Items where Research Centre is "Social and Mathematical Epidemiology (SaME)"

Number of items: 38.
Acuna-Villaorduna, Carlos;
Vassall, Anna;
Henostroza, German;
Seas, Carlos;
Guerra, Humberto;
Vasquez, Lucy;
Morcillo, Nora;
Saravia, Juan;
O'Brien, Richard;
Perkins, Mark D;
+3 more...
Cunningham, Jane;
Llanos-Zavalaga, Luis;
Gotuzzo, Eduardo;
Cost-effectiveness analysis of introduction of rapid, alternative methods to identify multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in middle-income countries.
Clinical infectious diseases, 47 (4).
pp. 487-495.
ISSN 1058-4838
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Bhunu, CP;
Garira, W;
Mukandavire, Z;
Magombedze, G;
Modelling the effects of pre-exposure and post-exposure vaccines in tuberculosis control.
Journal of theoretical biology, 254 (3).
pp. 633-649.
ISSN 0022-5193
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Bhunu, CP;
Garira, W;
Mukandavire, Z;
Zimba, M;
Tuberculosis transmission model with chemoprophylaxis and treatment.
Bulletin of mathematical biology, 70 (4).
pp. 1163-1191.
ISSN 0092-8240
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Boily, Marie-Claude;
Pickles, Michael;
Vickerman, Peter;
Buzdugan, Raluca;
Isac, Shajy;
Deering, Kathleen N;
Blanchard, James F;
Moses, Stephen;
Lowndes, Catherine M;
Ramesh, Banadakoppa M;
+2 more...
Demers, Eric;
Alary, Michel;
Using mathematical modelling to investigate the plausibility of attributing observed antenatal clinic declines to a female sex worker intervention in Karnataka state, India.
AIDS (London, England), 22 Sup (Suppl ).
ISSN 0269-9370
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Chandrasekaran, Padma;
Dallabetta, Gina;
Loo, Virginia;
Mills, Stephen;
Saidel, Tobi;
Adhikary, Rajatashuvra;
Alary, Michel;
Lowndes, Catherine M;
Boily, Marie-Claude;
Moore, James;
+1 more...
Avahan Evaluation Partners;
Evaluation design for large-scale HIV prevention programmes: the case of Avahan, the India AIDS initiative.
AIDS (London, England), 22 Sup (Suppl ).
ISSN 0269-9370
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Chiyaka, C;
Garira, W;
Dube, S;
Mukandavire, Z;
Analysis of a human transmission model with discrete delays.
Journal of Mathematical Control Science and Applications, 2 (1).
pp. 171-188.
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Colombini, Manuela;
Mayhew, Susannah;
Watts, Charlotte;
Health-sector responses to intimate partner violence in low- and middle-income settings: a review of current models, challenges and opportunities.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 86 (8).
pp. 635-642.
ISSN 0042-9686
Colombini, Manuela;
Mayhew, Susannah;
Watts, Charlotte;
Health-sector responses to intimate partner violence in low- and middle-income settings: a review of current models, challenges and opportunities.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 86 (8).
pp. 635-642.
ISSN 0042-9686
Cox, A;
Foss, AM;
Kumaranayake, L;
Vickerman, P;
Terris-Prestholt, F;
Vyas, S;
Watts, C;
Identifying context appropriate strategies for introducing microbicides into different settings in order to maximise impact.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
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Deering, Kathleen N;
Vickerman, Peter;
Moses, Stephen;
Ramesh, Banadakoppa M;
Blanchard, James F;
Boily, Marie-Claude;
The impact of out-migrants and out-migration on the HIV/AIDS epidemic: a case study from south-west India.
AIDS (London, England), 22 Sup (Suppl ).
ISSN 0269-9370
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Dos Santos Silva, I;
Higgins, CD;
Abramsky, T;
Swanwick, MA;
Frazer, J;
Whitaker, LM;
Blanshard, ME;
Bradshaw, J;
Apps, JM;
Bishop, DT;
+2 more...
Newton-Bishop, JA;
Swerdlow, AJ;
Overseas Sun Exposure, Nevus Counts, and Premature Skin Aging in Young English Women: A Population-Based Survey.
The Journal of investigative dermatology, 129 (1).
pp. 50-9.
ISSN 0022-202X
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Ellsberg, Mary;
Jansen, Henrica AFM;
Heise, Lori;
Watts, Charlotte H;
Garcia-Moreno, Claudia;
WHO Multi-country Study on Women's Health and Domestic Violence ;
Intimate partner violence and women's physical and mental health in the WHO multi-country study on women's health and domestic violence: an observational study.
Lancet, 371 (9619).
pp. 1165-1172.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Fenn, B;
Chalabi, Z;
Foss, A;
Wilkinson, P;
Housing and health: health risk modelling in the INTARESE project.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
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Foss, AM;
Kumaranayake, L;
Cox, A;
Vickerman, P;
Terris-Prestholt, F;
Moyes, J;
Delany-Moretlwe, S;
Rees, H;
Watts, C;
Reaching communities: evaluation of alternative strategies for microbicide introduction in South Africa.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
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Foss, AM;
Kumaranayake, L;
Vickerman, P;
Cox, A;
Vyas, S;
Reza-Paul, S;
Ramesh, BM;
Beattie, T;
Guinness, L;
Lowndes, C;
+3 more...
Alary, M;
Moses, S;
Watts, C;
Phasing introduction – what is the impact? Examination of potential microbicide introduction strategies in India.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
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Foss, AM;
Vickerman, P;
Mayaud, P;
Weiss, H;
Ramesh, BM;
Reza-Paul, S;
Washington, R;
Lowndes, CM;
Alary, M;
Watts, C;
Exploring the interactions between HSV-2 and HIV: model predictions for a southern Indian setting.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
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Foss, AM;
von Simson, R;
Zimmerman, C;
Hossain, M;
Watts, C;
HIV/AIDS and rape: modelling predictions of the increase in individual risk of contracting HIV from forced sex in South Africa.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
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Heise, Lori;
Philpott, Sean;
Predicting the unpredictable real-world impact of ARV-based microbicides.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105 (44).
ISSN 0027-8424
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Hope, Vivian;
Kimber, Jo;
Vickerman, Peter;
Hickman, Matthew;
Ncube, Fortune;
Frequency, factors and costs associated with injection site infections: findings from a national multi-site survey of injecting drug users in England.
BMC infectious diseases, 8 (1).
ISSN 1471-2334
Johnson, HC;
Foss, AM;
Phillips, A;
Using mathematical modelling to gain insights into the transmission dynamics of HIV among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Bangalore, India.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
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Kemal, Kimdar Sherefa;
Beattie, Tara;
Dong, Tao;
Weiser, Barbara;
Kaul, Rupert;
Kuiken, Carla;
Sutton, Julian;
Lang, Dorothy;
Yang, Hongbing;
Peng, Yan Chun;
+4 more...
Collman, Ronald;
Philpott, Sean;
Rowland-Jones, Sarah;
Burger, Harold;
Transition from long-term nonprogression to HIV-1 disease associated with escape from cellular immune control.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 48 (2).
pp. 119-126.
ISSN 1525-4135
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Kim, Julia;
Pronyk, Paul;
Barnett, Tony;
Watts, Charlotte;
Exploring the role of economic empowerment in HIV prevention.
AIDS (London, England), 22 Sup (Suppl ).
ISSN 0269-9370
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Loke, WC;
Torres, C;
Bacchus, L;
Fox, E;
Domestic violence in a genitourinary medicine setting--an anonymous prevalence study in women.
International journal of STD & AIDS, 19 (11).
pp. 747-751.
ISSN 0956-4624
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Mathur, R;
Ndlovu, H;
McCormack, S;
Foss, A;
Crook, A;
Genital signs in women with and without laboratory confirmed STIs in MDP301.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
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Mitchell, KM;
Mutapi, F;
Woolhouse, MEJ;
The predicted impact of immunosuppression upon population age-intensity profiles for schistosomiasis.
Parasite immunology, 30 (9).
pp. 462-470.
ISSN 0141-9838
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Mitchell, Kate M;
Churcher, Thomas S;
Garner, Trenton WJ;
Fisher, Matthew C;
Persistence of the emerging pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis outside the amphibian host greatly increases the probability of host extinction.
Proceedings Biological sciences / The Royal Society, 275 (1632).
pp. 329-334.
ISSN 0962-8452
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Montgomery, CM;
Lees, S;
Stadler, J;
Morar, NS;
Ssali, A;
Mwanza, B;
Mntambo, M;
Phillip, J;
Watts, C;
Pool, R;
The role of partnership dynamics in determining the acceptability of condoms and microbicides.
AIDS care, 20 (6).
pp. 733-740.
ISSN 0954-0121
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Oram, S;
Zimmerman, C;
The Health of Persons Trafficked for Forced Labour.
IOM Global Eye on Human Trafficking (4).
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Reza-Paul, Sushena;
Beattie, Tara;
Syed, Hafeez Ur Rahman;
Venukumar, Koppal T;
Venugopal, Mysore S;
Fathima, Mary P;
Raghavendra, HR;
Akram, Pasha;
Manjula, Ramaiah;
Lakshmi, M;
+7 more...
Isac, Shajy;
Ramesh, Banadakoppa M;
Washington, Reynold;
Mahagaonkar, Sangameshwar B;
Glynn, Judith R;
Blanchard, James F;
Moses, Stephen;
Declines in risk behaviour and sexually transmitted infection prevalence following a community-led HIV preventive intervention among female sex workers in Mysore, India.
AIDS (London, England), 22 Sup (Suppl ).
ISSN 0269-9370
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Schenk, K;
Ndhlovu, L;
Tembo, S;
Nsune, A;
Nkhata, C;
Walusiku, B;
Watts, C;
Supporting orphans and vulnerable children affected by AIDS: using community-generated definitions to explore patterns of children's vulnerability in Zambia.
AIDS care, 20 (8).
pp. 894-903.
ISSN 0954-0121
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Stoeckl, H;
Trafficking of women into forced prostitution- the example of the Republic of Uzbekistan (German: Frauenhandel in die Zwangsprostitution- am Beispiel der Republik Usbekistan).
VDM, Saarbrücken.
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Stoeckl, H;
Klantschnig, G;
Crime Control and Victim-Centred Approaches to Human Trafficking: A Response to Testai.
St Antony\'s International Review, 4 (1).
pp. 58-62.
ISSN 1746-451X
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Terris-Prestholt, Fern;
Kumaranayake, Lilani;
Ginwalla, Rokaya;
Ayles, Helen;
Kayawe, Ignatius;
Hillery, Mary;
Godfrey-Faussett, Peter;
Integrating tuberculosis and HIV services for people living with HIV: costs of the Zambian ProTEST Initiative.
Cost effectiveness and resource allocation, 6 (1).
ISSN 1478-7547
Vickerman, P;
Foss, A;
Watts, C;
Using modelling to explore the degree to which a microbicide's STI efficacy may contribute to the HIV effectiveness measured in Phase III microbicide trials.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
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Vickerman, Peter;
Foss, Anna;
Watts, Charlotte;
Using modeling to explore the degree to which a microbicide's sexually transmitted infection efficacy may contribute to the HIV effectiveness measured in phase 3 microbicide trials.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 48 (4).
pp. 460-467.
ISSN 1525-4135
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Vyas, Seema;
Watts, Charlotte;
How does economic empowerment affect women's risk of intimate partner violence in low and middle income countries? A systematic review of published evidence.
Journal of international development, 21 (5).
pp. 577-602.
ISSN 0954-1748
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Watts, C;
Foss, A;
Kumaranayake, L;
Cox, A;
Terris-Prestholt, F;
Vickerman, P;
Identifying optimal strategies for microbicide distribution in India and South Africa: Modelling and cost-effectiveness analyses.
Technical Report.
A policy paper prepared by the International Partnership for Microbicides with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
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Watts, C;
Heise, L;
McCormack, S;
Foss, A;
Vickerman, P;
, TrussellJ;
Bradford, C;
Apples and oranges? Interpreting success from contraceptive and HIV prevention research.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
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