The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak poses a challenge to the Mexican health care system due to its high complication and lethality rates in patients with diabetes and comorbidities. Here, we evaluate the association among diabetes and main comorbidities [obesity, hypertension and chronic kidney disease (CKD)] on COVID-19 outcomes (prevalence, hospitalization, lethality and hospital fatality) in Mexican population. We used available public data released by the Mexican COVID-19 surveillance system (MC-19SS) from January 1st to December 31st of 2020. All 3,401,172 records of SARS-CoV-2 suspected population over or equal to 20 years old were included, out of whom 1,384,470 tested positive. Multiple logistic regression models were fitted to assess the risk over several outcomes (hospitalization and fatality), with self-reported diabetes and comorbidities in confirmed cases, adjusting for age, sex, smoking status and marginalization of the place of residence. Overall population tested, 399,953 (11.8%) subjects had diabetes. Of them, 47.8% also had hypertension, 9.0% obesity and 7.0% CKD. Patients who tested positive to COVID-19 had a higher proportion of diabetes (14.7%). From the 203,310 COVID-19 positive patients with diabetes, 95,225(46.8%) were hospitalized and of those 45,128(47.4%) died; also 4,701 died without had been hospitalized. People with diabetes had significant (p<.005) higher odds of hospitalization OR:2.2, hospital 1.27 and non-hospital 1.98 fatality. Nevertheless, subjects with diabetes and other chronic disease experience higher rates of several outcomes. Diabetes and CKD had the highest odds of hospitalization 7.3 died in hospital (2.14) or out of hospital (6.5) compared with cases without diabetes. This analysis points out that diabetes contributes to the risk of infection and worse outcomes for those infected by SARS-CoV-2. More must be done to combat and prevent diabetes and comorbidities to reduce the burden of COVID-19.
H. Gallardo-rincón: None. A. Montoya: None. L. Martinez-juarez: Research Support; Self; Lilly Global Health Partnership. J. Lomelin-gascon: None. E. R. Saucedo-martinez: None. R. Mujica-rosales: None. R. Tapia-conyer: None.