Browse by Uncontrolled Keywords
Number of items: 4.
Powell, JT;
Braithwaite, B;
Cheshire, NJ;
Greenhalgh, RM;
Grieve, RD;
Hassan, TB;
Hinchliffe, RJ;
Howell, S;
Moore, F;
Nicholson, AA;
+3 more...
Thompson, MM;
Thompson, SG;
Investigators, IT;
Comparative clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness of endovascular strategy v open repair for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm: three year results of the IMPROVE randomised trial.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 359.
ISSN 0959-8138
IMPROVE Trial Investigators;
Powell, JT;
Sweeting, MJ;
Thompson, MM;
Ashleigh, R;
Bell, R;
Gomes, M;
Greenhalgh, RM;
Grieve, R;
Heatley, F;
+130 more...
Hinchliffe, RJ;
Thompson, SG;
Ulug, P;
Powell, JT;
Braithwaite, B;
Cheshire, NJ;
Greenhalgh, RM;
Grieve, RJ;
Hassan, TB;
Hinchliffe, R;
Howell, S;
Moore, F;
Nicholson, AA;
Soong, CV;
Thompson, MM;
Thompson, SG;
Ulug, P;
Heatley, F;
Anjum, A;
Sweeting, MJ;
Thompson, SG;
Gomes, M;
Grieve, RJ;
Powell, JT;
Ashleigh, R;
Gomes, M;
Greenhalgh, RM;
Grieve, R;
Hinchliffe, R;
Sweeting, M;
Thompson, MM;
Thompson, SG;
Ulug, P;
Heatley, F;
Roberts, I;
Bell, PR;
Cheetham, A;
Stephany, J;
Halliday, A;
Warlow, C;
Lamont, P;
Moss, J;
Tijssen, J;
Braithwaite, B;
Nicholson, AA;
Thompson, M;
Ashleigh, R;
Thompson, L;
Cheshire, NJ;
Boyle, JR;
Serracino-Inglott, F;
Smyth, JV;
Thompson, MM;
Hinchliffe, RJ;
Bell, R;
Wilson, N;
Bown, M;
Dennis, M;
Davis, M;
Ashleigh, R;
Howell, S;
Wyatt, MG;
Valenti, D;
Bachoo, P;
Walker, P;
MacSweeney, S;
Davies, JN;
Rittoo, D;
Parvin, SD;
Yusuf, W;
Nice, C;
Chetter, I;
Howard, A;
Chong, P;
Bhat, R;
McLain, D;
Gordon, A;
Lane, I;
Hobbs, S;
Pillay, W;
Rowlands, T;
El-Tahir, A;
Asquith, J;
Cavanagh, S;
Forbes, TL;
Awopetu, A;
Baker, S;
Bourke, P;
Brady, C;
Brown, J;
Bryce, J;
Bufton, C;
Chance, T;
Chrisopoulou, A;
Cockell, M;
Croucher, A;
Curran, G;
Dabee, L;
Dewhirst, N;
Evans, J;
Gibson, A;
Gorst, S;
Gough, M;
Graves, L;
Griffin, M;
Hatfield, J;
Hogg, F;
Howard, S;
Hughes, T;
James, A;
Metcalfe, D;
Lapworth, M;
Massey, I;
Mohalhal, A;
Novick, T;
Owen, G;
Parr, N;
Pintar, D;
Smith, T;
Spencer, S;
Thomson, C;
Thunder, O;
Wallace, T;
Ward, S;
Wealleans, V;
Wilson, L;
Woods, J;
Zachariah, M;
Zheng, T;
Endovascular or open repair strategy for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm: 30 day outcomes from IMPROVE randomised trial.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 348.
ISSN 0959-8138
Mandeville, K;
Bicknell, C;
Tran, T;
MacDermot, K;
Renton, S;
Pseudoaneurysm of the peroneal artery: Presentation of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV.
European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery, 36 (3).
pp. 353-355.
ISSN 1078-5884
Full text not available from this repository.
Mandeville, KLD;
Bicknell, C;
Narula, S;
Renton, S;
Inferior mesenteric artery aneurysm with occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery, coeliac trunk and right renal artery.
European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery, 35 (3).
pp. 312-313.
ISSN 1078-5884
Full text not available from this repository.