Items where Research Centre is "Maternal and Newborn Health Group"

Jump to: 2012
Number of items: 61.
Adler, Alma J;
Filippi, Veronique;
Thomas, Sara L;
Ronsmans, Carine;
Quantifying the global burden of morbidity due to unsafe abortion: magnitude in hospital-based studies and methodological issues.
International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics, 118 Su (S2).
ISSN 0020-7292
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Bahl, Rajiv;
Martines, Jose;
Bhandari, Nita;
Biloglav, Zrinka;
Edmond, Karen;
Iyengar, Sharad;
Kramer, Michael;
Lawn, Joy E;
Manandhar, DS;
Mori, Rintaro;
+8 more...
Rasmussen, Kathleen M;
Sachdev, HPS;
Singhal, Nalini;
Tomlinson, Mark;
Victora, Cesar;
Williams, Anthony F;
Chan, Kit Yee;
Rudan, Igor;
Setting research priorities to reduce global mortality from preterm birth and low birth weight by 2015.
Journal of global health, 2 (1).
ISSN 2047-2978
Baltag, Valentina;
Filippi, Véronique;
Bacci, Alberta;
Putting theory into practice: the introduction of obstetric near-miss case reviews in the Republic of Moldova.
International journal for quality in health care, 24 (2).
pp. 182-188.
ISSN 1353-4505
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Barros, Aluísio JD;
Ronsmans, Carine;
Axelson, Henrik;
Loaiza, Edilberto;
Bertoldi, Andréa D;
França, Giovanny VA;
Bryce, Jennifer;
Boerma, J Ties;
Victora, Cesar G;
Equity in maternal, newborn, and child health interventions in Countdown to 2015: a retrospective review of survey data from 54 countries.
Lancet, 379 (9822).
pp. 1225-1233.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Batisso, Esey;
Habte, Tedila;
Tesfaye, Gezahegn;
Getachew, Dawit;
Tekalegne, Agonafer;
Kilian, Albert;
Mpeka, Betty;
Lynch, Caroline;
A stitch in time: a cross-sectional survey looking at long lasting insecticide-treated bed net ownership, utilization and attrition in SNNPR, Ethiopia.
Malaria journal, 11 (1).
ISSN 1475-2875
Becquet, Renaud;
Marston, Milly;
Dabis, François;
Moulton, Lawrence H;
Gray, Glenda;
Coovadia, Hoosen M;
Essex, Max;
Ekouevi, Didier K;
Jackson, Debra;
Coutsoudis, Anna;
+9 more...
Kilewo, Charles;
Leroy, Valériane;
Wiktor, Stefan Z;
Nduati, Ruth;
Msellati, Philippe;
Zaba, Basia;
Ghys, Peter D;
Newell, Marie-Louise;
UNAIDS Child Survival Group;
Children who acquire HIV infection perinatally are at higher risk of early death than those acquiring infection through breastmilk: a meta-analysis.
PloS one, 7 (2).
ISSN 1932-6203
Beiersmann, C;
Bountogo, M;
Tiendrébeogo, J;
Louis, VR;
Gabrysch, S;
Yé, M;
Jahn, A;
Müller, O;
Malnutrition in young children of rural Burkina Faso: comparison of survey data from 1999 with 2009.
Tropical medicine & international health, 17 (6).
pp. 715-721.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Benova, Lenka;
Fielding, Katherine;
Greig, Jane;
Nyang'wa, Bern-Thomas;
Casas, Esther Carrillo;
da Fonseca, Marcio Silveira;
du Cros, Philipp;
Association of BMI category change with TB treatment mortality in HIV-positive smear-negative and extrapulmonary TB patients in Myanmar and Zimbabwe.
PloS one, 7 (4).
ISSN 1932-6203
Blencowe, Hannah;
Cousens, Simon;
Oestergaard, Mikkel Z;
Chou, Doris;
Moller, Ann-Beth;
Narwal, Rajesh;
Adler, Alma;
Vera Garcia, Claudia;
Rohde, Sarah;
Say, Lale;
+1 more...
Lawn, Joy E;
National, regional, and worldwide estimates of preterm birth rates in the year 2010 with time trends since 1990 for selected countries: a systematic analysis and implications.
Lancet, 379 (9832).
pp. 2162-2172.
ISSN 0140-6736
Boily, Marie-Claude;
Alary, Michel;
Baggaley, Rebecca F;
Neglected issues and hypotheses regarding the impact of sexual concurrency on HIV and sexually transmitted infections.
AIDS and behavior, 16 (2).
pp. 304-311.
ISSN 1090-7165
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Borchert, Matthias;
Goufodji, Sourou;
Alihonou, Eusèbe;
Delvaux, Thérèse;
Saizonou, Jacques;
Kanhonou, Lydie;
Filippi, Véronique;
Can hospital audit teams identify case management problems, analyse their causes, identify and implement improvements? A cross-sectional process evaluation of obstetric near-miss case reviews in Benin.
BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 12 (1).
ISSN 1471-2393
Byass, Peter;
Chandramohan, Daniel;
Clark, Samuel J;
D'Ambruoso, Lucia;
Fottrell, Edward;
Graham, Wendy J;
Herbst, Abraham J;
Hodgson, Abraham;
Hounton, Sennen;
Kahn, Kathleen;
+5 more...
Krishnan, Anand;
Leitao, Jordana;
Odhiambo, Frank;
Sankoh, Osman A;
Tollman, Stephen M;
Strengthening standardised interpretation of verbal autopsy data: the new InterVA-4 tool.
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 1654-9880
Calvert, Clara;
Thomas, Sara L;
Ronsmans, Carine;
Wagner, Karen S;
Adler, Alma J;
Filippi, Veronique;
Identifying regional variation in the prevalence of postpartum haemorrhage: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
PloS one, 7 (7).
ISSN 1932-6203
Chico, R Matthew;
Mayaud, Philippe;
Ariti, Cono;
Mabey, David;
Ronsmans, Carine;
Chandramohan, Daniel;
Prevalence of malaria and sexually transmitted and reproductive tract infections in pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review.
JAMA, 307 (19).
pp. 2079-2086.
ISSN 0098-7484
Collender, Guy;
Gabrysch, Sabine;
Campbell, Oona MR;
Reducing maternal mortality: better monitoring, indicators and benchmarks needed to improve emergency obstetric care. Research summary for policymakers.
Tropical medicine & international health, 17 (6).
pp. 694-696.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Collumbien, M;
Busza, J;
Cleland, J;
Campbell, O;
Guidelines for social science research in sexual and reproductive health.
WHO, Human Reproduction Programme, Geneva, p. 99.
ISBN 978 92 4 150311 2
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Crede, Sarah;
Lawn, Joy;
Woods, David;
Wyatt, John;
Pulse oximetry screening for critical congenital heart defects.
Lancet, 380 (9850).
ISSN 0140-6736
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Cresswell, Jenny A;
Campbell, Oona MR;
De Silva, Mary J;
Filippi, Véronique;
Effect of maternal obesity on neonatal death in sub-Saharan Africa: multivariable analysis of 27 national datasets.
Lancet, 380 (9850).
pp. 1325-1330.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Darmstadt, Gary L;
Oot, David A;
Lawn, Joy E;
Newborn survival: changing the trajectory over the next decade.
Health policy and planning, 27 Sup (suppl ).
ISSN 0268-1080
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Dikshit, Rajesh;
Gupta, Prakash C;
Ramasundarahettige, Chinthanie;
Gajalakshmi, Vendhan;
Aleksandrowicz, Lukasz;
Badwe, Rajendra;
Kumar, Rajesh;
Roy, Sandip;
Suraweera, Wilson;
Bray, Freddie;
+7 more...
Mallath, Mohandas;
Singh, Poonam K;
Sinha, Dhirendra N;
Shet, Arun S;
Gelband, Hellen;
Jha, Prabhat;
Million Death Study Collaborators;
Cancer mortality in India: a nationally representative survey.
Lancet, 379 (9828).
pp. 1807-1816.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Dzakpasu, Susie;
Soremekun, Seyi;
Manu, Alexander;
Ten Asbroek, Guus;
Tawiah, Charlotte;
Hurt, Lisa;
Fenty, Justin;
Owusu-Agyei, Seth;
Hill, Zelee;
Campbell, Oona MR;
+1 more...
Kirkwood, Betty R;
Impact of free delivery care on health facility delivery and insurance coverage in Ghana's Brong Ahafo Region.
PloS one, 7 (11).
ISSN 1932-6203
Edmond, Karen;
Hurt, Lisa;
Fenty, Justin;
Amenga-Etego, Seeba;
Zandoh, Charles;
Hurt, Chris;
Danso, Samuel;
Tawiah, Charlotte;
Hill, Zelee;
Ten Asbroek, Augustinus HA;
+3 more...
Owusu-Agyei, Seth;
Campbell, Oona;
Kirkwood, Betty R;
Effect of vitamin A supplementation in women of reproductive age on cause-specific early and late infant mortality in rural Ghana: ObaapaVitA double-blind, cluster-randomised, placebo-controlled trial.
BMJ open, 2 (1).
ISSN 2044-6055
Feng, Xing Lin;
Xu, Ling;
Guo, Yan;
Ronsmans, Carine;
Factors influencing rising caesarean section rates in China between 1988 and 2008.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 90 (1).
ISSN 0042-9686
Gabrysch, Sabine;
Civitelli, Giulia;
Edmond, Karen M;
Mathai, Matthews;
Ali, Moazzam;
Bhutta, Zulfiqar A;
Campbell, Oona MR;
New signal functions to measure the ability of health facilities to provide routine and emergency newborn care.
PLoS medicine, 9 (11).
ISSN 1549-1277
Hirose, Atsumi;
Borchert, Matthias;
Niksear, Homa;
Alkozai, Ahmad S;
Gardiner, Julian;
Filippi, Véronique;
The role of care-seeking delays in intrauterine fetal deaths among 'near-miss' women in Herat, Afghanistan.
Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology, 26 (5).
pp. 388-397.
ISSN 0269-5022
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Hundley, Vanora A;
Avan, Bilal I;
Ahmed, Haris;
Graham, Wendy J;
Birth Kit Working Group;
Clean birth kits to improve birth practices: development and testing of a country level decision support tool.
BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 12 (1).
ISSN 1471-2393
Hundley, Vanora A;
Avan, Bilal I;
Braunholtz, David;
Graham, Wendy J;
Are birth kits a good idea? A systematic review of the evidence.
Midwifery, 28 (2).
pp. 204-215.
ISSN 0266-6138
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Ijumba, Petrida;
Doherty, Tanya;
Jackson, Debra;
Tomlinson, Mark;
Sanders, David;
Persson, Lars-Åke;
Free formula milk in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission programme: voices of a peri-urban community in South Africa on policy change.
Health policy and planning, 28 (7).
pp. 761-768.
ISSN 0268-1080
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Ijumba, Petrida;
Doherty, Tanya;
Jackson, Debra;
Tomlinson, Mark;
Sanders, David;
Persson, Lars-Åke;
Social circumstances that drive early introduction of formula milk: an exploratory qualitative study in a peri-urban South African community.
Maternal & child nutrition, 10 (1).
pp. 102-111.
ISSN 1740-8695
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Kerber, Kate;
Tuaone-Nkhasi, Maletela;
Dorrington, Rob E;
Nannan, Nadine;
Bradshaw, Debbie;
Jackson, Debra;
Lawn, Joy E;
Progress towards Millennium Development Goal 4.
Lancet, 379 (9822).
ISSN 0140-6736
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Khan, Amanullah;
Kinney, Mary V;
Hazir, Tabish;
Hafeez, Assad;
Wall, Stephen N;
Ali, Nabeela;
Lawn, Joy E;
Badar, Asma;
Khan, Ali Asghar;
Uzma, Qudsia;
+2 more...
Bhutta, Zulfiqar A;
Pakistan Newborn Change and Future Analysis Group;
Newborn survival in Pakistan: a decade of change and future implications.
Health policy and planning, 27 Sup (suppl_).
ISSN 0268-1080
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Kinney, Mary V;
Lawn, Joy E;
Howson, Christopher P;
Belizan, José;
15 Million preterm births annually: what has changed this year?
Reproductive health, 9 (1).
ISSN 1742-4755
Kyei, Nicholas NA;
Campbell, Oona MR;
Gabrysch, Sabine;
The influence of distance and level of service provision on antenatal care use in rural Zambia.
PloS one, 7 (10).
ISSN 1932-6203
Kyei, Nicholas NA;
Chansa, Collins;
Gabrysch, Sabine;
Quality of antenatal care in Zambia: a national assessment.
BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 12 (1).
ISSN 1471-2393
Lam, Jennifer O;
Amsalu, Ribka;
Kerber, Kate;
Lawn, Joy E;
Tomczyk, Basia;
Cornier, Nadine;
Adler, Alma;
Golaz, Anne;
Moss, William J;
Neonatal survival interventions in humanitarian emergencies: a survey of current practices and programs.
Conflict and health, 6 (1).
ISSN 1752-1505
Lawn, Joy E;
Blencowe, Hannah;
Chou, Doris;
Say, Lale;
Cousens, Simon;
Reducing preterm births in China – Authors' reply.
Lancet, 380 (9848).
p. 1145.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Liu, Li;
Johnson, Hope L;
Cousens, Simon;
Perin, Jamie;
Scott, Susana;
Lawn, Joy E;
Rudan, Igor;
Campbell, Harry;
Cibulskis, Richard;
Li, Mengying;
+3 more...
Mathers, Colin;
Black, Robert E;
Child Health Epidemiology Reference Group of WHO and UNICEF;
Global, regional, and national causes of child mortality: an updated systematic analysis for 2010 with time trends since 2000.
Lancet, 379 (9832).
pp. 2151-2161.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Lohela, Terhi J;
Campbell, Oona MR;
Gabrysch, Sabine;
Distance to care, facility delivery and early neonatal mortality in Malawi and Zambia.
PloS one, 7 (12).
ISSN 1932-6203
Mayosi, Bongani M;
Lawn, Joy E;
van Niekerk, Ashley;
Bradshaw, Debbie;
Abdool Karim, Salim S;
Coovadia, Hoosen M;
Lancet South Africa team;
Health in South Africa: changes and challenges since 2009.
Lancet, 380 (9858).
pp. 2029-2043.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Mbonye, Anthony K;
Sentongo, Miriam;
Mukasa, Gelasius K;
Byaruhanga, Romano;
Sentumbwe-Mugisa, Olive;
Waiswa, Peter;
Naamala Sengendo, Hanifah;
Aliganyira, Patrick;
Nakakeeto, Margaret;
Lawn, Joy E;
+2 more...
Kerber, Kate;
Uganda Decade of Change and Future Implications Analysis Group;
Newborn survival in Uganda: a decade of change and future implications.
Health policy and planning, 27 Sup (suppl_).
ISSN 0268-1080
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McDonald, Andrea M;
Campbell, Oona MR;
How twins differ: multiple pregnancy and the use of health care in the 2008 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey.
Tropical medicine & international health, 17 (5).
pp. 637-645.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Montgomery, Ann;
Goufodji, Sourou;
Kanhonou, Lydie;
Alihonou, Eusebe;
Collin, Simon;
Filippi, Véronique;
Validity and reliability of postpartum morbidity questionnaires in Benin.
Maternal and child health journal, 16 (8).
pp. 1728-1731.
ISSN 1092-7875
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Moran, Allisyn C;
Kerber, Kate;
Pfitzer, Anne;
Morrissey, Claudia S;
Marsh, David R;
Oot, David A;
Sitrin, Deborah;
Guenther, Tanya;
Gamache, Nathalie;
Lawn, Joy E;
+1 more...
Shiffman, Jeremy;
Benchmarks to measure readiness to integrate and scale up newborn survival interventions.
Health policy and planning, 27 Sup (suppl_).
ISSN 0268-1080
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Murray, Susan F;
Akoum, Mélanie S;
Storeng, Katerini T;
Capitals diminished, denied, mustered and deployed. A qualitative longitudinal study of women's four year trajectories after acute health crisis, Burkina Faso.
Social science & medicine (1982), 75 (12).
pp. 2455-2462.
ISSN 0277-9536
Mwaniki, Michael K;
Atieno, Maurine;
Lawn, Joy E;
Newton, Charles RJC;
Long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes after intrauterine and neonatal insults: a systematic review.
Lancet, 379 (9814).
pp. 445-452.
ISSN 0140-6736
NEOVITA Study Author Group;
Bahl, Rajiv;
Bhandari, Nita;
Dube, Brinda;
Edmond, Karen;
Fawzi, Wafaie;
Fontaine, Olivier;
Kaur, Jasmine;
Kirkwood, Betty R;
Martines, Jose;
+10 more...
Masanja, Honorati;
Mazumder, Sarmila;
Msham, Salum;
Newton, Sam;
Oleary, Maureen;
Ruben, Julia;
Shannon, Caitlin;
Smith, Emily;
Taneja, Sunita;
Yoshida, Sachiyo;
Efficacy of early neonatal vitamin A supplementation in reducing mortality during infancy in Ghana, India and Tanzania: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Trials, 13 (1).
ISSN 1745-6215
Ohuma, EO;
Okiro, EA;
Ochola, R;
Sande, CJ;
Cane, PA;
Medley, GF;
Bottomley, C;
Nokes, DJ;
The natural history of respiratory syncytial virus in a birth cohort: the influence of age and previous infection on reinfection and disease.
American journal of epidemiology, 176 (9).
pp. 794-802.
ISSN 0002-9262
Okwaraji, Yemisrach B;
Cousens, Simon;
Berhane, Yemane;
Mulholland, Kim;
Edmond, Karen;
Effect of geographical access to health facilities on child mortality in rural Ethiopia: a community based cross sectional study.
PloS one, 7 (3).
ISSN 1932-6203
Okwaraji, Yemisrach B;
Mulholland, Kim;
Schellenberg, Joanna RM Armstrong;
Andarge, Gashaw;
Admassu, Mengesha;
Edmond, Karen M;
The association between travel time to health facilities and childhood vaccine coverage in rural Ethiopia. A community based cross sectional study.
BMC public health, 12 (1).
ISSN 1471-2458
Okwaraji, Yemisrach Behailu;
Edmond, Karen M;
Proximity to health services and child survival in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
BMJ open, 2 (4).
ISSN 2044-6055
Paul, Proma;
LaMontagne, D Scott;
Le, Nga Thi;
Knowledge of cervical cancer and HPV vaccine post- vaccination among mothers and daughters in Vietnam.
Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 13 (6).
pp. 2587-2592.
ISSN 2476-762X
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Pitt, Catherine;
Lawn, Joy E;
Ranganathan, Meghna;
Mills, Anne;
Hanson, Kara;
Donor funding for newborn survival: an analysis of donor-reported data, 2002-2010.
PLoS medicine, 9 (10).
ISSN 1549-1277
Sharma, G;
Maternal, perinatal and neonatal mortality in South-East Asia Region.
Asian Journal of Epidemiology, 5 (1).
ISSN 1992-1462
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Simkhada, P;
van Teijlingen, E;
Sharma, G;
Simkhada, B;
Townend, J;
User costs and informal payments for care in the largest maternity hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Health Science Journal, 6 (2).
pp. 317-334.
ISSN 1791-809X
Full text not available from this repository.
Storeng, Katerini T;
Drabo, Seydou;
Ganaba, Rasmané;
Sundby, Johanne;
Calvert, Clara;
Filippi, Véronique;
Mortality after near-miss obstetric complications in Burkina Faso: medical, social and health-care factors.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 90 (6).
ISSN 0042-9686
Stöckl, Heidi;
Filippi, Veronique;
Watts, Charlotte;
Mbwambo, Jessie KK;
Induced abortion, pregnancy loss and intimate partner violence in Tanzania: a population based study.
BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 12 (1).
ISSN 1471-2393
Victora, Cesar G;
Barros, Aluisio JD;
Axelson, Henrik;
Bhutta, Zulfiqar A;
Chopra, Mickey;
França, Giovanny VA;
Kerber, Kate;
Kirkwood, Betty R;
Newby, Holly;
Ronsmans, Carine;
+1 more...
Boerma, J Ties;
How changes in coverage affect equity in maternal and child health interventions in 35 Countdown to 2015 countries: an analysis of national surveys.
Lancet, 380 (9848).
pp. 1149-1156.
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
Vos, Theo;
Flaxman, Abraham D;
Naghavi, Mohsen;
Lozano, Rafael;
Michaud, Catherine;
Ezzati, Majid;
Shibuya, Kenji;
Salomon, Joshua A;
Abdalla, Safa;
Aboyans, Victor;
+347 more...
Abraham, Jerry;
Ackerman, Ilana;
Aggarwal, Rakesh;
Ahn, Stephanie Y;
Ali, Mohammed K;
Alvarado, Miriam;
Anderson, H Ross;
Anderson, Laurie M;
Andrews, Kathryn G;
Atkinson, Charles;
Baddour, Larry M;
Bahalim, Adil N;
Barker-Collo, Suzanne;
Barrero, Lope H;
Bartels, David H;
Basáñez, Maria-Gloria;
Baxter, Amanda;
Bell, Michelle L;
Benjamin, Emelia J;
Bennett, Derrick;
Bernabé, Eduardo;
Bhalla, Kavi;
Bhandari, Bishal;
Bikbov, Boris;
Bin Abdulhak, Aref;
Birbeck, Gretchen;
Black, James A;
Blencowe, Hannah;
Blore, Jed D;
Blyth, Fiona;
Bolliger, Ian;
Bonaventure, Audrey;
Boufous, Soufiane;
Bourne, Rupert;
Boussinesq, Michel;
Braithwaite, Tasanee;
Brayne, Carol;
Bridgett, Lisa;
Brooker, Simon;
Brooks, Peter;
Brugha, Traolach S;
Bryan-Hancock, Claire;
Bucello, Chiara;
Buchbinder, Rachelle;
Buckle, Geoffrey;
Budke, Christine M;
Burch, Michael;
Burney, Peter;
Burstein, Roy;
Calabria, Bianca;
Campbell, Benjamin;
Canter, Charles E;
Carabin, Hélène;
Carapetis, Jonathan;
Carmona, Loreto;
Cella, Claudia;
Charlson, Fiona;
Chen, Honglei;
Cheng, Andrew Tai-Ann;
Chou, David;
Chugh, Sumeet S;
Coffeng, Luc E;
Colan, Steven D;
Colquhoun, Samantha;
Colson, K Ellicott;
Condon, John;
Connor, Myles D;
Cooper, Leslie T;
Corriere, Matthew;
Cortinovis, Monica;
de Vaccaro, Karen Courville;
Couser, William;
Cowie, Benjamin C;
Criqui, Michael H;
Cross, Marita;
Dabhadkar, Kaustubh C;
Dahiya, Manu;
Dahodwala, Nabila;
Damsere-Derry, James;
Danaei, Goodarz;
Davis, Adrian;
De Leo, Diego;
Degenhardt, Louisa;
Dellavalle, Robert;
Delossantos, Allyne;
Denenberg, Julie;
Derrett, Sarah;
Des Jarlais, Don C;
Dharmaratne, Samath D;
Dherani, Mukesh;
Diaz-Torne, Cesar;
Dolk, Helen;
Dorsey, E Ray;
Driscoll, Tim;
Duber, Herbert;
Ebel, Beth;
Edmond, Karen;
Elbaz, Alexis;
Ali, Suad Eltahir;
Erskine, Holly;
Erwin, Patricia J;
Espindola, Patricia;
Ewoigbokhan, Stalin E;
Farzadfar, Farshad;
Feigin, Valery;
Felson, David T;
Ferrari, Alize;
Ferri, Cleusa P;
Fèvre, Eric M;
Finucane, Mariel M;
Flaxman, Seth;
Flood, Louise;
Foreman, Kyle;
Forouzanfar, Mohammad H;
Fowkes, Francis Gerry R;
Franklin, Richard;
Fransen, Marlene;
Freeman, Michael K;
Gabbe, Belinda J;
Gabriel, Sherine E;
Gakidou, Emmanuela;
Ganatra, Hammad A;
Garcia, Bianca;
Gaspari, Flavio;
Gillum, Richard F;
Gmel, Gerhard;
Gosselin, Richard;
Grainger, Rebecca;
Groeger, Justina;
Guillemin, Francis;
Gunnell, David;
Gupta, Ramyani;
Haagsma, Juanita;
Hagan, Holly;
Halasa, Yara A;
Hall, Wayne;
Haring, Diana;
Haro, Josep Maria;
Harrison, James E;
Havmoeller, Rasmus;
Hay, Roderick J;
Higashi, Hideki;
Hill, Catherine;
Hoen, Bruno;
Hoffman, Howard;
Hotez, Peter J;
Hoy, Damian;
Huang, John J;
Ibeanusi, Sydney E;
Jacobsen, Kathryn H;
James, Spencer L;
Jarvis, Deborah;
Jasrasaria, Rashmi;
Jayaraman, Sudha;
Johns, Nicole;
Jonas, Jost B;
Karthikeyan, Ganesan;
Kassebaum, Nicholas;
Kawakami, Norito;
Keren, Andre;
Khoo, Jon-Paul;
King, Charles H;
Knowlton, Lisa Marie;
Kobusingye, Olive;
Koranteng, Adofo;
Krishnamurthi, Rita;
Lalloo, Ratilal;
Laslett, Laura L;
Lathlean, Tim;
Leasher, Janet L;
Lee, Yong Yi;
Leigh, James;
Lim, Stephen S;
Limb, Elizabeth;
Lin, John Kent;
Lipnick, Michael;
Lipshultz, Steven E;
Liu, Wei;
Loane, Maria;
Ohno, Summer Lockett;
Lyons, Ronan;
Ma, Jixiang;
Mabweijano, Jacqueline;
MacIntyre, Michael F;
Malekzadeh, Reza;
Mallinger, Leslie;
Manivannan, Sivabalan;
Marcenes, Wagner;
March, Lyn;
Margolis, David J;
Marks, Guy B;
Marks, Robin;
Matsumori, Akira;
Matzopoulos, Richard;
Mayosi, Bongani M;
McAnulty, John H;
McDermott, Mary M;
McGill, Neil;
McGrath, John;
Medina-Mora, Maria Elena;
Meltzer, Michele;
Mensah, George A;
Merriman, Tony R;
Meyer, Ana-Claire;
Miglioli, Valeria;
Miller, Matthew;
Miller, Ted R;
Mitchell, Philip B;
Mocumbi, Ana Olga;
Moffitt, Terrie E;
Mokdad, Ali A;
Monasta, Lorenzo;
Montico, Marcella;
Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar;
Moran, Andrew;
Morawska, Lidia;
Mori, Rintaro;
Murdoch, Michele E;
Mwaniki, Michael K;
Naidoo, Kovin;
Nair, M Nathan;
Naldi, Luigi;
Narayan, KM Venkat;
Nelson, Paul K;
Nelson, Robert G;
Nevitt, Michael C;
Newton, Charles R;
Nolte, Sandra;
Norman, Paul;
Norman, Rosana;
O'Donnell, Martin;
O'Hanlon, Simon;
Olives, Casey;
Omer, Saad B;
Ortblad, Katrina;
Osborne, Richard;
Ozgediz, Doruk;
Page, Andrew;
Pahari, Bishnu;
Pandian, Jeyaraj Durai;
Rivero, Andrea Panozo;
Patten, Scott B;
Pearce, Neil;
Padilla, Rogelio Perez;
Perez-Ruiz, Fernando;
Perico, Norberto;
Pesudovs, Konrad;
Phillips, David;
Phillips, Michael R;
Pierce, Kelsey;
Pion, Sébastien;
Polanczyk, Guilherme V;
Polinder, Suzanne;
Pope, C Arden;
Popova, Svetlana;
Porrini, Esteban;
Pourmalek, Farshad;
Prince, Martin;
Pullan, Rachel L;
Ramaiah, Kapa D;
Ranganathan, Dharani;
Razavi, Homie;
Regan, Mathilda;
Rehm, Jürgen T;
Rein, David B;
Remuzzi, Guiseppe;
Richardson, Kathryn;
Rivara, Frederick P;
Roberts, Thomas;
Robinson, Carolyn;
De Leòn, Felipe Rodriguez;
Ronfani, Luca;
Room, Robin;
Rosenfeld, Lisa C;
Rushton, Lesley;
Sacco, Ralph L;
Saha, Sukanta;
Sampson, Uchechukwu;
Sanchez-Riera, Lidia;
Sanman, Ella;
Schwebel, David C;
Scott, James Graham;
Segui-Gomez, Maria;
Shahraz, Saeid;
Shepard, Donald S;
Shin, Hwashin;
Shivakoti, Rupak;
Singh, David;
Singh, Gitanjali M;
Singh, Jasvinder A;
Singleton, Jessica;
Sleet, David A;
Sliwa, Karen;
Smith, Emma;
Smith, Jennifer L;
Stapelberg, Nicolas JC;
Steer, Andrew;
Steiner, Timothy;
Stolk, Wilma A;
Stovner, Lars Jacob;
Sudfeld, Christopher;
Syed, Sana;
Tamburlini, Giorgio;
Tavakkoli, Mohammad;
Taylor, Hugh R;
Taylor, Jennifer A;
Taylor, William J;
Thomas, Bernadette;
Thomson, W Murray;
Thurston, George D;
Tleyjeh, Imad M;
Tonelli, Marcello;
Towbin, Jeffrey A;
Truelsen, Thomas;
Tsilimbaris, Miltiadis K;
Ubeda, Clotilde;
Undurraga, Eduardo A;
van der Werf, Marieke J;
van Os, Jim;
Vavilala, Monica S;
Venketasubramanian, N;
Wang, Mengru;
Wang, Wenzhi;
Watt, Kerrianne;
Weatherall, David J;
Weinstock, Martin A;
Weintraub, Robert;
Weisskopf, Marc G;
Weissman, Myrna M;
White, Richard A;
Whiteford, Harvey;
Wiersma, Steven T;
Wilkinson, James D;
Williams, Hywel C;
Williams, Sean RM;
Witt, Emma;
Wolfe, Frederick;
Woolf, Anthony D;
Wulf, Sarah;
Yeh, Pon-Hsiu;
Zaidi, Anita KM;
Zheng, Zhi-Jie;
Zonies, David;
Lopez, Alan D;
Murray, Christopher JL;
AlMazroa, Mohammad A;
Memish, Ziad A;
Years lived with disability (YLDs) for 1160 sequelae of 289 diseases and injuries 1990-2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010.
Lancet, 380 (9859).
pp. 2163-2196.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Zanger, P;
Kötter, I;
Kremsner, PG;
Gabrysch, S;
Tumor necrosis factor alpha antagonist drugs and leishmaniasis in Europe.
Clinical microbiology and infection, 18 (7).
pp. 670-676.
ISSN 1198-743X
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Zanger, Philipp;
Nurjadi, Dennis;
Gaile, Marika;
Gabrysch, Sabine;
Kremsner, Peter G;
Hormonal contraceptive use and persistent Staphylococcus aureus nasal carriage.
Clinical infectious diseases, 55 (12).
pp. 1625-1632.
ISSN 1058-4838
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Zimba, Evelyn;
Kinney, Mary V;
Kachale, Fannie;
Waltensperger, Karen Z;
Blencowe, Hannah;
Colbourn, Tim;
George, Joby;
Mwansambo, Charles;
Joshua, Martias;
Chanza, Harriet;
+6 more...
Nyasulu, Dorothy;
Mlava, Grace;
Gamache, Nathalie;
Kazembe, Abigail;
Lawn, Joy E;
Malawi Newborn Change and Future Analysis Group;
Newborn survival in Malawi: a decade of change and future implications.
Health policy and planning, 27 Sup (suppl_).
ISSN 0268-1080
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