This study examines the association between social deprivation and patient characteristics and outcomes in a nationally representative cohort of incident renal replacement therapy (RRT) patients. All Caucasian patients reported to the UK Renal Registry between 1997 and 2004 by centers in England and Wales with high data completeness were included. Social deprivation was assessed using the Townsend index. Socially deprived patients were more likely to be referred late. They were less likely to receive peritoneal dialysis (25.1 vs 34.8% on day 1, P trend <0.0001) or a renal transplant (5.3 vs 12.4% at 1 year, P trend <0.0001), and were less likely to attain UK Renal Association standards for hemoglobin and phosphate at 1 year. Crude survival decreased significantly with increasing deprivation for patients under the age of 65 years, but not for those aged 65 years and above (likelihood ratio for age-social deprivation interaction P<0.0001). Social deprivation was significantly associated with poorer survival after adjustment for age, gender, and cause of renal failure. After adjusting for baseline co-morbidity, social deprivation was no longer associated with poorer survival. Baseline differences in co-morbidity seem to explain poorer crude survival in incident Caucasian RRT patients from socially deprived areas in England and Wales. Differences also exist in some processes of care and intermediate outcomes, which may be amenable to intervention.