Items where Faculty or Department is "Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health > Dept of Medical Statistics"

Number of items: 204.
Ageron, Francois-Xavier;
Gayet-Ageron, Angele;
Steyerberg, Ewout;
Bouzat, Pierre;
Roberts, Ian;
Prognostic model for traumatic death due to bleeding: cross-sectional international study.
BMJ Open, 9 (5).
ISSN 2044-6055
Alderdice, Fiona;
Henderson, Jane;
Opondo, Charles;
Lobel, Marci;
Quigley, Maria;
Redshaw, Maggie;
Psychosocial factors that mediate the association between mode of birth and maternal postnatal adjustment: findings from a population-based survey.
BMC women's health, 19 (1).
ISSN 1472-6874
Ali, M Sanni;
Prieto-Alhambra, Daniel;
Lopes, Luciane Cruz;
Ramos, Dandara;
Bispo, Nivea;
Ichihara, Maria Y;
Pescarini, Julia M;
Williamson, Elizabeth;
Fiaccone, Rosemeire L;
Barreto, Mauricio L;
+1 more...
Smeeth, Liam;
Propensity Score Methods in Health Technology Assessment: Principles, Extended Applications, and Recent Advances.
ISSN 1663-9812
Anand, Shuchi;
Caplin, Ben;
Gonzalez-Quiroz, Marvin;
Schensul, Stephen L;
Bhalla, Vivek;
Parada, Xavier;
Nanayakkara, Nishantha;
Fire, Andrew;
Levin, Adeera;
Friedman, David J;
+1 more...
International Society of Nephrology’s International Consortium o;
Epidemiology, molecular, and genetic methodologies to evaluate causes of CKDu around the world: report of the Working Group from the ISN International Consortium of Collaborators on CKDu.
Kidney International, 96 (6).
pp. 1254-1260.
ISSN 0085-2538
Atkinson, AD;
Reference Based Sensitivity Analysis for Time-to-Event Data.
PhD thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
Atkinson, Andrew;
Kenward, Michael G;
Clayton, Tim;
Carpenter, James R;
Reference-based sensitivity analysis for time-to-event data.
pp. 645-658.
ISSN 1539-1604
Bacchus, Loraine J;
Reiss, Kate;
Church, Kathryn;
Colombini, Manuela;
Pearson, Erin;
Naved, Ruchira;
Smith, Chris;
Andersen, Kathryn;
Free, Caroline;
Using Digital Technology for Sexual and Reproductive Health: Are Programs Adequately Considering Risk?
Global Health: Science and Practice, 7 (4).
pp. 507-514.
Bartlett, Jonathan W;
Robustness of ANCOVA in randomized trials with unequal randomization.
Biometrics, 76 (3).
pp. 1036-1038.
ISSN 0006-341X
Bazo-Alvarez, Juan Carlos;
Morris, Tim P;
Carpenter, James R;
Hayes, Joseph F;
Petersen, Irene;
Effects of long-term antipsychotics treatment on body weight: A population-based cohort study.
Journal of psychopharmacology, 34 (1).
pp. 79-85.
ISSN 0269-8811
Beaumont, Danielle;
Arribas, Monica;
Frimley, Lauren;
Balogun, Eni;
Roberts, Ian;
Shakur-Still, Haleema;
Trial management: we need a cadre of high-class triallists to deliver the answers that patients need.
Trials, 20 (1).
Bermon, Anderson;
Uribe-Rodríguez, Ana Fernanda;
Pérez-Rivero, Paula Fernanda;
Prieto-Merino, David;
Cáceres Rivera, Diana Isabel;
Guio, Elizabeth;
Atkins, Louise;
Horne, Robert;
Murray, Elizabeth;
Serrano Díaz, Norma Cecilia;
+3 more...
Free, Caroline;
Perel, Pablo;
Casas, Juan P;
Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of text messages targeting adherence to cardiovascular medications in secondary prevention: the txt2heart Colombia randomised controlled trial protocol.
BMJ open, 9 (12).
ISSN 2044-6055
Bhatt, Deepak L;
Steg, Ph Gabriel;
Miller, Michael;
Brinton, Eliot A;
Jacobson, Terry A;
Jiao, Lixia;
Tardif, Jean-Claude;
Gregson, John;
Pocock, Stuart J;
Ballantyne, Christie M;
+1 more...
REDUCE-IT Investigators;
Reduction in First and Total Ischemic Events With Icosapent Ethyl Across Baseline Triglyceride Tertiles.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 74 (8).
pp. 1159-1161.
ISSN 0735-1097
Bhatt, Deepak L;
Steg, Ph Gabriel;
Miller, Michael;
Brinton, Eliot A;
Jacobson, Terry A;
Ketchum, Steven B;
Doyle, Ralph T;
Juliano, Rebecca A;
Jiao, Lixia;
Granowitz, Craig;
+5 more...
Tardif, Jean-Claude;
Gregson, John;
Pocock, Stuart J;
Ballantyne, Christie M;
REDUCE-IT Investigators;
Effects of Icosapent Ethyl on Total Ischemic Events: From REDUCE-IT.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 73 (22).
pp. 2791-2802.
ISSN 0735-1097
Bhattacharya, Antoinette Alas;
Allen, Elizabeth;
Umar, Nasir;
Usman, Adamu Umar;
Felix, Habila;
Audu, Ahmed;
Schellenberg, Joanna Rm;
Marchant, Tanya;
Monitoring childbirth care in primary health facilities: a validity study in Gombe State, northeastern Nigeria.
Journal of global health, 9 (2).
ISSN 2047-2978
Bhattacharya, Antoinette Alas;
Umar, Nasir;
Audu, Ahmed;
Felix, Habila;
Allen, Elizabeth;
Schellenberg, Joanna RM;
Marchant, Tanya;
Quality of routine facility data for monitoring priority maternal and newborn indicators in DHIS2: A case study from Gombe State, Nigeria.
PLOS ONE, 14 (1).
Blackshaw, Helen;
Vennik, Jane;
Philpott, Carl;
Thomas, Mike;
Eyles, Caroline;
Carpenter, James;
Clarke, Caroline S;
Morris, Steve;
Schilder, Anne;
Lund, Valerie;
+10 more...
Little, Paul;
Durham, Stephen;
Denaxas, Spiros;
Williamson, Elizabeth;
Beard, David;
Cook, Jonathan;
Le Conte, Steffi;
Airey, Kim;
Boardman, Jim;
Hopkins, Claire;
Expert panel process to optimise the design of a randomised controlled trial in chronic rhinosinusitis (the MACRO programme).
Trials, 20 (1).
Blake, Helen A;
Leyrat, Clemence;
Mansfield, Kathryn E;
Seaman, Shaun;
Tomlinson, Laurie A;
Carpenter, James;
Williamson, Elizabeth J;
Propensity scores using missingness pattern information: a practical guide.
Blakeway, H;
Van-de-Velde, V;
Allen, VB;
Kravvas, G;
Palla, L;
Page, MJ;
Flohr, C;
Weller, RB;
Irvine, AD;
McPherson, T;
+7 more...
Roberts, A;
Williams, HC;
Reynolds, N;
Brown, SJ;
Paternoster, L;
Langan, SM;
(on behalf of UK TREND Eczema Network);
What is the evidence for interactions between filaggrin null mutations and environmental exposures in the aetiology of atopic dermatitis? A systematic review.
British Journal of Dermatology, 183 (3).
pp. 443-451.
ISSN 0007-0963
Bond, Tom A;
Karhunen, Ville;
Wielscher, Matthias;
Auvinen, Juha;
Männikkö, Minna;
Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi, Sirkka;
Gunter, Marc J;
Felix, Janine F;
Prokopenko, Inga;
Yang, Jian;
+7 more...
Visscher, Peter M;
Evans, David M;
Sebert, Sylvain;
Lewin, Alex;
O'Reilly, Paul F;
Lawlor, Debbie A;
Jarvelin, Marjo-Riitta;
Exploring the role of genetic confounding in the association between maternal and offspring body mass index: evidence from three birth cohorts.
International journal of epidemiology, 49 (1).
pp. 233-243.
ISSN 0300-5771
Bonell, Chris;
Allen, Elizabeth;
Opondo, Charles;
Warren, Emily;
Elbourne, Diana Ruth;
Sturgess, Joanna;
Bevilacqua, Leonardo;
McGowan, Jennifer;
Mathiot, Anne;
Viner, Russell M;
Examining intervention mechanisms of action using mediation analysis within a randomised trial of a whole-school health intervention.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 73 (5).
pp. 455-464.
ISSN 0143-005X
Bonell, Chris;
Allen, Elizabeth;
Warren, Emily;
McGowan, Jennifer;
Bevilacqua, Leonardo;
Jamal, Farah;
Sadique, Zia;
Legood, Rosa;
Wiggins, Meg;
Opondo, Charles;
+12 more...
Mathiot, Anne;
Sturgess, Joanna;
Paparini, Sara;
Fletcher, Adam;
Perry, Miranda;
West, Grace;
Tancred, Tara;
Scott, Stephen;
Elbourne, Diana;
Christie, Deborah;
Bond, Lyndal;
Viner, Russell M;
Modifying the secondary school environment to reduce bullying and aggression: the INCLUSIVE cluster RCT.
Public Health Research, 7 (18).
pp. 1-164.
ISSN 2050-4381
Bonell, Chris;
Beaumont, Emma;
Dodd, Matthew;
Elbourne, Diana Ruth;
Bevilacqua, Leonardo;
Mathiot, Anne;
McGowan, Jennifer;
Sturgess, Joanna;
Warren, Emily;
Viner, Russell M;
+1 more...
Allen, Elizabeth;
Effects of school environments on student risk-behaviours: evidence from a longitudinal study of secondary schools in England.
Journal of epidemiology and community health, 73 (6).
pp. 502-508.
ISSN 0143-005X
Brenner, Amy Charlotte;
Afolabi, Adefemi;
Ahmad, Syed Masroor;
Arribas, Monica;
Chaudhri, Rizwana;
Coats, Timothy;
Cuzick, Jack;
Gilmore, Ian;
Hawkey, Christopher;
Jairath, Vipul;
+8 more...
Javaid, Kiran;
Kayani, Aasia;
Mutti, Muttiullah;
Nadeem, Muhammad Arif;
Shakur-Still, Haleema;
Stanworth, Simon;
Veitch, Andrew;
Roberts, Ian;
Tranexamic acid for acute gastrointestinal bleeding (The HALT-IT trial): Statistical analysis plan for an international, randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled trial.
BMC Trials - in review - Research Square.
Brenner, Amy;
Afolabi, Adefemi;
Ahmad, Syed Masroor;
Arribas, Monica;
Chaudhri, Rizwana;
Coats, Timothy;
Cuzick, Jack;
Gilmore, Ian;
Hawkey, Christopher;
Jairath, Vipul;
+9 more...
Javaid, Kiran;
Kayani, Aasia;
Mutti, Muttiullah;
Nadeem, Muhammad Arif;
Shakur-Still, Haleema;
Stanworth, Simon;
Veitch, Andrew;
Roberts, Ian;
HALT-IT Trial Collaborators;
Tranexamic acid for acute gastrointestinal bleeding (the HALT-IT trial): statistical analysis plan for an international, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Trials, 20 (1).
ISSN 1745-6215
Brenner, Amy;
Ker, Katharine;
Shakur-Still, Haleema;
Roberts, Ian;
Tranexamic acid for post-partum haemorrhage: What, who and when.
Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 61.
pp. 66-74.
ISSN 1521-6934
Brewer, Naomi;
Foliaki, Sunia;
Bromhead, Collette;
Viliamu-Amusia, Ioana;
Pelefoti-Gibson, Litia;
Jones, Tegan;
Pearce, Neil;
Potter, John D;
Douwes, Jeroen;
Acceptability of human papillomavirus self-sampling for cervical-cancer screening in under-screened Māori and Pasifika women: a pilot study.
The New Zealand medical journal, 132 (1497).
pp. 21-31.
ISSN 0028-8446
Brott, Thomas G;
Calvet, David;
Howard, George;
Gregson, John;
Algra, Ale;
Becquemin, Jean-Pierre;
de Borst, Gert J;
Bulbulia, Richard;
Eckstein, Hans-Henning;
Fraedrich, Gustav;
+10 more...
Greving, Jacoba P;
Halliday, Alison;
Hendrikse, Jeroen;
Jansen, Olav;
Voeks, Jenifer H;
Ringleb, Peter A;
Mas, Jean-Louis;
Brown, Martin M;
Bonati, Leo H;
Carotid Stenosis Trialists' Collaboration;
Long-term outcomes of stenting and endarterectomy for symptomatic carotid stenosis: a preplanned pooled analysis of individual patient data.
pp. 348-356.
ISSN 1474-4422
Brown, Jeremy Philip;
Wing, Kevin;
Evans, Stephen J;
Bhaskaran, Krishnan;
Smeeth, Liam;
Douglas, Ian J;
Use of real-world evidence in postmarketing medicines regulation in the European Union: a systematic assessment of European Medicines Agency referrals 2013-2017.
BMJ open, 9 (10).
ISSN 2044-6055
Brownlee, Wallace J;
Altmann, Dan R;
Prados, Ferran;
Miszkiel, Katherine A;
Eshaghi, Arman;
Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott, Claudia AM;
Barkhof, Frederik;
Ciccarelli, Olga;
Early imaging predictors of long-term outcomes in relapse-onset multiple sclerosis.
Brain, 142 (8).
pp. 2276-2287.
ISSN 0006-8950
Bueno, Héctor;
Rossello, Xavier;
Pocock, Stuart J;
Van de Werf, Frans;
Chin, Chee Tang;
Danchin, Nicolas;
Lee, Stephen W-L;
Medina, Jesús;
Huo, Yong;
In-Hospital Coronary Revascularization Rates and Post-Discharge Mortality Risk in Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome.
pp. 1454-1461.
ISSN 0735-1097
Bulluck, Heerajnarain;
Fröhlich, Georg M;
Nicholas, Jennifer M;
Mohdnazri, Shah;
Gamma, Reto;
Davies, John;
Sirker, Alex;
Mathur, Anthony;
Blackman, Daniel;
Garg, Pankaj;
+3 more...
Moon, James C;
Greenwood, John P;
Hausenloy, Derek J;
Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist pre-treatment and early post-treatment to minimize reperfusion injury after ST-elevation myocardial infarction: The MINIMIZE STEMI trial.
American heart journal, 211.
pp. 60-67.
ISSN 0002-8703
Burns, Rachel;
Pathak, Neha;
Campos-Matos, Ines;
Zenner, Dominik;
Vittal Katikireddi, Srinivasa;
Muzyamba, Morris C;
Miranda, J Jaime;
Gilbert, Ruth;
Rutter, Harry;
Jones, Lucy;
+6 more...
Williamson, Elizabeth;
Hayward, Andrew C;
Smeeth, Liam;
Abubakar, Ibrahim;
Hemingway, Harry;
Aldridge, Robert W;
Million Migrants study of healthcare and mortality outcomes in non-EU migrants and refugees to England: Analysis protocol for a linked population-based cohort study of 1.5 million migrants.
Wellcome Open Research, 4.
Burns, Rachel;
Pathak, Neha;
Campos-Matos, Ines;
Zenner, Dominik;
Vittal Katikireddi, Srinivasa;
Muzyamba, Morris C;
Miranda, J Jaime;
Gilbert, Ruth;
Rutter, Harry;
Jones, Lucy;
+6 more...
Williamson, Elizabeth;
Hayward, Andrew C;
Smeeth, Liam;
Abubakar, Ibrahim;
Hemingway, Harry;
Aldridge, Robert W;
Million Migrants study of healthcare and mortality outcomes in non-EU migrants and refugees to England: Analysis protocol for a linked population-based cohort study of 1.5 million migrants.
Wellcome Open Research, 4.
ISSN 2398-502X
Caplin, Ben;
Yang, Chih-Wei;
Anand, Shuchi;
Levin, Adeera;
Madero, Magdalena;
Saran, Rajiv;
Jayasinghe, Saroj;
De Broe, Marc;
Yeates, Karen;
Tonelli, Marcello;
+8 more...
Jakobsson, Kristina;
Strani, Luisa;
Ruggiero, Agnese;
Glaser, Jason;
Martin, Ekti;
Pearce, Neil;
Wijewickrama, Eranga;
International Society of Nephrology’s International Consortium o;
The International Society of Nephrology's International Consortium of Collaborators on Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology: report of the working group on approaches to population-level detection strategies and recommendations for a minimum dataset.
Kidney international, 95 (1).
pp. 4-10.
ISSN 0085-2538
Chattopadhyay, Kaushik;
Chandrasekaran, Ambalam M;
Praveen, Pradeep A;
Manchanda, Subhash C;
Madan, Kushal;
Ajay, Vamadevan S;
Singh, Kavita;
Tillin, Therese;
Hughes, Alun D;
Chaturvedi, Nishi;
+6 more...
Ebrahim, Shah;
Pocock, Stuart;
Reddy, K Srinath;
Tandon, Nikhil;
Prabhakaran, Dorairaj;
Kinra, Sanjay;
Development of a Yoga-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation (Yoga-CaRe) Programme for Secondary Prevention of Myocardial Infarction.
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2019.
ISSN 1741-427X
Chen, Grace Xia;
't Mannetje, Andrea Martine;
Douwes, Jeroen;
van den Berg, Leonard;
Pearce, Neil;
Kromhout, Hans;
D'Souza, Wendyl;
McConnell, Melanie;
Glass, Bill;
Brewer, Naomi;
+1 more...
McLean, David J;
Occupation and motor neuron disease: a New Zealand case-control study.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 76 (5).
pp. 309-316.
ISSN 1351-0711
Chin, Ken Lee;
Collier, Timothy;
Pocock, Stuart;
Pitt, Bertram;
McMurray, John JV;
van Veldhuisen, Dirk J;
Swedberg, Karl;
Vincent, John;
Zannad, Faiez;
Liew, Danny;
Impact of eplerenone on major cardiovascular outcomes in patients with systolic heart failure according to baseline heart rate.
Clinical Research in Cardiology, 108 (7).
pp. 806-814.
ISSN 1861-0684
Chung, Karen K;
Altmann, Daniel;
Barkhof, Frederik;
Miszkiel, Katherine;
Brex, Peter A;
O'Riordan, Jonathan;
Ebner, Michael;
Prados, Ferran;
Cardoso, M Jorge;
Vercauteren, Tom;
+4 more...
Ourselin, Sebastien;
Thompson, Alan;
Ciccarelli, Olga;
Chard, Declan T;
A 30-Year Clinical and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Observational Study of Multiple Sclerosis and Clinically Isolated Syndromes.
Annals of Neurology, 87 (1).
pp. 63-74.
ISSN 0364-5134
Clemens, F;
Using dynamic path analysis to estimate a mediation effect through a survival variable.
PhD thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
Collorone, Sara;
Prados, Ferran;
Hagens, Marloes Hj;
Tur, Carmen;
Kanber, Baris;
Sudre, Carole H;
Lukas, Carsten;
Gasperini, Claudio;
Oreja-Guevara, Celia;
Andelova, Micaela;
+8 more...
Ciccarelli, Olga;
Wattjes, Mike P;
Ourselin, Sebastian;
Altmann, Daniel R;
Tijms, Betty M;
Barkhof, Frederik;
Toosy, Ahmed T;
MAGNIMS Study Group;
Single-subject structural cortical networks in clinically isolated syndrome.
Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 26 (11).
pp. 1392-1401.
ISSN 1352-4585
Cornelissen, Laura;
Woodd, Susannah;
Shakur-Still, Haleema;
Fawole, Bukola;
Noor, Shehla;
Etuk, Saturday;
Akintan, Adesina Lawrence;
Chaudhri, Rizwana;
Roberts, Ian;
Secondary analysis of the WOMAN trial to explore the risk of sepsis after invasive treatments for postpartum hemorrhage.
International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics, 146 (2).
pp. 231-237.
ISSN 0020-7292
Couto Alves, Alexessander;
De Silva, N Maneka G;
Karhunen, Ville;
Sovio, Ulla;
Das, Shikta;
Taal, H Rob;
Warrington, Nicole M;
Lewin, Alexandra M;
Kaakinen, Marika;
Cousminer, Diana L;
+83 more...
Thiering, Elisabeth;
Timpson, Nicholas J;
Bond, Tom A;
Lowry, Estelle;
Brown, Christopher D;
Estivill, Xavier;
Lindi, Virpi;
Bradfield, Jonathan P;
Geller, Frank;
Speed, Doug;
Coin, Lachlan JM;
Loh, Marie;
Barton, Sheila J;
Beilin, Lawrence J;
Bisgaard, Hans;
Bønnelykke, Klaus;
Alili, Rohia;
Hatoum, Ida J;
Schramm, Katharina;
Cartwright, Rufus;
Charles, Marie-Aline;
Salerno, Vincenzo;
Clément, Karine;
Claringbould, Annique AJ;
BIOS Consortium;
van Duijn, Cornelia M;
Moltchanova, Elena;
Eriksson, Johan G;
Elks, Cathy;
Feenstra, Bjarke;
Flexeder, Claudia;
Franks, Stephen;
Frayling, Timothy M;
Freathy, Rachel M;
Elliott, Paul;
Widén, Elisabeth;
Hakonarson, Hakon;
Hattersley, Andrew T;
Rodriguez, Alina;
Banterle, Marco;
Heinrich, Joachim;
Heude, Barbara;
Holloway, John W;
Hofman, Albert;
Hyppönen, Elina;
Inskip, Hazel;
Kaplan, Lee M;
Hedman, Asa K;
Läärä, Esa;
Prokisch, Holger;
Grallert, Harald;
Lakka, Timo A;
Lawlor, Debbie A;
Melbye, Mads;
Ahluwalia, Tarunveer S;
Marinelli, Marcella;
Millwood, Iona Y;
Palmer, Lyle J;
Pennell, Craig E;
Perry, John R;
Ring, Susan M;
Savolainen, Markku J;
Rivadeneira, Fernando;
Standl, Marie;
Sunyer, Jordi;
Tiesler, Carla MT;
Uitterlinden, Andre G;
Schierding, William;
O'Sullivan, Justin M;
Prokopenko, Inga;
Herzig, Karl-Heinz;
Smith, George Davey;
O'Reilly, Paul;
Felix, Janine F;
Buxton, Jessica L;
Blakemore, Alexandra IF;
Ong, Ken K;
Jaddoe, Vincent WV;
Grant, Struan FA;
Sebert, Sylvain;
McCarthy, Mark I;
Järvelin, Marjo-Riitta;
Early Growth Genetics (EGG) Consortium;
GWAS on longitudinal growth traits reveals different genetic factors influencing infant, child, and adult BMI.
Science Advances, 5 (9).
Dallaku, Kastriot;
Shakur-Still, Haleema;
Beaumont, Danielle;
Roberts, Ian;
Huque, Sumaya;
Delius, Maria;
Holdenrieder, Stefan;
Gliozheni, Orion;
Mansmann, Ulrich;
No effect of tranexamic acid on platelet function and thrombin generation (ETAPlaT) in postpartum haemorrhage: a randomised placebo-controlled trial.
Wellcome Open Research, 4.
Dallaku, Kastriot;
Shakur-Still, Haleema;
Beaumont, Danielle;
Roberts, Ian;
Huque, Sumaya;
Delius, Maria;
Holdenrieder, Stefan;
Gliozheni, Orion;
Mansmann, Ulrich;
No effect of tranexamic acid on platelet function and thrombin generation (ETAPlaT) in postpartum haemorrhage: a randomised placebo-controlled trial.
Wellcome open research, 4.
ISSN 2398-502X
Deelder, Wouter;
Christakoudi, Sofia;
Phelan, Jody;
Benavente, Ernest Diez;
Campino, Susana;
McNerney, Ruth;
Palla, Luigi;
Clark, Taane G;
Machine Learning Predicts Accurately Mycobacterium tuberculosis Drug Resistance From Whole Genome Sequencing Data.
Frontiers in Genetics, 10 (SEP).
Devries, Karen M;
Fabbri, Camilla;
Allen, Elizabeth;
Barongo, Vivien;
Shayo, Elizabeth;
Greco, Giulia;
Kaemingk, Michael;
Qiu, Mary;
Steinacher, Rachel;
Tol, Wietse;
+1 more...
Rodrigues, Katherine;
Preventing violence against children in schools (PVACS): protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial of the EmpaTeach behavioural intervention in Nyarugusu refugee camp.
BMC Public Health, 19 (1).
Dick, Alastair G;
Magill, Nicholas;
White, Thomas CH;
Kokkinakis, Michail;
Norman-Taylor, Fabian;
C-reactive protein: what to expect after bony hip surgery for nonambulatory children and adolescents with cerebral palsy.
Journal of pediatric orthopedics. Part B, 28 (4).
pp. 309-313.
ISSN 1060-152X
Durovni, Betina;
Saraceni, Valeria;
Eppinghaus, Ana;
Riback, Thais IS;
Moreira, Luciano A;
Jewell, Nicholas P;
Dufault, Suzanne M;
O'Neill, Scott L;
Simmons, Cameron P;
Tanamas, Stephanie K;
+1 more...
Anders, Katherine L;
The impact of large-scale deployment of Wolbachia mosquitoes on dengue and other Aedes-borne diseases in Rio de Janeiro and Niterói, Brazil: study protocol for a controlled interrupted time series analysis using routine disease surveillance data.
F1000Research, 8.
ISSN 2046-1402
Dwan, Kerry;
Li, Tianjing;
Altman, Douglas G;
Elbourne, Diana;
CONSORT 2010 statement: extension to randomised crossover trials.
BMJ, 366.
ISSN 0959-8138
Elser, Holly;
Rehkopf, David H;
Meausoone, Valerie;
Jewell, Nicholas P;
Eisen, Ellen A;
Cullen, Mark R;
Gender, Depression, and Blue-collar Work: A Retrospective Cohort Study of US Aluminum Manufacturers.
Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), 30 (3).
pp. 435-444.
ISSN 1044-3983
Eshaghi, Arman;
Kievit, Rogier A;
Prados, Ferran;
Sudre, Carole H;
Nicholas, Jennifer;
Cardoso, M Jorge;
Chan, Dennis;
Nicholas, Richard;
Ourselin, Sebastien;
Greenwood, John;
+5 more...
Thompson, Alan J;
Alexander, Daniel C;
Barkhof, Frederik;
Chataway, Jeremy;
Ciccarelli, Olga;
Applying causal models to explore the mechanism of action of simvastatin in progressive multiple sclerosis.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116 (22).
pp. 11020-11027.
ISSN 0027-8424
Everett, Colin C;
Fox, Keith Aa;
Reynolds, Catherine;
Fernandez, Catherine;
Sharples, Linda;
Stocken, Deborah D;
Carruthers, Kathryn;
Hemingway, Harry;
Yan, Andrew T;
Goodman, Shaun G;
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Brieger, David;
Chew, Derek P;
Gale, Chris P;
Evaluation of the impact of the GRACE risk score on the management and outcome of patients hospitalised with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome in the UK: protocol of the UKGRIS cluster-randomised registry-based trial.
BMJ open, 9 (9).
ISSN 2044-6055
Everett, Colin;
Fox, Keith;
Reynolds, Catherine;
Fernandez, Catherine;
Sharples, Linda;
Stocken, Deborah;
Carruthers, Kathryn;
Hemmingway, Harry;
Yan, Andrew;
Goodman, Shaun;
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Brieger, David;
Chew, Derek;
Gale, Chris;
Evaluation of the impact of the GRACE risk score on the management and outcome of patients hospitalised with non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome: protocol of the UKGRIS cluster-randomised registry-based trial.
BMJ Open, 9 (9).
ISSN 2044-6055
Faggioni, Michela;
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Sartori, Samantha;
Claessen, Bimmer E;
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Vogel, Birgit;
Effron, Mark B;
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Weintraub, William;
Toma, Catalin;
Sorrentino, Sabato;
Weiss, Sandra;
Snyder, Clayton;
Muhlestein, Joseph B;
Kapadia, Samir;
Keller, Stuart;
Strauss, Craig;
Aquino, Melissa;
Baker, Brian;
Defranco, Anthony;
Pocock, Stuart;
Henry, Timothy;
Mehran, Roxana;
Use of prasugrel vs clopidogrel and outcomes in patients with and without diabetes mellitus presenting with acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.
International Journal of Cardiology, 275.
pp. 31-35.
ISSN 0167-5273
Faggioni, Michela;
Baber, Usman;
Chandrasekhar, Jaya;
Sartori, Samantha;
Weintraub, William;
Rao, Sunil V;
Vogel, Birgit;
Claessen, Bimmer;
Kini, Annapoorna;
Effron, Mark;
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Ge, Zhen;
Keller, Stuart;
Strauss, Craig;
Snyder, Clayton;
Toma, Catalin;
Weiss, Sandra;
Aquino, Melissa;
Baker, Brian;
Defranco, Anthony;
Bansilal, Sameer;
Muhlestein, Brent;
Kapadia, Samir;
Pocock, Stuart;
Poddar, Kanhaiya L;
Henry, Timothy D;
Mehran, Roxana;
Use of prasugrel and clinical outcomes in African-American patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention for acute coronary syndromes.
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions, 94 (1).
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Risk Factors for Workplace Bullying: A Systematic Review.
International journal of environmental research and public health, 16 (11).
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Fellmeth, Gracia;
Opondo, Charles;
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Redshaw, Maggie;
Mcneill, Jenny;
Lynn, Fiona;
Alderdice, Fiona;
Identifying postnatal depression: Comparison of a self-reported depression item with Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale scores at three months postpartum.
Journal of affective disorders, 251.
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Ferrando, Paloma;
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Walmsley, Emma;
Richards-Belle, Alvin;
Canter, Ruth;
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Harvey, Sheila;
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McColl, Elaine;
Richardson, Annette;
Richardson, Michael;
Wright, Stephen E;
Rowan, Kathryn M;
Family satisfaction with critical care in the UK: a multicentre cohort study.
BMJ open, 9 (8).
ISSN 2044-6055
Ferreira, João Pedro;
Abreu, Paula;
McMurray, John JV;
van Veldhuisen, Dirk J;
Swedberg, Karl;
Pocock, Stuart J;
Vincent, John;
Lins, Katharina;
Rossignol, Patrick;
Pitt, Bertram;
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Zannad, Faiez;
Renal function stratified dose comparisons of eplerenone versus placebo in the EMPHASIS-HF trial.
pp. 345-351.
ISSN 1388-9842
Ferreira, João Pedro;
Verdonschot, Job;
Collier, Timothy;
Wang, Ping;
Pizard, Anne;
Bär, Christian;
Björkman, Jens;
Boccanelli, Alessandro;
Butler, Javed;
Clark, Andrew;
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Cleland, John G;
Delles, Christian;
Diez, Javier;
Girerd, Nicolas;
González, Arantxa;
Hazebroek, Mark;
Huby, Anne-Cécile;
Jukema, Wouter;
Latini, Roberto;
Leenders, Joost;
Levy, Daniel;
Mebazaa, Alexandre;
Mischak, Harald;
Pinet, Florence;
Rossignol, Patrick;
Sattar, Naveed;
Sever, Peter;
Staessen, Jan A;
Thum, Thomas;
Vodovar, Nicolas;
Zhang, Zhen-Yu;
Heymans, Stephane;
Zannad, Faiez;
Proteomic Bioprofiles and Mechanistic Pathways of Progression to Heart Failure.
ISSN 1941-3289
Freeman, Suzanne C;
Fisher, David;
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Auperin, Anne;
Carpenter, James R;
Identifying inconsistency in network meta-analysis: Is the net heat plot a reliable method?
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ISSN 0277-6715
Gail, Mitchell H;
Altman, Douglas G;
Cadarette, Suzanne M;
Collins, Gary;
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Sekula, Peggy;
Williamson, Elizabeth;
Woodward, Mark;
Design choices for observational studies of the effect of exposure on disease incidence.
BMJ open, 9 (12).
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Gallo, Valentina;
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Cancellieri, Mariagrazia;
Chiodini, Paolo;
Barker, Roger A;
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Forsgren, Lars;
Ramat, Silvia;
Ardanaz, Eva;
Arriola, Larraitz;
Peterson, Jesper;
Hansson, Oskar;
Gavrila, Diana;
Sacerdote, Carlotta;
Sieri, Sabina;
Kühn, Tilman;
Katzke, Verena A;
van der Schouw, Yvonne T;
Kyrozis, Andreas;
Masala, Giovanna;
Mattiello, Amalia;
Perneczky, Robert;
Middleton, Lefkos;
Saracci, Rodolfo;
Riboli, Elio;
Exploring causality of the association between smoking and Parkinson's disease.
International journal of epidemiology, 48 (3).
pp. 912-925.
ISSN 0300-5771
Gillies, Katie;
Chalmers, Iain;
Glasziou, Paul;
Elbourne, Diana;
Elliott, Jim;
Treweek, Shaun;
Reducing research waste by promoting informed responses to invitations to participate in clinical trials.
Trials, 20 (1).
ISSN 1745-6215
Godolphin, Peter J;
Bath, Philip M;
Algra, Ale;
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Brown, Martin M;
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Eliasziw, Misha;
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Johnston, S Claiborne;
Patsko, Emily;
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Sandset, Per Morten;
Serena, Joaquín;
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Adjudicating Outcomes in Stroke Trials Collaboration;
Outcome Assessment by Central Adjudicators Versus Site Investigators in Stroke Trials: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
STROKE, 50 (8).
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ISSN 0039-2499
Gomes, Marilia B;
Rathmann, Wolfgang;
Charbonnel, Bernard;
Khunti, Kamlesh;
Kosiborod, Mikhail;
Nicolucci, Antonio;
Pocock, Stuart J;
Shestakova, Marina V;
Shimomura, Iichiro;
Tang, Fengming;
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Watada, Hirotaka;
Chen, Hungta;
Cid-Ruzafa, Javier;
Fenici, Peter;
Hammar, Niklas;
Surmont, Filip;
Ji, Linong;
DISCOVER investigators;
Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus worldwide: Baseline patient characteristics in the global DISCOVER study.
Diabetes research and clinical practice, 151.
pp. 20-32.
ISSN 0168-8227
Gonzalez-Quiroz, Marvin;
Nitsch, Dorothea;
Hamilton, Sophie;
O'Callaghan Gordo, Cristina;
Saran, Rajiv;
Glaser, Jason;
Correa-Rotter, Ricardo;
Jakobsson, Kristina;
Singh, Ajay;
Gunawardena, Nalika;
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Levin, Adeera;
Remuzzi, Giuseppe;
Caplin, Ben;
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DEGREE Study Steering Committee;
Rationale and population-based prospective cohort protocol for the disadvantaged populations at risk of decline in eGFR (CO-DEGREE).
BMJ open, 9 (9).
ISSN 2044-6055
Gonzalez-Quiroz, Marvin;
Smpokou, Evangelia-Theano;
Pearce, Neil;
Caplin, Ben;
Nitsch, Dorothea;
Identification of young adults at risk of an accelerated loss of kidney function in an area affected by Mesoamerican nephropathy.
BMC nephrology, 20 (1).
ISSN 1471-2369
Gregson, J;
Qizilbash, N;
Iwagami, M;
Douglas, I;
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Pearce, N;
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Blood pressure and risk of dementia and its subtypes: a historical cohort study with long-term follow-up in 2.6 million people.
European journal of neurology, 26 (12).
pp. 1479-1486.
ISSN 1351-5101
Gregson, J;
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Pillay, D;
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Derache, A;
Shafer, RS;
Gupta, RK;
Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 Viral Load Is Elevated in Individuals With Reverse-Transcriptase Mutation M184V/I During Virological Failure of First-Line Antiretroviral Therapy and Is Associated With Compensatory Mutation L74I.
The Journal of infectious diseases, 222 (7).
pp. 1108-1116.
ISSN 0022-1899
Gregson, John;
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Casiglia, Edoardo;
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Björkelund, Cecilia;
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Gómez de la Cámara, Agustín;
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Albertorio-Diaz, Juan R;
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Lowe, Gordon DO;
Wood, Angela M;
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Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration;
Cardiovascular Risk Factors Associated With Venous Thromboembolism.
JAMA cardiology, 4 (2).
pp. 163-173.
ISSN 2380-6583
Gregson, John;
Qizilbash, Nawab;
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Raised blood pressure and risk of dementia.
European heart journal, 40 (9).
pp. 785-786.
ISSN 0195-668X
Gregson, John;
Sharples, Linda;
Stone, Gregg W;
Burman, Carl-Fredrik;
Öhrn, Fredrik;
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Nonproportional Hazards for Time-to-Event Outcomes in Clinical Trials: JACC Review Topic of the Week.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 74 (16).
pp. 2102-2112.
ISSN 0735-1097
Guedeney, Paul;
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Sorrentino, Sabato;
Claessen, Bimmer E;
Camaj, Anton;
Kalkman, Deborah N;
Vogel, Birgit;
Sartori, Samantha;
De Rosa, Salvatore;
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Indolfi, Ciro;
Montalescot, Gilles;
Dangas, George D;
Rosenson, Robert S;
Pocock, Stuart J;
Mehran, Roxana;
Efficacy and safety of alirocumab and evolocumab: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
European heart journal, 43 (7).
ISSN 0195-668X
Halliday, Katherine E;
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Kepha, Stella;
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Community-level epidemiology of soil-transmitted helminths in the context of school-based deworming: Baseline results of a cluster randomised trial on the coast of Kenya.
PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 13 (8).
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Hardy, Chris JD;
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Findings of Impaired Hearing in Patients With Nonfluent/Agrammatic Variant Primary Progressive Aphasia.
JAMA Neurology, 76 (5).
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Christensen, Erika Frischknecht;
Garcia-Ruiz, José Manuel;
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Perkins, Alexander;
Radovanovic, Nebojsa;
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Schmidt, Michael R;
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Sørensen, Henrik Toft;
Stankovic, Goran;
Varma, Madhusudhan;
Webb, Ian;
Terkelsen, Christian Juhl;
Greenwood, John P;
Yellon, Derek M;
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CONDI-2/ERIC-PPCI Investigators;
Effect of remote ischaemic conditioning on clinical outcomes in patients with acute myocardial infarction (CONDI-2/ERIC-PPCI): a single-blind randomised controlled trial.
Lancet, 394 (10207).
pp. 1415-1424.
ISSN 0140-6736
Heath, Alicia K;
Hodge, Allison M;
Ebeling, Peter R;
Eyles, Darryl W;
Kvaskoff, David;
Buchanan, Daniel D;
Giles, Graham G;
Williamson, Elizabeth J;
English, Dallas R;
Circulating 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentration and Risk of Breast, Prostate, and Colorectal Cancers: The Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study.
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, 28 (5).
pp. 900-908.
ISSN 1055-9965
Herrett, Emily;
Gadd, Sarah;
Jackson, Rod;
Bhaskaran, Krishnan;
Williamson, Elizabeth;
van Staa, Tjeerd;
Sofat, Reecha;
Timmis, Adam;
Smeeth, Liam;
Eligibility and subsequent burden of cardiovascular disease of four strategies for blood pressure-lowering treatment: a retrospective cohort study.
Lancet, 394 (10199).
pp. 663-671.
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Honeyford, Kate;
Cooke, Graham S;
Kinderlerer, Anne;
Williamson, Elizabeth;
Gilchrist, Mark;
Holmes, Alison;
Sepsis Big Room;
Glampson, Ben;
Mulla, Abdulrahim;
Costelloe, Ceire;
Evaluating a digital sepsis alert in a London multisite hospital network: a natural experiment using electronic health record data.
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 27 (2).
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MACRO programme team;
Antibiotic usage in chronic rhinosinusitis: analysis of national primary care electronic health records.
Rhinology journal, 57 (6).
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The impact of a cash transfer programme on tuberculosis treatment success rate: a quasi-experimental study in Brazil.
BMJ Global Health, 4 (1).
ISSN 2059-7908
Joy, Edward JM;
Kalimbira, Alexander A;
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Ferguson, Elaine L;
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Banda, Leonard;
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Matandika, Limbanazo;
Mfutso-Bengo, Joseph;
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Gondwe, Jellita;
Ander, E Louise;
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Can selenium deficiency in Malawi be alleviated through consumption of agro-biofortified maize flour? Study protocol for a randomised, double-blind, controlled trial.
Trials, 20 (1).
ISSN 1745-6215
Joyce, Lauren C;
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Claessen, Bimmer E;
Sartori, Samantha;
Chandrasekhar, Jaya;
Cohen, David J;
Henry, Timothy D;
Ariti, Cono;
Dangas, George;
Faggioni, Michela;
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Aoi, Shunsuke;
Gibson, C Michael;
Aquino, Melissa;
Krucoff, Mitchell W;
Vogel, Birgit;
Moliterno, David J;
Sorrentino, Sabato;
Colombo, Antonio;
Chieffo, Alaide;
Kini, Annapoorna;
Guedeney, Paul;
Witzenbichler, Bernhard;
Weisz, Giora;
Steg, Philippe Gabriel;
Pocock, Stuart;
Mehran, Roxana;
Dual-Antiplatelet Therapy Cessation and Cardiovascular Risk in Relation to Age: Analysis From the PARIS Registry.
JACC. Cardiovascular interventions, 12 (10).
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Kahan, Brennan C;
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Reporting of randomized factorial trials was frequently inadequate.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 117.
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ISSN 0895-4356
Kanya, Lucy;
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Lewin, Alex;
Fox-Rushby, Julia;
The criterion validity of willingness to pay methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the evidence.
Social science & medicine, 232.
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Keogh, Ruth H;
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Results from an online survey of adults with cystic fibrosis: Accessing and using life expectancy information.
PloS one, 14 (4).
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Ker, Katharine;
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Mahmood, Abda;
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Kang Law, Zhe;
Flaherty, Katie;
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The effectiveness and safety of anti-fibrinolytics in patients with acute intracranial haemorrhage: statistical analysis plan for an individual patient data meta-analysis.
Wellcome Open Research, 2.
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Khunti, Kamlesh;
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Cid-Ruzafa, Javier;
Fenici, Peter;
Gomes, Marilia B;
Hammar, Niklas;
Ji, Linong;
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Pocock, Stuart;
Shestakova, Marina V;
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Tang, Fengming;
Watada, Hirotaka;
Nicolucci, Antonio;
DISCOVER investigators;
Glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes initiating second-line therapy: Results from the global DISCOVER study programme.
Diabetes, obesity & metabolism, 22 (1).
pp. 66-78.
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Kohli, Manik;
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Cross-sectional analysis of chemsex drug use and gonorrhoea diagnosis among men who have sex with men in the UK.
Sexual Health, 16 (5).
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Salasibew, Mihretab;
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Factors associated with dietary diversity and length-for-age z-score in rural Ethiopian children aged 6-23 months: A novel approach to the analysis of baseline data from the Sustainable Undernutrition Reduction in Ethiopia evaluation.
Maternal & Child Nutrition, 16 (1).
ISSN 1740-8695
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A logistic regression analysis of risk factors in ME/CFS pathogenesis.
BMC neurology, 19 (1).
ISSN 1471-2377
Laila, Nenden Hikmah;
Mahkota, Renti;
Shivalli, Siddharudha;
Bantas, Krisnawati;
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Factors associated with pasung (physical restraint and confinement) of schizophrenia patients in Bogor regency, West Java Province, Indonesia 2017.
BMC psychiatry, 19 (1).
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Lane, Christopher A;
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Murray-Smith, Heidi;
Wong, Andrew;
Gordon, Elizabeth;
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Thomas, David;
Richards, Marcus;
Fox, Nick C;
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Associations Between Vascular Risk Across Adulthood and Brain Pathology in Late Life: Evidence From a British Birth Cohort.
JAMA neurology, 77 (2).
pp. 175-183.
ISSN 2168-6149
Lane, Christopher A;
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Nicholas, Jennifer M;
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Cash, David M;
Parker, Thomas D;
Malone, Ian B;
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James, Sarah-Naomi;
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Buchanan, Sarah M;
Keuss, Sarah E;
Gordon, Elizabeth;
Coath, William;
Barnes, Anna;
Dickson, John;
Modat, Marc;
Thomas, David;
Crutch, Sebastian J;
Hardy, Rebecca;
Richards, Marcus;
Fox, Nick C;
Schott, Jonathan M;
Associations between blood pressure across adulthood and late-life brain structure and pathology in the neuroscience substudy of the 1946 British birth cohort (Insight 46): an epidemiological study.
The Lancet. Neurology, 18 (10).
pp. 942-952.
ISSN 1474-4422
Leurent, B;
Cost-effectiveness analysis with informative missing data: tools and strategies.
PhD thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
Leurent, Baptiste;
Gomes, Manuel;
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FTD Prevention Initiative;
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ISAAC phase III study group;
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Reflection on modern methods: calculating a sample size for a repeatability sub-study to correct for measurement error in a single continuous exposure.
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Risk factors for asthma among schoolchildren who participated in a case-control study in urban Uganda.
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Asthma control and management among schoolchildren in urban Uganda: results from a cross-sectional study.
Wellcome Open Research, 4.
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Asthma control and management among schoolchildren in urban Uganda: results from a cross-sectional study.
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Is improvement in comorbid major depression associated with longer survival in people with cancer? A long-term follow-up of participants in the SMaRT Oncology-2 and 3 trials.
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AIMS Investigators;
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The Safe Start trial to assess the effect of an infant hygiene intervention on enteric infections and diarrhoea in low-income informal neighbourhoods of Kisumu, Kenya: a study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial.
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Treatment patterns and associated factors in 14 668 people with type 2 diabetes initiating a second-line therapy: Results from the global DISCOVER study programme.
Diabetes, obesity & metabolism, 21 (11).
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Clinical profile of predefined asthma phenotypes in a large cohort of UK primary care patients (Clinical Practice Research Datalink).
Journal of asthma and allergy, 12.
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Glaser, Jason;
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Prevalence of and risk factors for chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology in India: secondary data analysis of three population-based cross-sectional studies.
BMJ open, 9 (3).
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Scaled deployment of Wolbachia to protect the community from dengue and other Aedes transmitted arboviruses.
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Opondo, Charles;
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Joint contribution of socioeconomic circumstances and ethnic group to variations in preterm birth, neonatal mortality and infant mortality in England and Wales: a population-based retrospective cohort study using routine data from 2006 to 2012.
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Domains of transmission and association of community, school, and household sanitation with soil-transmitted helminth infections among children in coastal Kenya.
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 13 (11).
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EMPEROR-Reduced Trial Committees and Investigators;
Evaluation of the effect of sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibition with empagliflozin on morbidity and mortality of patients with chronic heart failure and a reduced ejection fraction: rationale for and design of the EMPEROR-Reduced trial.
pp. 1270-1278.
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Palla, Luigi;
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Murray-Smith, Heidi;
Wong, Andrew;
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Thomas, David L;
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?-amyloid influences the relationship between cortical thickness and vascular load.
Alzheimer's & Dementia Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 12.
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Parker, Thomas D;
Cash, David M;
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Malone, Ian B;
Nicholas, Jennifer M;
James, Sarah-Naomi;
Keshavan, Ashvini;
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Modat, Marc;
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Hippocampal subfield volumes and pre-clinical Alzheimer's disease in 408 cognitively normal adults born in 1946.
PloS one, 14 (10).
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Parker, Thomas;
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Lane, Chris;
Lu, Kirsty;
Malone, Ian B;
Nicholas, Jennifer M;
James, Sarah;
Keshavan, Ashvini;
Murray-Smith, Heidi;
Wong, Andrew;
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Thomas, David;
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Bamiou, Doris-Eva;
Warren, Jason D;
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Schott, Jonathan M;
Pure tone audiometry and cerebral pathology in healthy older adults.
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 91 (2).
pp. 172-176.
ISSN 0022-3050
Pearce, Neil;
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Let's take the heat out of the CKDu debate: more evidence is needed.
Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 76 (6).
pp. 357-359.
ISSN 1351-0711
Pearce, Neil;
Caplin, Ben;
Gunawardena, Nalika;
Kaur, Prabhdeep;
O'Callaghan-Gordo, Cristina;
Ruwanpathirana, Thilanga;
CKD of Unknown Cause: A Global Epidemic?
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Educational note: types of causes.
International Journal of Epidemiology, 49 (2).
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Lawlor, Deborah A;
Causal Inference in Environmental Epidemiology: Old and New Approaches.
Epidemiology, 30 (3).
pp. 311-316.
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Pembrey, Lucy;
Waiblinger, Dagmar;
Griffiths, Paul;
Wright, John;
Age at cytomegalovirus, Epstein Barr virus and varicella zoster virus infection and risk of atopy: The Born in Bradford cohort, UK.
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, 30 (6).
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Peters, Mark J;
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Woolfall, Kerry;
Deja, Elizabeth;
Mouncey, Paul R;
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Mason, Alexina;
Agbeko, Rachel;
Draper, Elizabeth S;
Fenn, Blaise;
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Gould, Doug W;
Koelewyn, Abby;
Klein, Nigel;
Mackerness, Christine;
Martin, Sian;
O'Neill, Lauran;
Ramnarayan, Padmanabhan;
Tibby, Shane;
Tume, Lyvonne;
Watkins, Jason;
Thorburn, Kent;
Wellman, Paul;
Harrison, David A;
Rowan, Kathryn M;
Different temperature thresholds for antipyretic intervention in critically ill children with fever due to infection: the FEVER feasibility RCT.
pp. 1-148.
ISSN 1366-5278
Peters, Mark J;
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Deja, Elisabeth;
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Agbeko, Rachel S;
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Klein, Nigel;
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Martin, Sian;
O'Neill, Lauran;
Ray, Samiran;
Ramnarayan, Padmanabhan;
Tibby, Shane;
Thorburn, Kentigern;
Tume, Lyvonne;
Watkins, Jason;
Wellman, Paul;
Harrison, David A;
Rowan, Kathryn M;
FEVER Investigators on behalf of the Paediatric Intensive Care S;
Permissive versus restrictive temperature thresholds in critically ill children with fever and infection: a multicentre randomized clinical pilot trial.
ISSN 1466-609X
Petersen, Irene;
Welch, Catherine A;
Nazareth, Irwin;
Walters, Kate;
Marston, Louise;
Morris, Richard W;
Carpenter, James R;
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Pham, Tra My;
Health indicator recording in UK primary care electronic health records: key implications for handling missing data.
pp. 157-167.
Peterson, Amy J;
Donze, Melissa;
Allen, Elizabeth;
Bonell, Chris;
Effects of Interventions Addressing School Environments or Educational Assets on Adolescent Sexual Health: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health, 51 (2).
pp. 91-107.
ISSN 1538-6341
Pham, Tra My;
Carpenter, James R;
Morris, Tim P;
Sharma, Manuj;
Petersen, Irene;
Ethnic Differences in the Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Diagnoses in the UK: Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Health Improvement Network Primary Care Database.
pp. 1081-1088.
ISSN 1179-1349
Pocock, Stuart J;
Brieger, David;
Gregson, John;
Chen, Ji Y;
Cohen, Mauricio G;
Goodman, Shaun G;
Granger, Christopher B;
Grieve, Richard;
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Westermann, Dirk;
Yasuda, Satoshi;
Hedman, Katarina;
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Sundell, Karolina Andersson;
TIGRIS Study Investigators;
Predicting risk of cardiovascular events 1 to 3 years post-myocardial infarction using a global registry.
Clinical cardiology, 43 (1).
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Pocock, Stuart J;
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Statistical Appraisal of 6 Recent Clinical Trials in Cardiology: JACC State-of-the-Art Review.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 73 (21).
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Pottegård, Anton;
Klungel, Olaf;
Winterstein, Almut;
Huybrechts, Krista;
Hallas, Jesper;
Schneeweiss, Sebastian;
Evans, Stephen;
Bate, Andrew;
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The International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology's Comments on the Core Recommendations in the Summary of the Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA) - EMA Joint Big Data Task Force.
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Pradeilles, Rebecca;
Allen, Elizabeth;
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Bux Mallah, Hussain;
Budhani, Azmat;
Mehmood, Rashid;
Mazhar, Sidra;
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Maternal BMI mediates the impact of crop-related agricultural work during pregnancy on infant length in rural Pakistan: a mediation analysis of cross-sectional data.
BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 19 (1).
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Pullan, Rachel;
Halliday, Katherine;
Oswald, William;
Mcharo, Carlos;
Beaumont, Emma;
Kepha, Stella;
Witek-McManus, Stefan;
Gichuki, Paul;
Allen, Elizabeth;
Drake, Tom;
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Pitt, Catherine;
Matendechero, Sultani;
Gwayi-Chore, Marie-Claire;
Anderson, Roy;
Njenga, Sammy;
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Mwandawiro, Charles S;
Effects, equity, and cost of school-based and community-wide treatment strategies for soil-transmitted helminths in Kenya: a cluster-randomised controlled trial.
Lancet, 393 (10185).
pp. 2039-2050.
ISSN 0140-6736
Quaresma, Manuela;
Carpenter, James;
Rachet, Bernard;
Flexible Bayesian excess hazard models using low-rank thin plate splines.
Statistical methods in medical research, 29 (6).
pp. 1700-1714.
ISSN 0962-2802
Quartagno, M;
Carpenter, JR;
Goldstein, H;
Multiple Imputation with Survey Weights: A Multilevel Approach.
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 8 (5).
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ISSN 2325-0984
Quartagno, Matteo;
Carpenter, James R;
Multiple imputation for discrete data: Evaluation of the joint latent normal model.
Biometrical journal, 61 (4).
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Raman, Jaishree;
Allen, Elizabeth;
Workman, Lesley;
Mabuza, Aaron;
Swanepoel, Hendrik;
Malatje, Gillian;
Frean, John;
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Barnes, Karen I;
Safety and tolerability of single low-dose primaquine in a low-intensity transmission area in South Africa: an open-label, randomized controlled trial.
Malaria Journal, 18 (1).
Reiss, Kate;
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Pearson, Erin;
Biswas, Kamal;
Taleb, Fahmida;
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Barnard, Sharmani;
Smith, Chris;
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Menzel, Jamie;
Footman, Katharine;
Keenan, Katherine;
Douthwaite, Megan;
Reena, Yasmin;
Mahmood, Hassan Rushekh;
Tabbassum, Tanzila;
Colombini, Manuela;
Bacchus, Loraine;
Church, Kathryn;
Unintended Consequences of mHealth Interactive Voice Messages Promoting Contraceptive Use After Menstrual Regulation in Bangladesh: Intimate Partner Violence Results From a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Global health, science and practice, 7 (3).
pp. 386-403.
ISSN 2169-575X
Richiardi, Lorenzo;
Pearce, Neil;
Pagano, Eva;
Di Cuonzo, Daniela;
Zugna, Daniela;
Pizzi, Costanza;
Baseline selection on a collider: a ubiquitous mechanism occurring in both representative and selected cohort studies.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 73 (5).
pp. 475-480.
ISSN 0143-005X
Rittman, Timothy;
Borchert, Robin;
Jones, Simon;
van Swieten, John;
Borroni, Barbara;
Galimberti, Daniela;
Masellis, Mario;
Tartaglia, Maria Carmela;
Graff, Caroline;
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Frisoni, Giovanni B;
Laforce, Robert;
Finger, Elizabeth;
Mendonça, Alexandre;
Sorbi, Sandro;
Rohrer, Jonathan D;
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Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia Initiative (GENFI);
Functional network resilience to pathology in presymptomatic genetic frontotemporal dementia.
Neurobiology of Aging, 77.
pp. 169-177.
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Robert, Alexis;
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Henao-Restrepo, Ana Maria;
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Williamson, Elizabeth;
Longini, Ira M;
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Nadlaou, Sévérine Danmadji;
Diallo, Boubacar;
Barry, Mamamdou Saidou;
Fofana, Thierno Oumar;
Camara, Louceny;
Kaba, Ibrahima Lansana;
Sylla, Lansana;
Diaby, Mohamed Lamine;
Soumah, Ousmane;
Diallo, Abdourahime;
Niare, Amadou;
Diallo, Abdourahmane;
Eggo, Rosalind M;
Determinants of Transmission Risk During the Late Stage of the West African Ebola Epidemic.
American Journal of Epidemiology, 188 (7).
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Rossello, Xavier;
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Medina, Jesús;
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Predictors of all-cause mortality and ischemic events within and beyond 1 year after an acute coronary syndrome: Results from the EPICOR registry.
Clinical cardiology, 42 (1).
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ISSN 0160-9289
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Gunawardana, Nalika;
Munasinghe, Asoka;
Ginige, Samitha;
Gamage, Deepa;
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Victor, Christina;
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Noncommunicable disease among adults with cerebral palsy: A matched cohort study.
Neurology, 93 (14).
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Ryan, Jennifer M;
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Mortality due to cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, and cancer in adults with cerebral palsy.
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Establishment of wMel Wolbachia in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and reduction of local dengue transmission in Cairns and surrounding locations in northern Queensland, Australia.
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Phillips, Stephen;
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ENOS trial investigators*;
Associations between change in blood pressure and functional outcome, early events and death: results from the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke trial.
Journal of hypertension, 37 (10).
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Adjusting for time-varying confounders in survival analysis using structural nested cumulative survival time models.
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Verdejo-Román, Juan;
Wasenius, Niko;
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Herzig, Karl-Heinz;
Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi, Sirkka;
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Conti, Gabriella;
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Evans, Jayne;
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Cohort Profile: The DynaHEALTH consortium - a European consortium for a life-course bio-psychosocial model of healthy ageing of glucose homeostasis.
International journal of epidemiology, 48 (4).
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A systematic review and meta-analysis in the effectiveness of mobile phone interventions used to improve adherence to antiretroviral therapy in HIV infection.
BMC Public Health, 19 (1).
Sharma, Vishal;
Coleman, Susanne;
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Sharples, Linda;
Hamilton-Shield, Julian;
Rutter, Harry;
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A systematic review and meta-analysis estimating the population prevalence of comorbidities in children and adolescents aged 5 to 18 years.
Obesity Reviews, 20 (10).
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Shiekh, Suhail Ismail;
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Mathur, Rohini;
Smeeth, Liam;
Pearce, Neil;
Warren-Gash, Charlotte;
Ethnicity and risk of diagnosed dementia after stroke: a cohort study using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink.
Journal of epidemiology and community health, 74 (2).
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Sinnott, Sarah-Jo;
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The comparative effectiveness of fourth-line drugs in resistant hypertension: An application in electronic health record data.
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Characteristics and contraceptive outcomes of women seeking medical or surgical abortion in reproductive health clinics in Cambodia.
Contraception and Reproductive Medicine, 4 (1).
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Egea-Guerrero, Juan José;
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Laska, Ann Charlotte;
Law, Zhe Kang;
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Thanabalan, Jegan;
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EXCEL Trial Investigators;
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Sanchez-Valle, Raquel;
Borroni, Barbara;
Laforce, Robert;
Masellis, Mario;
Tartaglia, Maria Carmela;
Graff, Caroline;
Galimberti, Daniela;
Rowe, James B;
Finger, Elizabeth;
Synofzik, Matthis;
Vandenberghe, Rik;
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Tagliavini, Fabrizio;
Santana, Isabel;
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Butler, Chris;
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Levin, Johannes;
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On behalf of, GENFI;
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ISSN 2213-1582
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Dynamic predictive probabilities to monitor rapid cystic fibrosis disease progression.
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Elhadad, Simon;
Bufe, Alexander;
Boudou, Nicolas;
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Martin-Yuste, Victoria;
Thuesen, Leif;
Erglis, Andrejs;
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Spratt, James;
Bryniarski, Lesciak;
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Hildick-Smith, David;
Derivation and Validation of a Chronic Total Coronary Occlusion Intervention Procedural Success Score From the 20,000-Patient EuroCTO Registry: The EuroCTO (CASTLE) Score.
JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, 12 (4).
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Thomas, Karen;
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Sadique, M Zia;
Grieve, Richard D;
Mason, Alexina J;
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Gordon, Anthony C;
Rowan, Kathryn M;
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Tillin, Therese;
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Sowa, Barbara;
Chattopadhyay, Kaushik;
Sattar, Naveed;
Welsh, Paul;
Roberts, Ian;
Ebrahim, Shah;
Kinra, Sanjay;
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Chaturvedi, Nishi;
Yoga and Cardiovascular Health Trial (YACHT): a UK-based randomised mechanistic study of a yoga intervention plus usual care versus usual care alone following an acute coronary event.
BMJ open, 9 (11).
ISSN 2044-6055
Traenka, Christopher;
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Brown, Martin M;
Dobson, Joanna;
Frost, Chris;
Bonati, Leo H;
Silent brain infarcts on diffusion-weighted imaging after carotid revascularisation: A surrogate outcome measure for procedural stroke? A systematic review and meta-analysis.
European Stroke Journal, 4 (2).
pp. 127-143.
ISSN 2396-9873
Tur, Carmen;
Grussu, Francesco;
Prados, Ferran;
Charalambous, Thalis;
Collorone, Sara;
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Clayden, Jonathan D;
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A multi-shell multi-tissue diffusion study of brain connectivity in early multiple sclerosis.
Multiple sclerosis, 26 (7).
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Tur, Carmen;
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Eshaghi, Arman;
Altmann, Dan R;
Khaleeli, Zhaleh;
Prados, Ferran;
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Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott, Claudia Am;
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Clinical relevance of cortical network dynamics in early primary progressive MS.
Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England), 26 (4).
pp. 442-456.
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Urban, Philip;
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Angiolillo, Dominick J;
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Eerdmans, Pedro;
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Gibson, C Michael;
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Laschinger, John;
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Magee, PF Adrian;
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Valgimigli, Marco;
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Yeh, Robert W;
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Morice, Marie-Claude;
Defining High Bleeding Risk in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.
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Urban, Philip;
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Colleran, Roisin;
Angiolillo, Dominick J;
Byrne, Robert A;
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Cutlip, Donald;
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Farb, Andrew;
Gibson, C Michael;
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James, Stefan K;
Kim, Hyo-Soo;
Kimura, Takeshi;
Konishi, Akihide;
Laschinger, John;
Leon, Martin B;
Magee, PF Adrian;
Mitsutake, Yoshiaki;
Mylotte, Darren;
Pocock, Stuart;
Price, Matthew J;
Rao, Sunil V;
Spitzer, Ernest;
Stockbridge, Norman;
Valgimigli, Marco;
Varenne, Olivier;
Windhoevel, Ute;
Yeh, Robert W;
Krucoff, Mitchell W;
Morice, Marie-Claude;
Defining high bleeding risk in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: a consensus document from the Academic Research Consortium for High Bleeding Risk.
European heart journal, 40 (31).
pp. 2632-2653.
ISSN 0195-668X
Van Lancker, Kelly;
Vandebosch, An;
Vansteelandt, Stijn;
De Ridder, Filip;
Evaluating futility of a binary clinical endpoint using early read-outs.
pp. 5361-5375.
ISSN 0277-6715
Vandenbroucke, Jan P;
Pearce, Neil;
Test-Negative Designs: Differences and Commonalities with Other Case-Control Studies with "Other Patient" Controls.
Epidemiology, 30 (6).
pp. 838-844.
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Vansteelandt, Stijn;
Linder, Martin;
Vandenberghe, Sjouke;
Steen, Johan;
Madsen, Jesper;
Mediation analysis of time-to-event endpoints accounting for repeatedly measured mediators subject to time-varying confounding.
pp. 4828-4840.
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Veighey, Kristin V;
Nicholas, Jennifer M;
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Knight, Rosemary;
Robertson, Steven;
Dalton, Neil;
Harber, Mark;
Watson, Christopher JE;
De Fijter, Johan W;
Loukogeorgakis, Stavros;
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MacAllister, Raymond;
Early remote ischaemic preconditioning leads to sustained improvement in allograft function after live donor kidney transplantation: long-term outcomes in the REnal Protection Against Ischaemia-Reperfusion in transplantation (REPAIR) randomised trial.
British Journal of Anaesthesia, 123 (5).
pp. 584-591.
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Volkers, Eline J;
Algra, Ale;
Kappelle, L Jaap;
Becquemin, Jean-Pierre;
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Bulbulia, Richard;
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Gregson, John;
Halliday, Alison;
Hendrikse, Jeroen;
Howard, George;
Jansen, Olav;
Roubin, Gary S;
Bonati, Leo H;
Brott, Thomas G;
Mas, Jean-Louis;
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Carotid Stenosis Trialists’ Collaboration;
Safety of Carotid Revascularization in Patients With a History of Coronary Heart Disease.
STROKE, 50 (2).
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Wade, Dorothy M;
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Richards-Belle, Alvin;
Wulff, Jerome;
Harrison, David A;
Sadique, M Zia;
Grieve, Richard D;
Emerson, Lydia M;
Mason, Alexina J;
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Als, Nicole;
Brewin, Chris R;
Harvey, Sheila E;
Howell, David CJ;
Hudson, Nicholas;
Mythen, Monty G;
Smyth, Deborah;
Weinman, John;
Welch, John;
Whitman, Chris;
Rowan, Kathryn M;
POPPI Trial Investigators;
Effect of a Nurse-Led Preventive Psychological Intervention on Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Critically Ill Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
JAMA, 321 (7).
pp. 665-675.
ISSN 0098-7484
Walker, Jane;
Burke, Katy;
Toynbee, Mark;
van Niekerk, Maike;
Frost, Chris;
Magill, Nicholas;
Walker, Simon;
Sculpher, Mark;
White, Ian R;
Sharpe, Michael;
The HOME Study: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial comparing the addition of Proactive Psychological Medicine to usual care, with usual care alone, on the time spent in hospital by older acute hospital inpatients.
Trials, 20 (1).
Walker, Naomi F;
Opondo, Charles;
Meintjes, Graeme;
Jhilmeet, Nishtha;
Friedland, Jon S;
Elkington, Paul T;
Wilkinson, Robert J;
Wilkinson, Katalin A;
Invariant Natural Killer T-cell Dynamics in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-associated Tuberculosis.
Clinical Infectious Diseases, 70 (9).
pp. 1865-1874.
ISSN 1058-4838
Walls, Christopher B;
Snell, Andrew;
McLean, David J;
Pearce, Neil;
An updated critique of the use of the Twin Spine Study (2009) to determine causation of low back disorder.
The New Zealand medical journal, 132 (1494).
pp. 57-59.
ISSN 0028-8446
Wang, Chaochen;
Almoosawi, Suzana;
Palla, Luigi;
Day-Time Patterns of Carbohydrate Intake in Adults by Non-Parametric Multi-Level Latent Class Analysis-Results from the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (2008/09-2015/16).
Nutrients, 11 (10).
p. 2476.
ISSN 2072-6643
Ward, Abigail;
Guillot, Andrea;
Nepomnyashchiy, Lyudmila E;
Graves, Justin C;
Maloney, Kathleen;
Omoniwa, Omowunmi F;
Emegbuonye, Leslie;
Opondo, Charles;
Kerac, Marko;
Omoluabi, Elizabeth;
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Bhattacharya, Antoinette;
Milch Hariharan, Karen;
Wiwa, Owens;
Cohen, Justin M;
Le Menach, Arnaud;
Seasonal malaria chemoprevention packaged with malnutrition prevention in northern Nigeria: A pragmatic trial (SMAMP study) with nested case-control.
PLOS ONE, 14 (1).
Warren, Emily;
Bevilacqua, Leonardo;
Opondo, Charles;
Allen, Elizabeth;
Mathiot, Anne;
West, Grace;
Jamal, Farah;
Viner, Russell;
Bonell, Chris;
Action groups as a participative strategy for leading whole‐school health promotion: Results on implementation from the<scp>INCLUSIVE</scp>trial in English secondary schools.
British Educational Research Journal, 45 (5).
pp. 979-1000.
ISSN 0141-1926
Warren-Gash, Charlotte;
Forbes, Harriet J;
Williamson, Elizabeth;
Breuer, Judith;
Hayward, Andrew C;
Mavrodaris, Angelique;
Ridha, Basil H;
Rossor, Martin N;
Thomas, Sara L;
Smeeth, Liam;
Human herpesvirus infections and dementia or mild cognitive impairment: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Scientific reports, 9 (1).
ISSN 2045-2322
Weston, Philip SJ;
Poole, Teresa;
O'Connor, Antoinette;
Heslegrave, Amanda;
Ryan, Natalie S;
Liang, Yuying;
Druyeh, Ronald;
Mead, Simon;
Blennow, Kaj;
Schott, Jonathan M;
+3 more...
Frost, Chris;
Zetterberg, Henrik;
Fox, Nick C;
Longitudinal measurement of serum neurofilament light in presymptomatic familial Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimer's research & therapy, 11 (1).
ISSN 1758-9193
Whidden, Caroline;
Thwing, Julie;
Gutman, Julie;
Wohl, Ethan;
Leyrat, Clémence;
Kayentao, Kassoum;
Johnson, Ari David;
Greenwood, Brian;
Chandramohan, Daniel;
Proactive case detection of common childhood illnesses by community health workers: a systematic review.
BMJ Global Health, 4 (6).
ISSN 2059-7908
Will, Elspeth;
Magill, Nicholas;
Arnold, Rebecca;
Davies, Megan;
Doherty, Gary;
Fairhurst, Charlie;
Roposch, Andreas;
Lundy, Claire;
Norman-Taylor, Fabian;
Preoperative botulinum neurotoxin A for children with bilateral cerebral palsy undergoing major hip surgery: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial.
Developmental medicine and child neurology, 61 (9).
pp. 1074-1079.
ISSN 0012-1622
Williamson, E;
Denaxas, S;
Morris, S;
Clarke, CS;
Thomas, M;
Evans, H;
Direk, K;
Gonzalez-Izquierdo, A;
Little, P;
Lund, V;
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Blackshaw, H;
Schilder, A;
Philpott, C;
Hopkins, C;
Carpenter, J;
Programme Team, On Behalf Of The Macro;
Risk of mortality and cardiovascular events following macrolide prescription in chronic rhinosinusitis patients: a cohort study using linked primary care electronic health records.
Rhinology, 57 (4).
pp. 252-260.
ISSN 0300-0729
Williamson, Elizabeth J;
Polak, Julia;
Simpson, Julie A;
Giles, Graham G;
English, Dallas R;
Hodge, Allison;
Gurrin, Lyle;
Forbes, Andrew B;
Sustained adherence to a Mediterranean diet and physical activity on all-cause mortality in the Melbourne Collaborative Cohort Study: application of the g-formula.
BMC public health, 19 (1).
ISSN 1471-2458
Wilson, Emma;
Leyrat, Clémence;
Baraitser, Paula;
Free, Caroline;
Does internet-accessed STI (e-STI) testing increase testing uptake for chlamydia and other STIs among a young population who have never tested? Secondary analyses of data from a randomised controlled trial.
Sexually Transmitted Infections, 95 (8).
pp. 569-574.
ISSN 1368-4973