Items where Research Centre is "Maternal and Newborn Health Group"

Number of items: 21.
Bibliographic data only
Ashworth, Ann;
Chopra, Mickey;
McCoy, David;
Sanders, David;
Jackson, Debra;
Karaolis, Nadina;
Sogaula, Nonzwakazi;
Schofield, Claire;
WHO guidelines for management of severe malnutrition in rural South African hospitals: effect on case fatality and the influence of operational factors.
Lancet, 363 (9415).
pp. 1110-1115.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Bang, Rani A;
Bang, Abhay T;
Reddy, M Hanimi;
Deshmukh, Mahesh D;
Baitule, Sanjay B;
Filippi, Veronique;
Maternal morbidity during labour and the puerperium in rural homes and the need for medical attention: A prospective observational study in Gadchiroli, India.
BJOG, 111 (3).
pp. 231-238.
ISSN 1470-0328
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Campbell, Oona;
Gipson, Reginald;
el-Mohandes, Ayman;
Issa, Adel Hakim;
Matta, Nahed;
Mansour, Esmat;
Mohsen, Lamiaa;
The Egypt National Perinatal/Neonatal Mortality Study 2000.
Journal of perinatology, 24 (5).
pp. 284-289.
ISSN 0743-8346
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El-Kak, F;
Chaaya, M;
Campbell, O;
Kaddour, A;
Patterns of antenatal care in low-versus high-risk pregnancies in Lebanon.
Eastern Mediterranean health journal = La revue de sante de la Mediterranee orientale = al-Majallah al-sihhiyah li-sharq al-mutawassit, 10 (3).
pp. 268-276.
ISSN 1020-3397
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Filippi, Veronique;
Brugha, Ruairi;
Browne, Edmund;
Gohou, Valerie;
Bacci, Alberta;
De Brouwere, Vincent;
Sahel, Amina;
Goufodji, Sourou;
Alihonou, Eusebe;
Ronsmans, Carine;
Obstetric audit in resource-poor settings: lessons from a multi-country project auditing 'near miss' obstetrical emergencies.
Health policy and planning, 19 (1).
pp. 57-66.
ISSN 0268-1080
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Gandhi, MN;
Welz, T;
Ronsmans, C;
Severe acute maternal morbidity in rural South Africa.
International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics, 87 (2).
pp. 180-187.
ISSN 0020-7292
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Gohou, V;
Ronsmans, C;
Kacou, L;
Yao, K;
Bohoussou, KM;
Houphouet, B;
Bosso, P;
Diarra-Nama, AJ;
Bacci, A;
Filippi, V;
Responsiveness to life-threatening obstetric emergencies in two hospitals in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.
Tropical medicine & international health, 9 (3).
pp. 406-415.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Graham, Wendy J;
Fitzmaurice, Ann E;
Bell, Jacqueline S;
Cairns, John A;
The familial technique for linking maternal death with poverty.
Lancet, 363 (9402).
pp. 23-27.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Harlow, Siobán D;
Campbell, Oona MR;
Epidemiology of menstrual disorders in developing countries: a systematic review.
BJOG, 111 (1).
pp. 6-16.
ISSN 1470-0328
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Hurt, LS;
Ronsmans, C;
Saha, S;
Effects of education and other socioeconomic factors on middle age mortality in rural Bangladesh.
Journal of epidemiology and community health, 58 (4).
pp. 315-320.
ISSN 0143-005X
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Hurt, Lisa S;
Ronsmans, Carine;
Campbell, Oona MR;
Saha, Sajal;
Kenward, Mike;
Quigley, Maria;
Long-term effects of reproductive history on all-cause mortality among adults in rural Bangladesh.
Studies in family planning, 35 (3).
pp. 189-196.
ISSN 0039-3665
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Lawn, Joy E;
Cousens, Simon;
Bhutta, Zulfiqar A;
Darmstadt, Gary L;
Martines, Jose;
Paul, Vinod;
Knippenberg, Rudolf;
Fogstadt, Helga;
Shetty, Priya;
Horton, Richard;
Why are 4 million newborn babies dying each year?
Lancet, 364 (9432).
pp. 399-401.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Lawn, Joy E;
Cousens, Simon;
Darmstadt, Gary L;
Paul, Vinod;
Martines, Jose;
Why are 4 million newborn babies dying every year?
Lancet, 364 (9450).
ISSN 0140-6736
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Lee, S;
Hajat, S;
Filippi, V;
The influence of weather on the risk of preterm birth in a UK population.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
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Lewis, James JC;
Ronsmans, Carine;
Ezeh, Alex;
Gregson, Simon;
The population impact of HIV on fertility in sub-Saharan Africa.
AIDS (London, England), 18 Sup (Supple).
ISSN 0269-9370
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Risi, L;
Bindman, JP;
Campbell, OMR;
Imrie, J;
Everett, K;
Bradley, J;
Denny, L;
Media interventions to increase cervical screening uptake in South Africa: an evaluation study of effectiveness.
Health education research, 19 (4).
pp. 457-468.
ISSN 0268-1153
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Ronsmans, C;
Etard, J-, F;
Walraven, G;
Verbal autopsies: learning from reviewing deaths in the community.
In: WorldHealthOrganization, (ed.)
Beyond the numbers: reviewing maternal deaths and complications to make pregnancy safer.
World Health Organization, Geneva, pp. 43-55.
ISBN 92 4 159183 8
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Ronsmans, Carine;
De Brouwere, Vincent;
Dubourg, Dominique;
Dieltiens, Greet;
Measuring the need for life-saving obstetric surgery in developing countries.
BJOG, 111 (10).
pp. 1027-1030.
ISSN 1470-0328
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Shannon, Caitlin;
Brothers, L Perry;
Philip, Neena M;
Winikoff, Beverly;
Ectopic pregnancy and medical abortion.
Obstetrics and gynecology, 104 (1).
pp. 161-167.
ISSN 0029-7844
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Shannon, Caitlin;
Brothers, L Perry;
Philip, Neena M;
Winikoff, Beverly;
Infection after medical abortion: a review of the literature.
Contraception, 70 (3).
pp. 183-190.
ISSN 0010-7824
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Wiebe, Ellen;
Guilbert, Edith;
Jacot, Francis;
Shannon, Caitlin;
Winikoff, Beverly;
A fatal case of Clostridium sordellii septic shock syndrome associated with medical abortion.
Obstetrics and gynecology, 104 (5 Pt 2).
pp. 1142-1144.
ISSN 0029-7844
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