Items where Research Centre is "Centre for Global Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)"

Number of items: 25.
Cook, Sarah;
Quint, Jennifer K;
Vasiljev, Maxim;
Leon, David A;
Self-reported symptoms of chronic cough and breathlessness in working-age men in the city of Izhevsk, Russia: associations with cardiovascular disease risk factors and comorbidities.
BMJ open respiratory research, 2 (1).
ISSN 2052-4439
Croft, Peter;
Altman, Douglas G;
Deeks, Jonathan J;
Dunn, Kate M;
Hay, Alastair D;
Hemingway, Harry;
LeResche, Linda;
Peat, George;
Perel, Pablo;
Petersen, Steffen E;
+7 more...
Riley, Richard D;
Roberts, Ian;
Sharpe, Michael;
Stevens, Richard J;
Van Der Windt, Danielle A;
Von Korff, Michael;
Timmis, Adam;
The science of clinical practice: disease diagnosis or patient prognosis? Evidence about "what is likely to happen" should shape clinical practice.
BMC medicine, 13 (1).
ISSN 1741-7015
Day, Felix R;
Ruth, Katherine S;
Thompson, Deborah J;
Lunetta, Kathryn L;
Pervjakova, Natalia;
Chasman, Daniel I;
Stolk, Lisette;
Finucane, Hilary K;
Sulem, Patrick;
Bulik-Sullivan, Brendan;
+237 more...
Esko, Tõnu;
Johnson, Andrew D;
Elks, Cathy E;
Franceschini, Nora;
He, Chunyan;
Altmaier, Elisabeth;
Brody, Jennifer A;
Franke, Lude L;
Huffman, Jennifer E;
Keller, Margaux F;
McArdle, Patrick F;
Nutile, Teresa;
Porcu, Eleonora;
Robino, Antonietta;
Rose, Lynda M;
Schick, Ursula M;
Smith, Jennifer A;
Teumer, Alexander;
Traglia, Michela;
Vuckovic, Dragana;
Yao, Jie;
Zhao, Wei;
Albrecht, Eva;
Amin, Najaf;
Corre, Tanguy;
Hottenga, Jouke-Jan;
Mangino, Massimo;
Smith, Albert V;
Tanaka, Toshiko;
Abecasis, Goncalo;
Andrulis, Irene L;
Anton-Culver, Hoda;
Antoniou, Antonis C;
Arndt, Volker;
Arnold, Alice M;
Barbieri, Caterina;
Beckmann, Matthias W;
Beeghly-Fadiel, Alicia;
Benitez, Javier;
Bernstein, Leslie;
Bielinski, Suzette J;
Blomqvist, Carl;
Boerwinkle, Eric;
Bogdanova, Natalia V;
Bojesen, Stig E;
Bolla, Manjeet K;
Borresen-Dale, Anne-Lise;
Boutin, Thibaud S;
Brauch, Hiltrud;
Brenner, Hermann;
Brüning, Thomas;
Burwinkel, Barbara;
Campbell, Archie;
Campbell, Harry;
Chanock, Stephen J;
Chapman, J Ross;
Chen, Yii-Der Ida;
Chenevix-Trench, Georgia;
Couch, Fergus J;
Coviello, Andrea D;
Cox, Angela;
Czene, Kamila;
Darabi, Hatef;
De Vivo, Immaculata;
Demerath, Ellen W;
Dennis, Joe;
Devilee, Peter;
Dörk, Thilo;
Dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel;
Dunning, Alison M;
Eicher, John D;
Fasching, Peter A;
Faul, Jessica D;
Figueroa, Jonine;
Flesch-Janys, Dieter;
Gandin, Ilaria;
Garcia, Melissa E;
García-Closas, Montserrat;
Giles, Graham G;
Girotto, Giorgia G;
Goldberg, Mark S;
González-Neira, Anna;
Goodarzi, Mark O;
Grove, Megan L;
Gudbjartsson, Daniel F;
Guénel, Pascal;
Guo, Xiuqing;
Haiman, Christopher A;
Hall, Per;
Hamann, Ute;
Henderson, Brian E;
Hocking, Lynne J;
Hofman, Albert;
Homuth, Georg;
Hooning, Maartje J;
Hopper, John L;
Hu, Frank B;
Huang, Jinyan;
Humphreys, Keith;
Hunter, David J;
Jakubowska, Anna;
Jones, Samuel E;
Kabisch, Maria;
Karasik, David;
Knight, Julia A;
Kolcic, Ivana;
Kooperberg, Charles;
Kosma, Veli-Matti;
Kriebel, Jennifer;
Kristensen, Vessela;
Lambrechts, Diether;
Langenberg, Claudia;
Li, Jingmei;
Li, Xin;
Lindström, Sara;
Liu, Yongmei;
Luan, Jian'an;
Lubinski, Jan;
Mägi, Reedik;
Mannermaa, Arto;
Manz, Judith;
Margolin, Sara;
Marten, Jonathan;
Martin, Nicholas G;
Masciullo, Corrado;
Meindl, Alfons;
Michailidou, Kyriaki;
Mihailov, Evelin;
Milani, Lili;
Milne, Roger L;
Müller-Nurasyid, Martina;
Nalls, Michael;
Neale, Ben M;
Nevanlinna, Heli;
Neven, Patrick;
Newman, Anne B;
Nordestgaard, Børge G;
Olson, Janet E;
Padmanabhan, Sandosh;
Peterlongo, Paolo;
Peters, Ulrike;
Petersmann, Astrid;
Peto, Julian;
Pharoah, Paul DP;
Pirastu, Nicola N;
Pirie, Ailith;
Pistis, Giorgio;
Polasek, Ozren;
Porteous, David;
Psaty, Bruce M;
Pylkäs, Katri;
Radice, Paolo;
Raffel, Leslie J;
Rivadeneira, Fernando;
Rudan, Igor;
Rudolph, Anja;
Ruggiero, Daniela;
Sala, Cinzia F;
Sanna, Serena;
Sawyer, Elinor J;
Schlessinger, David;
Schmidt, Marjanka K;
Schmidt, Frank;
Schmutzler, Rita K;
Schoemaker, Minouk J;
Scott, Robert A;
Seynaeve, Caroline M;
Simard, Jacques;
Sorice, Rossella;
Southey, Melissa C;
Stöckl, Doris;
Strauch, Konstantin;
Swerdlow, Anthony;
Taylor, Kent D;
Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur;
Toland, Amanda E;
Tomlinson, Ian;
Truong, Thérèse;
Tryggvadottir, Laufey;
Turner, Stephen T;
Vozzi, Diego;
Wang, Qin;
Wellons, Melissa;
Willemsen, Gonneke;
Wilson, James F;
Winqvist, Robert;
Wolffenbuttel, Bruce BHR;
Wright, Alan F;
Yannoukakos, Drakoulis;
Zemunik, Tatijana;
Zheng, Wei;
Zygmunt, Marek;
Bergmann, Sven;
Boomsma, Dorret I;
Buring, Julie E;
Ferrucci, Luigi;
Montgomery, Grant W;
Gudnason, Vilmundur;
Spector, Tim D;
van Duijn, Cornelia M;
Alizadeh, Behrooz Z;
Ciullo, Marina;
Crisponi, Laura;
Easton, Douglas F;
Gasparini, Paolo P;
Gieger, Christian;
Harris, Tamara B;
Hayward, Caroline;
Kardia, Sharon LR;
Kraft, Peter;
McKnight, Barbara;
Metspalu, Andres;
Morrison, Alanna C;
Reiner, Alex P;
Ridker, Paul M;
Rotter, Jerome I;
Toniolo, Daniela;
Uitterlinden, André G;
Ulivi, Sheila;
Völzke, Henry;
Wareham, Nicholas J;
Weir, David R;
Yerges-Armstrong, Laura M;
PRACTICAL consortium;
kConFab Investigators;
AOCS Investigators;
Generation Scotland;
EPIC-InterAct Consortium;
LifeLines Cohort Study;
Price, Alkes L;
Stefansson, Kari;
Visser, Jenny A;
Ong, Ken K;
Chang-Claude, Jenny;
Murabito, Joanne M;
Perry, John RB;
Murray, Anna;
Large-scale genomic analyses link reproductive aging to hypothalamic signaling, breast cancer susceptibility and BRCA1-mediated DNA repair.
Nature genetics, 47 (11).
pp. 1294-1303.
ISSN 1061-4036
Dejaco, Christian;
Singh, Yogesh P;
Perel, Pablo;
Hutchings, Andrew;
Camellino, Dario;
Mackie, Sarah;
Abril, Andy;
Bachta, Artur;
Balint, Peter;
Barraclough, Kevin;
+38 more...
Bianconi, Lina;
Buttgereit, Frank;
Carsons, Steven;
Ching, Daniel;
Cid, Maria;
Cimmino, Marco;
Diamantopoulos, Andreas;
Docken, William;
Duftner, Christina;
Fashanu, Billy;
Gilbert, Kate;
Hildreth, Pamela;
Hollywood, Jane;
Jayne, David;
Lima, Manuella;
Maharaj, Ajesh;
Mallen, Christian;
Martinez-Taboada, Victor;
Maz, Mehrdad;
Merry, Steven;
Miller, Jean;
Mori, Shunsuke;
Neill, Lorna;
Nordborg, Elisabeth;
Nott, Jennifer;
Padbury, Hannah;
Pease, Colin;
Salvarani, Carlo;
Schirmer, Michael;
Schmidt, Wolfgang;
Spiera, Robert;
Tronnier, David;
Wagner, Alexandre;
Whitlock, Madeline;
Matteson, Eric L;
Dasgupta, Bhaskar;
European League Against Rheumatism;
American College of Rheumatology;
2015 Recommendations for the management of polymyalgia rheumatica: a European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology collaborative initiative.
Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 74 (10).
pp. 1799-1807.
ISSN 0003-4967
Full text not available from this repository.
Dejaco, Christian;
Singh, Yogesh P;
Perel, Pablo;
Hutchings, Andrew;
Camellino, Dario;
Mackie, Sarah;
Abril, Andy;
Bachta, Artur;
Balint, Peter;
Barraclough, Kevin;
+38 more...
Bianconi, Lina;
Buttgereit, Frank;
Carsons, Steven;
Ching, Daniel;
Cid, Maria;
Cimmino, Marco;
Diamantopoulos, Andreas;
Docken, William;
Duftner, Christina;
Fashanu, Billy;
Gilbert, Kate;
Hildreth, Pamela;
Hollywood, Jane;
Jayne, David;
Lima, Manuella;
Maharaj, Ajesh;
Mallen, Christian;
Martinez-Taboada, Victor;
Maz, Mehrdad;
Merry, Steven;
Miller, Jean;
Mori, Shunsuke;
Neill, Lorna;
Nordborg, Elisabeth;
Nott, Jennifer;
Padbury, Hannah;
Pease, Colin;
Salvarani, Carlo;
Schirmer, Michael;
Schmidt, Wolfgang;
Spiera, Robert;
Tronnier, David;
Wagner, Alexandre;
Whitlock, Madeline;
Matteson, Eric L;
Dasgupta, Bhaskar;
European League Against Rheumatism;
American College of Rheumatology;
2015 recommendations for the management of polymyalgia rheumatica: a European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology collaborative initiative.
Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, NJ), 67 (10).
pp. 2569-2580.
ISSN 2326-5191
Full text not available from this repository.
Dejaco, Christian;
Singh, Yogesh P;
Perel, Pablo;
Hutchings, Andrew;
Camellino, Dario;
Mackie, Sarah;
Matteson, Eric L;
Dasgupta, Bhaskar;
Current evidence for therapeutic interventions and prognostic factors in polymyalgia rheumatica: a systematic literature review informing the 2015 European League Against Rheumatism/American College of Rheumatology recommendations for the management of polymyalgia rheumatica.
Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 74 (10).
pp. 1808-1817.
ISSN 0003-4967
Full text not available from this repository.
Eduard, Wijnand;
Schlünssen, Vivi;
Sigsgaard, Torben;
Omland, Øyvind;
Pearce, Neil;
Douwes, Jeroen;
Can selection explain the protective effects of farming on asthma?
Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine, 22 (3).
pp. 467-469.
ISSN 1232-1966
Glonti, K;
Mackenbach, JD;
Ng, J;
Lakerveld, J;
Oppert, J-M;
Bárdos, H;
McKee, M;
Rutter, H;
Psychosocial environment: definitions, measures and associations with weight status--a systematic review.
Obesity reviews, 17 Sup (S1).
pp. 81-95.
ISSN 1467-7881
Full text not available from this repository.
Hausenloy, Derek J;
Kharbanda, Rajesh;
Rahbek Schmidt, Michael;
Møller, Ulla Kristine;
Ravkilde, Jan;
Okkels Jensen, Lisette;
Engstrøm, Thomas;
Garcia Ruiz, Jose Manuel;
Radovanovic, Nebosja;
Christensen, Erica F;
+9 more...
Sørensen, Henrik Toft;
Ramlall, Manish;
Bulluck, Heerajnarain;
Evans, Richard;
Nicholas, Jennifer;
Knight, Rosemary;
Clayton, Tim;
Yellon, Derek M;
Bøtker, Hans Erik;
Effect of remote ischaemic conditioning on clinical outcomes in patients presenting with an ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention.
European heart journal, 36 (29).
pp. 1846-1848.
ISSN 0195-668X
Full text not available from this repository.
Iorio, Alfonso;
Spencer, Frederick A;
Falavigna, Maicon;
Alba, Carolina;
Lang, Eddie;
Burnand, Bernard;
McGinn, Tom;
Hayden, Jill;
Williams, Katrina;
Shea, Beverly;
+7 more...
Wolff, Robert;
Kujpers, Ton;
Perel, Pablo;
Vandvik, Per Olav;
Glasziou, Paul;
Schunemann, Holger;
Guyatt, Gordon;
Use of GRADE for assessment of evidence about prognosis: rating confidence in estimates of event rates in broad categories of patients.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 350 (mar16 ).
ISSN 0959-8138
Keogh-Brown, Marcus R;
Jensen, Henning Tarp;
Arrighi, H Michael;
Smith, Richard D;
The Impact of Alzheimer's Disease on the Chinese Economy.
EBioMedicine, 4.
pp. 184-190.
ISSN 2352-3964
Knai, C;
Petticrew, M;
Scott, C;
Durand, MA;
Eastmure, E;
James, L;
Mehrotra, A;
Mays, N;
Getting England to be more physically active: are the Public Health Responsibility Deal's physical activity pledges the answer?
The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity, 12 (1).
ISSN 1479-5868
McGill, Rory;
Anwar, Elspeth;
Orton, Lois;
Bromley, Helen;
Lloyd-Williams, Ffion;
O'Flaherty, Martin;
Taylor-Robinson, David;
Guzman-Castillo, Maria;
Gillespie, Duncan;
Moreira, Patricia;
+7 more...
Allen, Kirk;
Hyseni, Lirije;
Calder, Nicola;
Petticrew, Mark;
White, Martin;
Whitehead, Margaret;
Capewell, Simon;
Erratum to: Are interventions to promote healthy eating equally effective for all? Systematic review of socioeconomic inequalities in impact.
BMC public health, 15 (1).
ISSN 1471-2458
McKee, Martin;
Capewell, Simon;
Evidence about electronic cigarettes: a foundation built on rock or sand?
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 351.
ISSN 0959-8138
Newton, JN;
Briggs, AD;
Murray, CJ;
Dicker, D;
Foreman, KJ;
Wang, H;
Naghavi, M;
Forouzanfar, MH;
Ohno, SL;
Barber, RM;
+67 more...
Vos, T;
Stanaway, JD;
Schmidt, JC;
Hughes, AJ;
Fay, DF;
Ecob, R;
Gresser, C;
McKee, M;
Rutter, H;
Abubakar, I;
Ali, R;
Anderson, HR;
Banerjee, A;
Bennett, DA;
Bernabé, E;
Bhui, KS;
Biryukov, SM;
Bourne, RR;
Brayne, CE;
Bruce, NG;
Brugha, TS;
Burch, M;
Capewell, S;
Casey, D;
Chowdhury, R;
Coates, MM;
Cooper, C;
Critchley, JA;
Dargan, PI;
Dherani, MK;
Elliott, P;
Ezzati, M;
Fenton, KA;
Fraser, MS;
Fürst, T;
Greaves, F;
Green, MA;
Gunnell, DJ;
Hannigan, BM;
Hay, RJ;
Hay, SI;
Hemingway, H;
Larson, HJ;
Looker, KJ;
Lunevicius, R;
Lyons, RA;
Marcenes, W;
Mason-Jones, AJ;
Matthews, FE;
Moller, H;
Murdoch, ME;
Newton, CR;
Pearce, N;
Piel, FB;
Pope, D;
Rahimi, K;
Rodriguez, A;
Scarborough, P;
Schumacher, AE;
Shiue, I;
Smeeth, L;
Tedstone, A;
Valabhji, J;
Williams, HC;
Wolfe, CD;
Woolf, AD;
Davis, AC;
Changes in health in England, with analysis by English regions and areas of deprivation, 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013.
ISSN 0140-6736
Pearce, Neil;
Ebrahim, Shah;
McKee, Martin;
Lamptey, Peter;
Barreto, Mauricio L;
Matheson, Don;
Walls, Helen;
Foliaki, Sunia;
Miranda, J Jaime;
Chimeddamba, Oyun;
+3 more...
Garcia-Marcos, Luis;
Haines, Andy;
Vineis, Paolo;
Global prevention and control of NCDs: Limitations of the standard approach.
Journal of public health policy, 36 (4).
pp. 408-425.
ISSN 0197-5897
Perel, Pablo;
Avezum, Alvaro;
Huffman, Mark;
Pais, Prem;
Rodgers, Anthony;
Vedanthan, Rajesh;
Wood, David;
Yusuf, Salim;
Reducing Premature Cardiovascular Morbidity and Mortality in People With Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease: The World Heart Federation Roadmap for Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease.
Global heart, 10 (2).
pp. 99-110.
ISSN 2211-8160
Full text not available from this repository.
Perel, Pablo;
Bianco, Eduardo;
Poulter, Neil;
Prabhakaran, Dorairaj;
Pais, Prem;
Ralston, Johanna;
Wood, David;
Yusuf, Salim;
Adapting the World Heart Federation Roadmaps at the National Level: Next Steps and Conclusions.
Global heart, 10 (2).
pp. 135-136.
ISSN 2211-8160
Full text not available from this repository.
Perel, Pablo;
Bianco, Eduardo;
Poulter, Neil;
Prabhakaran, Dorairaj;
Pais, Prem;
Ralston, Johanna;
Wood, David;
Yusuf, Salim;
Reducing Premature Cardiovascular Mortality By 2025: The World Heart Federation Roadmap.
Global heart, 10 (2).
pp. 97-98.
ISSN 2211-8160
Full text not available from this repository.
Quaresma, M;
Coleman, MP;
Rachet, B;
40-year trends in an index of survival for all cancers combined and survival adjusted for age and sex for each cancer in England and Wales, 1971-2011: a population-based study.
Lancet, 385 (9974).
pp. 1206-1218.
ISSN 0140-6736
Smyth, Andrew;
Teo, Koon K;
Rangarajan, Sumathy;
O'Donnell, Martin;
Zhang, Xiaohe;
Rana, Punam;
Leong, Darryl P;
Dagenais, Gilles;
Seron, Pamela;
Rosengren, Annika;
+16 more...
Schutte, Aletta E;
Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio;
Oguz, Ayetkin;
Chifamba, Jephat;
Diaz, Rafael;
Lear, Scott;
Avezum, Alvaro;
Kumar, Rajesh;
Mohan, Viswanathan;
Szuba, Andrzej;
Wei, Li;
Yang, Wang;
Jian, Bo;
McKee, Martin;
Yusuf, Salim;
PURE Investigators;
Alcohol consumption and cardiovascular disease, cancer, injury, admission to hospital, and mortality: a prospective cohort study.
Lancet, 386 (10007).
pp. 1945-1954.
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
Yusuf, Salim;
Perel, Pablo;
Wood, David;
Narula, Jagat;
Reducing Cardiovascular Disease Globally: The World Heart Federation's Roadmaps.
Global heart, 10 (2).
pp. 93-95.
ISSN 2211-8160
Full text not available from this repository.
Nolte, E;
Knai, C;
Assessing chronic disease management in European health systems. Country reports.
Technical Report.
World Health Organization, Copenhagen, Denmark.