Items where Author or Contributor is "Hossain, Mazeda"

Number of items: 74.
Leresche, E;
Developing and testing a theoretical model to assess and anticipate
what factors influence the implementation of research results in
humanitarian health responses in conflict-affected settings.
DrPH thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
Item availability may be restricted.
Raftery, P;
Gender based violence (GBV) coordination in emergencies.
DrPH thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
Devries, Karen;
Balliet, Manuela;
Thornhill, Kerrie;
Knight, Louise;
Procureur, Fanny;
N'Djoré, Yah Ariane Bernadette;
N'Guessan, Dedou Gruzshca Ferrand;
Merrill, Katherine G;
Dally, Mustapha;
Allen, Elizabeth;
+4 more...
Hossain, Mazeda;
Cislaghi, Beniamino;
Tanton, Clare;
Quintero, Lucia;
Can the 'Learn in peace, educate without violence' intervention in Cote d'Ivoire reduce teacher violence? Development of a theory of change and formative evaluation results.
BMJ open, 11 (11).
ISSN 2044-6055
Kenny, Leah;
Bhatia, Amiya;
Lokot, Michelle;
Hassan, Rahma;
Hussein Aden, Abdullahi;
Muriuki, Angela;
Ahmed Osman, Ibrahim;
Kanyuuru, Lynn;
Pryor, Shannon;
Bacchus, Loraine J;
+2 more...
Cislaghi, Beniamino;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Improving provision of family planning among pastoralists in Kenya: Perspectives from health care providers, community and religious leaders.
Global Public Health, 17 (8).
pp. 1594-1610.
ISSN 1744-1692
Kenny, Leah;
Hassan, Rahma;
Bacchus, Loraine J;
Smith, Matthew;
Shell-Duncan, Bettina;
Dagadu, Nana Apenem;
Muriuki, Angela;
Aden, Abdullahi Hussein;
Jelle, Ibrahim Abdirizak;
Cislaghi, Beniamino;
+1 more...
Hossain, Mazeda;
Reproductive health decision making among nomadic pastoralists in North Eastern Kenya: a qualitative social network analysis.
Reproductive Health, 18 (1).
ISSN 1742-4755
Lowe, Hattie;
Kenny, Leah;
Hassan, Rahma;
Bacchus, Loraine J;
Njoroge, Pauline;
Dagadu, Nana Apenem;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Cislaghi, Beniamino;
'If she gets married when she is young, she will give birth to many kids': a qualitative study of child marriage practices amongst nomadic pastoralist communities in Kenya.
Culture, health & sexuality, 24 (7).
pp. 886-901.
ISSN 1369-1058
Hossain, Mazeda;
Pearson, Rachel Jane;
McAlpine, Alys;
Bacchus, Loraine J;
Spangaro, Jo;
Muthuri, Stella;
Muuo, Sheru;
Franchi, Giorgia;
Hess, Tim;
Bangha, Martin;
+1 more...
Izugbara, Chimaraoke;
Gender-based violence and its association with mental health among Somali women in a Kenyan refugee camp: a latent class analysis.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 75 (4).
pp. 327-334.
ISSN 0143-005X
Hossain, Mazeda;
Pearson, Rachel;
McAlpine, Alys;
Bacchus, Loraine;
Muuo, Sheru W;
Muthuri, Stella K;
Spangaro, Jo;
Kuper, Hannah;
Franchi, Giorgia;
Pla Cordero, Ricardo;
+4 more...
Cornish-Spencer, Sarah;
Hess, Tim;
Bangha, Martin;
Izugbara, Chimaraoke;
Disability, violence, and mental health among Somali refugee women in a humanitarian setting.
Global Mental Health, 7.
Kiss, Ligia;
Quinlan-Davidson, Meaghen;
Pasquero, Laura;
Tejero, Patricia Ollé;
Hogg, Charu;
Theis, Joachim;
Park, Andrew;
Zimmerman, Cathy;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Male and LGBT survivors of sexual violence in conflict situations: a realist review of health interventions in low-and middle-income countries.
ISSN 1752-1505
McAlpine, Alys;
Bacchus, Loraine J;
Muuo, Sheru W;
Muthuri, Stella K;
Bangha, Martin;
Izugbara, Chimaraoke;
Franchi, Giorgia;
Hess, Tim;
Spangaro, Jo;
Pearson, Rachel;
+1 more...
Hossain, Mazeda;
Research challenges in evaluating gender-based violence response services in a refugee camp.
ISSN 1654-9716
Muuo, Sheru;
Muthuri, Stella Kagwiria;
Mutua, Martin Kavao;
McAlpine, Alys;
Bacchus, Loraine J;
Ogego, Hope;
Bangha, Martin;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Izugbara, Chimaraoke;
Barriers and facilitators to care-seeking among survivors of gender-based violence in the Dadaab refugee complex.
Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters, 28 (1).
Vaillant, Julia;
Koussoubé, Estelle;
Roth, Danielle;
Pierotti, Rachael;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Falb, Kathryn L;
Engaging men to transform inequitable gender attitudes and prevent intimate partner violence: a cluster randomised controlled trial in North and South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo.
BMJ Global Health, 5 (5).
Vaillant, Julia;
Koussoubé, Estelle;
Roth, Danielle;
Pierotti, Rachael;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Falb, Kathryn L;
Engaging men to transform inequitable gender attitudes and prevent intimate partner violence: a cluster randomised controlled trial in North and South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo.
BMJ Global Health, 5 (5).
Baba-Ari, Fatima;
Eboreime, Ejemai Amaize;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Conditional Cash Transfers for Maternal Health Interventions: Factors Influencing Uptake in North-Central Nigeria.
International journal of health policy and management, 7 (10).
pp. 934-942.
ISSN 2322-5939
Hossain, M;
McAlpine, A;
Muthuri, S;
Bacchus, L;
Muuo, S;
Kohli, A;
Egesa, C;
Franchi, G;
MacRae, M;
Violence, uncertainty, and resilience among refugee women and community workers: An evaluation of gender-based violence case management services in the Dadaab refugee camps.
Technical Report.
LSHTM, London: Department for International Development (DFID).
Izugbara, Chimaraoke;
Muthuri, Stella;
Muuo, Sheru;
Egesa, Carolyne;
Franchi, Giorgia;
Mcalpine, Alys;
Bacchus, Loraine;
Hossain, Mazeda;
‘They Say Our Work Is Not Halal’: Experiences and Challenges of Refugee Community Workers Involved in Gender-based Violence Prevention and Care in Dadaab, Kenya.
Journal of refugee studies, 33 (3).
pp. 521-536.
ISSN 0951-6328
Annan, J;
Falb, K;
Kpebo, D;
Hossain, M;
Gupta, J;
Reducing PTSD symptoms through a gender norms and economic empowerment intervention to reduce intimate partner violence: a randomized controlled pilot study in Côte D'Ivoire.
Global mental health (Cambridge, England), 4.
ISSN 2054-4251
Blanchet, K;
Ramesh, A;
Frison, S;
Warren, E;
Hossain, M;
Smith, J;
Knight, A;
Post, N;
Lewis, C;
Woodward, A;
+5 more...
Dahab, M;
Ruby, A;
Sistenich, V;
Pantuliano, S;
Roberts, B;
Evidence on public health interventions in humanitarian crises.
ISSN 0140-6736
Devries, Karen M;
Knight, Louise;
Child, Jennifer C;
Kyegombe, Nambusi;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Lees, Shelley;
Watts, Charlotte;
Naker, Dipak;
Witnessing intimate partner violence and child maltreatment in Ugandan children: a cross-sectional survey.
BMJ open, 7 (2).
ISSN 2044-6055
Heise, L;
Hossain, M;
STRIVE Technical Brief: Measuring Intimate Partner Violence.
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK.
Hossain, M;
McAlpine, A;
Gender Based Violence Research Methodologies in Humanitarian Settings: An Evidence Review and Recommendations.
Technical Report.
Elhra, Cardiff.
Hossain, Mazeda;
Evaluation of a violence prevention intervention and lessons for future research in conflict settings: Working with men to prevent violence against women - a community survey, cluster randomised controlled trial
and nested cohort study in Cote d'Ivoire.
PhD thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
McAlpine, Alys;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Zimmerman, Cathy;
Sex trafficking and sexual exploitation in settings affected by armed conflicts in Africa, Asia and the Middle East: systematic review.
BMC international health and human rights, 16 (1).
ISSN 1472-698X
Zimmerman, C;
Michau, L;
Hossain, M;
Kiss, L;
Borland, R;
Watts, C;
Rigged or rigorous? Partnerships for research and evaluation of complex social problems: Lessons from the field of violence against women and girls.
Journal of public health policy, 37 (Suppl).
pp. 95-109.
ISSN 0197-5897
Zimmerman, Cathy;
Michau, Lori;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Kiss, Ligia;
Borland, Rosilyne;
Watts, Charlotte;
Rigged or rigorous? Partnerships for research and evaluation of complex social problems: Lessons from the field of violence against women and girls.
Journal of public health policy, 37 Sup (S1).
pp. 95-109.
ISSN 0197-5897
GBD 2013 DALYs and HALE Collaborators;
Murray, Christopher JL;
Barber, Ryan M;
Foreman, Kyle J;
Abbasoglu Ozgoren, Ayse;
Abd-Allah, Foad;
Abera, Semaw F;
Aboyans, Victor;
Abraham, Jerry P;
Abubakar, Ibrahim;
+601 more...
Abu-Raddad, Laith J;
Abu-Rmeileh, Niveen M;
Achoki, Tom;
Ackerman, Ilana N;
Ademi, Zanfina;
Adou, Arsène K;
Adsuar, José C;
Afshin, Ashkan;
Agardh, Emilie E;
Alam, Sayed Saidul;
Alasfoor, Deena;
Albittar, Mohammed I;
Alegretti, Miguel A;
Alemu, Zewdie A;
Alfonso-Cristancho, Rafael;
Alhabib, Samia;
Ali, Raghib;
Alla, François;
Allebeck, Peter;
Almazroa, Mohammad A;
Alsharif, Ubai;
Alvarez, Elena;
Alvis-Guzman, Nelson;
Amare, Azmeraw T;
Ameh, Emmanuel A;
Amini, Heresh;
Ammar, Walid;
Anderson, H Ross;
Anderson, Benjamin O;
Antonio, Carl Abelardo T;
Anwari, Palwasha;
Arnlöv, Johan;
Arsic Arsenijevic, Valentina S;
Artaman, Al;
Asghar, Rana J;
Assadi, Reza;
Atkins, Lydia S;
Avila, Marco A;
Awuah, Baffour;
Bachman, Victoria F;
Badawi, Alaa;
Bahit, Maria C;
Balakrishnan, Kalpana;
Banerjee, Amitava;
Barker-Collo, Suzanne L;
Barquera, Simon;
Barregard, Lars;
Barrero, Lope H;
Basu, Arindam;
Basu, Sanjay;
Basulaiman, Mohammed O;
Beardsley, Justin;
Bedi, Neeraj;
Beghi, Ettore;
Bekele, Tolesa;
Bell, Michelle L;
Benjet, Corina;
Bennett, Derrick A;
Bensenor, Isabela M;
Benzian, Habib;
Bernabé, Eduardo;
Bertozzi-Villa, Amelia;
Beyene, Tariku J;
Bhala, Neeraj;
Bhalla, Ashish;
Bhutta, Zulfiqar A;
Bienhoff, Kelly;
Bikbov, Boris;
Biryukov, Stan;
Blore, Jed D;
Blosser, Christopher D;
Blyth, Fiona M;
Bohensky, Megan A;
Bolliger, Ian W;
Bora Başara, Berrak;
Bornstein, Natan M;
Bose, Dipan;
Boufous, Soufiane;
Bourne, Rupert RA;
Boyers, Lindsay N;
Brainin, Michael;
Brayne, Carol E;
Brazinova, Alexandra;
Breitborde, Nicholas JK;
Brenner, Hermann;
Briggs, Adam D;
Brooks, Peter M;
Brown, Jonathan C;
Brugha, Traolach S;
Buchbinder, Rachelle;
Buckle, Geoffrey C;
Budke, Christine M;
Bulchis, Anne;
Bulloch, Andrew G;
Campos-Nonato, Ismael R;
Carabin, Hélène;
Carapetis, Jonathan R;
Cárdenas, Rosario;
Carpenter, David O;
Caso, Valeria;
Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A;
Castro, Ruben E;
Catalá-López, Ferrán;
Cavalleri, Fiorella;
Çavlin, Alanur;
Chadha, Vineet K;
Chang, Jung-Chen;
Charlson, Fiona J;
Chen, Honglei;
Chen, Wanqing;
Chiang, Peggy P;
Chimed-Ochir, Odgerel;
Chowdhury, Rajiv;
Christensen, Hanne;
Christophi, Costas A;
Cirillo, Massimo;
Coates, Matthew M;
Coffeng, Luc E;
Coggeshall, Megan S;
Colistro, Valentina;
Colquhoun, Samantha M;
Cooke, Graham S;
Cooper, Cyrus;
Cooper, Leslie T;
Coppola, Luis M;
Cortinovis, Monica;
Criqui, Michael H;
Crump, John A;
Cuevas-Nasu, Lucia;
Danawi, Hadi;
Dandona, Lalit;
Dandona, Rakhi;
Dansereau, Emily;
Dargan, Paul I;
Davey, Gail;
Davis, Adrian;
Davitoiu, Dragos V;
Dayama, Anand;
De Leo, Diego;
Degenhardt, Louisa;
Del Pozo-Cruz, Borja;
Dellavalle, Robert P;
Deribe, Kebede;
Derrett, Sarah;
Des Jarlais, Don C;
Dessalegn, Muluken;
Dharmaratne, Samath D;
Dherani, Mukesh K;
Diaz-Torné, Cesar;
Dicker, Daniel;
Ding, Eric L;
Dokova, Klara;
Dorsey, E Ray;
Driscoll, Tim R;
Duan, Leilei;
Duber, Herbert C;
Ebel, Beth E;
Edmond, Karen M;
Elshrek, Yousef M;
Endres, Matthias;
Ermakov, Sergey P;
Erskine, Holly E;
Eshrati, Babak;
Esteghamati, Alireza;
Estep, Kara;
Faraon, Emerito Jose A;
Farzadfar, Farshad;
Fay, Derek F;
Feigin, Valery L;
Felson, David T;
Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad;
Fernandes, Jefferson G;
Ferrari, Alize J;
Fitzmaurice, Christina;
Flaxman, Abraham D;
Fleming, Thomas D;
Foigt, Nataliya;
Forouzanfar, Mohammad H;
Fowkes, F Gerry R;
Paleo, Urbano Fra;
Franklin, Richard C;
Fürst, Thomas;
Gabbe, Belinda;
Gaffikin, Lynne;
Gankpé, Fortuné G;
Geleijnse, Johanna M;
Gessner, Bradford D;
Gething, Peter;
Gibney, Katherine B;
Giroud, Maurice;
Giussani, Giorgia;
Gomez Dantes, Hector;
Gona, Philimon;
González-Medina, Diego;
Gosselin, Richard A;
Gotay, Carolyn C;
Goto, Atsushi;
Gouda, Hebe N;
Graetz, Nicholas;
Gugnani, Harish C;
Gupta, Rahul;
Gupta, Rajeev;
Gutiérrez, Reyna A;
Haagsma, Juanita;
Hafezi-Nejad, Nima;
Hagan, Holly;
Halasa, Yara A;
Hamadeh, Randah R;
Hamavid, Hannah;
Hammami, Mouhanad;
Hancock, Jamie;
Hankey, Graeme J;
Hansen, Gillian M;
Hao, Yuantao;
Harb, Hilda L;
Haro, Josep Maria;
Havmoeller, Rasmus;
Hay, Simon I;
Hay, Roderick J;
Heredia-Pi, Ileana B;
Heuton, Kyle R;
Heydarpour, Pouria;
Higashi, Hideki;
Hijar, Martha;
Hoek, Hans W;
Hoffman, Howard J;
Hosgood, H Dean;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Hotez, Peter J;
Hoy, Damian G;
Hsairi, Mohamed;
Hu, Guoqing;
Huang, Cheng;
Huang, John J;
Husseini, Abdullatif;
Huynh, Chantal;
Iannarone, Marissa L;
Iburg, Kim M;
Innos, Kaire;
Inoue, Manami;
Islami, Farhad;
Jacobsen, Kathryn H;
Jarvis, Deborah L;
Jassal, Simerjot K;
Jee, Sun Ha;
Jeemon, Panniyammakal;
Jensen, Paul N;
Jha, Vivekanand;
Jiang, Guohong;
Jiang, Ying;
Jonas, Jost B;
Juel, Knud;
Kan, Haidong;
Karch, André;
Karema, Corine K;
Karimkhani, Chante;
Karthikeyan, Ganesan;
Kassebaum, Nicholas J;
Kaul, Anil;
Kawakami, Norito;
Kazanjan, Konstantin;
Kemp, Andrew H;
Kengne, Andre P;
Keren, Andre;
Khader, Yousef S;
Khalifa, Shams Eldin A;
Khan, Ejaz A;
Khan, Gulfaraz;
Khang, Young-Ho;
Kieling, Christian;
Kim, Daniel;
Kim, Sungroul;
Kim, Yunjin;
Kinfu, Yohannes;
Kinge, Jonas M;
Kivipelto, Miia;
Knibbs, Luke D;
Knudsen, Ann Kristin;
Kokubo, Yoshihiro;
Kosen, Soewarta;
Krishnaswami, Sanjay;
Kuate Defo, Barthelemy;
Kucuk Bicer, Burcu;
Kuipers, Ernst J;
Kulkarni, Chanda;
Kulkarni, Veena S;
Kumar, G Anil;
Kyu, Hmwe H;
Lai, Taavi;
Lalloo, Ratilal;
Lallukka, Tea;
Lam, Hilton;
Lan, Qing;
Lansingh, Van C;
Larsson, Anders;
Lawrynowicz, Alicia EB;
Leasher, Janet L;
Leigh, James;
Leung, Ricky;
Levitz, Carly E;
Li, Bin;
Li, Yichong;
Li, Yongmei;
Lim, Stephen S;
Lind, Maggie;
Lipshultz, Steven E;
Liu, Shiwei;
Liu, Yang;
Lloyd, Belinda K;
Lofgren, Katherine T;
Logroscino, Giancarlo;
Looker, Katharine J;
Lortet-Tieulent, Joannie;
Lotufo, Paulo A;
Lozano, Rafael;
Lucas, Robyn M;
Lunevicius, Raimundas;
Lyons, Ronan A;
Ma, Stefan;
Macintyre, Michael F;
Mackay, Mark T;
Majdan, Marek;
Malekzadeh, Reza;
Marcenes, Wagner;
Margolis, David J;
Margono, Christopher;
Marzan, Melvin B;
Masci, Joseph R;
Mashal, Mohammad T;
Matzopoulos, Richard;
Mayosi, Bongani M;
Mazorodze, Tasara T;
Mcgill, Neil W;
Mcgrath, John J;
Mckee, Martin;
Mclain, Abigail;
Meaney, Peter A;
Medina, Catalina;
Mehndiratta, Man Mohan;
Mekonnen, Wubegzier;
Melaku, Yohannes A;
Meltzer, Michele;
Memish, Ziad A;
Mensah, George A;
Meretoja, Atte;
Mhimbira, Francis A;
Micha, Renata;
Miller, Ted R;
Mills, Edward J;
Mitchell, Philip B;
Mock, Charles N;
Mohamed Ibrahim, Norlinah;
Mohammad, Karzan A;
Mokdad, Ali H;
Mola, Glen LD;
Monasta, Lorenzo;
Montañez Hernandez, Julio C;
Montico, Marcella;
Montine, Thomas J;
Mooney, Meghan D;
Moore, Ami R;
Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar;
Moran, Andrew E;
Mori, Rintaro;
Moschandreas, Joanna;
Moturi, Wilkister N;
Moyer, Madeline L;
Mozaffarian, Dariush;
Msemburi, William T;
Mueller, Ulrich O;
Mukaigawara, Mitsuru;
Mullany, Erin C;
Murdoch, Michele E;
Murray, Joseph;
Murthy, Kinnari S;
Naghavi, Mohsen;
Naheed, Aliya;
Naidoo, Kovin S;
Naldi, Luigi;
Nand, Devina;
Nangia, Vinay;
Narayan, KM Venkat;
Nejjari, Chakib;
Neupane, Sudan P;
Newton, Charles R;
Ng, Marie;
Ngalesoni, Frida N;
Nguyen, Grant;
Nisar, Muhammad I;
Nolte, Sandra;
Norheim, Ole F;
Norman, Rosana E;
Norrving, Bo;
Nyakarahuka, Luke;
Oh, In-Hwan;
Ohkubo, Takayoshi;
Ohno, Summer L;
Olusanya, Bolajoko O;
Opio, John Nelson;
Ortblad, Katrina;
Ortiz, Alberto;
Pain, Amanda W;
Pandian, Jeyaraj D;
Panelo, Carlo Irwin A;
Papachristou, Christina;
Park, Eun-Kee;
Park, Jae-Hyun;
Patten, Scott B;
Patton, George C;
Paul, Vinod K;
Pavlin, Boris I;
Pearce, Neil;
Pereira, David M;
Perez-Padilla, Rogelio;
Perez-Ruiz, Fernando;
Perico, Norberto;
Pervaiz, Aslam;
Pesudovs, Konrad;
Peterson, Carrie B;
Petzold, Max;
Phillips, Michael R;
Phillips, Bryan K;
Phillips, David E;
Piel, Frédéric B;
Plass, Dietrich;
Poenaru, Dan;
Polinder, Suzanne;
Pope, Daniel;
Popova, Svetlana;
Poulton, Richie G;
Pourmalek, Farshad;
Prabhakaran, Dorairaj;
Prasad, Noela M;
Pullan, Rachel L;
Qato, Dima M;
Quistberg, D Alex;
Rafay, Anwar;
Rahimi, Kazem;
Rahman, Sajjad U;
Raju, Murugesan;
Rana, Saleem M;
Razavi, Homie;
Reddy, K Srinath;
Refaat, Amany;
Remuzzi, Giuseppe;
Resnikoff, Serge;
Ribeiro, Antonio L;
Richardson, Lee;
Richardus, Jan Hendrik;
Roberts, D Allen;
Rojas-Rueda, David;
Ronfani, Luca;
Roth, Gregory A;
Rothenbacher, Dietrich;
Rothstein, David H;
Rowley, Jane T;
Roy, Nobhojit;
Ruhago, George M;
Saeedi, Mohammad Y;
Saha, Sukanta;
Sahraian, Mohammad Ali;
Sampson, Uchechukwu KA;
Sanabria, Juan R;
Sandar, Logan;
Santos, Itamar S;
Satpathy, Maheswar;
Sawhney, Monika;
Scarborough, Peter;
Schneider, Ione J;
Schöttker, Ben;
Schumacher, Austin E;
Schwebel, David C;
Scott, James G;
Seedat, Soraya;
Sepanlou, Sadaf G;
Serina, Peter T;
Servan-Mori, Edson E;
Shackelford, Katya A;
Shaheen, Amira;
Shahraz, Saeid;
Shamah Levy, Teresa;
Shangguan, Siyi;
She, Jun;
Sheikhbahaei, Sara;
Shi, Peilin;
Shibuya, Kenji;
Shinohara, Yukito;
Shiri, Rahman;
Shishani, Kawkab;
Shiue, Ivy;
Shrime, Mark G;
Sigfusdottir, Inga D;
Silberberg, Donald H;
Simard, Edgar P;
Sindi, Shireen;
Singh, Abhishek;
Singh, Jasvinder A;
Singh, Lavanya;
Skirbekk, Vegard;
Slepak, Erica Leigh;
Sliwa, Karen;
Soneji, Samir;
Søreide, Kjetil;
Soshnikov, Sergey;
Sposato, Luciano A;
Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T;
Stanaway, Jeffrey D;
Stathopoulou, Vasiliki;
Stein, Dan J;
Stein, Murray B;
Steiner, Caitlyn;
Steiner, Timothy J;
Stevens, Antony;
Stewart, Andrea;
Stovner, Lars J;
Stroumpoulis, Konstantinos;
Sunguya, Bruno F;
Swaminathan, Soumya;
Swaroop, Mamta;
Sykes, Bryan L;
Tabb, Karen M;
Takahashi, Ken;
Tandon, Nikhil;
Tanne, David;
Tanner, Marcel;
Tavakkoli, Mohammad;
Taylor, Hugh R;
Te Ao, Braden J;
Tediosi, Fabrizio;
Temesgen, Awoke M;
Templin, Tara;
Ten Have, Margreet;
Tenkorang, Eric Y;
Terkawi, Abdullah S;
Thomson, Blake;
Thorne-Lyman, Andrew L;
Thrift, Amanda G;
Thurston, George D;
Tillmann, Taavi;
Tonelli, Marcello;
Topouzis, Fotis;
Toyoshima, Hideaki;
Traebert, Jefferson;
Tran, Bach X;
Trillini, Matias;
Truelsen, Thomas;
Tsilimbaris, Miltiadis;
Tuzcu, Emin M;
Uchendu, Uche S;
Ukwaja, Kingsley N;
Undurraga, Eduardo A;
Uzun, Selen B;
Van Brakel, Wim H;
Van De Vijver, Steven;
van Gool, Coen H;
Van Os, Jim;
Vasankari, Tommi J;
Venketasubramanian, N;
Violante, Francesco S;
Vlassov, Vasiliy V;
Vollset, Stein Emil;
Wagner, Gregory R;
Wagner, Joseph;
Waller, Stephen G;
Wan, Xia;
Wang, Haidong;
Wang, Jianli;
Wang, Linhong;
Warouw, Tati S;
Weichenthal, Scott;
Weiderpass, Elisabete;
Weintraub, Robert G;
Wenzhi, Wang;
Werdecker, Andrea;
Westerman, Ronny;
Whiteford, Harvey A;
Wilkinson, James D;
Williams, Thomas N;
Wolfe, Charles D;
Wolock, Timothy M;
Woolf, Anthony D;
Wulf, Sarah;
Wurtz, Brittany;
Xu, Gelin;
Yan, Lijing L;
Yano, Yuichiro;
Ye, Pengpeng;
Yentür, Gökalp K;
Yip, Paul;
Yonemoto, Naohiro;
Yoon, Seok-Jun;
Younis, Mustafa Z;
Yu, Chuanhua;
Zaki, Maysaa E;
Zhao, Yong;
Zheng, Yingfeng;
Zonies, David;
Zou, Xiaonong;
Salomon, Joshua A;
Lopez, Alan D;
Vos, Theo;
Global, regional, and national disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for 306 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 188 countries, 1990-2013: quantifying the epidemiological transition.
Lancet, 386 (10009).
pp. 2145-2191.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Kiss, Ligia;
Schraiber, Lilia Blima;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Watts, Charlotte;
Zimmerman, Cathy;
The Link Between Community-Based Violence and Intimate Partner Violence: the Effect of Crime and Male Aggression on Intimate Partner Violence Against Women.
Prevention science, 16 (6).
pp. 881-889.
ISSN 1389-4986
Warren, Emily;
Post, Nathan;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Blanchet, Karl;
Roberts, Bayard;
Systematic review of the evidence on the effectiveness of sexual and reproductive health interventions in humanitarian crises.
BMJ open, 5 (12).
ISSN 2044-6055
Mazeda Hossain - sexual violence in conflict.
Blanchet, K;
Sistenich, V;
Ramesh, A;
Frison, S;
Warren, E;
Hossain, M;
Knight, A;
Lewis, C;
Smith, J;
Woodward, A;
+3 more...
Dahab, M;
Pantuliano, S;
B., R;
Where’s the evidence? A systematic review of the evidence base for health interventions in humanitarian crises.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Gupta, Jhumka;
Falb, Kathryn L;
Carliner, Hannah;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Kpebo, Denise;
Annan, Jeannie;
Associations between exposure to intimate partner violence, armed conflict, and probable PTSD among women in rural Côte d'Ivoire.
PloS one, 9 (5).
ISSN 1932-6203
Hossain, Mazeda;
Zimmerman, Cathy;
Kiss, Ligia;
Abramsky, Tanya;
Kone, Drissa;
Bakayoko-Topolska, Monika;
Annan, Jeannie;
Lehmann, Heidi;
Watts, Charlotte;
Working with men to prevent intimate partner violence in a conflict-affected setting: a pilot cluster randomized controlled trial in rural Côte d'Ivoire.
BMC public health, 14 (1).
ISSN 1471-2458
Hossain, Mazeda;
Zimmerman, Cathy;
Kiss, Ligia;
Kone, Drissa;
Bakayoko-Topolska, Monika;
Manan, David KA;
Lehmann, Heidi;
Watts, Charlotte;
Men's and women's experiences of violence and traumatic events in rural Cote d'Ivoire before, during and after a period of armed conflict.
BMJ open, 4 (2).
ISSN 2044-6055
Hossain, Mazeda;
Zimmerman, Cathy;
Watts, Charlotte;
Preventing violence against women and girls in conflict.
Lancet, 383 (9934).
pp. 2021-2022.
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
Blanchet, K;
Roberts, B;
Sistenich, V;
Ramesh, A;
Frison, S;
Warren, E;
Hossain, M;
Knight, A;
Lewis, C;
Smith, J;
An evidence review of research on health interventions in humanitarian crises. Final Report.
Technical Report.
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK.
Falb, Kathryn L;
Annan, Jeannie;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Topolska, Monika;
Kpebo, Denise;
Gupta, Jhumka;
Recent abuse from in-laws and associations with adverse experiences during the crisis among rural Ivorian women: extended families as part of the ecological model.
Global public health, 8 (7).
pp. 831-844.
ISSN 1744-1692
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Gupta, Jhumka;
Falb, Kathryn L;
Lehmann, Heidi;
Kpebo, Denise;
Xuan, Ziming;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Zimmerman, Cathy;
Watts, Charlotte;
Annan, Jeannie;
Gender norms and economic empowerment intervention to reduce intimate partner violence against women in rural Côte d'Ivoire: a randomized controlled pilot study.
BMC international health and human rights, 13 (1).
ISSN 1472-698X
Hossain, M;
Yoon, E;
A systematic review of violence against women and girls prevention interventions and evaluations in armed conflict-affected settings: Preliminary results.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Hossain, M;
Zimmerman, C;
Kiss, L;
Abramsky, T;
Watts, C;
Evaluation of a primary prevention IPV intervention in a conflict-affected setting: Lessons from a cluster randomised trial in Côte d’Ivoire.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Hossain, M;
Zimmerman, C;
Kiss, L;
Abramsky, T;
Watts, C;
Working with men to prevent violence against women in a conflict-affected setting: A cluster randomised controlled trial (CRT) of a male-focused intimate partner (IPV) prevention intervention in rural Cote d'Ivoire.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Jaeger, Fabienne N;
Kiss, Ligia;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Zimmerman, Cathy;
Migrant-friendly hospitals: a paediatric perspective--improving hospital care for migrant children.
BMC health services research, 13 (1).
ISSN 1472-6963
Kalt, Anne;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Kiss, Ligia;
Zimmerman, Cathy;
Asylum seekers, violence and health: a systematic review of research in high-income host countries.
American journal of public health, 103 (3).
ISSN 0090-0036
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Watts, Charlotte;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Zimmerman, Cathy;
War and sexual violence--mental health care for survivors.
The New England journal of medicine, 368 (23).
pp. 2152-2154.
ISSN 0028-4793
Hossain, M;
Kiss, L;
Zimmerman, C;
Abramsky, T;
MacLean, T;
Watts, C;
Evaluation of a complex intervention to prevent intimate partner violence in a conflict-affected setting: Lessons from a cluster RCT in Côte d’Ivoire.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Hossain, M;
Zimmerman, C;
Kiss, L;
MacLean, T;
Abramsky, T;
Watts, C;
Impact of the Men & Women in Partnership Initiative in rural Côte d’Ivoire: Preliminary results from a cluster randomized controlled trial.
Technical Report.
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), London, UK.
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Howard, N;
Hossain, M;
Ho, L;
Effects of conflict on health.
In: Howard, N; Sondorp, E; Ter Veen, A, (eds.)
Conflict and Health (Understanding Public Health).
Open University Press, pp. 25-32.
ISBN 978-0335243792
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Jaeger, Fabienne N;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Kiss, Ligia;
Zimmerman, Cathy;
The health of migrant children in Switzerland.
International journal of public health, 57 (4).
pp. 659-671.
ISSN 1661-8556
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Zimmerman, Cathy;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Watts, Charlotte;
Human trafficking and health: a conceptual model to inform policy, intervention and research.
Social science & medicine (1982), 73 (2).
pp. 327-335.
ISSN 0277-9536
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Zimmerman, Cathy;
Kiss, Ligia;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Migration and health: a framework for 21st century policy-making.
PLoS medicine, 8 (5).
ISSN 1549-1277
Hossain, M;
Women's and men's experiences of sexual and physical partner violence in a conflict-affected setting: Findings from Cote d'Ivoire.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Hossain, M;
Zimmerman, C;
Kiss, L;
Watts, C;
Violence against women and men in Côte d'Ivoire: A cluster randomized controlled trial to assess the impact of the ‘Men and Women in Partnership’ intervention on the reduction of violence against women and girls in rural Côte d’Ivoire - Formative results from a community survey.
Technical Report.
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and The International Rescue Committee (IRC), London, UK.
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Hossain, Mazeda;
Zimmerman, Cathy;
Abas, Melanie;
Light, Miriam;
Watts, Charlotte;
The relationship of trauma to mental disorders among trafficked and sexually exploited girls and women.
American journal of public health, 100 (12).
pp. 2442-2449.
ISSN 0090-0036
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Watts, Charlotte H;
Foss, Anna M;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Zimmerman, Cathy;
von Simson, Rachel;
Klot, Jennifer;
Sexual violence and conflict in Africa: prevalence and potential impact on HIV incidence.
Sexually transmitted infections, 86 Sup (Suppl ).
ISSN 1368-4973
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Watts, Charlotte;
Zimmerman, Cathy;
Foss, Anna M;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Cox, Andrew;
Vickerman, Peter;
Remodelling core group theory: the role of sustaining populations in HIV transmission.
Sexually transmitted infections, 86 Sup (Suppl ).
ISSN 1368-4973
Full text not available from this repository.
Zimmerman, C;
Watts, C;
Foss, A;
Hossain, M;
Mobility and power in HIV transmission.
Forced migration review (specia).
ISSN 1460-9819
Foss, A;
von Simson, R;
Zimmerman, C;
Hossain, M;
Watts, C;
HIV/AIDS and rape: modelling predictions of the increase in individual risk of HIV infection from forced sex in conflict and post-conflict settings.
Technical Report.
The AIDS, Security and Conflict Initiative (ASCI).
Full text not available from this repository.
Foss, AM;
von Simson, R;
Zimmerman, C;
Hossain, M;
Klot, J;
Watts, C;
HIV/AIDS and rape: Modeling predictions of the increase in individual risk of HIV infection from forced sex in conflict and post-conflict settings.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Foss, AM;
von Simson, R;
Zimmerman, C;
Hossain, M;
Klot, J;
Watts, C;
HIV/AIDS and rape: Modeling predictions of the increase in individual risk of HIV infection from forced sex in conflict and post-conflict settings.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Hossain, M;
Bakayoko-Topolska, M;
, Virginietanou;
Manan, D;
Kone, D;
Zimmerman, C;
Cole, H;
Nelson, J;
Lehman, H;
Watts, C;
Sexual and physical partner and non-partner violence in a conflict-affected setting: Preliminary findings from Cote d'Ivoire.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Zimmerman, C;
Hossain, M;
Kiss, L;
Mak, J;
Hoey, J;
Weneden, K;
Asylum-Seeking Women, Violence & Health: Results from a Pilot Study in Scotland and Belgium.
Technical Report.
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and Scottish Refugee Council (SRC), London.
Foss, AM;
von Simson, R;
Zimmerman, C;
Hossain, M;
Watts, C;
HIV/AIDS and rape: modelling predictions of the increase in individual risk of contracting HIV from forced sex in South Africa.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Zimmerman, Cathy;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Yun, Katherine;
Gajdadziev, Vasil;
Guzun, Natalia;
Tchomarova, Maria;
Ciarrocchi, Rosa Angela;
Johansson, Anna;
Kefurtova, Anna;
Scodanibbio, Stefania;
+4 more...
Motus, Maria Nenette;
Roche, Brenda;
Morison, Linda;
Watts, Charlotte;
The health of trafficked women: a survey of women entering posttrafficking services in Europe.
American journal of public health, 98 (1).
pp. 55-59.
ISSN 0090-0036
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Foss, AM;
Hossain, M;
Vickerman, PT;
Watts, CH;
A systematic review of published evidence on intervention impact on condom use in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.
Sexually transmitted infections, 83 (7).
pp. 510-516.
ISSN 1368-4973
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Hossain, Mazeda;
Broutet, Nathalie;
Hawkes, Sarah;
The elimination of congenital syphilis: a comparison of the proposed World Health Organization action plan for the elimination of congenital syphilis with existing national maternal and congenital syphilis policies.
Sexually transmitted diseases, 34 (7 Supp).
ISSN 0148-5717
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Zimmerman, C;
Hossain, M;
Stolen Smiles: The physical and mental health consequences of women and adolescents trafficked in Europe.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Hossain, M;
Hawkes, S;
Sexual Health Needs & Services for People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). In: European Regional Protocol for People Living with HIV/AIDS.
Technical Report.
World Health Organization (WHO), Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen.
Full text not available from this repository.
Low, Nicola;
Broutet, Nathalie;
Adu-Sarkodie, Yaw;
Barton, Pelham;
Hossain, Mazeda;
Hawkes, Sarah;
Global control of sexually transmitted infections.
Lancet, 368 (9551).
pp. 2001-2016.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Zimmerman, C;
Hossain, M;
Yun, K;
Roche, B;
Morison, L;
Watts, C;
Stolen Smiles: The physical and psychological health consequences of women and adolescents trafficked in Europe.
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London.
Full text not available from this repository.
Zimmerman, C;
Hossain, M;
Yun, K;
Watts, C;
Roche, B;
Morison, L;
The physical and mental health status of trafficked women in seven service settings in Europe.
Technical Report.
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), European Commission's Daphne Programme & International Organization for Migration (IOM), London.
Hossain, M;
Hawkes, S;
Broutet, N;
Congential Syphilis: Comparing country policies with the new WHO Global Strategy.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Hossain, M;
Hawkes, S;
Broutet, N;
Congential Syphilis: Review of Existing Policies & Programs.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Hossain, M;
Zimmerman, C;
Hawkes, S;
Watts, C;
Recommendations for the Reproductive & Sexual Health Care of Trafficked Women in Ukraine: Focus on STI/RTI Care.
Technical Report.
International Organization for Migration (IOM), Kiev, Ukraine.