercot, D;
Kelley, A;
Kafando, Y;
Lange, I;
Pfaffmann, J;
Ridde, V;
Sieleunou, I;
+1 more...
Witter, S;
Assessing communities of practice in health policy: a conceptual framework as a first step towards empirical research.
Health research policy and systems, 11.
p. 39.
ISSN 1478-4505
Abdullahi, A;
Copping, J;
Kessel, A;
Luck, M;
Bonell, C;
Cervical screening: Perceptions and barriers to uptake among Somali women in Camden.
Public health, 123 (10).
pp. 680-685.
ISSN 0033-3506
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Clift, S;
Anemona, A;
Watson-Jones, D;
Kanga, Z;
Ndeki, L;
Changalucha, J;
Gavyole, A;
Ross, DA;
Variations of HIV and STI prevalences within communities neighbouring new goldmines in Tanzania: importance for intervention design.
Sexually transmitted infections, 79 (4).
pp. 307-312.
ISSN 1368-4973
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Jacobs, B;
Kambugu, KSK;
Whitworth, JAG;
Ochwo, M;
Pool, R;
Lwanga, A;
Tifft, S;
Lule, J;
Cutler, JR;
Social marketing of pre-packaged treatment for men with urethral discharge (Clear Seven) in Uganda.
International journal of STD & AIDS, 14 (3).
pp. 216-221.
ISSN 0956-4624
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Rhodes, SD;
Yee, LJ;
Hergenrather, KC;
Hepatitis A vaccination among young African American men who have sex with men in the deep south: psychosocial predictors.
Journal of the National Medical Association, 95 (4 Supp).
ISSN 0027-9684
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Balabanova, DC;
McKee, M;
Self-reported health in Bulgaria: levels and determinants.
Scandinavian journal of public health, 30 (4).
pp. 306-12.
ISSN 1403-4948
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Bhavnani, V;
Clarke, A;
Dowie, J;
Kennedy, A;
Pell, I;
Women's views of two interventions designed to assist in the prophylactic oophorectomy decision: a qualitative pilot evaluation.
Health expectations, 5 (2).
pp. 156-71.
ISSN 1369-6513
Duperrex, O;
Bunn, F;
Roberts, I;
Safety education of pedestrians for injury prevention: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials.
BMJ, 324 (7346).
p. 1129.
ISSN 1468-5833
Elwy, AR;
Hart, GJ;
Hawkes, S;
Petticrew, M;
Effectiveness of interventions to prevent sexually transmitted infections and human immunodeficiency virus in heterosexual men - A systematic review.
Archives of internal medicine, 162 (16).
pp. 1818-1830.
ISSN 0003-9926
Galloway, R;
Dusch, E;
Elder, L;
Achadi, E;
Grajeda, R;
Hurtado, E;
Favin, M;
Kanani, S;
Marsaban, J;
Meda, N;
+6 more...
Moore, KM;
Morison, L;
Raina, N;
Rajaratnam, J;
Rodriquez, J;
Stephen, C;
Women's perceptions of iron deficiency and anemia prevention and control in eight developing countries.
Social science & medicine (1982), 55 (4).
pp. 529-44.
ISSN 0277-9536
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Godfrey-Faussett, P;
Kaunda, H;
Kamanga, J;
van Beers, S;
van Cleeff, M;
Kumwenda-Phiri, R;
Tihont, V;
Why do patients with a cough delay seeking care at Lusaka urban health centres? A health systems research approach.
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 6 (9).
pp. 796-805.
ISSN 1027-3719
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Green, J;
Siddall, H;
Murdoch, I;
Learning to live with glaucoma: a qualitative study of diagnosis and the impact of sight loss.
Social science & medicine (1982), 55 (2).
pp. 257-67.
ISSN 0277-9536
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Mitchell, K;
Nakamanya, S;
Kamali, A;
Whitworth, JA;
Balancing rigour and acceptability: the use of HIV incidence to evaluate a community-based randomised trial in rural Uganda.
Social science & medicine (1982), 54 (7).
pp. 1081-91.
ISSN 0277-9536
Mosquera, M;
Zapata, Y;
Lee, K;
Arango, C;
Varela, A;
Strengthening user participation through health sector reform in Colombia: a study of institutional change and social representation.
Health policy and planning, 16 Sup.
pp. 52-60.
ISSN 0268-1080
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Rogers, A;
Addington-Hall, JM;
McCoy, ASM;
Edmonds, PM;
Abery, AJ;
Coats, AJS;
Gibbs, JSR;
A qualitative study of chronic heart failure patients' understanding of their symptoms and drug therapy.
European journal of heart failure, 4 (3).
pp. 283-7.
ISSN 1388-9842
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Walker, Z;
Townsend, J;
Oakley, L;
Donovan, C;
Smith, H;
Hurst, Z;
Bell, J;
Marshall, S;
Health promotion for adolescents in primary care: randomised controlled trial.
BMJ, 325 (7363).
p. 524.
ISSN 1468-5833
Weidle, PJ;
Mastro, TD;
Grant, AD;
Nkengasong, J;
Macharia, D;
HIV/AIDS treatment and HIV vaccines for Africa.
Lancet, 359 (9325).
pp. 2261-7.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Ali, MM;
Quality of care and contraceptive pill discontinuation in rural Egypt.
Journal of biosocial science, 33 (2).
pp. 161-72.
ISSN 0021-9320
Capo-Chichi, V;
Juarez, F;
Is fertility declining in Benin?
Studies in family planning, 32 (1).
pp. 25-40.
ISSN 0039-3665
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Curtis, V;
Kanki, B;
Cousens, S;
Diallo, I;
Kpozehouen, A;
Sangare, M;
Nikiema, M;
Evidence of behaviour change following a hygiene promotion programme in Burkina Faso.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 79 (6).
pp. 518-27.
ISSN 0042-9686
Gysels, M;
Pool, R;
Bwanika, K;
Truck drivers, middlemen and commercial sex workers: AIDS and the mediation of sex in south-west Uganda.
AIDS care, 13 (3).
pp. 373-385.
ISSN 0954-0121
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Jewkes, R;
Vundule, C;
Maforah, F;
Jordaan, E;
Relationship dynamics and teenage pregnancy in South Africa.
Social science & medicine (1982), 52 (5).
pp. 733-44.
ISSN 0277-9536
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Johnson, AM;
Mercer, CH;
Erens, B;
Copas, AJ;
McManus, S;
Wellings, K;
Fenton, KA;
Korovessis, C;
MacDowall, W;
Nanchahal, K;
+2 more...
Purdon, S;
Field, H;
Sexual behaviour in Britain: partnerships, practices, and HIV risk behaviours.
Lancet, 358 (9296).
pp. 1835-1842.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Kinsman, J;
Nakiyingi, J;
Kamali, A;
Whitworth, J;
Condom awareness and intended use: gender and religious contrasts among school pupils in rural Masaka, Uganda.
AIDS care, 13 (2).
pp. 215-20.
ISSN 0954-0121
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Laver, SM;
Wetzels, J;
Behrens, RH;
Knowledge of malaria, risk perception, and compliance with prophylaxis and personal and environmental preventive measures in travelers exiting Zimbabwe from Harare and Victoria Falls International airport.
Journal of travel medicine, 8 (6).
pp. 298-303.
ISSN 1195-1982
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Leiva, A;
Shaw, M;
Paine, K;
Manneh, K;
McAdam, K;
Mayaud, P;
Management of sexually transmitted diseases in urban pharmacies in The Gambia.
International journal of STD & AIDS, 12 (7).
pp. 444-52.
ISSN 0956-4624
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Lewando-Hundt, G;
Shoham-Vardi, I;
Beckerleg, S;
Belmaker, I;
Kassem, F;
Abu Jaafar, A;
Knowledge, action and resistance: the selective use of pre- natal screening among Bedouin women of the Negev, Israel.
Social science & medicine (1982), 52 (4).
pp. 561-9.
ISSN 0277-9536
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Marques, NM;
Lira, PIC;
Lima, MC;
da Silva, NL;
Filho, MB;
Huttly, S;
Ashworth, A;
Breastfeeding practices in Northeast Brazil: a longitudinal study.
Pediatrics, 108 (4).
ISSN 0031-4005
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Miles, K;
Shaw, M;
Paine, K;
Hart, G;
Ceesay, S;
Sexual health seeking behaviours of young people in the Gambia.
Journal of adolescence (6).
pp. 753-764.
ISSN 0140-1971
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Minja, H;
Armstrong Schellenberg, JRM;
Mukasa, O;
Nathan, R;
Abdulla, S;
Mponda, H;
Tanner, M;
Lengeler, C;
Obrist, B;
Introducing insecticide-treated nets in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania: the relevance of local knowledge and practice for an information, education and communication (IEC) campaign.
Tropical medicine & international health, 6 (8).
pp. 614-23.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Pomerleau, J;
McKee, M;
Robertson, A;
Kadziauskiene, K;
Abaravicius, A;
Bartkeviciute, R;
Vaask, S;
Pudule, I;
Grinberga, D;
Dietary beliefs in the Baltic republics.
Public health nutrition, 4 (2).
pp. 217-25.
ISSN 1368-9800
Pool, R;
Nyanzi, S;
Whitworth, J;
Attitudes to voluntary counselling and testing for HIV among pregnant women in rural south-west Uganda.
AIDS care, 13 (5).
pp. 605-616.
ISSN 0954-0121
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Pool, R;
Nyanzi, S;
Whitworth, JAG;
Breastfeeding practices and attitudes relevant to the vertical transmission of HIV in rural south-west Uganda.
Annals of tropical paediatrics, 21 (2).
pp. 119-25.
ISSN 0272-4936
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Rhodes, SD;
Diclemente, RJ;
Yee, LJ;
Hergenrather, KC;
Correlates of hepatitis B vaccination in a high-risk population: an Internet sample.
The American journal of medicine, 110 (8).
pp. 628-632.
ISSN 0002-9343
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Vundule, C;
Maforah, F;
Jewkes, RK;
Jordaan, E;
Risk factors for teenage pregnancy among sexually active black adolescents in Cape Town. A case control study.
South African Medical Journal, 91 (1).
pp. 73-80.
ISSN 0256-9574
de Martin, S;
von Seidlein, L;
Deen, JL;
Pinder, M;
Walraven, G;
Greenwood, B;
Community perceptions of a mass administration of an antimalarial drug combination in The Gambia.
Tropical medicine & international health, 6 (6).
pp. 442-8.
ISSN 1360-2276
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