Items where Research Centre is "Population Studies Group"

Number of items: 46.
Bibliographic data only
Ali, MM;
Babiker, AG;
Cleland, JG;
Analysis of failure time hierarchical data in the presence of competing risks with application to oral contraceptive pill use in Egypt.
Statistics in medicine, 20 (23).
pp. 3611-3624.
ISSN 0277-6715
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Ali, MM;
Cleland, JG;
The link between postnatal abstinence and extramarital sex in Côte d'Ivoire.
Studies in family planning, 32 (3).
pp. 214-219.
ISSN 0039-3665
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Ali, Mohamed M;
Cleland, John G;
Carael, Michel;
Sexual risk behavior in urban populations of Northeastern Africa.
AIDS and behavior, 5 (4).
pp. 343-352.
ISSN 1090-7165
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Bhatia, JC;
Cleland, J;
Health-care seeking and expenditure by young Indian mothers in the public and private sectors.
Health policy and planning, 16 (1).
pp. 55-61.
ISSN 0268-1080
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Black, GF;
Dockrell, HM;
Crampin, AC;
Floyd, S;
Weir, RE;
Bliss, L;
Sichali, L;
Mwaungulu, L;
Kanyongoloka, H;
Ngwira, B;
+2 more...
Warndorff, DK;
Fine, PE;
Patterns and implications of naturally acquired immune responses to environmental and tuberculous mycobacterial antigens in northern Malawi.
The Journal of infectious diseases, 184 (3).
pp. 322-329.
ISSN 0022-1899
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Black, GF;
Fine PEM;
Warndorff, DK;
Floyd, S;
Weir, RE;
Blackwell, JM;
Bliss, L;
Sichali, L;
Mwaungulu, L;
Chaguluka, S;
+3 more...
Jarman, E;
Ngwira, B;
Dockrell, HM;
Relationship between IFN-gamma and skin test responsiveness to Mycobacterium tuberculosis PPD in healthy, non-BCG-vaccinated young adults in Northern Malawi.
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 5 (7).
pp. 664-672.
ISSN 1027-3719
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Buka, SL;
Stichick, TL;
Birdthistle, I;
Earls, FJ;
Youth exposure to violence: prevalence, risks, and consequences.
The American journal of orthopsychiatry, 71 (3).
pp. 298-310.
ISSN 0002-9432
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Busza, J;
Hom-Em, X;
Ly, S;
Un, S;
Petals and thorns: the dilemmas of PLA and debt-bondage.
PLA Notes, 40.
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Busza, J;
Schunter, BT;
From competition to community: participatory learning and action among young, debt-bonded Vietnamese sex workers in Cambodia.
Reproductive health matters, 9 (17).
pp. 72-81.
ISSN 0968-8080
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Busza, JR;
Promoting the positive: responses to stigma and discrimination in Southeast Asia.
AIDS care, 13 (4).
pp. 441-456.
ISSN 0954-0121
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Buvé, A;
Changalucha, J;
Mayaud, P;
Gavyole, A;
Mugeye, K;
Todd, J;
Clayton, T;
Mosha, F;
Grosskurth, H;
Mabey, D;
+3 more...
Laga, M;
Van Lerberghe, W;
Hayes, RJ;
How many patients with a sexually transmitted infection are cured by health services? A study from Mwanza region, Tanzania.
Tropical medicine & international health, 6 (12).
pp. 971-979.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Carael, Michael;
Ali, Mohamed;
Cleland, John;
Nuptiality and Risk Behaviour in Lusaka and Kampala.
African journal of reproductive health, 5 (1).
p. 83.
ISSN 1118-4841
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Clarke, L;
Cairns, H;
Grandparents and the Care of Children: the Research Evidence.
In: Broad, B, (ed.)
Kinship Care: The placement choice for children and young people.
Russell House Publishing, London.
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Clarke, L;
Joshi, H;
Accessions and abdications: men and women as family markers in linked data for England and Wales.
In: ZABA, B; BLACKER, J, (eds.)
Brass Tacks: Essays in Medical Demography.
Athlone Press, London, pp. 207-230.
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Clarke, L;
Thomson, K;
Teenage Mums.
In: Park, A; Curtice, J; Thompson, K; Jarvis, L; Bromley, C, (eds.)
British Social Attitudes - the 18th Report: Public Policy, Social Ties.
Sage Publications, London, pp. 59-79.
ISBN 9780761974536
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Cleland, J;
Fertility transition in South Asia.
In: Smelser, NJ; Bates, PB, (eds.)
International Encyclopaedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences.
Elsevier Science, Oxford, pp. 5593-5597.
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Cleland, J;
Potatoes and pills: an overview of innovation-diffusion contributions to explanations of fertility decline.
In: Casterline, JB, (ed.)
Diffusion Processes and Fertility Transition - Selected Perspectives.
National Academy Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 39-65.
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Cleland, J;
Lush, L;
Prevention of unwanted pregnancies and of sexually transmitted infection: the linkages.
In: Puri, CP; van Look, PFA, (eds.)
Sexual and Reproductive Health.
New Age International Ltd, New Delhi, pp. 269-279.
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Cleland, J;
Lush, L;
Prevention of unwanted pregnancies and of sexually transmitted infections: The linkages.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
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Cleland, John;
The effects of improved survival on fertility: A reassessment.
Population and development review, 27.
pp. 60-92.
ISSN 0098-7921
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Coleman, MP;
Babb, P;
Sloggett, A;
Quinn, M;
De Stavola, B;
Socioeconomic inequalities in cancer survival in England and Wales.
Cancer, 91 (1 Supp).
pp. 208-216.
ISSN 0008-543X
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Collumbien, M;
Sloggett, A;
Adjustment methods for bias in the indirect childhood mortality estimates.
In: ZABA, B; BLACKER, J, (eds.)
Brass Tacks: Essays in Medical Demography.
Athlone Press, London, pp. 20-42.
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Collumbien, M;
Timaeus, IM;
Acharya, L;
Fertility decline in Nepal.
In: Sathar, ZA; Phillips, JF, (eds.)
Fertility Transition in South Asia.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 99-120.
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Crampin, AC;
Floyd, S;
Mwaungulu, F;
Black, G;
Ndhlovu, R;
Mwaiyeghele, E;
Glynn, JR;
Warndorff, DK;
Fine, PE;
Comparison of two versus three smears in identifying culture-positive tuberculosis patients in a rural African setting with high HIV prevalence.
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 5 (11).
pp. 994-999.
ISSN 1027-3719
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Dorrington, R;
Bourne, D;
Bradshaw, D;
Laubscher, R;
Timaeus, IM;
The impact of HIV/AIDS on adult mortality in South Africa.
South African Medical Research Council, Tygerberg, iii+56.
ISBN 1-919809-14-7
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Farley, TM;
Ali, MM;
Slaymaker, E;
Competing approaches to analysis of failure times with competing risks.
Statistics in medicine, 20 (23).
pp. 3601-3610.
ISSN 0277-6715
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Lush, L;
Walt, G;
Cleland, J;
Mayhew, S;
The role of MCH and family planning services in HIV/STD control: is integration the answer?
African journal of reproductive health, 5 (3).
pp. 29-46.
ISSN 1118-4841
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Mayaud, P;
Gill, DK;
Weiss, HA;
Uledi, E;
Kopwe, L;
Todd, J;
ka-Gina, G;
Grosskurth, H;
Hayes, RJ;
Mabey, DC;
+1 more...
Lacey, CJ;
The interrelation of HIV, cervical human papillomavirus, and neoplasia among antenatal clinic attenders in Tanzania.
Sexually transmitted infections, 77 (4).
pp. 248-254.
ISSN 1368-4973
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Mayhew, SH;
Cleland, J;
Unhappy Alliance - does integrated reproductive healthcare work?
ID21 Health - Communicating Development Research IDS/DFID.
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Obasi, AI;
Balira, R;
Todd, J;
Ross, DA;
Changalucha, J;
Mosha, F;
Grosskurth, H;
Peeling, R;
Mabey, DC;
Hayes, RJ;
Prevalence of HIV and Chlamydia trachomatis infection in 15--19-year olds in rural Tanzania.
Tropical medicine & international health, 6 (7).
pp. 517-525.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Reniers, Georges;
The Post-Migration Survival of Traditional Marriage Patterns: Consanguineous Marriages among Turks and Moroccans in Belgium.
Journal of comparative family studies, 32 (1).
pp. 21-45.
ISSN 0047-2328
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Timaeus, IM;
Adult mortality in the less developed world.
In: Smelser, NJ; Baltes, PB, (eds.)
International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Elsevier Science, Oxford, pp. 142-147.
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Timaeus, IM;
Zaba, B;
Ali, MM;
Estimation of adult mortality from data on adult siblings.
In: ZABA, B; BLACKER, J, (eds.)
Brass Tacks: Essays in Medical Demography.
Athlone Press, London, pp. 43-66.
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Timæus, Ian M;
Commentary: Mortality decline in Senegal.
International journal of epidemiology, 30 (6).
pp. 1294-1295.
ISSN 0300-5771
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Todd, J;
Munguti, K;
Grosskurth, H;
Mngara, J;
Changalucha, J;
Mayaud, P;
Mosha, F;
Gavyole, A;
Mabey, D;
Hayes, R;
Risk factors for active syphilis and TPHA seroconversion in a rural African population.
Sexually transmitted infections, 77 (1).
pp. 37-45.
ISSN 1368-4973
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Urassa, M;
Boerma, JT;
Isingo, R;
Ngalula, J;
Ng'weshemi, J;
Mwaluko, G;
Zaba, B;
The impact of HIV/AIDS on mortality and household mobility in rural Tanzania.
AIDS (London, England), 15 (15).
pp. 2017-2023.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Weich, S;
Sloggett, A;
Lewis, G;
Social roles and the gender difference in rates of the common mental disorders in Britain: a 7-year, population-based cohort study.
Psychological medicine, 31 (6).
pp. 1055-1064.
ISSN 0033-2917
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Wellings, K;
Cleland, J;
Surveys on sexual health: recent developments and future directions.
Sexually transmitted infections, 77 (4).
pp. 238-241.
ISSN 1368-4973
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White, RG;
Zaba, B;
Boerma, JT;
Modelling the dramatic decline of primary infertility in sub-Saharan Africa.
In: Boerma, JT; Mgalla, Z, (eds.)
Women and infertility in sub-Saharan Africa: a multi-disciplinary perspective.
KIT Publishers, Amsterdam, pp. 118-148.
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Zaba, B;
HIV and child mortality: final report on Phase I of research project. report for UNICEF.
Technical Report.
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Zaba, B;
Blacker, J;
Brass tacks: essays in medical demography.
Athlone Press, London, xii,301.
ISBN 0-485-11563-8
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Zaba, B;
Grassly, N;
Garnett, G;
Methods for the estimation and projection of HIV prevalence, HIV incidence and AIDS mortality: report for the UN Population Division.
Technical Report.
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Bhatia, J;
Cleland, J;
The contribution of reproductive ill-health to the overall burden of perceived illness among women in southern India.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 79 (11).
pp. 1065-1069.
ISSN 0042-9686
Fine, PE;
Floyd, S;
Stanford, JL;
Nkhosa, P;
Kasunga, A;
Chaguluka, S;
Warndorff, DK;
Jenkins, PA;
Yates, M;
Ponnighaus, JM;
Environmental mycobacteria in northern Malawi: implications for the epidemiology of tuberculosis and leprosy.
Epidemiology and infection, 126 (3).
pp. 379-387.
ISSN 0950-2688
Moultrie, Tom A;
Timæus, Ian M;
Fertility and Living Arrangements in South Africa.
Journal of southern African studies, 27 (2).
pp. 207-223.
ISSN 0305-7070
Sear, R;
Shanley, D;
Mcgregor, IA;
Mace, R;
The fitness of twin mothers: evidence from rural Gambia.
Journal of evolutionary biology, 14 (3).
pp. 433-443.
ISSN 1010-061X
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