Items where Author is "Clemens, F"

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Number of items: 36.


Leonardi, G; Vahter, M; Clemens, F; Goessler, W; Gurzau, E; Hemminki, K; Hough, R; Koppova, K; Kumar, R; Rudnai, P; +2 more... Surdu, S; Fletcher, T; (2012) Inorganic Arsenic and Basal Cell Carcinoma in Areas of Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia: A Case-Control Study. Environmental health perspectives, 120 (5). pp. 721-726. ISSN 0091-6765 DOI:


Daly, CA; Clemens, F; Sendon, JLL; Tavazzi, L; Boersma, E; Danchin, N; Delahaye, F; Gitt, A; Julian, D; Mulcahy, D; +5 more... Ruzyllo, W; Thygesen, K; Verheugt, F; Fox, KM; Euro Heart Survey, I; (2010) Inadequate control of heart rate in patients with stable angina: results from the European Heart Survey. Postgraduate medical journal, 86 (1014). pp. 212-217. ISSN 0032-5473 DOI: Full text not available from this repository.

Hough, RL; Fletcher, T; Leonardi, GS; Goessler, W; Gnagnarella, P; Clemens, F; Gurzau, E; Koppova, K; Rudnai, P; Kumar, R; +1 more... Vahter, M; (2010) Lifetime exposure to arsenic in residential drinking water in Central Europe. International archives of occupational and environmental health, 83 (5). pp. 471-481. ISSN 0340-0131 DOI: Full text not available from this repository.

Peek, GJ; Elbourne, D; Mugford, M; Tiruvoipati, R; Wilson, A; Allen, E; Clemens, F; Firmin, R; Hardy, P; Hibbert, C; +4 more... Jones, N; Killer, H; Thalanany, M; Truesdale, A; (2010) Randomised controlled trial and parallel economic evaluation of conventional ventilatory support versus extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for severe adult respiratory failure (CESAR). Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 14 (35). 1-+. ISSN 1366-5278 DOI:


Peek, GJ; Mugford, M; Tiruvoipati, R; Wilson, A; Allen, E; Thalanany, MM; Hibbert, CL; Truesdale, A; Clemens, F; Cooper, N; +3 more... Firmin, RK; Elbourne, D; for the CESAR trial collaboration; (2009) Efficacy and economic assessment of conventional ventilatory support versus extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for severe adult respiratory failure (CESAR): a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 374 (9698). pp. 1351-1363. ISSN 0140-6736 DOI: Full text not available from this repository.


Pizzi, C; Evans, SA; De Stavola, BL; Evans, A; Clemens, F; Dos Santos Silva, I; (2008) Lifestyle of UK commercial aircrews relative to air traffic controllers and the general population. Aviation, space, and environmental medicine, 79 (10). pp. 964-74. ISSN 0095-6562 DOI: Full text not available from this repository.


Alfirevic, Z; Elbourne, D; Pavord, S; Bolte, A; Van Geijn, H; Mercier, F; Ahonen, J; Bremme, K; Bødker, B; Magnúsdóttir, EM; +6 more... Salvesen, K; Prendiville, W; Truesdale, A; Clemens, F; Piercy, D; Gyte, G; (2007) Use of Recombinant Activated Factor VII in Primary Postpartum Hemorrhage: The Northern European Registry 2000 2004. Obstetrics and gynecology, 110 (6). pp. 1270-8. ISSN 0029-7844 DOI: Full text not available from this repository.

Sethi, D; Aljunid, S; Saperi, SB; Clemens, F; Hardy, P; Elbourne, D; Zwi, AB; Research Steering Committee; (2007) Comparison of the effectiveness of trauma services provided by secondary and tertiary hospitals in Malaysia. Annals of emergency medicine, 49 (1). 52-61, 61.e1. ISSN 0196-0644 DOI: Full text not available from this repository.


Daly, C; Clemens, F; Lopez-Sendon, JL; Tavazzi, L; Boersma, E; Danchin, N; Delahaye, F; Gitt, A; Julian, D; Mulcahy, D; +4 more... Ruzyllo, W; Thygesen, K; Verheugt, F; Fox, KM; (2006) The impact of guideline compliant medical therapy on clinical outcome in patients with stable angina: findings from the Euro Heart Survey of stable angina. European heart journal, 27 (11). pp. 1298-1304. ISSN 0195-668X DOI: Full text not available from this repository.

Daly, C; Clemens, F; Sendon, JLL; Tavazzi, L; Boersma, E; Danchin, N; Delahaye, F; Gitt, A; Julian, D; Mulcahy, D; +4 more... Ruzyllo, W; Thygesen, K; Verheugt, F; Fox, KM; (2006) Gender differences in the management and clinical - Outcome of stable angina. Circulation, 113 (4). pp. 490-498. ISSN 0009-7322 DOI: Full text not available from this repository.

Daly, CA; De Stavola, B; Sendon, JL; Tavazzi, L; Boersma, E; Clemens, F; Danchin, N; Delahaye, F; Gitt, A; Julian, D; +5 more... Mulcahy, D; Ruzyllo, W; Thygesen, K; Verheugt, F; Fox, KM; (2006) Predicting prognosis in stable angina--results from the Euro heart survey of stable angina: prospective observational study. BMJ, 332 (7536). pp. 262-7. ISSN 1468-5833 DOI:

Fletcher, T; Leonardi, G; Hough, R; Goessler, W; Gurzau, E; Koppova, K; Rudnai, P; Clemens, F; Kumar, R; Vahter, M; (2006) Long-term arsenic exposure and cancer risk-sensitivity to choice of indicators based on recent and lifetime arsenic intake. [Conference or Workshop Item] Full text not available from this repository.

Nitsch, D; Clemens, F; Wang, D; Bakhia, A; (2006) Overview of Reporting. In: Wang, D; Bakhai, A, (eds.) Clinical Trials: A Practical Guide to Design, Analysis and Reporting. Remedica, London, pp. 365-376. Full text not available from this repository.

Peek, GJ; Clemens, F; Elbourne, D; Firmin, R; Hardy, P; Hibbert, C; Killer, H; Mugford, M; Tiruvoipati, R; Thalanany, M; +2 more... Truesdale, A; Wilson, A; (2006) CESAR: Conventional ventilatory support vs extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for severe adult respiratory failure. BMC health services research, 6 (1). p. 163. ISSN 1472-6963 DOI:

Thirumaran, RK; Bermejo, JL; Rudnai, P; Gurzau, E; Koppova, K; Goessler, W; Vahter, M; Leonardi, GS; Clemens, F; Fletcher, T; +2 more... Hemminki, K; Kumar, R; (2006) Single nucleotide polymorphisms in DNA repair genes and basal cell carcinoma of skin. Carcinogenesis, 27 (8). pp. 1676-81. ISSN 0143-3334 DOI: Full text not available from this repository.

Wang, D; Clayton, T; Clemens, F; (2006) Comparison of Proportions. In: Wang, D; Bakhai, A, (eds.) Clinical Trials: A Practical Guide to Design, Analysis and Reporting. Remedica, London, pp. 217-234. Full text not available from this repository.

Wang, D; Clemens, F; Clayton, T; (2006) Comparison of Means. In: Wang, D; Bakhai, A, (eds.) Clinical Trials: A Practical Guide to Design, Analysis and Reporting. Remedica, London, pp. 197-216. Full text not available from this repository.


Clemens, F; Elbourne, D; Darbyshire, J; Pocock, S; (2005) Data monitoring in randomized controlled trials: surveys of recent practice and policies. Clinical trials (London, England), 2 (1). pp. 22-33. ISSN 1740-7745 DOI: Full text not available from this repository.

Daly, CA; Clemens, F; Sendon, JL; Tavazzi, L; Boersma, E; Danchin, N; Delahaye, F; Gitt, A; Julian, D; Mulcahy, D; +4 more... Ruzyllo, W; Thygesen, K; Verheugt, F; Fox, KM; (2005) The clinical characteristics and investigations planned in patients with stable angina presenting to cardiologists in Europe: from the Euro Heart Survey of Stable Angina. European heart journal, 26 (10). pp. 996-1010. ISSN 0195-668X DOI: Full text not available from this repository.

Daly, CA; Clemens, F; Sendon, JL; Tavazzi, L; Boersma, E; Danchin, N; Delahaye, F; Gitt, A; Julian, D; Mulcahy, D; +4 more... Ruzyllo, W; Thygesen, K; Verheugt, F; Fox, KM; (2005) The initial management of stable angina in Europe, from the Euro Heart Survey: a description of pharmacological management and revascularization strategies initiated within the first month of presentation to a cardiologist in the Euro Heart Survey of Stable Angina. European heart journal, 26 (10). pp. 1011-22. ISSN 0195-668X DOI: Full text not available from this repository.

Fletcher, T; Leonardi, G; Clemens, F; Gurzau, E; Koppova, K; Rudnai, P; Goessler, W; Kumar, R; Vahter, M; (2005) Arsenic and cancer in Central Europe. [Conference or Workshop Item] Full text not available from this repository.

Grant, AM; Altman, DG; Babiker, AB; Campbell, MK; Clemens, FJ; Darbyshire, JH; Elbourne, DR; McLeer, SK; Parmar, MK; Pocock, SJ; +4 more... Spiegelhalter, DJ; Sydes, MR; Walker, AE; Wallace, SA; (2005) Issues in data monitoring and interim analysis of trials. Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 9 (7). 1-238, iii-iv. ISSN 1366-5278

The DAMOCLES group - Grant, AM; Altman, DG; Babiker, AB; Campbell, MK; CLEMENS, F; Darbyshire, JH; ELBOURNE, DR; McLeer, SK; Parmar, MKB; POCOCK, SJ; +4 more... Spiegelhalter, DJ; Sydes, WR; Walker, AE; Wallace, SA; (2005) A proposed charter for clinical trial data monitoring committees: helping them to do their job well. Lancet, 365 (9460). pp. 711-22. ISSN 0140-6736 DOI: Full text not available from this repository.

Wiggins, M; Oakley, A; Sawtell, M; Austerberry, H; Clemens, F; and Elbourne, D; (2005) Teenage Parenthood and Social Exclusion: a multi-method study: Summary report of findings. London: Social Science Research Unit Report, Institute of Education, 95 pages.. Full text not available from this repository.


Daly, C; Clemens, F; Lopez-Sendon, J; Tavazzi, L; Fox, K; (2004) Age and gender bias at multiple levels in the investigation and management of stable angina: findings from the Euro Heart Survey of newly presenting stable angina. European heart journal, 25. p. 517. ISSN 0195-668X Full text not available from this repository.

Sydes, MR; Altman, DG; Babiker, AB; Parmar, MKB; Spiegelhalter, DJ; and The Damocles Group (including Clemens, F; Elbourne, D; Pocock, S.); (2004) Reported use of data monitoring committees in the main published reports of randomised controlled trials: a cross-sectional study. Clinical trials (London, England), 1 (1). pp. 48-59. ISSN 1740-7745 Full text not available from this repository.

Sydes, MR; Spiegelhalter, DJ; Altman, DG; Babiker, AB; Parmar, MKB; and The Damocles Group (including Clemens, F; Elbourne, D; Pocock, S.); (2004) Systematic qualitative review of the literature on data monitoring committees for randomized controlled trials. Clinical Trials, 1 (1). pp. 60-79. Full text not available from this repository.

Walker, AE; McLeer, SK; and The Damocles Group (including Clemens, F; Elbourne, D; Pocock, S.); (2004) Small group processes relevant to data monitoring committees in controlled clinical trials: an overview of reviews. Clinical trials (London, England), 1 (1). pp. 282-296. ISSN 1740-7745 Full text not available from this repository.


Clemens, F; Elbourne, D; , ForTheDamoclesGroup; (2002) Survey of policies about data monitoring committees from major funders [Abstract P54]. [Conference or Workshop Item] Full text not available from this repository.

Wang, D; Clemens, F; Bakhai, A; (2002) Practical issues in trial design: meta-analysis in clinical research Part 13. Clinical Researcher, 2 (5). pp. 2-8. ISSN 1471-8456 Full text not available from this repository.

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