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Number of items: 2.


McCambridge, J; Strang, J; Butler, CC; Keaney, F; Anderson, P; (2006) Hazardous drinking and the NHS: the costs of pessimism and the benefits of optimism. The British journal of general practice, 56 (525). pp. 247-8. ISSN 0960-1643 Full text not available from this repository.


Wallace, P; Linke, S; Murray, E; McCambridge, J; Thompson, S; (2006) A randomized controlled trial of an interactive Web-based intervention for reducing alcohol consumption. Journal of telemedicine and telecare, 12 Sup. pp. 52-4. ISSN 1357-633X DOI: Full text not available from this repository.

This list was generated on Fri Aug 2 09:01:50 2019 BST.