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Number of items: 21.
Bibliographic data only
Alvarado, JC;
Dewan, Y;
Elsayed, HF;
Gogichaishvili, T;
Gupta, S;
Hunt, BJ;
Iribhogbe, P;
Izurieta, M;
Khamis, H;
Komolafe, EO;
+10 more...
Mantilla, JHM;
Miranda, J;
Uribe, CHM;
Olaomi, O;
Olldashi, F;
Perel, P;
Ramana, PV;
Ravi, RR;
Roberts, I;
Shakur, H;
IMPROVING TRAUMA CARE WORLDWIDE Tranexamic acid in trauma: we need stronger global health policy.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 347.
ISSN 0959-8138
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Barakat, K;
Stevenson, S;
Wilkinson, P;
Suliman, A;
Ranjadayalan, K;
Timmis, AD;
Socioeconomic differentials in recurrent ischaemia and mortality after acute myocardial infarction.
Heart (British Cardiac Society), 85 (4).
pp. 390-4.
ISSN 1355-6037
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Berzuini, C;
Allemani, C;
Effectiveness of potent antiretroviral therapy on progression of human immunodeficiency virus: Bayesian modelling and model checking via counterfactual replicates.
Applied statistics, 53.
pp. 633-650.
ISSN 0035-9254
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Harris, B;
Gorsky, M;
Guntupalli, AM;
Hinde, A;
Long-term changes in sickness and health: further evidence from the Hampshire Friendly Society.
The Economic history review, 65 (2).
pp. 719-745.
ISSN 0013-0117
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Klazinga, N;
Fischer, C;
ten Asbroek, A;
Health services research related to performance indicators and benchmarking in Europe.
Journal of health services research & policy, 16.
pp. 38-47.
ISSN 1355-8196
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Martin, RM;
Smith, GD;
Mangtani, P;
Tilling, K;
Frankel, S;
Gunnell, D;
Breastfeeding and cardiovascular mortality: the Boyd Orr cohort and a systematic review with meta-analysis.
European heart journal, 25 (9).
p. 778.
ISSN 0195-668X
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Murray, CJ;
Vos, T;
Lozano, R;
Naghavi, M;
Flaxman, AD;
Michaud, C;
Ezzati, M;
Shibuya, K;
Salomon, JA;
Abdalla, S;
+351 more...
Aboyans, V;
Abraham, J;
Ackerman, I;
Aggarwal, R;
Ahn, SY;
Ali, MK;
Alvarado, M;
Anderson, HR;
Anderson, LM;
Andrews, KG;
Atkinson, C;
Baddour, LM;
Bahalim, AN;
Barker-Collo, S;
Barrero, LH;
Bartels, DH;
Basáñez, MG;
Baxter, A;
Bell, ML;
Benjamin, EJ;
Bennett, D;
Bernabé, E;
Bhalla, K;
Bhandari, B;
Bikbov, B;
Bin Abdulhak, A;
Birbeck, G;
Black, JA;
Blencowe, H;
Blore, JD;
Blyth, F;
Bolliger, I;
Bonaventure, A;
Boufous, S;
Bourne, R;
Boussinesq, M;
Braithwaite, T;
Brayne, C;
Bridgett, L;
Brooker, S;
Brooks, P;
Brugha, TS;
Bryan-Hancock, C;
Bucello, C;
Buchbinder, R;
Buckle, G;
Budke, CM;
Burch, M;
Burney, P;
Burstein, R;
Calabria, B;
Campbell, B;
Canter, CE;
Carabin, H;
Carapetis, J;
Carmona, L;
Cella, C;
Charlson, F;
Chen, H;
Cheng, AT;
Chou, D;
Chugh, SS;
Coffeng, LE;
Colan, SD;
Colquhoun, S;
Colson, KE;
Condon, J;
Connor, MD;
Cooper, LT;
Corriere, M;
Cortinovis, M;
de Vaccaro, KC;
Couser, W;
Cowie, BC;
Criqui, MH;
Cross, M;
Dabhadkar, KC;
Dahiya, M;
Dahodwala, N;
Damsere-Derry, J;
Danaei, G;
Davis, A;
De Leo, D;
Degenhardt, L;
Dellavalle, R;
Delossantos, A;
Denenberg, J;
Derrett, S;
Des Jarlais, DC;
Dharmaratne, SD;
Dherani, M;
Diaz-Torne, C;
Dolk, H;
Dorsey, ER;
Driscoll, T;
Duber, H;
Ebel, B;
Edmond, K;
Elbaz, A;
Ali, SE;
Erskine, H;
Erwin, PJ;
Espindola, P;
Ewoigbokhan, SE;
Farzadfar, F;
Feigin, V;
Felson, DT;
Ferrari, A;
Ferri, CP;
Fèvre, EM;
Finucane, MM;
Flaxman, S;
Flood, L;
Foreman, K;
Forouzanfar, MH;
Fowkes, FG;
Fransen, M;
Freeman, MK;
Gabbe, BJ;
Gabriel, SE;
Gakidou, E;
Ganatra, HA;
Garcia, B;
Gaspari, F;
Gillum, RF;
Gmel, G;
Gonzalez-Medina, D;
Gosselin, R;
Grainger, R;
Grant, B;
Groeger, J;
Guillemin, F;
Gunnell, D;
Gupta, R;
Haagsma, J;
Hagan, H;
Halasa, YA;
Hall, W;
Haring, D;
Haro, JM;
Harrison, JE;
Havmoeller, R;
Hay, RJ;
Higashi, H;
Hill, C;
Hoen, B;
Hoffman, H;
Hotez, PJ;
Hoy, D;
Huang, JJ;
Ibeanusi, SE;
Jacobsen, KH;
James, SL;
Jarvis, D;
Jasrasaria, R;
Jayaraman, S;
Johns, N;
Jonas, JB;
Karthikeyan, G;
Kassebaum, N;
Kawakami, N;
Keren, A;
Khoo, JP;
King, CH;
Knowlton, LM;
Kobusingye, O;
Koranteng, A;
Krishnamurthi, R;
Laden, F;
Lalloo, R;
Laslett, LL;
Lathlean, T;
Leasher, JL;
Lee, YY;
Leigh, J;
Levinson, D;
Lim, SS;
Limb, E;
Lin, JK;
Lipnick, M;
Lipshultz, SE;
Liu, W;
Loane, M;
Ohno, SL;
Lyons, R;
Mabweijano, J;
MacIntyre, MF;
Malekzadeh, R;
Mallinger, L;
Manivannan, S;
Marcenes, W;
March, L;
Margolis, DJ;
Marks, GB;
Marks, R;
Matsumori, A;
Matzopoulos, R;
Mayosi, BM;
McAnulty, JH;
McDermott, MM;
McGill, N;
McGrath, J;
Medina-Mora, ME;
Meltzer, M;
Mensah, GA;
Merriman, TR;
Meyer, AC;
Miglioli, V;
Miller, M;
Miller, TR;
Mitchell, PB;
Mock, C;
Mocumbi, AO;
Moffitt, TE;
Mokdad, AA;
Monasta, L;
Montico, M;
Moradi-Lakeh, M;
Moran, A;
Morawska, L;
Mori, R;
Murdoch, ME;
Mwaniki, MK;
Naidoo, K;
Nair, MN;
Naldi, L;
Narayan, KM;
Nelson, PK;
Nelson, RG;
Nevitt, MC;
Newton, CR;
Nolte, S;
Norman, P;
Norman, R;
O'Donnell, M;
O'Hanlon, S;
Olives, C;
Omer, SB;
Ortblad, K;
Osborne, R;
Ozgediz, D;
Page, A;
Pahari, B;
Pandian, JD;
Rivero, AP;
Patten, SB;
Pearce, N;
Padilla, RP;
Perez-Ruiz, F;
Perico, N;
Pesudovs, K;
Phillips, D;
Phillips, MR;
Pierce, K;
Pion, S;
Polanczyk, GV;
Polinder, S;
Pope, CA3rd;
Popova, S;
Porrini, E;
Pourmalek, F;
Prince, M;
Pullan, RL;
Ramaiah, KD;
Ranganathan, D;
Razavi, H;
Regan, M;
Rehm, JT;
Rein, DB;
Remuzzi, G;
Richardson, K;
Rivara, FP;
Roberts, T;
Robinson, C;
De Leòn, FR;
Ronfani, L;
Room, R;
Rosenfeld, LC;
Rushton, L;
Sacco, RL;
Saha, S;
Sampson, U;
Sanchez-Riera, L;
Sanman, E;
Schwebel, DC;
Scott, JG;
Segui-Gomez, M;
Shahraz, S;
Shepard, DS;
Shin, H;
Shivakoti, R;
Singh, D;
Singh, GM;
Singh, JA;
Singleton, J;
Sleet, DA;
Sliwa, K;
Smith, E;
Smith, JL;
Stapelberg, NJ;
Steer, A;
Steiner, T;
Stolk, WA;
Stovner, LJ;
Sudfeld, C;
Syed, S;
Tamburlini, G;
Tavakkoli, M;
Taylor, HR;
Taylor, JA;
Taylor, WJ;
Thomas, B;
Thomson, WM;
Thurston, GD;
Tleyjeh, IM;
Tonelli, M;
Towbin, JA;
Truelsen, T;
Tsilimbaris, MK;
Ubeda, C;
Undurraga, EA;
van der Werf, MJ;
van Os, J;
Vavilala, MS;
Venketasubramanian, N;
Wang, M;
Wang, W;
Watt, K;
Weatherall, DJ;
Weinstock, MA;
Weintraub, R;
Weisskopf, MG;
Weissman, MM;
White, RA;
Whiteford, H;
Wiebe, N;
Wiersma, ST;
Wilkinson, JD;
Williams, HC;
Williams, SR;
Witt, E;
Wolfe, F;
Woolf, AD;
Wulf, S;
Yeh, PH;
Zaidi, AK;
Zheng, ZJ;
Zonies, D;
Lopez, AD;
AlMazroa, MA;
Memish, ZA;
Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 291 diseases and injuries in 21 regions, 1990-2010: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
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Neasham, D;
Dolk, H;
Vrijheid, M;
Jensen, T;
Best, N;
Stillbirth and neonatal mortality due to congenital anomalies: temporal trends and variation by small area deprivation scores in England and Wales, 1986-96.
Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology, 15 (4).
pp. 364-73.
ISSN 0269-5022
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Parkes, J;
Dolk, H;
Hill, N;
Pattenden, S;
Cerebral palsy in Northern Ireland: 1981-93.
Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology, 15 (3).
pp. 278-86.
ISSN 0269-5022
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Shkolnikov, L;
McKee, M;
Leon, DA;
Changes in life expectancy in Russia in the 1990s.
Lancet, 357 (9260).
pp. 917-921.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Sibai, AM;
Fletcher, A;
Armenian, HK;
Variations in the impact of long-term wartime stressors on mortality among the middle-aged and older population in Beirut, Lebanon, 1983-1993.
American journal of epidemiology, 154 (2).
pp. 128-137.
ISSN 0002-9262
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Surges, R;
Adjei, P;
Kallis, C;
Erhuero, J;
Scott, CA;
Bell, GS;
Sander, JW;
Walker, MC;
Pathologic cardiac repolarization in pharmacoresistant epilepsy and its potential role in sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: A case-control study.
Epilepsia, 51 (2).
pp. 233-242.
ISSN 0013-9580
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Yang, S;
Khang, YH;
Harper, S;
Smith, GD;
Leon, DA;
Lynch, J;
Understanding the Rapid Increase in Life Expectancy in South Korea.
American journal of public health, 100 (5).
pp. 896-903.
ISSN 0090-0036
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Andreev, EM;
McKee, M;
Shkolnikov, VM;
Health expectancy in the Russian Federation: a new perspective on the health divide in Europe.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 81 (11).
pp. 778-788.
ISSN 0042-9686
Baker, MA;
Harries, AD;
Jeon, CY;
Hart, JE;
Kapur, A;
Lonnroth, K;
Ottmani, SE;
Goonesekera, SD;
Murray, MB;
The impact of diabetes on tuberculosis treatment outcomes: A systematic review.
BMC medicine, 9.
ISSN 1741-7015
Barba, M;
Mazza, A;
Guerriero, C;
di Maio, M;
Romeo, F;
Maranta, P;
Marino, IR;
Paggi, MG;
Giordano, A;
Dum E, VP;
Wasting lives: The effects of toxic waste exposure on health The case of Campania, Southern Italy.
Cancer biology & therapy, 12 (2).
pp. 106-111.
ISSN 1538-4047
Feasey, NA;
Banada, PP;
Howson, W;
Sloan, DJ;
Mdolo, A;
Boehme, C;
Chipungu, GA;
Allain, TJ;
Heyderman, RS;
Corbett, EL;
+1 more...
Alland, D;
Evaluation of Xpert MTB/RIF for Detection of Tuberculosis from Blood Samples of HIV-Infected Adults Confirms Mycobacterium tuberculosis Bacteremia as an Indicator of Poor Prognosis.
Journal of clinical microbiology, 51 (7).
pp. 2311-2316.
ISSN 0095-1137
Jones, L;
Griffin, S;
Palmer, S;
Main, C;
Orton, V;
Sculpher, M;
Sudlow, C;
Henderson, R;
Hawkins, N;
Riemsma, R;
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of clopidogrel and modified-release dipyridamole in the secondary prevention of occlusive vascular events: A systematic review and economic evaluation.
Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 8 (38).
iii-iv, 1-196.
ISSN 1366-5278
Martin, NK;
Hickman, M;
Hutchinson, SJ;
Goldberg, DJ;
Vickerman, P;
Combination Interventions to Prevent HCV Transmission Among People Who Inject Drugs: Modeling the Impact of Antiviral Treatment, Needle and Syringe Programs, and Opiate Substitution Therapy.
Clinical infectious diseases, 57.
ISSN 1058-4838
Moore, S;
Corner, J;
Haviland, J;
Wells, M;
Salmon, E;
Normand, C;
Brada, M;
O'Brien, M;
Smith, I;
Nurse led follow up and conventional medical follow up in management of patients with lung cancer: randomised trial.
BMJ, 325 (7373).
p. 1145.
ISSN 1468-5833
Wandabwa, JN;
Doyle, P;
Longo-Mbenza, B;
Kiondo, P;
Khainza, B;
Othieno, E;
MacOnichie, N;
Human immunodeficiency virus and AIDS and other important predictors of maternal mortality in Mulago Hospital Complex Kampala Uganda.
BMC public health, 11.
ISSN 1471-2458