Number of items: 283.
Abramsky, Tanya;
Devries, Karen;
Kiss, Ligia;
Nakuti, Janet;
Kyegombe, Nambusi;
Starmann, Elizabeth;
Cundill, Bonnie;
Francisco, Leilani;
Kaye, Dan;
Musuya, Tina;
+2 more...
Michau, Lori;
Watts, Charlotte;
Findings from the SASA! Study: a cluster randomized controlled trial to assess the impact of a community mobilization intervention to prevent violence against women and reduce HIV risk in Kampala, Uganda.
BMC medicine, 12 (1).
ISSN 1741-7015
Achonduh, Olivia A;
Mbacham, Wilfred F;
Mangham-Jefferies, Lindsay;
Cundill, Bonnie;
Chandler, Clare;
Pamen-Ngako, Joelle;
Lele, Albertine K;
Ndong, Ignatius C;
Ndive, Sarah N;
Ambebila, Joel N;
+4 more...
Orang-Ojong, Barnabas B;
Metoh, Theresia N;
Akindeh-Nji, Mbuh;
Wiseman, Virginia;
Designing and implementing interventions to change clinicians' practice in the management of uncomplicated malaria: lessons from Cameroon.
Malaria journal, 13 (1).
ISSN 1475-2875
Alifrangis, Michael;
Nag, Sidsel;
Schousboe, Mette L;
Ishengoma, Deus;
Lusingu, John;
Pota, Hirva;
Kavishe, Reginald A;
Pearce, Richard;
Ord, Rosalynn;
Lynch, Caroline;
+6 more...
Dejene, Seyoum;
Cox, Jonathan;
Rwakimari, John;
Minja, Daniel TR;
Lemnge, Martha M;
Roper, Cally;
Independent origin of plasmodium falciparum antifolate super-resistance, Uganda, Tanzania, and Ethiopia.
Emerging infectious diseases, 20 (8).
pp. 1280-1286.
ISSN 1080-6040
Amberbir, A;
Medhin, G;
Abegaz, WE;
Hanlon, C;
Robinson, K;
Fogarty, A;
Britton, J;
Venn, A;
Davey, G;
Exposure to Helicobacter pylori infection in early childhood and the risk of allergic disease and atopic sensitization: a longitudinal birth cohort study.
Clinical and experimental allergy, 44 (4).
pp. 563-571.
ISSN 0954-7894
Anderson, Suzanne T;
Kaforou, Myrsini;
Brent, Andrew J;
Wright, Victoria J;
Banwell, Claire M;
Chagaluka, George;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Dockrell, Hazel M;
French, Neil;
Hamilton, Melissa S;
+15 more...
Hibberd, Martin L;
Kern, Florian;
Langford, Paul R;
Ling, Ling;
Mlotha, Rachel;
Ottenhoff, Tom HM;
Pienaar, Sandy;
Pillay, Vashini;
Scott, J Anthony G;
Twahir, Hemed;
Wilkinson, Robert J;
Coin, Lachlan J;
Heyderman, Robert S;
Levin, Michael;
Eley, Brian;
Diagnosis of childhood tuberculosis and host RNA expression in Africa.
The New England journal of medicine, 370 (18).
pp. 1712-1723.
ISSN 0028-4793
Bajardi, Paolo;
Paolotti, Daniela;
Vespignani, Alessandro;
Eames, Ken;
Funk, Sebastian;
Edmunds, W John;
Turbelin, Clement;
Debin, Marion;
Colizza, Vittoria;
Smallenburg, Ronald;
+9 more...
Koppeschaar, Carl;
Franco, Ana O;
Faustino, Vitor;
Carnahan, AnnaSara;
Rehn, Moa;
Merletti, Franco;
Douwes, Jeroen;
Firestone, Ridvan;
Richiardi, Lorenzo;
Association between recruitment methods and attrition in Internet-based studies.
PloS one, 9 (12).
ISSN 1932-6203
Bajardi, Paolo;
Vespignani, Alessandro;
Funk, Sebastian;
Eames, Ken Td;
Edmunds, W John;
Turbelin, Clément;
Debin, Marion;
Colizza, Vittoria;
Smallenburg, Ronald;
Koppeschaar, Carl E;
+5 more...
Franco, Ana O;
Faustino, Vitor;
Carnahan, Annasara;
Rehn, Moa;
Paolotti, Daniela;
Determinants of follow-up participation in the Internet-based European influenza surveillance platform Influenzanet.
Journal of medical Internet research, 16 (3).
ISSN 1439-4456
Beale, MA;
Robertson, E;
Simwami, SP;
Fuentes, K;
Jarvis, JN;
Loyse, A;
Bradley, J;
Meintjes, GA;
Wilson, D;
Harrison, TS;
+2 more...
Fisher, MC;
Bicanic, T;
Cryptococcus neoformans molecular type VNB is associated with mortality in HIV associated cryptococcal meningitis in South Africa.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Blanchet, K;
Sistenich, V;
Ramesh, A;
Frison, S;
Warren, E;
Hossain, M;
Knight, A;
Lewis, C;
Smith, J;
Woodward, A;
+3 more...
Dahab, M;
Pantuliano, S;
B., R;
Where’s the evidence? A systematic review of the evidence base for health interventions in humanitarian crises.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Borges, Álvaro H;
Lundgren, Jens D;
Ridolfo, Annalisa;
Katlama, Christine;
Antunes, Francisco;
Grzeszczuk, Anna;
Blaxhult, Anders;
Mitsura, Viktar M;
Doroana, Manuela;
Battegay, Manuel;
+3 more...
Gargalianos, Panagiotis;
Mocroft, Amanda;
EuroSIDA in EuroCOORD;
Thrombocytopenia is associated with an increased risk of cancer during treated HIV disease.
AIDS (London, England), 28 (17).
pp. 2565-2571.
ISSN 0269-9370
Full text not available from this repository.
Brady, OJ;
Messina, JP;
Scott, TW;
Hay, SI;
Mapping the Epidemiology of Dengue.
Gubler, D., Ooi, I., Farrar, J, (ed.)
Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever.
CABI, p. 30.
ISBN 9781845939649
Item availability may be restricted.
Cantarelli, Pietro;
Debin, Marion;
Turbelin, Clément;
Poletto, Chiara;
Blanchon, Thierry;
Falchi, Alessandra;
Hanslik, Thomas;
Bonmarin, Isabelle;
Levy-Bruhl, Daniel;
Micheletti, Alessandra;
+11 more...
Paolotti, Daniela;
Vespignani, Alessandro;
Edmunds, John;
Eames, Ken;
Smallenburg, Ronald;
Koppeschaar, Carl;
Franco, Ana O;
Faustino, Vitor;
Carnahan, AnnaSara;
Rehn, Moa;
Colizza, Vittoria;
The representativeness of a European multi-center network for influenza-like-illness participatory surveillance.
BMC public health, 14 (1).
ISSN 1471-2458
Castle, PE;
Qiao, Y-L;
Zhao, F-H;
Chen, W;
Valdez, M;
Zhang, X;
Kang, L-N;
Bansil, P;
Paul, P;
Bai, P;
+4 more...
Peck, R;
Li, J;
Chen, F;
Jeronimo, J;
Clinical determinants of a positive visual inspection after treatment with acetic acid for cervical cancer screening.
BJOG, 121 (6).
pp. 739-746.
ISSN 1470-0328
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Chernyavsky, Igor L;
Croisier, Huguette;
Chapman, Lloyd AC;
Kimpton, Laura S;
Hiorns, Jonathan E;
Brook, Bindi S;
Jensen, Oliver E;
Billington, Charlotte K;
Hall, Ian P;
Johnson, Simon R;
The role of inflammation resolution speed in airway smooth muscle mass accumulation in asthma: insight from a theoretical model.
PLOS ONE, 9 (3).
ISSN 1932-6203
Chowdhury, Rajiv;
Harshfield, Eric;
Roy, Suchismita;
Flora, Meerjady Sabrina;
Akram, Kazi AHM;
Bhuiya, Abbas;
Ahsan, Habib;
Life, health, and safety of industrial workers in bangladesh: should they be driven by economic rationale or moral imperative?
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 56 (4).
ISSN 1076-2752
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Churchyard, Gavin J;
Fielding, Katherine L;
Lewis, James J;
Coetzee, Leonie;
Corbett, Elizabeth L;
Godfrey-Faussett, Peter;
Hayes, Richard J;
Chaisson, Richard E;
Grant, Alison D;
Thibela TB Study Team;
A trial of mass isoniazid preventive therapy for tuberculosis control.
The New England journal of medicine, 370 (4).
pp. 301-310.
ISSN 0028-4793
Coll, Francesc;
McNerney, Ruth;
Guerra-Assunção, José Afonso;
Glynn, Judith R;
Perdigão, João;
Viveiros, Miguel;
Portugal, Isabel;
Pain, Arnab;
Martin, Nigel;
Clark, Taane G;
A robust SNP barcode for typing Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains.
Nature communications, 5 (1).
ISSN 2041-1723
Coll, Francesc;
Preston, Mark;
Guerra-Assunção, José Afonso;
Hill-Cawthorn, Grant;
Harris, David;
Perdigão, João;
Viveiros, Miguel;
Portugal, Isabel;
Drobniewski, Francis;
Gagneux, Sebastien;
+6 more...
Glynn, Judith R;
Pain, Arnab;
Parkhill, Julian;
McNerney, Ruth;
Martin, Nigel;
Clark, Taane G;
PolyTB: a genomic variation map for Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis (Edinburgh, Scotland), 94 (3).
pp. 346-354.
ISSN 1472-9792
Collins, Intira Jeannie;
Cairns, John;
Ngo-Giang-Huong, Nicole;
Sirirungsi, Wasna;
Leechanachai, Pranee;
Le Coeur, Sophie;
Samleerat, Tanawan;
Kamonpakorn, Nareerat;
Mekmullica, Jutarat;
Jourdain, Gonzague;
+2 more...
Lallemant, Marc;
Programme for HIV Prevention and Treatment Study Team;
Cost-effectiveness of early infant HIV diagnosis of HIV-exposed infants and immediate antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected children under 24 months in Thailand.
PloS one, 9 (3).
ISSN 1932-6203
Darmstadt, Gary L;
Kinney, Mary V;
Chopra, Mickey;
Cousens, Simon;
Kak, Lily;
Paul, Vinod K;
Martines, Jose;
Bhutta, Zulfiqar A;
Lawn, Joy E;
Lancet Every Newborn Study Group;
Who has been caring for the baby?
Lancet, 384 (9938).
pp. 174-188.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Desai, Nikita;
Aleksandrowicz, Lukasz;
Miasnikof, Pierre;
Lu, Ying;
Leitao, Jordana;
Byass, Peter;
Tollman, Stephen;
Mee, Paul;
Alam, Dewan;
Rathi, Suresh Kumar;
+4 more...
Singh, Abhishek;
Kumar, Rajesh;
Ram, Faujdar;
Jha, Prabhat;
Performance of four computer-coded verbal autopsy methods for cause of death assignment compared with physician coding on 24,000 deaths in low- and middle-income countries.
BMC medicine, 12 (1).
ISSN 1741-7015
Edmond, Karen M;
Newton, Sam;
Shannon, Caitlin;
O'Leary, Maureen;
Hurt, Lisa;
Thomas, Gyan;
Amenga-Etego, Seeba;
Tawiah-Agyemang, Charlotte;
Gram, Lu;
Hurt, Chris N;
+3 more...
Bahl, Rajiv;
Owusu-Agyei, Seth;
Kirkwood, Betty R;
Effect of early neonatal vitamin A supplementation on mortality during infancy in Ghana (Neovita): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Lancet, 385 (9975).
pp. 1315-1323.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Etyang, AO;
Munge, K;
Bunyasi, EW;
Matata, L;
Ndila, C;
Kapesa, S;
Owiti, M;
Khandwalla, I;
Brent, AJ;
Tsofa, B;
+11 more...
Kabibu, P;
Morpeth, S;
Bauni, E;
Otiende, M;
Ojal, J;
Ayieko, P;
Knoll, MD;
Smeeth, L;
Williams, TN;
Griffiths, UK;
Scott, JAG;
Burden of disease in adults admitted to hospital in a rural region of coastal Kenya: an analysis of data from linked clinical and demographic surveillance systems.
The Lancet Global Health, 2 (4).
ISSN 2214-109X
Etyang, Anthony O;
Munge, Kenneth;
Bunyasi, Erick W;
Matata, Lena;
Ndila, Carolyne;
Kapesa, Sailoki;
Owiti, Maureen;
Khandwalla, Iqbal;
Brent, Andrew J;
Tsofa, Benjamin;
+11 more...
Kabibu, Pamela;
Morpeth, Susan;
Bauni, Evasius;
Otiende, Mark;
Ojal, John;
Ayieko, Philip;
Knoll, Maria D;
Smeeth, Liam;
Williams, Thomas N;
Griffiths, Ulla K;
Scott, J Anthony G;
Burden of disease in adults admitted to hospital in a rural region of coastal Kenya: an analysis of data from linked clinical and demographic surveillance systems.
The Lancet Global health, 2 (4).
ISSN 2214-109X
Field, Nigel;
Cohen, Ted;
Struelens, Marc J;
Palm, Daniel;
Cookson, Barry;
Glynn, Judith R;
Gallo, Valentina;
Ramsay, Mary;
Sonnenberg, Pam;
Maccannell, Duncan;
+5 more...
Charlett, Andre;
Egger, Matthias;
Green, Jonathan;
Vineis, Paolo;
Abubakar, Ibrahim;
Strengthening the Reporting of Molecular Epidemiology for Infectious Diseases (STROME-ID): an extension of the STROBE statement.
The Lancet infectious diseases, 14 (4).
pp. 341-352.
ISSN 1473-3099
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Francis, Suzanna C;
Ao, Trong T;
Vanobberghen, Fiona M;
Chilongani, Joseph;
Hashim, Ramadhan;
Andreasen, Aura;
Watson-Jones, Deborah;
Changalucha, John;
Kapiga, Saidi;
Hayes, Richard J;
Epidemiology of curable sexually transmitted infections among women at increased risk for HIV in northwestern Tanzania: inadequacy of syndromic management.
PloS one, 9 (7).
ISSN 1932-6203
Freeman, Matthew C;
Stocks, Meredith E;
Cumming, Oliver;
Jeandron, Aurelie;
Higgins, Julian PT;
Wolf, Jennyfer;
Prüss-Ustün, Annette;
Bonjour, Sophie;
Hunter, Paul R;
Fewtrell, Lorna;
+1 more...
Curtis, Valerie;
Hygiene and health: systematic review of handwashing practices worldwide and update of health effects.
Tropical medicine & international health, 19 (8).
pp. 906-916.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Gehre, Florian;
Ejo, Mebrat;
Fissette, Kristina;
de Rijk, Pim;
Uwizeye, Cécile;
Nduwamahoro, Elie;
Goovaerts, Odin;
Affolabi, Dissou;
Gninafon, Martin;
Lingoupou, Fanny M;
+11 more...
Barry, Mamadou Dian;
Sow, Oumou;
Merle, Corinne;
Olliaro, Piero;
Ba, Fatoumata;
Sarr, Marie;
Piubello, Alberto;
Noeske, Juergen;
Antonio, Martin;
Rigouts, Leen;
de Jong, Bouke C;
Shifts in Mycobacterial Populations and Emerging Drug-Resistance in West and Central Africa.
PloS one, 9 (12).
ISSN 1932-6203
Ghoussaini, Maya;
Edwards, Stacey L;
Michailidou, Kyriaki;
Nord, Silje;
Cowper-Sal Lari, Richard;
Desai, Kinjal;
Kar, Siddhartha;
Hillman, Kristine M;
Kaufmann, Susanne;
Glubb, Dylan M;
+203 more...
Beesley, Jonathan;
Dennis, Joe;
Bolla, Manjeet K;
Wang, Qin;
Dicks, Ed;
Guo, Qi;
Schmidt, Marjanka K;
Shah, Mitul;
Luben, Robert;
Brown, Judith;
Czene, Kamila;
Darabi, Hatef;
Eriksson, Mikael;
Klevebring, Daniel;
Bojesen, Stig E;
Nordestgaard, Børge G;
Nielsen, Sune F;
Flyger, Henrik;
Lambrechts, Diether;
Thienpont, Bernard;
Neven, Patrick;
Wildiers, Hans;
Broeks, Annegien;
Van't Veer, Laura J;
Th Rutgers, Emiel J;
Couch, Fergus J;
Olson, Janet E;
Hallberg, Emily;
Vachon, Celine;
Chang-Claude, Jenny;
Rudolph, Anja;
Seibold, Petra;
Flesch-Janys, Dieter;
Peto, Julian;
Dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel;
Gibson, Lorna;
Nevanlinna, Heli;
Muranen, Taru A;
Aittomäki, Kristiina;
Blomqvist, Carl;
Hall, Per;
Li, Jingmei;
Liu, Jianjun;
Humphreys, Keith;
Kang, Daehee;
Choi, Ji-Yeob;
Park, Sue K;
Noh, Dong-Young;
Matsuo, Keitaro;
Ito, Hidemi;
Iwata, Hiroji;
Yatabe, Yasushi;
Guénel, Pascal;
Truong, Thérèse;
Menegaux, Florence;
Sanchez, Marie;
Burwinkel, Barbara;
Marme, Frederik;
Schneeweiss, Andreas;
Sohn, Christof;
Wu, Anna H;
Tseng, Chiu-Chen;
Van Den Berg, David;
Stram, Daniel O;
Benitez, Javier;
Zamora, M Pilar;
Perez, Jose Ignacio Arias;
Menéndez, Primitiva;
Shu, Xiao-Ou;
Lu, Wei;
Gao, Yu-Tang;
Cai, Qiuyin;
Cox, Angela;
Cross, Simon S;
Reed, Malcolm WR;
Andrulis, Irene L;
Knight, Julia A;
Glendon, Gord;
Tchatchou, Sandrine;
Sawyer, Elinor J;
Tomlinson, Ian;
Kerin, Michael J;
Miller, Nicola;
Haiman, Christopher A;
Henderson, Brian E;
Schumacher, Fredrick;
Le Marchand, Loic;
Lindblom, Annika;
Margolin, Sara;
Teo, Soo Hwang;
Yip, Cheng Har;
Lee, Daphne SC;
Wong, Tien Y;
Hooning, Maartje J;
Martens, John WM;
Collée, J Margriet;
van Deurzen, Carolien HM;
Hopper, John L;
Southey, Melissa C;
Tsimiklis, Helen;
Kapuscinski, Miroslav K;
Shen, Chen-Yang;
Wu, Pei-Ei;
Yu, Jyh-Cherng;
Chen, Shou-Tung;
Alnæs, Grethe Grenaker;
Borresen-Dale, Anne-Lise;
Giles, Graham G;
Milne, Roger L;
McLean, Catriona;
Muir, Kenneth;
Lophatananon, Artitaya;
Stewart-Brown, Sarah;
Siriwanarangsan, Pornthep;
Hartman, Mikael;
Miao, Hui;
Buhari, Shaik Ahmad Bin Syed;
Teo, Yik Ying;
Fasching, Peter A;
Haeberle, Lothar;
Ekici, Arif B;
Beckmann, Matthias W;
Brenner, Hermann;
Dieffenbach, Aida Karina;
Arndt, Volker;
Stegmaier, Christa;
Swerdlow, Anthony;
Ashworth, Alan;
Orr, Nick;
Schoemaker, Minouk J;
García-Closas, Montserrat;
Figueroa, Jonine;
Chanock, Stephen J;
Lissowska, Jolanta;
Simard, Jacques;
Goldberg, Mark S;
Labrèche, France;
Dumont, Martine;
Winqvist, Robert;
Pylkäs, Katri;
Jukkola-Vuorinen, Arja;
Brauch, Hiltrud;
Brüning, Thomas;
Koto, Yon-Dschun;
Radice, Paolo;
Peterlongo, Paolo;
Bonanni, Bernardo;
Volorio, Sara;
Dörk, Thilo;
Bogdanova, Natalia V;
Helbig, Sonja;
Mannermaa, Arto;
Kataja, Vesa;
Kosma, Veli-Matti;
Hartikainen, Jaana M;
Devilee, Peter;
Tollenaar, Robert AEM;
Seynaeve, Caroline;
Van Asperen, Christi J;
Jakubowska, Anna;
Lubinski, Jan;
Jaworska-Bieniek, Katarzyna;
Durda, Katarzyna;
Slager, Susan;
Toland, Amanda E;
Ambrosone, Christine B;
Yannoukakos, Drakoulis;
Sangrajrang, Suleeporn;
Gaborieau, Valerie;
Brennan, Paul;
McKay, James;
Hamann, Ute;
Torres, Diana;
Zheng, Wei;
Long, Jirong;
Anton-Culver, Hoda;
Neuhausen, Susan L;
Luccarini, Craig;
Baynes, Caroline;
Ahmed, Shahana;
Maranian, Mel;
Healey, Catherine S;
González-Neira, Anna;
Pita, Guillermo;
Alonso, M Rosario;
Alvarez, Nuria;
Herrero, Daniel;
Tessier, Daniel C;
Vincent, Daniel;
Bacot, Francois;
de Santiago, Ines;
Carroll, Jason;
Caldas, Carlos;
Brown, Melissa A;
Lupien, Mathieu;
Kristensen, Vessela N;
Pharoah, Paul DP;
Chenevix-Trench, Georgia;
French, Juliet D;
Easton, Douglas F;
Dunning, Alison M;
Australian Ovarian Cancer Management Group;
Australian Ovarian Cancer Management Group;
Evidence that breast cancer risk at the 2q35 locus is mediated through IGFBP5 regulation.
Nature communications, 4 (1).
ISSN 2041-1723
Gordon, NC;
Price, JR;
Cole, K;
Everitt, R;
Morgan, M;
Finney, J;
Kearns, AM;
Pichon, B;
Young, B;
Wilson, DJ;
+6 more...
Llewelyn, MJ;
Paul, J;
Peto, TEA;
Crook, DW;
Walker, AS;
Golubchik, T;
Prediction of Staphylococcus aureus antimicrobial resistance by whole-genome sequencing.
Journal of clinical microbiology, 52 (4).
pp. 1182-1191.
ISSN 0095-1137
Guerra-Assunção, José Afonso;
Houben, Rein MGJ;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Mzembe, Themba;
Mallard, Kim;
Coll, Francesc;
Khan, Palwasha;
Banda, Louis;
Chiwaya, Arthur;
Pereira, Rui PA;
+5 more...
McNerney, Ruth;
Harris, David;
Parkhill, Julian;
Clark, Taane G;
Glynn, Judith R;
Recurrence due to relapse or reinfection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a whole-genome sequencing approach in a large, population-based cohort with a high HIV infection prevalence and active follow-up.
The Journal of infectious diseases, 211 (7).
pp. 1154-1163.
ISSN 0022-1899
Hammitt, Laura L;
Ojal, John;
Bashraheil, Mahfudh;
Morpeth, Susan C;
Karani, Angela;
Habib, Ahsan;
Borys, Dorota;
Goldblatt, David;
Scott, J Anthony G;
Immunogenicity, impact on carriage and reactogenicity of 10-valent pneumococcal non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae protein D conjugate vaccine in Kenyan children aged 1-4 years: a randomized controlled trial.
PloS one, 9 (1).
ISSN 1932-6203
Hayward, Andrew C;
Fragaszy, Ellen B;
Bermingham, Alison;
Wang, Lili;
Copas, Andrew;
Edmunds, W John;
Ferguson, Neil;
Goonetilleke, Nilu;
Harvey, Gabrielle;
Kovar, Jana;
+12 more...
Lim, Megan SC;
McMichael, Andrew;
Millett, Elizabeth RC;
Nguyen-Van-Tam, Jonathan S;
Nazareth, Irwin;
Pebody, Richard;
Tabassum, Faiza;
Watson, John M;
Wurie, Fatima B;
Johnson, Anne M;
Zambon, Maria;
Flu Watch Group;
Comparative community burden and severity of seasonal and pandemic influenza: results of the Flu Watch cohort study.
The lancet Respiratory medicine, 2 (6).
pp. 445-454.
ISSN 2213-2600
Houlihan, Catherine F;
de Sanjosé, Silvia;
Baisley, Kathy;
Changalucha, John;
Ross, David A;
Kapiga, Saidi;
Godinez, Jose M;
Bozicevic, Ivana;
Hayes, Richard J;
Watson-Jones, Deborah;
Prevalence of human papillomavirus in adolescent girls before reported sexual debut.
The Journal of infectious diseases, 210 (6).
pp. 837-845.
ISSN 0022-1899
Hué, Stéphane;
Brown, Alison E;
Ragonnet-Cronin, Manon;
Lycett, Samantha J;
Dunn, David T;
Fearnhill, Esther;
Dolling, David I;
Pozniak, Anton;
Pillay, Deenan;
Delpech, Valerie C;
+2 more...
Leigh Brown, Andrew J;
UK Collaboration on HIV Drug Resistance and the Collaborative HI;
Phylogenetic analyses reveal HIV-1 infections between men misclassified as heterosexual transmissions.
AIDS (London, England), 28 (13).
pp. 1967-1975.
ISSN 0269-9370
Full text not available from this repository.
Ibinda, Fredrick;
Mbuba, Caroline K;
Kariuki, Symon M;
Chengo, Eddie;
Ngugi, Anthony K;
Odhiambo, Rachael;
Lowe, Brett;
Fegan, Greg;
Carter, Julie A;
Newton, Charles R;
Evaluation of Kilifi epilepsy education programme: a randomized controlled trial.
Epilepsia, 55 (2).
pp. 344-352.
ISSN 0013-9580
Johnson, C;
Baggaley, R;
Forsythe, S;
van Rooyen, H;
Ford, N;
Napierala Mavedzenge, S;
Corbett, E;
Natarajan, P;
Taegtmeyer, M;
Realizing the potential for HIV self-testing.
AIDS and behavior, 18 Sup (S4).
ISSN 1090-7165
Full text not available from this repository.
Johnson, Nichola;
Dudbridge, Frank;
Orr, Nick;
Gibson, Lorna;
Jones, Michael E;
Schoemaker, Minouk J;
Folkerd, Elizabeth J;
Haynes, Ben P;
Hopper, John L;
Southey, Melissa C;
+175 more...
Dite, Gillian S;
Apicella, Carmel;
Schmidt, Marjanka K;
Broeks, Annegien;
Van't Veer, Laura J;
Atsma, Femke;
Muir, Kenneth;
Lophatananon, Artitaya;
Fasching, Peter A;
Beckmann, Matthias W;
Ekici, Arif B;
Renner, Stefan P;
Sawyer, Elinor;
Tomlinson, Ian;
Kerin, Michael;
Miller, Nicola;
Burwinkel, Barbara;
Marme, Frederik;
Schneeweiss, Andreas;
Sohn, Christof;
Guénel, Pascal;
Truong, Therese;
Cordina, Emilie;
Menegaux, Florence;
Bojesen, Stig E;
Nordestgaard, Børge G;
Flyger, Henrik;
Milne, Roger;
Zamora, M Pilar;
Arias Perez, Jose Ignacio;
Benitez, Javier;
Bernstein, Leslie;
Anton-Culver, Hoda;
Ziogas, Argyrios;
Clarke Dur, Christina;
Brenner, Hermann;
Müller, Heiko;
Arndt, Volker;
Dieffenbach, Aida Karina;
Meindl, Alfons;
Heil, Joerg;
Bartram, Claus R;
Schmutzler, Rita K;
Brauch, Hiltrud;
Justenhoven, Christina;
Ko, Yon-Dschun;
GENICA (Gene Environment Interaction and Breast Cancer in German;
Nevanlinna, Heli;
Muranen, Taru A;
Aittomäki, Kristiina;
Blomqvist, Carl;
Matsuo, Keitaro;
Dörk, Thilo;
Bogdanova, Natalia V;
Antonenkova, Natalia N;
Lindblom, Annika;
Mannermaa, Arto;
Kataja, Vesa;
Kosma, Veli-Matti;
Hartikainen, Jaana M;
Chenevix-Trench, Georgia;
Beesley, Jonathan;
kConFab Investigators;
Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group;
Wu, Anna H;
Van den Berg, David;
Tseng, Chiu-Chen;
Lambrechts, Diether;
Smeets, Dominiek;
Neven, Patrick;
Wildiers, Hans;
Chang-Claude, Jenny;
Rudolph, Anja;
Nickels, Stefan;
Flesch-Janys, Dieter;
Radice, Paolo;
Peterlongo, Paolo;
Bonanni, Bernardo;
Pensotti, Valeria;
Couch, Fergus J;
Olson, Janet E;
Wang, Xianshu;
Fredericksen, Zachary;
Pankratz, Vernon S;
Giles, Graham G;
Severi, Gianluca;
Baglietto, Laura;
Haiman, Chris;
Simard, Jacques;
Goldberg, Mark S;
Labrèche, France;
Dumont, Martine;
Soucy, Penny;
Teo, Soo;
Yip, Cheng Har;
Phuah, Sze Yee;
Cornes, Belinda K;
Kristensen, Vessela N;
Grenaker Alnæs, Grethe;
Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise;
Zheng, Wei;
Winqvist, Robert;
Pylkäs, Katri;
Jukkola-Vuorinen, Arja;
Grip, Mervi;
Andrulis, Irene L;
Knight, Julia A;
Glendon, Gord;
Mulligan, Anna Marie;
Devillee, Peter;
Figueroa, Jonine;
Chanock, Stephen J;
Lissowska, Jolanta;
Sherman, Mark E;
Hall, Per;
Schoof, Nils;
Hooning, Maartje;
Hollestelle, Antoinette;
Oldenburg, Rogier A;
Tilanus-Linthorst, Madeleine;
Liu, Jianjun;
Cox, Angie;
Brock, Ian W;
Reed, Malcolm WR;
Cross, Simon S;
Blot, William;
Signorello, Lisa B;
Pharoah, Paul DP;
Dunning, Alison M;
Shah, Mitul;
Kang, Daehee;
Noh, Dong-Young;
Park, Sue K;
Choi, Ji-Yeob;
Hartman, Mikael;
Miao, Hui;
Lim, Wei Yen;
Tang, Anthony;
Hamann, Ute;
Försti, Asta;
Rüdiger, Thomas;
Ulmer, Hans Ulrich;
Jakubowska, Anna;
Lubinski, Jan;
Jaworska-Bieniek, Katarzyna;
Durda, Katarzyna;
Sangrajrang, Suleeporn;
Gaborieau, Valerie;
Brennan, Paul;
McKay, James;
Slager, Susan;
Toland, Amanda E;
Vachon, Celine;
Yannoukakos, Drakoulis;
Shen, Chen-Yang;
Yu, Jyh-Cherng;
Huang, Chiun-Sheng;
Hou, Ming-Feng;
González-Neira, Anna;
Tessier, Daniel C;
Vincent, Daniel;
Bacot, Francois;
Luccarini, Craig;
Dennis, Joe;
Michailidou, Kyriaki;
Bolla, Manjeet K;
Wang, Jean;
Easton, Douglas F;
García-Closas, Montserrat;
Dowsett, Mitch;
Ashworth, Alan;
Swerdlow, Anthony J;
Peto, Julian;
dos Santos Silva, Isabel;
Fletcher, Olivia;
Genetic variation at CYP3A is associated with age at menarche and breast cancer risk: a case-control study.
Breast cancer research, 16 (3).
ISSN 1465-5411
Jombart, Thibaut;
Aanensen, David M;
Baguelin, Marc;
Birrell, Paul;
Cauchemez, Simon;
Camacho, Anton;
Colijn, Caroline;
Collins, Caitlin;
Cori, Anne;
Didelot, Xavier;
+13 more...
Fraser, Christophe;
Frost, Simon;
Hens, Niel;
Hugues, Joseph;
Höhle, Michael;
Opatowski, Lulla;
Rambaut, Andrew;
Ratmann, Oliver;
Soubeyrand, Samuel;
Suchard, Marc A;
Wallinga, Jacco;
Ypma, Rolf;
Ferguson, Neil;
OutbreakTools: a new platform for disease outbreak analysis using the R software.
Epidemics, 7 (100).
pp. 28-34.
ISSN 1755-4365
Joubert, Jané;
Bradshaw, Debbie;
Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa;
Rao, Chalapati;
Kahn, Kathleen;
Mee, Paul;
Tollman, Stephen;
Lopez, Alan D;
Vos, Theo;
Record-linkage comparison of verbal autopsy and routine civil registration death certification in rural north-east South Africa: 2006-09.
International journal of epidemiology, 43 (6).
pp. 1945-1958.
ISSN 0300-5771
Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa W;
Tollman, Stephen;
Mee, Paul;
Ngobeni, Sizzy;
Silaule, Bernard;
Gómez-Olivé, F Xavier;
Collinson, Mark;
Kahn, Kathleen;
Byass, Peter;
Two decades of mortality change in rural northeast South Africa.
Global health action, 7 (1).
ISSN 1654-9716
Kafsack, BF;
Rovira-Graells, N;
Clark, TG;
Bancells, C;
Crowley, VM;
Campino, SG;
Williams, AE;
Drought, LG;
Kwiatkowski, DP;
Baker, DA;
+2 more...
Cortés, A;
Llinás, M;
A transcriptional switch underlies commitment tosexual development in malaria parasites.
Nature, 507 (7491).
pp. 248-52.
ISSN 0028-0836
Kamara, David A;
Ryom, Lene;
Ross, Michael;
Kirk, Ole;
Reiss, Peter;
Morlat, Philippe;
Moranne, Olivier;
Fux, Christoph A;
Mocroft, Amanda;
Sabin, Caroline;
+3 more...
Lundgren, Jens D;
Smith, Colette J;
D:A:D study Group;
Development of a definition for Rapid Progression (RP) of renal function in HIV-positive persons: the D:A:D study.
BMC nephrology, 15 (1).
ISSN 1471-2369
Kassebaum, Nicholas J;
Bertozzi-Villa, Amelia;
Coggeshall, Megan S;
Shackelford, Katya A;
Steiner, Caitlyn;
Heuton, Kyle R;
Gonzalez-Medina, Diego;
Barber, Ryan;
Huynh, Chantal;
Dicker, Daniel;
+339 more...
Templin, Tara;
Wolock, Timothy M;
Ozgoren, Ayse Abbasoglu;
Abd-Allah, Foad;
Abera, Semaw Ferede;
Abubakar, Ibrahim;
Achoki, Tom;
Adelekan, Ademola;
Ademi, Zanfina;
Adou, Arsène Kouablan;
Adsuar, José C;
Agardh, Emilie E;
Akena, Dickens;
Alasfoor, Deena;
Alemu, Zewdie Aderaw;
Alfonso-Cristancho, Rafael;
Alhabib, Samia;
Ali, Raghib;
Al Kahbouri, Mazin J;
Alla, François;
Allen, Peter J;
AlMazroa, Mohammad A;
Alsharif, Ubai;
Alvarez, Elena;
Alvis-Guzmán, Nelson;
Amankwaa, Adansi A;
Amare, Azmeraw T;
Amini, Hassan;
Ammar, Walid;
Antonio, Carl AT;
Anwari, Palwasha;
Arnlöv, Johan;
Arsenijevic, Valentina S Arsic;
Artaman, Ali;
Asad, Majed Masoud;
Asghar, Rana J;
Assadi, Reza;
Atkins, Lydia S;
Badawi, Alaa;
Balakrishnan, Kalpana;
Basu, Arindam;
Basu, Sanjay;
Beardsley, Justin;
Bedi, Neeraj;
Bekele, Tolesa;
Bell, Michelle L;
Bernabe, Eduardo;
Beyene, Tariku J;
Bhutta, Zulfiqar;
Bin Abdulhak, Aref;
Blore, Jed D;
Basara, Berrak Bora;
Bose, Dipan;
Breitborde, Nicholas;
Cárdenas, Rosario;
Castañeda-Orjuela, Carlos A;
Castro, Ruben Estanislao;
Catalá-López, Ferrán;
Cavlin, Alanur;
Chang, Jung-Chen;
Che, Xuan;
Christophi, Costas A;
Chugh, Sumeet S;
Cirillo, Massimo;
Colquhoun, Samantha M;
Cooper, Leslie Trumbull;
Cooper, Cyrus;
da Costa Leite, Iuri;
Dandona, Lalit;
Dandona, Rakhi;
Davis, Adrian;
Dayama, Anand;
Degenhardt, Louisa;
De Leo, Diego;
del Pozo-Cruz, Borja;
Deribe, Kebede;
Dessalegn, Muluken;
deVeber, Gabrielle A;
Dharmaratne, Samath D;
Dilmen, Uğur;
Ding, Eric L;
Dorrington, Rob E;
Driscoll, Tim R;
Ermakov, Sergei Petrovich;
Esteghamati, Alireza;
Faraon, Emerito Jose A;
Farzadfar, Farshad;
Felicio, Manuela Mendonca;
Fereshtehnejad, Seyed-Mohammad;
de Lima, Graça Maria Ferreira;
Forouzanfar, Mohammad H;
França, Elisabeth B;
Gaffikin, Lynne;
Gambashidze, Ketevan;
Gankpé, Fortuné Gbètoho;
Garcia, Ana C;
Geleijnse, Johanna M;
Gibney, Katherine B;
Giroud, Maurice;
Glaser, Elizabeth L;
Goginashvili, Ketevan;
Gona, Philimon;
González-Castell, Dinorah;
Goto, Atsushi;
Gouda, Hebe N;
Gugnani, Harish Chander;
Gupta, Rahul;
Gupta, Rajeev;
Hafezi-Nejad, Nima;
Hamadeh, Randah Ribhi;
Hammami, Mouhanad;
Hankey, Graeme J;
Harb, Hilda L;
Havmoeller, Rasmus;
Hay, Simon I;
Pi, Ileana B Heredia;
Hoek, Hans W;
Hosgood, H Dean;
Hoy, Damian G;
Husseini, Abdullatif;
Idrisov, Bulat T;
Innos, Kaire;
Inoue, Manami;
Jacobsen, Kathryn H;
Jahangir, Eiman;
Jee, Sun Ha;
Jensen, Paul N;
Jha, Vivekanand;
Jiang, Guohong;
Jonas, Jost B;
Juel, Knud;
Kabagambe, Edmond Kato;
Kan, Haidong;
Karam, Nadim E;
Karch, André;
Karema, Corine Kakizi;
Kaul, Anil;
Kawakami, Norito;
Kazanjan, Konstantin;
Kazi, Dhruv S;
Kemp, Andrew H;
Kengne, Andre Pascal;
Kereselidze, Maia;
Khader, Yousef Saleh;
Khalifa, Shams Eldin Ali Hassan;
Khan, Ejaz Ahmed;
Khang, Young-Ho;
Knibbs, Luke;
Kokubo, Yoshihiro;
Kosen, Soewarta;
Defo, Barthelemy Kuate;
Kulkarni, Chanda;
Kulkarni, Veena S;
Kumar, G Anil;
Kumar, Kaushalendra;
Kumar, Ravi B;
Kwan, Gene;
Lai, Taavi;
Lalloo, Ratilal;
Lam, Hilton;
Lansingh, Van C;
Larsson, Anders;
Lee, Jong-Tae;
Leigh, James;
Leinsalu, Mall;
Leung, Ricky;
Li, Xiaohong;
Li, Yichong;
Li, Yongmei;
Liang, Juan;
Liang, Xiaofeng;
Lim, Stephen S;
Lin, Hsien-Ho;
Lipshultz, Steven E;
Liu, Shiwei;
Liu, Yang;
Lloyd, Belinda K;
London, Stephanie J;
Lotufo, Paulo A;
Ma, Jixiang;
Ma, Stefan;
Machado, Vasco Manuel Pedro;
Mainoo, Nana Kwaku;
Majdan, Marek;
Mapoma, Christopher Chabila;
Marcenes, Wagner;
Marzan, Melvin Barrientos;
Mason-Jones, Amanda J;
Mehndiratta, Man Mohan;
Mejia-Rodriguez, Fabiola;
Memish, Ziad A;
Mendoza, Walter;
Miller, Ted R;
Mills, Edward J;
Mokdad, Ali H;
Mola, Glen Liddell;
Monasta, Lorenzo;
de la Cruz Monis, Jonathan;
Hernandez, Julio Cesar Montañez;
Moore, Ami R;
Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar;
Mori, Rintaro;
Mueller, Ulrich O;
Mukaigawara, Mitsuru;
Naheed, Aliya;
Naidoo, Kovin S;
Nand, Devina;
Nangia, Vinay;
Nash, Denis;
Nejjari, Chakib;
Nelson, Robert G;
Neupane, Sudan Prasad;
Newton, Charles R;
Ng, Marie;
Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark J;
Nisar, Muhammad Imran;
Nolte, Sandra;
Norheim, Ole F;
Nyakarahuka, Luke;
Oh, In-Hwan;
Ohkubo, Takayoshi;
Olusanya, Bolajoko O;
Omer, Saad B;
Opio, John Nelson;
Orisakwe, Orish Ebere;
Pandian, Jeyaraj D;
Papachristou, Christina;
Park, Jae-Hyun;
Caicedo, Angel J Paternina;
Patten, Scott B;
Paul, Vinod K;
Pavlin, Boris Igor;
Pearce, Neil;
Pereira, David M;
Pesudovs, Konrad;
Petzold, Max;
Poenaru, Dan;
Polanczyk, Guilherme V;
Polinder, Suzanne;
Pope, Dan;
Pourmalek, Farshad;
Qato, Dima;
Quistberg, D Alex;
Rafay, Anwar;
Rahimi, Kazem;
Rahimi-Movaghar, Vafa;
ur Rahman, Sajjad;
Raju, Murugesan;
Rana, Saleem M;
Refaat, Amany;
Ronfani, Luca;
Roy, Nobhojit;
Pimienta, Tania Georgina Sánchez;
Sahraian, Mohammad Ali;
Salomon, Joshua A;
Sampson, Uchechukwu;
Santos, Itamar S;
Sawhney, Monika;
Sayinzoga, Felix;
Schneider, Ione JC;
Schumacher, Austin;
Schwebel, David C;
Seedat, Soraya;
Sepanlou, Sadaf G;
Servan-Mori, Edson E;
Shakh-Nazarova, Marina;
Sheikhbahaei, Sara;
Shibuya, Kenji;
Shin, Hwashin Hyun;
Shiue, Ivy;
Sigfusdottir, Inga Dora;
Silberberg, Donald H;
Silva, Andrea P;
Singh, Jasvinder A;
Skirbekk, Vegard;
Sliwa, Karen;
Soshnikov, Sergey S;
Sposato, Luciano A;
Sreeramareddy, Chandrashekhar T;
Stroumpoulis, Konstantinos;
Sturua, Lela;
Sykes, Bryan L;
Tabb, Karen M;
Talongwa, Roberto Tchio;
Tan, Feng;
Teixeira, Carolina Maria;
Tenkorang, Eric Yeboah;
Terkawi, Abdullah Sulieman;
Thorne-Lyman, Andrew L;
Tirschwell, David L;
Towbin, Jeffrey A;
Tran, Bach X;
Tsilimbaris, Miltiadis;
Uchendu, Uche S;
Ukwaja, Kingsley N;
Undurraga, Eduardo A;
Uzun, Selen Begüm;
Vallely, Andrew J;
van Gool, Coen H;
Vasankari, Tommi J;
Vavilala, Monica S;
Venketasubramanian, N;
Villalpando, Salvador;
Violante, Francesco S;
Vlassov, Vasiliy Victorovich;
Vos, Theo;
Waller, Stephen;
Wang, Haidong;
Wang, Linhong;
Wang, XiaoRong;
Wang, Yanping;
Weichenthal, Scott;
Weiderpass, Elisabete;
Weintraub, Robert G;
Westerman, Ronny;
Wilkinson, James D;
Woldeyohannes, Solomon Meseret;
Wong, John Q;
Wordofa, Muluemebet Abera;
Xu, Gelin;
Yang, Yang C;
Yano, Yuichiro;
Yentur, Gokalp Kadri;
Yip, Paul;
Yonemoto, Naohiro;
Yoon, Seok-Jun;
Younis, Mustafa Z;
Yu, Chuanhua;
Jin, Kim Yun;
El Sayed Zaki, Maysaa;
Zhao, Yong;
Zheng, Yingfeng;
Zhou, Maigeng;
Zhu, Jun;
Zou, Xiao Nong;
Lopez, Alan D;
Naghavi, Mohsen;
Murray, Christopher JL;
Lozano, Rafael;
Global, regional, and national levels and causes of maternal mortality during 1990-2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013.
Lancet, 384 (9947).
pp. 980-1004.
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
Kaufman, ZA;
Braunschweig, EN;
Feeney, J;
Dringus, S;
Weiss, H;
Delany-Moretlwe, S;
Ross, DA;
Sexual risk behavior, alcohol use, and social media use among secondary school students in informal settlements in Cape Town and Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
AIDS and behavior, 18 (9).
pp. 1661-1674.
ISSN 1090-7165
Full text not available from this repository.
Khan, Sofia;
Greco, Dario;
Michailidou, Kyriaki;
Milne, Roger L;
Muranen, Taru A;
Heikkinen, Tuomas;
Aaltonen, Kirsimari;
Dennis, Joe;
Bolla, Manjeet K;
Liu, Jianjun;
+154 more...
Hall, Per;
Irwanto, Astrid;
Humphreys, Keith;
Li, Jingmei;
Czene, Kamila;
Chang-Claude, Jenny;
Hein, Rebecca;
Rudolph, Anja;
Seibold, Petra;
Flesch-Janys, Dieter;
Fletcher, Olivia;
Peto, Julian;
dos Santos Silva, Isabel;
Johnson, Nichola;
Gibson, Lorna;
Aitken, Zoe;
Hopper, John L;
Tsimiklis, Helen;
Bui, Minh;
Makalic, Enes;
Schmidt, Daniel F;
Southey, Melissa C;
Apicella, Carmel;
Stone, Jennifer;
Waisfisz, Quinten;
Meijers-Heijboer, Hanne;
Adank, Muriel A;
van der Luijt, Rob B;
Meindl, Alfons;
Schmutzler, Rita K;
Müller-Myhsok, Bertram;
Lichtner, Peter;
Turnbull, Clare;
Rahman, Nazneen;
Chanock, Stephen J;
Hunter, David J;
Cox, Angela;
Cross, Simon S;
Reed, Malcolm WR;
Schmidt, Marjanka K;
Broeks, Annegien;
Van't Veer, Laura J;
Hogervorst, Frans B;
Fasching, Peter A;
Schrauder, Michael G;
Ekici, Arif B;
Beckmann, Matthias W;
Bojesen, Stig E;
Nordestgaard, Børge G;
Nielsen, Sune F;
Flyger, Henrik;
Benitez, Javier;
Zamora, Pilar M;
Perez, Jose IA;
Haiman, Christopher A;
Henderson, Brian E;
Schumacher, Fredrick;
Le Marchand, Loic;
Pharoah, Paul DP;
Dunning, Alison M;
Shah, Mitul;
Luben, Robert;
Brown, Judith;
Couch, Fergus J;
Wang, Xianshu;
Vachon, Celine;
Olson, Janet E;
Lambrechts, Diether;
Moisse, Matthieu;
Paridaens, Robert;
Christiaens, Marie-Rose;
Guénel, Pascal;
Truong, Thérèse;
Laurent-Puig, Pierre;
Mulot, Claire;
Marme, Frederick;
Burwinkel, Barbara;
Schneeweiss, Andreas;
Sohn, Christof;
Sawyer, Elinor J;
Tomlinson, Ian;
Kerin, Michael J;
Miller, Nicola;
Andrulis, Irene L;
Knight, Julia A;
Tchatchou, Sandrine;
Mulligan, Anna Marie;
Dörk, Thilo;
Bogdanova, Natalia V;
Antonenkova, Natalia N;
Anton-Culver, Hoda;
Darabi, Hatef;
Eriksson, Mikael;
Garcia-Closas, Montserrat;
Figueroa, Jonine;
Lissowska, Jolanta;
Brinton, Louise;
Devilee, Peter;
Tollenaar, Robert AEM;
Seynaeve, Caroline;
van Asperen, Christi J;
Kristensen, Vessela N;
kConFab Investigators;
Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group;
Slager, Susan;
Toland, Amanda E;
Ambrosone, Christine B;
Yannoukakos, Drakoulis;
Lindblom, Annika;
Margolin, Sara;
Radice, Paolo;
Peterlongo, Paolo;
Barile, Monica;
Mariani, Paolo;
Hooning, Maartje J;
Martens, John WM;
Collée, J Margriet;
Jager, Agnes;
Jakubowska, Anna;
Lubinski, Jan;
Jaworska-Bieniek, Katarzyna;
Durda, Katarzyna;
Giles, Graham G;
McLean, Catriona;
Brauch, Hiltrud;
Brüning, Thomas;
Ko, Yon-Dschun;
GENICA Network;
Brenner, Hermann;
Dieffenbach, Aida Karina;
Arndt, Volker;
Stegmaier, Christa;
Swerdlow, Anthony;
Ashworth, Alan;
Orr, Nick;
Jones, Michael;
Simard, Jacques;
Goldberg, Mark S;
Labrèche, France;
Dumont, Martine;
Winqvist, Robert;
Pylkäs, Katri;
Jukkola-Vuorinen, Arja;
Grip, Mervi;
Kataja, Vesa;
Kosma, Veli-Matti;
Hartikainen, Jaana M;
Mannermaa, Arto;
Hamann, Ute;
Chenevix-Trench, Georgia;
Blomqvist, Carl;
Aittomäki, Kristiina;
Easton, Douglas F;
Nevanlinna, Heli;
MicroRNA related polymorphisms and breast cancer risk.
PloS one, 9 (11).
ISSN 1932-6203
Koole, Olivier;
Houben, Rein Mgj;
Mzembe, Themba;
Van Boeckel, Thomas P;
Kayange, Michael;
Jahn, Andreas;
Chimbwandira, Frank;
Glynn, Judith R;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Improved retention of patients starting antiretroviral treatment in Karonga District, northern Malawi, 2005-2012.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 67 (1).
ISSN 1525-4135
Full text not available from this repository.
Kousoulis, Antonis A;
Patelarou, Evridiki;
Shea, Sue;
Foss, Christina;
Ruud Knutsen, Ingrid A;
Todorova, Elka;
Roukova, Poli;
Portillo, Mari Carmen;
Pumar-Méndez, María J;
Mujika, Agurtzane;
+4 more...
Rogers, Anne;
Vassilev, Ivaylo;
Serrano-Gil, Manuel;
Lionis, Christos;
Diabetes self-management arrangements in Europe: a realist review to facilitate a project implemented in six countries.
BMC health services research, 14 (1).
ISSN 1472-6963
Kuper, Hannah;
Monteath-van Dok, Adrienne;
Wing, Kevin;
Danquah, Lisa;
Evans, Jenny;
Zuurmond, Maria;
Gallinetti, Jacqueline;
The impact of disability on the lives of children; cross-sectional data including 8,900 children with disabilities and 898,834 children without disabilities across 30 countries.
PloS one, 9 (9).
ISSN 1932-6203
Lawn, JE;
Blencowe, H;
Oza, S;
You, D;
Lee, AC;
Waiswa, P;
Lalli, M;
Bhutta, Z;
Barros, AJ;
Christian, P;
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Mathers, C;
Cousens, SN;
Lancet Every Newborn Study Group;
Every Newborn: Progress, priorities, and potential beyond survival.
Lancet, 384 (9938).
pp. 189-205.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Lawn, Joy E;
Blencowe, Hannah;
Oza, Shefali;
You, Danzhen;
Lee, Anne CC;
Waiswa, Peter;
Lalli, Marek;
Bhutta, Zulfiqar;
Barros, Aluisio JD;
Christian, Parul;
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Mathers, Colin;
Cousens, Simon N;
Lancet Every Newborn Study Group;
Every Newborn: progress, priorities, and potential beyond survival.
Lancet, 384 (9938).
pp. 189-205.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Leslie, Toby;
Mikhail, Amy;
Mayan, Ismail;
Cundill, Bonnie;
Anwar, Mohammed;
Bakhtash, Sayed Habib;
Mohammed, Nader;
Rahman, Habib;
Zekria, Rohullah;
Whitty, Christopher JM;
+1 more...
Rowland, Mark;
Rapid diagnostic tests to improve treatment of malaria and other febrile illnesses: patient randomised effectiveness trial in primary care clinics in Afghanistan.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 348 (jun19 ).
ISSN 0959-8138
Liu, Li;
Oza, Shefali;
Hogan, Daniel;
Perin, Jamie;
Rudan, Igor;
Lawn, Joy E;
Cousens, Simon;
Mathers, Colin;
Black, Robert E;
Global, regional, and national causes of child mortality in 2000-13, with projections to inform post-2015 priorities: an updated systematic analysis.
Lancet, 385 (9966).
pp. 430-440.
ISSN 0140-6736
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MacPherson, Peter;
Lalloo, David G;
Webb, Emily L;
Maheswaran, Hendramoorthy;
Choko, Augustine T;
Makombe, Simon D;
Butterworth, Anthony E;
van Oosterhout, Joep J;
Desmond, Nicola;
Thindwa, Deus;
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Squire, Stephen Bertel;
Hayes, Richard J;
Corbett, Elizabeth L;
Effect of optional home initiation of HIV care following HIV self-testing on antiretroviral therapy initiation among adults in Malawi: a randomized clinical trial.
JAMA, 312 (4).
pp. 372-379.
ISSN 0098-7484
Mackenzie, Grant A;
Bottomley, Christian;
van Hoek, Albert J;
Jeffries, David;
Ota, Martin;
Zaman, Syed MA;
Greenwood, Brian;
Cutts, Felicity;
Efficacy of different pneumococcal conjugate vaccine schedules against pneumonia, hospitalisation, and mortality: re-analysis of a randomised trial in the Gambia.
Vaccine, 32 (21).
pp. 2493-2500.
ISSN 0264-410X
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Macpherson, Peter;
Lalloo, David G;
Thindwa, Deus;
Webb, Emily L;
Squire, S Bertel;
Chipungu, Geoffrey A;
Desmond, Nicola;
Makombe, Simon D;
Taegtmeyer, Miriam;
Choko, Augustine T;
+1 more...
Corbett, Elizabeth L;
A novel community health worker tool outperforms WHO clinical staging for assessment of antiretroviral therapy eligibility in a resource-limited setting.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 65 (2).
ISSN 1525-4135
Mason, Elizabeth;
McDougall, Lori;
Lawn, Joy E;
Gupta, Anuradha;
Claeson, Mariam;
Pillay, Yogan;
Presern, Carole;
Lukong, Martina Baye;
Mann, Gillian;
Wijnroks, Marijke;
+7 more...
Azad, Kishwar;
Taylor, Katherine;
Beattie, Allison;
Bhutta, Zulfiqar A;
Chopra, Mickey;
Lancet Every Newborn Study Group;
Every Newborn Steering Committee;
From evidence to action to deliver a healthy start for the next generation.
Lancet, 384 (9941).
pp. 455-467.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Matovu, E;
Bucheton, B;
Chisi, J;
Enyaru, J;
Hertz-Fowler, C;
Koffi, M;
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Mayosi, B;
Ramesar, R;
Mulder, N;
Ogendo, S;
Mocumbi, A;
Hugo-Hamman, C;
Ogah, O;
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Musuku, J;
Engel, M;
de Vries, J;
Lesosky, M;
Shaboodien, G;
Cordell, H;
Paré, G;
Keavney, B;
Motala, A;
Sobngwi, E;
Mbanya, J;
Hennig, B;
Balde, N;
Nyirenda, M;
Oli, J;
Adebamowo, C;
Levitt, N;
Mayige, M;
Kapiga, S;
Kaleebu, P;
Sandhu, M;
Smeeth, L;
McCarthy, M;
Rotimi, C;
Consortium., THA;
Research Capacity: Enabling African Scientists to Engage Fully in the Genomic Revolution.
Science (New York, NY), 344 (6190).
pp. 1346-1348.
ISSN 0036-8075
Mbacham, Wilfred F;
Mangham-Jefferies, Lindsay;
Cundill, Bonnie;
Achonduh, Olivia A;
Chandler, Clare IR;
Ambebila, Joel N;
Nkwescheu, Armand;
Forsah-Achu, Dorothy;
Ndiforchu, Victor;
Tchekountouo, Odile;
+3 more...
Akindeh-Nji, Mbuh;
Ongolo-Zogo, Pierre;
Wiseman, Virginia;
Basic or enhanced clinician training to improve adherence to malaria treatment guidelines: a cluster-randomised trial in two areas of Cameroon.
The Lancet Global health, 2 (6).
ISSN 2214-109X
McCloskey, Brian;
Endericks, Tina;
Catchpole, Mike;
Zambon, Maria;
McLauchlin, Jim;
Shetty, Nandini;
Manuel, Rohini;
Turbitt, Deborah;
Smith, Gillian;
Crook, Paul;
+11 more...
Severi, Ettore;
Jones, Jane;
Ibbotson, Sue;
Marshall, Roberta;
Smallwood, Catherine A H;
Isla, Nicolas;
Memish, Ziad A;
Al-Rabeeah, Abdullah A;
Barbeschi, Maurizio;
Heymann, David L.;
Zumla, Alimuddin;
London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games: public health surveillance and epidemiology.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Mears, Jessica;
Abubakar, Ibrahim;
Crisp, Debbie;
Maguire, Helen;
Innes, John A;
Lilley, Mike;
Lord, Joanne;
Cohen, Ted;
Borgdorff, Martien W;
Vynnycky, Emilia;
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McHugh, Timothy D;
Sonnenberg, Pam;
Prospective evaluation of a complex public health intervention: lessons from an initial and follow-up cross-sectional survey of the tuberculosis strain typing service in England.
BMC public health, 14 (1).
ISSN 1471-2458
Mee, P;
Collinson, MA;
Madhavan, S;
Kabudula, C;
Gómez-Olivé, FX;
Kahn, K;
Tollman, SM;
Hargreaves, J;
Byass, P;
Determinants of the risk of dying of HIV/AIDS in a rural South African community over the period of the decentralised roll-out of antiretroviral therapy: a longitudinal study.
Global health action, 7.
p. 24826.
ISSN 1654-9716
Mee, Paul;
Collinson, Mark A;
Madhavan, Sangeetha;
Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa;
Gómez-Olivé, Francesc Xavier;
Kahn, Kathleen;
Tollman, Stephen M;
Hargreaves, James;
Byass, Peter;
Determinants of the risk of dying of HIV/AIDS in a rural South African community over the period of the decentralised roll-out of antiretroviral therapy: a longitudinal study.
Global health action, 7 (1).
ISSN 1654-9716
Mee, Paul;
Wagner, Ryan G;
Gómez-Olivé, Francesc Xavier;
Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa;
Kahn, Kathleen;
Madhavan, Sangeetha;
Collinson, Mark;
Byass, Peter;
Tollman, Stephen M;
Changing use of traditional healthcare amongst those dying of HIV related disease and TB in rural South Africa from 2003 - 2011: a retrospective cohort study.
BMC complementary and alternative medicine, 14 (1).
ISSN 1472-6882
Memish, Ziad A;
Zumla, Alimuddin;
Alhakeem, Rafat F;
Assiri, Abdullah;
Turkestani, Abdulhafeez;
Al Harby, Khalid D;
Alyemni, Mohamed;
Dhafar, Khalid;
Gautret, Philippe;
Barbeschi, Maurizio;
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McCloskey, Brian;
Heymann, David;
Al Rabeeah, Abdullah A;
Al-Tawfiq, Jaffar A;
Hajj: infectious disease surveillance and control.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Mendelsohn, Joshua B;
Schilperoord, Marian;
Spiegel, Paul;
Balasundaram, Susheela;
Radhakrishnan, Anuradha;
Lee, Christopher KC;
Larke, Natasha;
Grant, Alison D;
Sondorp, Egbert;
Ross, David A;
Is forced migration a barrier to treatment success? Similar HIV treatment outcomes among refugees and a surrounding host community in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
AIDS and behavior, 18 (2).
pp. 323-334.
ISSN 1090-7165
Merle, Corinne S;
Fielding, Katherine;
Sow, Omou Bah;
Gninafon, Martin;
Lo, Mame B;
Mthiyane, Thuli;
Odhiambo, Joseph;
Amukoye, Evans;
Bah, Boubacar;
Kassa, Ferdinand;
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N'Diaye, Alimatou;
Rustomjee, Roxana;
de Jong, Bouke C;
Horton, John;
Perronne, Christian;
Sismanidis, Charalambos;
Lapujade, Olivier;
Olliaro, Piero L;
Lienhardt, Christian;
OFLOTUB/Gatifloxacin for Tuberculosis Project;
A four-month gatifloxacin-containing regimen for treating tuberculosis.
The New England journal of medicine, 371 (17).
pp. 1588-1598.
ISSN 0028-4793
Metcalf, CJE;
Andreasen, V;
Bjørnstad, ON;
Eames, K;
Edmunds, WJ;
Funk, S;
Hollingsworth, TD;
Lessler, J;
Viboud, C;
Grenfell, BT;
Seven challenges in modeling vaccine preventable diseases.
Epidemics, 10.
pp. 11-15.
ISSN 1755-4365
Mocroft, A;
Reiss, P;
Rakhmanova, A;
Banhegyi, D;
Phillips, AN;
De Wit, S;
Ristola, M;
Lundgren, JD;
Grarup, J;
Kirk, O;
+1 more...
EuroSIDA in EuroCOORD;
A survey of ATRIPLA use in clinical practice as first-line therapy in HIV-positive persons in Europe.
Infection, 42 (4).
pp. 757-762.
ISSN 0300-8126
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Mocroft, Amanda;
Ryom, Lene;
Begovac, Josip;
Monforte, Antonella D'Arminio;
Vassilenko, Anne;
Gatell, Jose;
Florence, Eric;
Ormaasen, Vidar;
Kirk, Ole;
Lundgren, Jens D;
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EuroSIDA in EuroCOORD;
Deteriorating renal function and clinical outcomes in HIV-positive persons.
AIDS (London, England), 28 (5).
pp. 727-737.
ISSN 0269-9370
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Mofenson, Lynne Meryl;
Kranzer, Katharina;
Meghji, Jamilah;
Bandason, Tsitsi;
Dauya, Ethel;
Mungofa, Stanley;
Busza, Joanna;
Hatzold, Karin;
Kidia, Khameer;
Mujuru, Hilda;
+1 more...
Ferrand, Rashida A.;
Barriers to Provider-Initiated Testing and Counselling for Children in a High HIV Prevalence Setting: A Mixed Methods Study.
PLoS medicine, 11 (5).
ISSN 1549-1277
Mpairwe, Harriet;
Ndibazza, Juliet;
Webb, EL;
Nampijja, Margaret;
Muhangi, Lawrence;
Apule, Barbara;
Lule, Swaib;
Akurut, Hellen;
Kizito, Dennison;
Kakande, Mohammed;
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Jones, Frances M.;
Fitzsimmons, Colin M.;
Muwanga, Moses;
Rodrigues, LC;
Dunne, David W.;
Elliott, Alison M.;
Maternal hookworm modifies risk factors for childhood eczema: results from a birth cohort in Uganda.
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, 25 (5).
pp. 481-488.
ISSN 09056157
Mumtaz, Ghina R;
Weiss, Helen A;
Thomas, Sara L;
Riome, Suzanne;
Setayesh, Hamidreza;
Riedner, Gabriele;
Semini, Iris;
Tawil, Oussama;
Akala, Francisca Ayodeji;
Wilson, David;
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Abu-Raddad, Laith J;
HIV among people who inject drugs in the Middle East and North Africa: systematic review and data synthesis.
PLoS medicine, 11 (6).
ISSN 1549-1277
Munthali, Lumbani;
Khan, Palwasha Y;
Mwaungulu, Nimrod J;
Chilongo, Femia;
Floyd, Sian;
Kayange, Michael;
Glynn, Judith R;
French, Neil;
Crampin, Amelia C;
The effect of HIV and antiretroviral therapy on characteristics of pulmonary tuberculosis in northern Malawi: a cross-sectional study.
BMC infectious diseases, 14 (1).
ISSN 1471-2334
Mutale, Wilbroad;
Stringer, Jeffrey;
Chintu, Namwinga;
Chilengi, Roma;
Mwanamwenge, Margaret Tembo;
Kasese, Nkatya;
Balabanova, Dina;
Spicer, Neil;
Lewis, James;
Ayles, Helen;
Application of balanced scorecard in the evaluation of a complex health system intervention: 12 months post intervention findings from the BHOMA intervention: a cluster randomised trial in Zambia.
PloS one, 9 (4).
ISSN 1932-6203
Muthuri, Stella G;
Venkatesan, Sudhir;
Myles, Puja R;
Leonardi-Bee, Jo;
Al Khuwaitir, Tarig SA;
Al Mamun, Adbullah;
Anovadiya, Ashish P;
Azziz-Baumgartner, Eduardo;
Báez, Clarisa;
Bassetti, Matteo;
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Beovic, Bojana;
Bertisch, Barbara;
Bonmarin, Isabelle;
Booy, Robert;
Borja-Aburto, Victor H;
Burgmann, Heinz;
Cao, Bin;
Carratala, Jordi;
Denholm, Justin T;
Dominguez, Samuel R;
Duarte, Pericles AD;
Dubnov-Raz, Gal;
Echavarria, Marcela;
Fanella, Sergio;
Gao, Zhancheng;
Gérardin, Patrick;
Giannella, Maddalena;
Gubbels, Sophie;
Herberg, Jethro;
Iglesias, Anjarath L Higuera;
Hoger, Peter H;
Hu, Xiaoyun;
Islam, Quazi T;
Jiménez, Mirela F;
Kandeel, Amr;
Keijzers, Gerben;
Khalili, Hossein;
Knight, Marian;
Kudo, Koichiro;
Kusznierz, Gabriela;
Kuzman, Ilija;
Kwan, Arthur MC;
Amine, Idriss Lahlou;
Langenegger, Eduard;
Lankarani, Kamran B;
Leo, Yee-Sin;
Linko, Rita;
Liu, Pei;
Madanat, Faris;
Mayo-Montero, Elga;
McGeer, Allison;
Memish, Ziad;
Metan, Gokhan;
Mickiene, Auksė;
Mikić, Dragan;
Mohn, Kristin GI;
Moradi, Ahmadreza;
Nymadawa, Pagbajabyn;
Oliva, Maria E;
Ozkan, Mehpare;
Parekh, Dhruv;
Paul, Mical;
Polack, Fernando P;
Rath, Barbara A;
Rodríguez, Alejandro H;
Sarrouf, Elena B;
Seale, Anna C;
Sertogullarindan, Bunyamin;
Siqueira, Marilda M;
Skręt-Magierło, Joanna;
Stephan, Frank;
Talarek, Ewa;
Tang, Julian W;
To, Kelvin KW;
Torres, Antoni;
Törün, Selda H;
Tran, Dat;
Uyeki, Timothy M;
Van Zwol, Annelies;
Vaudry, Wendy;
Vidmar, Tjasa;
Yokota, Renata TC;
Zarogoulidis, Paul;
PRIDE Consortium Investigators;
Nguyen-Van-Tam, Jonathan S;
Effectiveness of neuraminidase inhibitors in reducing mortality in patients admitted to hospital with influenza A H1N1pdm09 virus infection: a meta-analysis of individual participant data.
The lancet Respiratory medicine, 2 (5).
pp. 395-404.
ISSN 2213-2600
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Nesbitt, Robin C;
Gabrysch, Sabine;
Laub, Alexandra;
Soremekun, Seyi;
Manu, Alexander;
Kirkwood, Betty R;
Amenga-Etego, Seeba;
Wiru, Kenneth;
Höfle, Bernhard;
Grundy, Chris;
Methods to measure potential spatial access to delivery care in low- and middle-income countries: a case study in rural Ghana.
International journal of health geographics, 13 (1).
ISSN 1476-072X
Newman, Edmund NC;
Johnstone, Penelope;
Bridge, Hannah;
Wright, Deborah;
Jameson, Lisa;
Bosworth, Andrew;
Hatch, Rebecca;
Hayward-Karlsson, Jenny;
Osborne, Jane;
Bailey, Mark S;
+4 more...
Green, Andrew;
Ross, David;
Brooks, Tim;
Hewson, Roger;
Seroconversion for infectious pathogens among UK military personnel deployed to Afghanistan, 2008-2011.
Emerging infectious diseases, 20 (12).
pp. 2015-2022.
ISSN 1080-6040
Odutola, Aderonke A;
Afolabi, Muhammed O;
Jafali, James;
Baldeh, Ignatius;
Owolabi, Olumuyiwa A;
Owiafe, Patrick;
Bah, Gibril;
Jaiteh, Boto;
Mohammed, Nuredin I;
Donkor, Simon A;
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Ndure, Jorjoh;
Adetifa, Jane;
Flanagan, Katie L;
Ota, Martin OC;
Haematological and biochemical reference values of Gambian infants.
Tropical medicine & international health, 19 (3).
pp. 275-283.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Paolotti, D;
Carnahan, A;
Colizza, V;
Eames, K;
Edmunds, J;
Gomes, G;
Koppeschaar, C;
Rehn, M;
Smallenburg, R;
Turbelin, C;
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Van Noort, S;
Vespignani, A;
Web-based participatory surveillance of infectious diseases: the Influenzanet participatory surveillance experience.
Clinical microbiology and infection, 20 (1).
pp. 17-21.
ISSN 1198-743X
Parkes-Ratanshi, Rosalind;
Katende, David;
Levin, Jonathan;
Wakeham, Katie;
Heiner, Grosskurth;
Kamali, Anatoli;
Lalloo, David G;
Development of Severe Anemia and Changes in Hemoglobin in a Cohort of HIV-Infected Ugandan Adults Receiving Zidovudine-, Stavudine-, and Tenofovir-Containing Antiretroviral Regimens.
Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care, 14 (5).
pp. 455-462.
ISSN 2325-9574
Pemberton, S;
Washington, S;
Fensterszaub, S;
Efron, D;
Geschwind, DH;
Larson, H;
Middleman, AB;
Nossal, GJV;
Offit, PA;
Zikmund-Fisher, BJ;
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Dasent, P;
, TangledBankStudiosLlc;
Wgbh (Television Station : Boston Mass.);
Public Broadcasting Service (U.S.);
Pbs Distribution (Firm);
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Vaccines, Calling the Shots.
Distributed by PBS Distribution,, Arlington, Virginia.
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Penfold, Suzanne;
Manzi, Fatuma;
Mkumbo, Elibariki;
Temu, Silas;
Jaribu, Jennie;
Shamba, Donat D;
Mshinda, Hassan;
Cousens, Simon;
Marchant, Tanya;
Tanner, Marcel;
+2 more...
Schellenberg, David;
Schellenberg, Joanna Armstrong;
Effect of home-based counselling on newborn care practices in southern Tanzania one year after implementation: a cluster-randomised controlled trial.
BMC pediatrics, 14 (1).
ISSN 1471-2431
Petoumenos, K;
Reiss, P;
Ryom, L;
Rickenbach, M;
Sabin, CA;
El-Sadr, W;
d'Arminio Monforte, A;
Phillips, AN;
De Wit, S;
Kirk, O;
+5 more...
Dabis, F;
Pradier, C;
Lundgren, JD;
Law, MG;
D:A:D study group;
Increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) with age in HIV-positive men: a comparison of the D:A:D CVD risk equation and general population CVD risk equations.
HIV medicine, 15 (10).
pp. 595-603.
ISSN 1464-2662
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Price, Alison J;
Kayange, Michael;
Zaba, Basia;
Chimbwandira, Frank M;
Jahn, Andreas;
Chirwa, Zengani;
Dasgupta, Aisha Nz;
Katundu, Cynthia;
Saul, Jacqueline L;
Glynn, Judith R;
+2 more...
Koole, Olivier;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Uptake of prevention of mother-to-child-transmission using Option B+ in northern rural Malawi: a retrospective cohort study.
Sexually transmitted infections, 90 (4).
pp. 309-314.
ISSN 1368-4973
Rangaka, Molebogeng X;
Wilkinson, Robert J;
Boulle, Andrew;
Glynn, Judith R;
Fielding, Katherine;
van Cutsem, Gilles;
Wilkinson, Katalin A;
Goliath, Rene;
Mathee, Shaheed;
Goemaere, Eric;
+1 more...
Maartens, Gary;
Isoniazid plus antiretroviral therapy to prevent tuberculosis: a randomised double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Lancet, 384 (9944).
pp. 682-690.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Rehman, Andrea M;
Woodd, Susannah;
Chisenga, Molly;
Siame, Joshua;
Sampson, Gemma;
PrayGod, George;
Koethe, John R;
Kelly, Paul;
Filteau, Suzanne;
Appetite testing in HIV-infected African adults recovering from malnutrition and given antiretroviral therapy.
Public health nutrition, 18 (4).
pp. 742-751.
ISSN 1368-9800
Reither, Klaus;
Katsoulis, Lynn;
Beattie, Trevor;
Gardiner, Nicolene;
Lenz, Nicole;
Said, Khadija;
Mfinanga, Elirehema;
Pohl, Christian;
Fielding, Katherine L;
Jeffery, Hannah;
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Kagina, Benjamin M;
Hughes, Elisabeth J;
Scriba, Thomas J;
Hanekom, Willem A;
Hoff, Søren T;
Bang, Peter;
Kromann, Ingrid;
Daubenberger, Claudia;
Andersen, Peter;
Churchyard, Gavin J;
Safety and immunogenicity of H1/IC31®, an adjuvanted TB subunit vaccine, in HIV-infected adults with CD4+ lymphocyte counts greater than 350 cells/mm3: a phase II, multi-centre, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
PloS one, 9 (12).
ISSN 1932-6203
Reniers, Georges;
Slaymaker, Emma;
Nakiyingi-Miiro, Jessica;
Nyamukapa, Constance;
Crampin, Amelia Catharine;
Herbst, Kobus;
Urassa, Mark;
Otieno, Fred;
Gregson, Simon;
Sewe, Maquins;
+9 more...
Michael, Denna;
Lutalo, Tom;
Hosegood, Victoria;
Kasamba, Ivan;
Price, Alison;
Nabukalu, Dorean;
Mclean, Estelle;
Zaba, Basia;
ALPHA Network;
Mortality trends in the era of antiretroviral therapy: evidence from the Network for Analysing Longitudinal Population based HIV/AIDS data on Africa (ALPHA).
AIDS (London, England), 28 Sup (4).
ISSN 0269-9370
Reynolds, Joanna;
DiLiberto, Deborah;
Mangham-Jefferies, Lindsay;
Ansah, Evelyn K;
Lal, Sham;
Mbakilwa, Hilda;
Bruxvoort, Katia;
Webster, Jayne;
Vestergaard, Lasse S;
Yeung, Shunmay;
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Leslie, Toby;
Hutchinson, Eleanor;
Reyburn, Hugh;
Lalloo, David G;
Schellenberg, David;
Cundill, Bonnie;
Staedke, Sarah G;
Wiseman, Virginia;
Goodman, Catherine;
Chandler, Clare IR;
The practice of 'doing' evaluation: lessons learned from nine complex intervention trials in action.
Implementation science, 9 (1).
ISSN 1748-5908
Rodés-Cabau, Josep;
Kahlert, Philip;
Neumann, Franz-Josef;
Schymik, Gerhard;
Webb, John G;
Amarenco, Pierre;
Brott, Thomas;
Garami, Zsolt;
Gerosa, Gino;
Lefèvre, Thierry;
+8 more...
Plicht, Bjoern;
Pocock, Stuart J;
Schlamann, Marc;
Thomas, Martyn;
Diamond, Beverly;
Merioua, Ihsen;
Beyersdorf, Friedhelm;
Vahanian, Alec;
Feasibility and exploratory efficacy evaluation of the Embrella Embolic Deflector system for the prevention of cerebral emboli in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement: the PROTAVI-C pilot study.
JACC Cardiovascular interventions, 7 (10).
pp. 1146-1155.
ISSN 1936-8798
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Sankoh, Osman;
Sharrow, David;
Herbst, Kobus;
Whiteson Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa;
Alam, Nurul;
Kant, Shashi;
Ravn, Henrik;
Bhuiya, Abbas;
Thi Vui, Le;
Darikwa, Timotheus;
+24 more...
Gyapong, Margaret;
Jasseh, Momodou;
Chuc Thi Kim, Nguyen;
Abdullah, Salim;
Crampin, Amelia;
Ojal, John;
Owusu-Agyei, Seth;
Odhiambo, Frank;
Urassa, Mark;
Streatfield, Kim;
Shimada, Masaaki;
Sacoor, Charfudin;
Beguy, Donatien;
Derra, Karim;
Wak, George;
Delaunay, Valerie;
Sie, Ali;
Soura, Abdramane;
Diallo, Diadier;
Wilopo, Siswanto;
Masanja, Honorati;
Bonfoh, Bassirou;
Phuanukoonnon, Suparat;
Clark, Samuel J;
The INDEPTH standard population for low- and middle-income countries, 2013.
Global health action, 7 (1).
ISSN 1654-9716
Scott, Susana;
Odutola, Aderonke;
Mackenzie, Grant;
Fulford, Tony;
Afolabi, Muhammed O;
Lowe Jallow, Yamundow;
Jasseh, Momodou;
Jeffries, David;
Dondeh, Bai Lamin;
Howie, Stephen RC;
+1 more...
D'Alessandro, Umberto;
Coverage and timing of children's vaccination: an evaluation of the expanded programme on immunisation in The Gambia.
PloS one, 9 (9).
ISSN 1932-6203
Seager, Ishla;
Travers, Simon A;
Leeson, Michael D;
Crampin, Amelia C;
French, Neil;
Glynn, Judith R;
McCormack, Grace P;
Coreceptor usage, diversity, and divergence in drug-naive and drug-exposed individuals from Malawi, infected with HIV-1 subtype C for more than 20 years.
AIDS research and human retroviruses, 30 (10).
pp. 975-983.
ISSN 0889-2229
Seale, AC;
Blencowe, H;
Manu, AA;
Nair, H;
Bahl, R;
Qazi, SA;
Zaidi, AK;
Berkley, JA;
Cousens, SN;
Lawn, JE;
Estimates of possible severe bacterial infection in neonates in sub-Saharan Africa, south Asia, and Latin America for 2012: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
The Lancet infectious diseases, 14 (8).
pp. 731-41.
ISSN 1473-3099
Seale, Anna C;
Blencowe, Hannah;
Manu, Alexander A;
Nair, Harish;
Bahl, Rajiv;
Qazi, Shamim A;
Zaidi, Anita K;
Berkley, James A;
Cousens, Simon N;
Lawn, Joy E;
+1 more...
pSBI Investigator Group;
Estimates of possible severe bacterial infection in neonates in sub-Saharan Africa, south Asia, and Latin America for 2012: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
The Lancet infectious diseases, 14 (8).
pp. 731-741.
ISSN 1473-3099
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Simone, B;
Atchison, C;
Ruiz, B;
Greenop, P;
Dave, J;
Ready, D;
Maguire, H;
Walsh, B;
Anderson, S;
Investigating an outbreak of Clostridium perfringens gastroenteritis in a school using smartphone technology, London, March 2013.
Euro surveillance, 19 (19).
ISSN 1025-496X
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Slaymaker, Emma;
Todd, Jim;
Marston, Milly;
Calvert, Clara;
Michael, Denna;
Nakiyingi-Miiro, Jessica;
Crampin, Amelia;
Lutalo, Tom;
Herbst, Kobus;
Zaba, Basia;
How have ART treatment programmes changed the patterns of excess mortality in people living with HIV? Estimates from four countries in East and Southern Africa.
Global health action, 7 (1).
ISSN 1654-9716
Smallwood, Catherine A H;
Arbuthnott, Katherine G;
Banczak-Mysiak, Barbara;
Borodina, Mariya;
Coutinho, Ana Paula;
Payne-Hallström, Lara;
Lipska, Elzbieta;
Lyashko, Viktor;
Miklasz, Miroslaw;
Miskiewicz, Paulina;
+15 more...
Nitzan, Dorit;
Pokanevych, Igor;
Posobkiewicz, Marek;
Rockenschaub, Gerald;
Sadkowska-Todys, Malgorzata;
Sinelnik, Svetlana;
Smiley, Daniel;
Tomialoic, Rysard;
Yurchenko, Volodimir;
Memish, Ziad A;
Heymann, David;
Endericks, Tina;
McCloskey, Brian;
Zumla, Alimuddin;
Barbeschi, Maurizio;
Euro 2012 European Football Championship Finals: planning for a health legacy.
ISSN 1474-547X
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Smith Paintain, Lucy;
Willey, Barbara;
Kedenge, Sarah;
Sharkey, Alyssa;
Kim, Julia;
Buj, Valentina;
Webster, Jayne;
Schellenberg, David;
Ngongo, Ngashi;
Community health workers and stand-alone or integrated case management of malaria: a systematic literature review.
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 91 (3).
pp. 461-470.
ISSN 0002-9637
Smith, Colette J;
Ryom, Lene;
Weber, Rainer;
Morlat, Philippe;
Pradier, Christian;
Reiss, Peter;
Kowalska, Justyna D;
de Wit, Stephane;
Law, Matthew;
el Sadr, Wafaa;
+7 more...
Kirk, Ole;
Friis-Moller, Nina;
Monforte, Antonella d'Arminio;
Phillips, Andrew N;
Sabin, Caroline A;
Lundgren, Jens D;
D:A:D Study Group;
Trends in underlying causes of death in people with HIV from 1999 to 2011 (D:A:D): a multicohort collaboration.
Lancet, 384 (9939).
pp. 241-248.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Smith, Jennifer;
Nyamukapa, Constance;
Gregson, Simon;
Lewis, James;
Magutshwa, Sitholubuhle;
Schumacher, Christina;
Mushati, Phyllis;
Hallett, Tim;
Garnett, Geoff;
The distribution of sex acts and condom use within partnerships in a rural sub-Saharan African population.
PloS one, 9 (2).
ISSN 1932-6203
Streatfield, P Kim;
Khan, Wasif A;
Bhuiya, Abbas;
Hanifi, Syed MA;
Alam, Nurul;
Diboulo, Eric;
Sié, Ali;
Yé, Maurice;
Compaoré, Yacouba;
Soura, Abdramane B;
+49 more...
Bonfoh, Bassirou;
Jaeger, Fabienne;
Ngoran, Eliezer K;
Utzinger, Juerg;
Melaku, Yohannes A;
Mulugeta, Afework;
Weldearegawi, Berhe;
Gomez, Pierre;
Jasseh, Momodou;
Hodgson, Abraham;
Oduro, Abraham;
Welaga, Paul;
Williams, John;
Awini, Elizabeth;
Binka, Fred N;
Gyapong, Margaret;
Kant, Shashi;
Misra, Puneet;
Srivastava, Rahul;
Chaudhary, Bharat;
Juvekar, Sanjay;
Wahab, Abdul;
Wilopo, Siswanto;
Bauni, Evasius;
Mochamah, George;
Ndila, Carolyne;
Williams, Thomas N;
Desai, Meghna;
Hamel, Mary J;
Lindblade, Kim A;
Odhiambo, Frank O;
Slutsker, Laurence;
Ezeh, Alex;
Kyobutungi, Catherine;
Wamukoya, Marylene;
Delaunay, Valérie;
Diallo, Aldiouma;
Douillot, Laetitia;
Sokhna, Cheikh;
Gómez-Olivé, F Xavier;
Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa W;
Mee, Paul;
Herbst, Kobus;
Mossong, Joël;
Chuc, Nguyen TK;
Arthur, Samuelina S;
Sankoh, Osman A;
Tanner, Marcel;
Byass, Peter;
Malaria mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites.
Global health action, 7 (1).
ISSN 1654-9716
Streatfield, P Kim;
Khan, Wasif A;
Bhuiya, Abbas;
Hanifi, Syed MA;
Alam, Nurul;
Millogo, Ourohiré;
Sié, Ali;
Zabré, Pascal;
Rossier, Clementine;
Soura, Abdramane B;
+50 more...
Bonfoh, Bassirou;
Kone, Siaka;
Ngoran, Eliezer K;
Utzinger, Juerg;
Abera, Semaw F;
Melaku, Yohannes A;
Weldearegawi, Berhe;
Gomez, Pierre;
Jasseh, Momodou;
Ansah, Patrick;
Azongo, Daniel;
Kondayire, Felix;
Oduro, Abraham;
Amu, Alberta;
Gyapong, Margaret;
Kwarteng, Odette;
Kant, Shashi;
Pandav, Chandrakant S;
Rai, Sanjay K;
Juvekar, Sanjay;
Muralidharan, Veena;
Wahab, Abdul;
Wilopo, Siswanto;
Bauni, Evasius;
Mochamah, George;
Ndila, Carolyne;
Williams, Thomas N;
Khagayi, Sammy;
Laserson, Kayla F;
Nyaguara, Amek;
Van Eijk, Anna M;
Ezeh, Alex;
Kyobutungi, Catherine;
Wamukoya, Marylene;
Chihana, Menard;
Crampin, Amelia;
Price, Alison;
Delaunay, Valérie;
Diallo, Aldiouma;
Douillot, Laetitia;
Sokhna, Cheikh;
Gómez-Olivé, F Xavier;
Mee, Paul;
Tollman, Stephen M;
Herbst, Kobus;
Mossong, Joël;
Chuc, Nguyen TK;
Arthur, Samuelina S;
Sankoh, Osman A;
Byass, Peter;
HIV/AIDS-related mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites.
Global health action, 7 (1).
ISSN 1654-9716
Tann, Cally J;
Nkurunziza, Peter;
Nakakeeto, Margaret;
Oweka, James;
Kurinczuk, Jennifer J;
Were, Jackson;
Nyombi, Natasha;
Hughes, Peter;
Willey, Barbara A;
Elliott, Alison M;
+3 more...
Robertson, Nicola J;
Klein, Nigel;
Harris, Kathryn A;
Prevalence of bloodstream pathogens is higher in neonatal encephalopathy cases vs. controls using a novel panel of real-time PCR assays.
PloS one, 9 (5).
ISSN 1932-6203
Taylor, Peter N;
Minassian, Caroline;
Rehman, Anis;
Iqbal, Ahmed;
Draman, Mohd Shazli;
Hamilton, William;
Dunlop, Diana;
Robinson, Anthony;
Vaidya, Bijay;
Lazarus, John H;
+3 more...
Thomas, Sara;
Dayan, Colin M;
Okosieme, Onyebuchi E;
TSH levels and risk of miscarriage in women on long-term levothyroxine: a community-based study.
The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 99 (10).
pp. 3895-3902.
ISSN 0021-972X
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Thom, Howard;
West, Nicholas EJ;
Hughes, Vikki;
Dyer, Matthew;
Buxton, Martin;
Sharples, Linda D;
Jackson, Christopher H;
Crean, Andrew M;
CECaT study group;
Cost-effectiveness of initial stress cardiovascular MR, stress SPECT or stress echocardiography as a gate-keeper test, compared with upfront invasive coronary angiography in the investigation and management of patients with stable chest pain: mid-term outcomes from the CECaT randomised controlled trial.
BMJ open, 4 (2).
ISSN 2044-6055
Thomson, Rebecca;
Festo, Charles;
Johanes, Boniface;
Kalolella, Admirabilis;
Bruxvoort, Katia;
Nchimbi, Happy;
Tougher, Sarah;
Cairns, Matthew;
Taylor, Mark;
Kleinschmidt, Immo;
+8 more...
Ye, Yazoume;
Mann, Andrea;
Ren, Ruilin;
Willey, Barbara;
Arnold, Fred;
Hanson, Kara;
Kachur, S Patrick;
Goodman, Catherine;
Has Tanzania embraced the green leaf? Results from outlet and household surveys before and after implementation of the Affordable Medicines Facility-malaria.
PloS one, 9 (5).
ISSN 1932-6203
Tiono, Alfred B;
Kangoye, David T;
Rehman, Andrea M;
Kargougou, Désiré G;
Kaboré, Youssouf;
Diarra, Amidou;
Ouedraogo, Esperance;
Nébié, Issa;
Ouédraogo, Alphonse;
Okech, Brenda;
+2 more...
Milligan, Paul;
Sirima, Sodiomon B;
Malaria incidence in children in South-West Burkina Faso: comparison of active and passive case detection methods.
PloS one, 9 (1).
ISSN 1932-6203
Tissera, Hasitha;
Amarasinghe, Ananda;
De Silva, Aruna Dharshan;
Kariyawasam, Pradeep;
Corbett, Kizzmekia S;
Katzelnick, Leah;
Tam, Clarence;
Letson, G William;
Margolis, Harold S;
de Silva, Aravinda M;
Burden of dengue infection and disease in a pediatric cohort in urban Sri Lanka.
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene, 91 (1).
pp. 132-137.
ISSN 0002-9637
Tougher, Sarah;
Mann, Andrea G;
ACTwatch Group;
Ye, Yazoume;
Kourgueni, Idrissa A;
Thomson, Rebecca;
Amuasi, John H;
Ren, Ruilin;
Willey, Barbara A;
Ansong, Daniel;
+15 more...
Bruxvoort, Katia;
Diap, Graciela;
Festo, Charles;
Johanes, Boniface;
Kalolella, Admirabilis;
Mallam, Oumarou;
Mberu, Blessing;
Ndiaye, Salif;
Nguah, Samual Blay;
Seydou, Moctar;
Taylor, Mark;
Wamukoya, Marilyn;
Arnold, Fred;
Hanson, Kara;
Goodman, Catherine;
Improving access to malaria medicine through private-sector subsidies in seven African countries.
Health affairs (Project Hope), 33 (9).
pp. 1576-1585.
ISSN 0278-2715
Vasan, Ashwin;
Ellner, Andrew;
Lawn, Stephen D;
Gove, Sandy;
Anatole, Manzi;
Gupta, Neil;
Drobac, Peter;
Nicholson, Tom;
Seung, Kwonjune;
Mabey, David C;
+1 more...
Farmer, Paul E;
Integrated care as a means to improve primary care delivery for adults and adolescents in the developing world: a critical analysis of Integrated Management of Adolescent and Adult Illness (IMAI).
BMC medicine, 12 (1).
ISSN 1741-7015
Velleman, Yael;
Mason, Elizabeth;
Graham, Wendy;
Benova, Lenka;
Chopra, Mickey;
Campbell, Oona MR;
Gordon, Bruce;
Wijesekera, Sanjay;
Hounton, Sennen;
Esteves Mills, Joanna;
+6 more...
Curtis, Val;
Afsana, Kaosar;
Boisson, Sophie;
Magoma, Moke;
Cairncross, Sandy;
Cumming, Oliver;
From joint thinking to joint action: a call to action on improving water, sanitation, and hygiene for maternal and newborn health.
PLoS medicine, 11 (12).
ISSN 1549-1277
WHO Ebola Response Team;
Aylward, Bruce;
Barboza, Philippe;
Bawo, Luke;
Bertherat, Eric;
Bilivogui, Pepe;
Blake, Isobel;
Brennan, Rick;
Briand, Sylvie;
Chakauya, Jethro Magwati;
+52 more...
Chitala, Kennedy;
Conteh, Roland M;
Cori, Anne;
Croisier, Alice;
Dangou, Jean-Marie;
Diallo, Boubacar;
Donnelly, Christl A;
Dye, Christopher;
Eckmanns, Tim;
Ferguson, Neil M;
Formenty, Pierre;
Fuhrer, Caroline;
Fukuda, Keiji;
Garske, Tini;
Gasasira, Alex;
Gbanyan, Stephen;
Graaff, Peter;
Heleze, Emmanuel;
Jambai, Amara;
Jombart, Thibaut;
Kasolo, Francis;
Kadiobo, Albert Mbule;
Keita, Sakoba;
Kertesz, Daniel;
Koné, Moussa;
Lane, Chris;
Markoff, Jered;
Massaquoi, Moses;
Mills, Harriet;
Mulba, John Mike;
Musa, Emmanuel;
Myhre, Joel;
Nasidi, Abdusalam;
Nilles, Eric;
Nouvellet, Pierre;
Nshimirimana, Deo;
Nuttall, Isabelle;
Nyenswah, Tolbert;
Olu, Olushayo;
Pendergast, Scott;
Perea, William;
Polonsky, Jonathan;
Riley, Steven;
Ronveaux, Olivier;
Sakoba, Keita;
Santhana Gopala Krishnan, Ravi;
Senga, Mikiko;
Shuaib, Faisal;
Van Kerkhove, Maria D;
Vaz, Rui;
Wijekoon Kannangarage, Niluka;
Yoti, Zabulon;
Ebola virus disease in West Africa--the first 9 months of the epidemic and forward projections.
pp. 1481-1495.
ISSN 0028-4793
Willey, Barbara A;
Tougher, Sarah;
Ye, Yazoume;
Mann, Andrea G;
Thomson, Rebecca;
Kourgueni, Idrissa A;
Amuasi, John H;
Ren, Ruilin;
Wamukoya, Marilyn;
+20 more...
Rueda, Sergio Torres;
Taylor, Mark;
Seydou, Moctar;
Nguah, Samuel Blay;
Ndiaye, Salif;
Mberu, Blessing;
Malam, Oumarou;
Kalolella, Admirabilis;
Juma, Elizabeth;
Johanes, Boniface;
Festo, Charles;
Diap, Graciela;
Diallo, Didier;
Bruxvoort, Katia;
Ansong, Daniel;
Amin, Abdinasir;
Adegoke, Catherine A;
Hanson, Kara;
Arnold, Fred;
Goodman, Catherine;
Communicating the AMFm message: exploring the effect of communication and training interventions on private for-profit provider awareness and knowledge related to a multi-country anti-malarial subsidy intervention.
Malaria journal, 13 (1).
ISSN 1475-2875
Wingfield, Tom;
Schumacher, Samuel G;
Sandhu, Gurjinder;
Tovar, Marco A;
Zevallos, Karine;
Baldwin, Matthew R;
Montoya, Rosario;
Ramos, Eric S;
Jongkaewwattana, Chulanee;
Lewis, James J;
+3 more...
Gilman, Robert H;
Friedland, Jon S;
Evans, Carlton A;
The seasonality of tuberculosis, sunlight, vitamin D, and household crowding.
The Journal of infectious diseases, 210 (5).
pp. 774-783.
ISSN 0022-1899
Wolf, Jennyfer;
Prüss-Ustün, Annette;
Cumming, Oliver;
Bartram, Jamie;
Bonjour, Sophie;
Cairncross, Sandy;
Clasen, Thomas;
Colford, John M;
Curtis, Valerie;
De France, Jennifer;
+10 more...
Fewtrell, Lorna;
Freeman, Matthew C;
Gordon, Bruce;
Hunter, Paul R;
Jeandron, Aurelie;
Johnston, Richard B;
Mäusezahl, Daniel;
Mathers, Colin;
Neira, Maria;
Higgins, Julian PT;
Assessing the impact of drinking water and sanitation on diarrhoeal disease in low- and middle-income settings: systematic review and meta-regression.
Tropical medicine & international health, 19 (8).
pp. 928-942.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Woodd, Susannah L;
Grosskurth, Heiner;
Levin, Jonathan;
Amuron, Barbara;
Namara, Geoffrey;
Birunghi, Josephine;
Coutinho, Alex;
Jaffar, Shabbar;
Home-based versus clinic-based care for patients starting antiretroviral therapy with low CD4⁺ cell counts: findings from a cluster-randomized trial.
AIDS (London, England), 28 (4).
pp. 569-576.
ISSN 0269-9370
Xiang, Yang;
Ma, Long;
Wu, Weidong;
Liu, Wei;
Li, Yongguang;
Zhu, Xia;
Wang, Qian;
Ma, Jinfeng;
Cao, Mingqin;
Wang, Qian;
+8 more...
Yao, Xuemei;
Yang, Lei;
Wubuli, Atikaimu;
Merle, Corinne;
Milligan, Paul;
Mao, Ying;
Gu, Jiayi;
Xin, Xiumei;
The incidence of liver injury in Uyghur patients treated for TB in Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region, China, and its association with hepatic enzyme polymorphisms nat2, cyp2e1, gstm1 and gstt1.
PloS one, 9 (1).
ISSN 1932-6203
Zoufaly, Alexander;
Cozzi-Lepri, Alessandro;
Reekie, Joanne;
Kirk, Ole;
Lundgren, Jens;
Reiss, Peter;
Jevtovic, Djordje;
Machala, Ladislav;
Zangerle, Robert;
Mocroft, Amanda;
+2 more...
Van Lunzen, Jan;
EuroSIDA in EuroCoord;
Immuno-virological discordance and the risk of non-AIDS and AIDS events in a large observational cohort of HIV-patients in Europe.
PloS one, 9 (1).
ISSN 1932-6203
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