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Number of items: 2.

Bibliographic data only

Engwerda, CR; Ato, M; Stager, S; Alexander, CE; Stanley, AC; Kaye, PM; (2004) Distinct roles for lymphotoxin-alpha and tumor necrosis factor in the control of leishmania donovani infection. The American journal of pathology, 165 (6). pp. 2123-33. ISSN 0002-9440 DOI: Full text not available from this repository.

Yang, L; Cai, CL; Lin, L; Qyang, Y; Chung, C; Monteiro, RM; Mummery, CL; Fishman, GI; Cogen, A; Evans, S; (2006) Isl1Cre reveals a common Bmp pathway in heart and limb development. Development (Cambridge, England), 133 (8). pp. 1575-85. ISSN 0950-1991 DOI: Full text not available from this repository.

This list was generated on Wed Jul 31 18:43:36 2019 BST.