Items where Faculty or Department is "MRC Uganda > UG-HIV Care"

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Number of items: 7.

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Lyagoba, Fred; Dunn, David T; Pillay, Deenan; Kityo, Cissy; Robertson, Val; Tugume, Stephano; Hakim, James; Munderi, Paula; Chirara, Mike; Ndembi, Nicaise; +6 more... Goodall, Ruth L; Yirrell, David L; Burke, Andy; Gilks, Charles F; Kaleebu, Pontiano; DART Virology and Trial Team; (2010) Evolution of drug resistance during 48 weeks of zidovudine/lamivudine/tenofovir in the absence of real-time viral load monitoring. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 55 (2). pp. 277-283. ISSN 1525-4135 DOI: Full text not available from this repository.

Montgomery, Catherine M; Gafos, Mitzy; Lees, Shelley; Morar, Neetha S; Mweemba, Oliver; Ssali, Agnes; Stadler, Jonathan; Pool, Robert; MDP Team; (2010) Re-framing microbicide acceptability: findings from the MDP301 trial. Culture, health & sexuality, 12 (6). pp. 649-662. ISSN 1369-1058 DOI: Full text not available from this repository.

Ndembi, Nicaise; Goodall, Ruth L; Dunn, David T; McCormick, Adele; Burke, Andy; Lyagoba, Fred; Munderi, Paula; Katundu, Pauline; Kityo, Cissy; Robertson, Val; +7 more... Yirrell, David L; Walker, A Sarah; Gibb, Diane M; Gilks, Charles F; Kaleebu, Pontiano; Pillay, Deenan; Development of Antiretroviral Treatment in Africa Virology Group; (2010) Viral rebound and emergence of drug resistance in the absence of viral load testing: a randomized comparison between zidovudine-lamivudine plus Nevirapine and zidovudine-lamivudine plus Abacavir. The Journal of infectious diseases, 201 (1). pp. 106-113. ISSN 0022-1899 DOI: Full text not available from this repository.


DART Trial Team; Mugyenyi, P; Walker, AS; Hakim, J; Munderi, P; Gibb, DM; Kityo, C; Reid, A; Grosskurth, H; Darbyshire, JH; +257 more... Ssali, F; Bray, D; Katabira, E; Babiker, AG; Gilks, CF; Grosskurth, H; Munderi, P; Kabuye, G; Nsibambi, D; Kasirye, R; Zalwango, E; Nakazibwe, M; Kikaire, B; Nassuna, G; Massa, R; Fadhiru, K; Namyalo, M; Zalwango, A; Generous, L; Khauka, P; Rutikarayo, N; Nakahima, W; Mugisha, A; Todd, J; Levin, J; Muyingo, S; Ruberantwari, A; Kaleebu, P; Yirrell, D; Ndembi, N; Lyagoba, F; Hughes, P; Aber, M; Lara, A Medina; Foster, S; Amurwon, J; Wakholi, B Nyanzi; Whitworth, J; Wangati, K; Amuron, B; Kajungu, D; Nakiyingi, J; Omony, W; Fadhiru, K; Nsibambi, D; Khauka, P; Mugyenyi, P; Kityo, C; Ssali, F; Tumukunde, D; Otim, T; Kabanda, J; Musana, H; Akao, J; Kyomugisha, H; Byamukama, A; Sabiiti, J; Komugyena, J; Wavamunno, P; Mukiibi, S; Drasiku, A; Byaruhanga, R; Labeja, O; Katundu, P; Tugume, S; Awio, P; Namazzi, A; Bakeinyaga, GT; Katabira, H; Abaine, D; Tukamushaba, J; Anywar, W; Ojiambo, W; Angweng, E; Murungi, S; Haguma, W; Atwiine, S; Kigozi, J; Namale, L; Mukose, A; Mulindwa, G; Atwiine, D; Muhwezi, A; Nimwesiga, E; Barungi, G; Takubwa, J; Murungi, S; Mwebesa, D; Kagina, G; Mulindwa, M; Ahimbisibwe, F; Mwesigwa, P; Akuma, S; Zawedde, C; Nyiraguhirwa, D; Tumusiime, C; Bagaya, L; Namara, W; Kigozi, J; Karungi, J; Kankunda, R; Enzama, R; Latif, A; Hakim, J; Robertson, V; Reid, A; Chidziva, E; Bulaya-Tembo, R; Musoro, G; Taziwa, F; Chimbetete, C; Chakonza, L; Mawora, A; Muvirimi, C; Tinago, G; Svovanapasis, P; Simango, M; Chirema, O; Machingura, J; Mutsai, S; Phiri, M; Bafana, T; Chirara, M; Muchabaiwa, L; Muzambi, M; Mutowo, J; Chivhunga, T; Chigwedere, E; Pascoe, M; Warambwa, C; Zengeza, E; Mapinge, F; Makota, S; Jamu, A; Ngorima, N; Chirairo, H; Chitsungo, S; Chimanzi, J; Maweni, C; Warara, R; Matongo, M; Mudzingwa, S; Jangano, M; Moyo, K; Vere, L; Mdege, N; Machingura, I; Katabira, E; Ronald, A; Kambungu, A; Lutwama, F; Mambule, I; Nanfuka, A; Walusimbi, J; Nabankema, E; Nalumenya, R; Namuli, T; Kulume, R; Namata, I; Nyachwo, L; Florence, A; Kusiima, A; Lubwama, E; Nairuba, R; Oketta, F; Buluma, E; Waita, R; Ojiambo, H; Sadik, F; Wanyama, J; Nabongo, P; Oyugi, J; Sematala, F; Muganzi, A; Twijukye, C; Byakwaga, H; Ochai, R; Muhweezi, D; Coutinho, A; Etukoit, B; Gilks, C; Boocock, K; Puddephatt, C; Grundy, C; Bohannon, J; Winogron, D; Gibb, DM; Burke, A; Bray, D; Babiker, A; Walker, AS; Wilkes, H; Rauchenberger, M; Sheehan, S; Spencer-Drake, C; Taylor, K; Spyer, M; Ferrier, A; Naidoo, B; Dunn, D; Goodall, R; Darbyshire, JH; Peto, L; Nanfuka, R; Mufuka-Kapuya, C; Kaleebu, P; Pillay, D; Robertson, V; Yirrell, D; Tugume, S; Chirara, M; Katundu, P; Ndembi, N; Lyagoba, F; Dunn, D; Goodall, R; McCormick, A; Lara, A Medina; Foster, S; Amurwon, J; Wakholi, B Nyanzi; Kigozi, J; Muchabaiwa, L; Muzambi, M; Weller, I; Babiker, A; Bahendeka, S; Bassett, M; Wapakhabulo, A Chogo; Darbyshire, JH; Gazzard, B; Gilks, C; Grosskurth, H; Hakim, J; Latif, A; Mapuchere, C; Mugurungi, O; Mugyenyi, P; Burke, C; Jones, S; Newland, C; Pearce, G; Rahim, S; Rooney, J; Smith, M; Snowden, W; Steens, J-M; Breckenridge, A; McLaren, A; Hill, C; Matenga, J; Pozniak, A; Serwadda, D; Peto, T; Palfreeman, A; Borok, M; Katabira, E; (2010) Routine versus clinically driven laboratory monitoring of HIV antiretroviral therapy in Africa (DART): a randomised non-inferiority trial. Lancet, 375 (9709). pp. 123-131. ISSN 0140-6736 DOI:

Kinyanda, Eugene; Musisi, Seggane; Biryabarema, Christine; Ezati, Isaac; Oboke, Henry; Ojiambo-Ochieng, Ruth; Were-Oguttu, Juliet; Levin, Jonathan; Grosskurth, Heiner; Walugembe, James; (2010) War related sexual violence and it's medical and psychological consequences as seen in Kitgum, Northern Uganda: A cross-sectional study. BMC international health and human rights, 10 (1). 28-. ISSN 1472-698X DOI:

Pool, Robert; Montgomery, Catherine M; Morar, Neetha S; Mweemba, Oliver; Ssali, Agnes; Gafos, Mitzy; Lees, Shelley; Stadler, Jonathan; Crook, Angela; Nunn, Andrew; +2 more... Hayes, Richard; McCormack, Sheena; (2010) A mixed methods and triangulation model for increasing the accuracy of adherence and sexual behaviour data: the Microbicides Development Programme. PloS one, 5 (7). e11600-. ISSN 1932-6203 DOI:

Pool, Robert; Montgomery, Catherine M; Morar, Neetha S; Mweemba, Oliver; Ssali, Agnes; Gafos, Mitzy; Lees, Shelley; Stadler, Jonathan; Nunn, Andrew; Crook, Angela; +2 more... Hayes, Richard; McCormack, Sheena; (2010) Assessing the accuracy of adherence and sexual behaviour data in the MDP301 vaginal microbicides trial using a mixed methods and triangulation model. PloS one, 5 (7). e11632-. ISSN 1932-6203 DOI:

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