Items where Faculty or Department is "Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health > Dept of Medical Statistics"

Number of items: 104.
Achara, S;
Adeyemi, B;
Dosekun, E;
Kelleher, S;
Lansley, M;
Male, I;
Muhialdin, N;
Reynolds, L;
Roberts, I;
Smailbegovic, M;
+2 more...
van der Spek, N;
Cochrane Injuries Group Driver Education Reviewers;
Evidence based road safety: the Driving Standards Agency's schools programme.
Lancet, 358 (9277).
pp. 230-232.
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
Armstrong, B;
Coleman, M;
Davies, C;
Elbourne, D;
Fletcher, A;
Grundy, E;
Haines, A;
Hall, A;
Kirkwood, B;
Lamping, D;
+3 more...
Miles, M;
Roberts, I;
Sondorp, E;
Plight of Afghan people must not be forgotten.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 323 (7315).
ISSN 0959-8138
Asher, MI;
Barry, D;
Clayton, T;
Crane, J;
D'Souza, W;
Ellwood, P;
Ford, RP;
Mackay, R;
Mitchell, EA;
Moyes, C;
+4 more...
Pattemore, P;
Pearce, N;
Stewart, AW;
International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC);
The burden of symptoms of asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and atopic eczema in children and adolescents in six New Zealand centres: ISAAC Phase One.
The New Zealand medical journal, 114 (1128).
pp. 114-120.
ISSN 0028-8446
Full text not available from this repository.
Aylin, P;
Alves, B;
Best, N;
Cook, A;
Elliott, P;
Evans, SJ;
Lawrence, AE;
Murray, GD;
Pollock, J;
Spiegelhalter, D;
Comparison of UK paediatric cardiac surgical performance by analysis of routinely collected data 1984-96: was Bristol an outlier?
Lancet, 358 (9277).
pp. 181-187.
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
Bakhai, A;
Wang, D;
Practical Issues in Trial Design - Part 6: Understanding Survival Analyses in Randomized Controlled Trials.
Clinical Researcher, 1 (9).
pp. 36-39.
ISSN 1471-8456
Full text not available from this repository.
Bakhai, A;
Wang, D;
Practical Issues in Trial DesignPart 6: Understanding Survival Analyses in Randomized Controlled Trials.
Clinical Researcher, 1 (9).
pp. 36-39.
ISSN 1471-8456
Full text not available from this repository.
Bakhai, A;
Wang, D;
Practical issues in trial design: relative risk ratios and odds ratios.
Clinical Researcher, 1 (8).
pp. 34-36.
ISSN 1471-8456
Full text not available from this repository.
Bates, MN;
Fawcett, J;
Garrett, N;
Arnold, R;
Pearce, N;
Woodward, A;
Is testicular cancer an occupational disease of fire fighters?
American journal of industrial medicine, 40 (3).
pp. 263-270.
ISSN 0271-3586
Full text not available from this repository.
Beasley, R;
Pekkanen, J;
Pearce, N;
Has the role of atopy in the development of asthma been over-emphasized?
Pediatric pulmonology, Suppl (S23).
pp. 149-150.
ISSN 8755-6863
Full text not available from this repository.
Bennett, CC;
Johnson, A;
Field, DJ;
Elbourne, D;
UK Collaborative ECMO Trial Group;
UK collaborative randomised trial of neonatal extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: follow-up to age 4 years.
Lancet, 357 (9262).
pp. 1094-1096.
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
Bethwaite, P;
Cook, A;
Kennedy, J;
Pearce, N;
Acute leukemia in electrical workers: a New Zealand case-control study.
Cancer causes & control, 12 (8).
pp. 683-689.
ISSN 0957-5243
Full text not available from this repository.
Bethwaite, P;
McLean, D;
Kennedy, J;
Pearce, N;
Adult-onset acute leukemia and employment in the meat industry: a New Zealand case-control study.
Cancer causes & control, 12 (7).
pp. 635-643.
ISSN 0957-5243
Full text not available from this repository.
Brown, PJ;
Bayesian discrimination with longitudinal data.
Biostatistics (Oxford, England), 2 (4).
pp. 417-432.
ISSN 1465-4644
Full text not available from this repository.
Burns, T;
Knapp, M;
Catty, J;
Healey, A;
Henderson, J;
Watt, H;
Wright, C;
Home treatment for mental health problems: a systematic review.
Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 5 (15).
pp. 1-139.
ISSN 1366-5278
Buvé, A;
Changalucha, J;
Mayaud, P;
Gavyole, A;
Mugeye, K;
Todd, J;
Clayton, T;
Mosha, F;
Grosskurth, H;
Mabey, D;
+3 more...
Laga, M;
Van Lerberghe, W;
Hayes, RJ;
How many patients with a sexually transmitted infection are cured by health services? A study from Mwanza region, Tanzania.
Tropical medicine & international health, 6 (12).
pp. 971-979.
ISSN 1360-2276
Full text not available from this repository.
Campbell, Michael J;
Donner, Allan;
Elbourne, Diana R;
Statistics in medicine, 20 (3).
pp. 329-330.
ISSN 0277-6715
Full text not available from this repository.
Douwes, J;
McLean, D;
Slater, T;
Pearce, N;
Asthma and other respiratory symptoms in New Zealand pine processing sawmill workers.
American journal of industrial medicine, 39 (6).
pp. 608-615.
ISSN 0271-3586
Full text not available from this repository.
Elbourne, D;
Ayers, S;
Dellagrammaticas, H;
Johnson, A;
Leloup, M;
Lenoir-Piat, S;
EC Ethamsylate Trial Group;
Randomised controlled trial of prophylactic etamsylate: follow up at 2 years of age.
Archives of disease in childhood Fetal and neonatal edition, 84 (3).
ISSN 1359-2998
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Elbourne, D;
Snowdon, C;
Garcia, J;
Field, D;
Trial experience and problems of parental recollection of consent.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 322 (7277).
pp. 49-50.
ISSN 0959-8138
Elbourne, DR;
Campbell, MK;
Extending the CONSORT statement to cluster randomized trials: for discussion.
Statistics in medicine, 20 (3).
pp. 489-496.
ISSN 0277-6715
Full text not available from this repository.
Elbourne, DR;
Prendiville, WJ;
Carroli, G;
Wood, J;
McDonald, S;
Prophylactic use of oxytocin in the third stage of labour.
The Cochrane database of systematic reviews (4).
ISSN 1469-493X
Ellwood, P;
Asher, MI;
Björkstén, B;
Burr, M;
Pearce, N;
Robertson, CF;
Diet and asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and atopic eczema symptom prevalence: an ecological analysis of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) data. ISAAC Phase One Study Group.
The European respiratory journal, 17 (3).
pp. 436-443.
ISSN 0903-1936
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Evans, S;
Pocock, S;
Societal responsibilities of clinical trial sponsors. Lack of commercial pay off is not a legitimate reason for stopping a trial.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 322 (7286).
pp. 569-570.
ISSN 0959-8138
Evans, SJ;
Waller, PC;
Davis, S;
Use of proportional reporting ratios (PRRs) for signal generation from spontaneous adverse drug reaction reports.
Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety, 10 (6).
pp. 483-486.
ISSN 1053-8569
Full text not available from this repository.
Ford, R;
Barnes, A;
Davies, R;
Chalmers, C;
Hardy, P;
Muijen, M;
Maintaining contact with people with severe mental illness: 5-year follow-up of assertive outreach.
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 36 (9).
pp. 444-447.
ISSN 0933-7954
Full text not available from this repository.
Free, C;
Dawe, A;
Macey, S;
Mawer, C;
Evaluating and developing contraceptive services: the results of an audit of the North Lambeth Primary Care Commissioning Group.
The journal of family planning and reproductive health care / Faculty of Family Planning & Reproductive Health Care, Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, 27 (1).
pp. 22-28.
ISSN 1471-1893
Full text not available from this repository.
Grant, A;
Gordon, B;
Mackrodat, C;
Fern, E;
Truesdale, A;
Ayers, S;
The Ipswich childbirth study: one year follow up of alternative methods used in perineal repair.
BJOG, 108 (1).
pp. 34-40.
ISSN 1470-0328
Full text not available from this repository.
Gülmezoglu, AM;
Villar, J;
Ngoc, NT;
Piaggio, G;
Carroli, G;
Adetoro, L;
Abdel-Aleem, H;
Cheng, L;
Hofmeyr, G;
Lumbiganon, P;
+7 more...
Unger, C;
Prendiville, W;
Pinol, A;
Elbourne, D;
El-Refaey, H;
Schulz, K;
WHO Collaborative Group To Evaluate Misoprostol in the Managemen;
WHO multicentre randomised trial of misoprostol in the management of the third stage of labour.
Lancet, 358 (9283).
pp. 689-695.
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
Hanley, B;
Truesdale, A;
King, A;
Elbourne, D;
Chalmers, I;
Involving consumers in designing, conducting, and interpreting randomised controlled trials: questionnaire survey.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 322 (7285).
pp. 519-523.
ISSN 0959-8138
Hyppönen, E;
Leon, DA;
Kenward, MG;
Lithell, H;
Prenatal growth and risk of occlusive and haemorrhagic stroke in Swedish men and women born 1915-29: historical cohort study.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 323 (7320).
pp. 1033-1034.
ISSN 0959-8138
Kennedy, CR;
Ayers, S;
Campbell, MJ;
Elbourne, D;
Hope, P;
Johnson, A;
Randomized, controlled trial of acetazolamide and furosemide in posthemorrhagic ventricular dilation in infancy: follow-up at 1 year.
Pediatrics, 108 (3).
pp. 597-607.
ISSN 0031-4005
Full text not available from this repository.
Kenward, MG;
Parametric modelling of growth curve data: An overview - Discussion.
Test (Madrid, Spain), 10 (1).
pp. 51-53.
ISSN 1133-0686
Full text not available from this repository.
Kenward, MG;
Goetghebeur, EFJ;
Molenberghs, G;
Sensitivity analysis for incomplete categorical data.
Statistical Modelling, 1 (1).
pp. 31-48.
ISSN 1477-0342
Full text not available from this repository.
Kimbell-Dunn, MR;
Fishwick, RD;
Bradshaw, L;
Erkinjuntti-Pekkanen, R;
Pearce, N;
Work-related respiratory symptoms in New Zealand farmers.
American journal of industrial medicine, 39 (3).
pp. 292-300.
ISSN 0271-3586
Full text not available from this repository.
Lees, C;
Parra, M;
Missfelder-Lobos, H;
Morgans, A;
Fletcher, O;
Nicolaides, KH;
Individualized risk assessment for adverse pregnancy outcome by uterine artery Doppler at 23 weeks.
Obstetrics and gynecology, 98 (3).
pp. 369-373.
ISSN 0029-7844
Full text not available from this repository.
Li, L;
Roberts, I;
Power, C;
Physical and psychological effects of injury. Data from the 1958 British birth cohort study.
European journal of public health, 11 (1).
pp. 81-83.
ISSN 1101-1262
Full text not available from this repository.
Mazzaglia, G;
Britton, AR;
Altmann, DR;
Chenet, L;
Exploring the relationship between alcohol consumption and non-fatal or fatal stroke: a systematic review.
Addiction (Abingdon, England), 96 (12).
pp. 1743-1756.
ISSN 0965-2140
Full text not available from this repository.
Moala, A;
Pearce, N;
Asthma in Pacificans in New Zealand and in the South Pacific.
Pacific health dialog, 8 (1).
pp. 183-187.
ISSN 1015-7867
Full text not available from this repository.
Mohan, D;
Roberts, I;
Global road safety and the contribution of big business.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 323 (7314).
ISSN 0959-8138
Moher, D;
Schulz, KF;
Altman, DG;
The CONSORT statement: revised recommendations for improving the quality of reports of parallel-group randomised trials.
Lancet, 357 (9263).
pp. 1191-1194.
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
Molenberghs, G;
Verbeke, C;
Thijs, H;
Lesaffre, E;
Kenward, MG;
Influence analysis to assess sensitivity of the dropout process.
Computational statistics & data analysis, 37 (1).
pp. 93-113.
ISSN 0167-9473
Full text not available from this repository.
Molenberghs, Geert;
Kenward, Michael G;
Goetghebeur, Els;
Sensitivity Analysis for Incomplete Contingency Tables: The Slovenian Plebiscite Case.
Applied statistics, 50 (1).
pp. 15-29.
ISSN 0035-9254
Full text not available from this repository.
Moles, DR;
Frost, C;
Grundy, C;
Inequalities in availability of National Health Service general dental practitioners in England and Wales.
British dental journal, 190 (10).
pp. 548-553.
ISSN 0007-0610
Full text not available from this repository.
Murphy, M;
Wang, D;
Do previous birth interval and mother's education influence infant survival? A Bayesian model averaging analysis of Chinese data.
Population studies, 55 (1).
pp. 37-47.
ISSN 0032-4728
Full text not available from this repository.
Murphy, M;
Wang, D;
Do previous birth interval and mother's education influence infant survival?: a Bayesian model averaging analysis of Chinese data.
Population studies, 55 (1).
pp. 37-47.
ISSN 0032-4728
Full text not available from this repository.
Murphy, M;
Wang, D;
Family-level continuities in childbearing in low-fertility societies.
European journal of population = Revue europeenne de demographie, 17.
pp. 75-96.
ISSN 0168-6577
Full text not available from this repository.
Pekkanen, J;
Pearce, N;
Environmental epidemiology: challenges and opportunities.
Environmental health perspectives, 109 (1).
pp. 1-5.
ISSN 0091-6765
Pocock, S;
Furberg, CD;
Procedures of data and safety monitoring committees.
American heart journal, 141 (2).
pp. 289-294.
ISSN 0002-8703
Full text not available from this repository.
Pocock, SJ;
McCormack, V;
Gueyffier, F;
Boutitie, F;
Fagard, RH;
Boissel, JP;
A score for predicting risk of death from cardiovascular disease in adults with raised blood pressure, based on individual patient data from randomised controlled trials.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 323 (7304).
pp. 75-81.
ISSN 0959-8138
Pocock, SJ;
McCormack, V;
Gueyffier, F;
Fagard, RH;
Individual cardiovascular risk cannot be predicted. Authors' reply.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 323 (7319).
ISSN 0959-8138
Full text not available from this repository.
Pocock, SJ;
McCormack, V;
Gueyffier, F;
Fagard, RH;
Predicting risk of death from cardiovascular disease - Reply.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 323 (7319).
p. 1000.
ISSN 0959-8138
Roberts, I;
Animal research. Three Rs should be registration randomisation, and reviews (systematic).
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 322 (7302).
ISSN 0959-8138
Roberts, I;
The CRASH trial: the first large-scale, randomised, controlled trial in head injury.
Critical care (London, England), 5 (6).
pp. 292-293.
ISSN 1364-8535
Roberts, I;
Will we all continue to ignore deaths and injuries from road traffic crashes?
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 323 (7309).
ISSN 0959-8138
Roberts, I;
Evans, P;
Bunn, F;
Kwan, I;
Crowhurst, E;
Is the normalisation of blood pressure in bleeding trauma patients harmful?
Lancet, 357 (9253).
pp. 385-387.
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
Roberts, I;
Hosford, T;
Edwards, P;
The World Health Organization and the prevention of road injuries: phone book analysis.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 323 (7327).
ISSN 0959-8138
Rowland, M;
Durrani, N;
Kenward, M;
Mohammed, N;
Urahman, H;
Hewitt, S;
Control of malaria in Pakistan by applying deltamethrin insecticide to cattle: a community-randomised trial.
Lancet, 357 (9271).
pp. 1837-1841.
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
Rudnicka, AR;
Frost, C;
Owen, CG;
Edgar, DF;
Nonlinear behavior of certain optic nerve head parameters and their determinants in normal subjects.
Ophthalmology, 108 (12).
pp. 2358-2368.
ISSN 0161-6420
Full text not available from this repository.
Schim van der Loeff, MF;
Aaby, P;
Aryioshi, K;
Vincent, T;
Awasana, AA;
Da Costa, C;
Pembrey, L;
Dias, F;
Harding, E;
Weiss, HA;
+1 more...
Whittle, HC;
HIV-2 does not protect against HIV-1 infection in a rural community in Guinea-Bissau.
AIDS (London, England), 15 (17).
pp. 2303-2310.
ISSN 0269-9370
Full text not available from this repository.
Sethi, D;
Kwan, I;
Kelly, AM;
Roberts, I;
Bunn, F;
Advanced trauma life support training for ambulance crews.
The Cochrane database of systematic reviews (2).
ISSN 1469-493X
Shibata, MC;
Flather, MD;
Wang, D;
Systematic review of the impact of beta blockers on mortality and hospital admissions in heart failure.
European journal of heart failure, 3 (3).
pp. 351-357.
ISSN 1388-9842
Full text not available from this repository.
Shibata, MC;
Flather, MD;
de Arenaza, DP;
Wang, D;
O'shea, JC;
Potential impact of socioeconomic differences on clinical outcomes in international clinical trials.
American heart journal, 141 (6).
pp. 1019-1024.
ISSN 0002-8703
Full text not available from this repository.
Spiegelhalter, David J;
Aylin, Paul;
Best, Nicola G;
Evans, Stephen JW;
Murray, Gordon D;
Commissioned Analysis of Surgical Performance Using Routine Data: Lessons from the Bristol Inquiry.
Statistics in Society, 165 (2).
pp. 191-221.
Full text not available from this repository.
Stewart, AW;
Mitchell, EA;
Pearce, N;
Strachan, DP;
Weiland, SK;
ISAAC Steering Committee. International Study for Asthma and All;
The relationship of per capita gross national product to the prevalence of symptoms of asthma and other atopic diseases in children (ISAAC).
International journal of epidemiology, 30 (1).
pp. 173-179.
ISSN 0300-5771
Full text not available from this repository.
Sutcliffe, N;
Clarke, AE;
Taylor, R;
Frost, C;
Isenberg, DA;
Total costs and predictors of costs in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.
Rheumatology (Oxford, England), 40 (1).
pp. 37-47.
ISSN 1462-0324
Full text not available from this repository.
Svoboda, P;
Roberts, I;
Kantorová, I;
Ochmann, J;
Yates, DW;
[CRASH--the first large randomized controlled study of head injuries].
Rozhledy v chirurgii : měsíčník Československé chirurgické společnosti, 80 (9).
pp. 453-455.
ISSN 0035-9351
Full text not available from this repository.
Sypsa, V;
Touloumi, G;
Kenward, M;
Karafoulidou, A;
Hatzakis, A;
Comparison of smoothing techniques for CD4 data in a Markov model with states defined by CD4: an example on the estimation of the HIV incubation time distribution.
Statistics in medicine, 20 (24).
pp. 3667-3676.
ISSN 0277-6715
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Touloumi, G;
Babiker, AG;
Pocock, SJ;
Darbyshire, JH;
Impact of missing data due to drop-outs on estimators for rates of change in longitudinal studies: a simulation study.
Statistics in medicine, 20 (24).
pp. 3715-3728.
ISSN 0277-6715
Full text not available from this repository.
Verbeke, G;
Molenberghs, G;
Thijs, H;
Lesaffre, E;
Kenward, MG;
Sensitivity analysis for nonrandom dropout: a local influence approach.
Biometrics, 57 (1).
pp. 7-14.
ISSN 0006-341X
Full text not available from this repository.
Wang, D;
Confidence intervals for the ratio of two binomial proportions by Koopman's method.
Stata Technical Bulletin, no. 58.
pp. 16-19.
Full text not available from this repository.
Wang, D;
Modeling mortality data using the Lee-Carter model.
Stata Technical Bulletin, no. 57.
pp. 15-17.
Full text not available from this repository.
Wang, D;
Modeling the process of entry into the first marriage using Hernes model.
Stata Technical Bulletin, no.59.
pp. 18-23.
Full text not available from this repository.
Wang, D;
Bakhai, A;
Practical Issues in Trial Design - Part 8: Methods of Randomization in Clinical Trials.
Clinical Researcher, 1 (11).
pp. 38-41.
ISSN 1471-8456
Full text not available from this repository.
Wang, D;
Bakhai, A;
Practical Issues in Trial DesignPart 7: Choosing the Right Sample Size for a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Clinical Researcher, 1 (10).
pp. 2-5.
ISSN 1471-8456
Full text not available from this repository.
Wentz, Reinhard;
Roberts, Ian;
Bunn, Frances;
Edwards, Phil;
Kwan, Irene;
Lefebvre, Carol;
Identifying controlled evaluation studies of road safety interventions.
Journal of safety research, 32 (3).
pp. 267-276.
ISSN 0022-4375
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White, I;
Frost, C;
Tokunaga, S;
Correcting for measurement error in binary and continuous variables using replicates.
Statistics in medicine, 20 (22).
pp. 3441-3457.
ISSN 0277-6715
Full text not available from this repository.
White, IR;
Bamias, C;
Hardy, P;
Pocock, S;
Warner, J;
Randomized clinical trials with added rescue medication: some approaches to their analysis and interpretation.
Statistics in medicine, 20 (20).
pp. 2995-3008.
ISSN 0277-6715
Full text not available from this repository.
Whitwell, JL;
Crum, WR;
Watt, HC;
Fox, NC;
Normalization of cerebral volumes by use of intracranial volume: implications for longitudinal quantitative MR imaging.
AJNR American journal of neuroradiology, 22 (8).
pp. 1483-1489.
ISSN 0195-6108
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Wickens, K;
Crane, J;
Kemp, T;
Lewis, S;
D'Souza, W;
Sawyer, G;
Stone, L;
Tohill, S;
Kennedy, J;
Slater, T;
+2 more...
Rains, N;
Pearce, N;
A case-control study of risk factors for asthma in New Zealand children.
Australian and New Zealand journal of public health, 25 (1).
pp. 44-49.
ISSN 1326-0200
Wittes, Janet;
Palensky, Jolie;
Asner, Debra;
Julian, Desmond;
Boissel, Jean-Pierre;
Furberg, Curt D;
Kulbertus, Henri;
Pocock, Stuart;
Roniker, Barbara;
Experience collecting interim data on mortality: an example from the RALES study.
Current controlled trials in cardiovascular medicine, 2 (1).
pp. 59-62.
ISSN 1468-6708
Yousufuddin, M;
Henein, MY;
Flather, M;
Wang, D;
Shamim, W;
O'Sullivan, C;
Kemp, M;
Kazzam, E;
Banner, NR;
Amrani, M;
+1 more...
Coats, AJ;
Incremental importance of peak-exercise plasma levels of endothelin-1 and natriuretic peptides in chronic heart failure.
Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology, 38 (3).
pp. 468-473.
ISSN 0160-2446
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Book Section
Bakhai, A;
Wang, D;
Flather, MD;
Statistical principles in clinical trials.
In: Flather, MD; Aston, H; Stables, R, (eds.)
Handbook of clinical trials.
ReMedica Publishing, pp. 23-38.
ISBN 1901346293
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Clarke, R;
Frost, C;
Dietary fat, blood lipids and coronary heart disease risk.
In: Wilson, T; Temple, NJ, (eds.)
Nutritional Health: Strategies for Disease Prevention.
Humana Press.
Full text not available from this repository.
McPherson, K;
Leydon, GM;
Osborne, K;
Patton, R;
Chaudhri, W;
Altmann, D;
Patient information study: the information preferences of people with cancer: final report to CRC.
Technical Report.
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London.
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Conference or Workshop Item
Altman, DG;
Schulz, KF;
Moher, D;
Egger, M;
Davidoff, F;
Elbourne, D;
Gotzsche, PC;
Lang, T;
The revised CONSORT statement for reporting randomized trials: Explanation and elaboration.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Bakhai, A;
Collinson, J;
Shibata, MC;
de Arenaza, DP;
Wang, DL;
Flather, M;
Normand, C;
Resource use and outcomes of acute coronary syndromes stratified by electrocardiogram on admission. Results from PRAIS-UK.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Bakhai, A;
Shibata, MC;
Collinson, J;
de Arenaza, DP;
Wang, DL;
Adgey, JA;
Fox, KAA;
Flather, M;
Resource use and outcomes of high risk patients with acute coronary syndromes awaiting in-hospital transfer. Results from PRAIS-UK.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Bakhai, A;
de Arenaza, DP;
Collinson, J;
Shibata, MC;
Wang, DL;
Flather, M;
Adgey, JA;
Davidson, C;
Elderly patients are often denied evidence based medical therapies - will guidelines address this? Results from PRAIS-UK.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Casoli, A;
Montanari, A;
Palla, L;
Painted models simulating ancient polychromies: a statistical analysis of chemical results.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Cohen, J;
Guyatt, G;
Bernard, GR;
Calandra, T;
Cook, D;
Elbourne, D;
Marshall, J;
Nunn, A;
Opal, S;
New strategies for clinical trials in patients with sepsis and septic shock.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Dennis, SM;
Altmann, DR;
Lee, TH;
Additional corticosteroid use and daytime symptoms as a proxy for asthma exacerbation.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Dennis, SM;
Altmann, DR;
Lee, TH;
The relationship between TRUST exacerbations and morning peak expiratory flow.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Elbourne, D;
Hanley, B;
Truesdale, A;
King, A;
Chalmers, I;
Involving consumers in the design, conduct and interpretation of randomised controlled trials (Abstract).
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Kim, J;
Shahar, E;
McGovern, P;
Barber, C;
Duval, S;
Luepker, RV;
Long-term Survival of Hospitalized Patients with a Heart Failure Discharge Code: Early Experience of a Community Based Study.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
McCormack, V;
de Stavola, BL;
Dos Santos Silva, I;
Leon, D;
Mann, V;
A comparison of traditional statistical methods and latent factors models to investigate possible associations between fetal environment and breast cancer risk.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Moher, D;
Schultz, KF;
Altman, DG;
For The Consort Group (Including Elbourne, D., Pocock, S.);
The CONSORT statement: revised recommendations for improving the quality of reports of parallel-group randomized trials.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Moher, D;
Schultz, KF;
Altman, DG;
For The Consort Group (Including Elbourne, D., Pocock, S.);
The CONSORT statement: revised recommendations for improving the quality of reports of parallel-group randomized trials.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Morton, SMB;
Leon, DA;
de Stavola, BL;
Campbell, DM;
Hall, MH;
Clark, H;
Does maternal birth weight mediate the intergenerational continuities in hypertension in pregnancy? [Abstract].
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Phillips, CV;
Kim, J;
Goodman, KJ;
Calculating Sample Size with Consideration of Uncertain Input Assumptions.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Shibata, M;
Flather, MD;
Wang, D;
Beta blockers in heart failure: strength of the evidence after CIBISII, MERIT-HF, BEST and COPERNICUS.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
White, IR;
Altmann, DR;
Nanchahal, K;
Models of alcohol consumption and mortality for men and women at different ages [Conference presentation].
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Yousufuddin, M;
Flather, M;
Wang, D;
Yousef, Z;
Marber, M;
Parker, K;
Wilson, K;
Banner, N;
Amrani, M;
Coats, AJS;
Effects of oral L-arginine supplement on peripheral vascular function in chronic heart failure a prospective, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
de Stavola, BL;
Mann, V;
Hardy, R;
McCormack, V;
Dos Santos Silva, I;
Kuh, D;
Wadsworth, M;
Lifecourse modelling of birthweight, childhood growth and breast cancer risk.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Campbell, MJ;
Donner, A;
Elbourne, D;
Design and Analysis of Cluster Randomized Trials.
Statistics in Medicine.
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