Items where Author or Contributor is "Ndow, Gibril"

Number of items: 20.
Ndow, Gibril;
Shimakawa, Yusuke;
Leith, Damien;
Bah, Sulayman;
Bangura, Rohey;
Mahmoud, Isatou;
Bojang, Lamin;
Ceesay, Amie;
Drammeh, Sainabou;
Bola-Lawal, Queen;
+16 more...
Lambert, Gabriel;
Hardy, Perrine;
Ingiliz, Patrick;
Haddadin, Yazan;
Vo-Quang, Erwan;
Chevaliez, Stéphane;
Cloherty, Gavin;
Bittaye, Sheikh Omar;
Lo, Gora;
Toure-Kane, Coumba;
Mendy, Maimuna;
Njie, Ramou;
Chemin, Isabelle;
D'Alessandro, Umberto;
Thursz, Mark;
Lemoine, Maud;
Clinical outcomes of untreated adults living with chronic hepatitis B in The Gambia: an analysis of data from the prospective PROLIFICA cohort study.
The lancet. Gastroenterology & hepatology, 9 (12).
pp. 1133-1146.
ISSN 2468-1253
Nguyen, Liem B Luong;
Lemoine, Maud;
Ndow, Gibril;
Ward, Zachary J;
Hallet, Timothy B;
D'Alessandro, Umberto;
Thursz, Mark;
Nayagam, Shevanthi;
Shimakawa, Yusuke;
Treat All versus targeted strategies to select HBV-infected people for antiviral therapy in The Gambia, west Africa: a cost-effectiveness analysis.
The Lancet. Global health, 12 (1).
ISSN 2214-109X
Ndow, Gibril;
Vo-Quang, Erwan;
Shimakawa, Yusuke;
Ceesay, Amie;
Tamba, Saydiba;
Njai, Harr F;
Bojang, Lamin;
Hateley, Charlotte;
Takao, Yuki;
Opoku, Emmanuel;
+8 more...
Warsop, Zakary;
Ingiliz, Patrick;
D'Alessandro, Umberto;
Chemin, Isabelle;
Mendy, Maimuna;
Thursz, Mark;
Njie, Ramou;
Lemoine, Maud;
Clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in The Gambia, west Africa: a prospective cohort study.
The Lancet. Global health, 11 (9).
ISSN 2214-109X
Schmit, Nora;
Nayagam, Shevanthi;
Lemoine, Maud;
Ndow, Gibril;
Shimakawa, Yusuke;
Thursz, Mark R;
Hallett, Timothy B;
Cost-effectiveness of different monitoring strategies in a screening and treatment programme for hepatitis B in The Gambia.
Journal of global health, 13.
ISSN 2047-2978
Ceesay, Amie;
Bouherrou, Khaled;
Tan, Boun Kim;
Lemoine, Maud;
Ndow, Gibril;
Testoni, Barbara;
Chemin, Isabelle;
Viral Diagnosis of Hepatitis B and Delta: What We Know and What Is Still Required? Specific Focus on Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
Microorganisms, 10 (11).
p. 2096.
ISSN 2076-2607
Ceesay, Amie;
Lemoine, Maud;
Cohen, Damien;
Chemin, Isabelle;
Ndow, Gibril;
Clinical utility of the 'Determine HBsAg' Point-of-Care Test for Diagnosis of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen in Africa.
Expert review of molecular diagnostics, 22 (5).
pp. 497-505.
ISSN 1473-7159
Ndow, Gibril;
Cessay, Amie;
Cohen, Damien;
Shimakawa, Yusuke;
Gore, Mindy L;
Tamba, Saydiba;
Ghosh, Sumantra;
Sanneh, Bakary;
Baldeh, Ignatius;
Njie, Ramou;
+5 more...
D'Alessandro, Umberto;
Mendy, Maimuna;
Thursz, Mark;
Chemin, Isabelle;
Lemoine, Maud;
Prevalence and Clinical Significance of Occult Hepatitis B Infection in The Gambia, West Africa.
The Journal of infectious diseases, 226 (5).
pp. 862-870.
ISSN 0022-1899
Shimakawa, Yusuke;
Ndow, Gibril;
Kaneko, Atsushi;
Aoyagi, Katsumi;
Lemoine, Maud;
Tanaka, Yasuhito;
Rapid Point-of-Care Test for Hepatitis B Core-Related Antigen to Diagnose High Viral Load in Resource-Limited Settings.
Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology, 21 (7).
ISSN 1542-3565
Sow, Amina;
Lemoine, Maud;
Toure, Papa Souleymane;
Diop, Madoky;
Lo, Gora;
De Veiga, Jean;
Pape, Omar Thiaw;
Seck, Khady;
Ndow, Gibril;
Bojang, Lamin;
+12 more...
Kane, Arame;
Oudiane, Marina;
Howell, Jess;
Nayagam, Shevanthi;
Moutchia, Jude;
Chemin, Isabelle;
Mendy, Maimuna;
Toure-Kane, Coumba;
Thursz, Mark;
Ka, Mourtalla;
Shimakawa, Yusuke;
Mboup, Souleymane;
HBV continuum of care using community- and hospital-based screening interventions in Senegal: Results from the PROLIFICA programme.
JHEP reports : innovation in hepatology, 4 (10).
ISSN 2589-5559
Vincent, Jeanne Perpétue;
Ndow, Gibril;
Ogawa, Shintaro;
Ceesay, Amie;
Njie, Ramou;
Sanneh, Bakary;
Baldeh, Ignatius;
D'Alessandro, Umberto;
Mendy, Maimuna;
Thursz, Mark;
+4 more...
Chemin, Isabelle;
Tanaka, Yasuhito;
Lemoine, Maud;
Shimakawa, Yusuke;
Mac-2 binding protein glycosylation isomer (M2BPGi) to evaluate liver fibrosis and cancer in HBV-infected patients in West Africa.
Journal of global health, 12.
ISSN 2047-2978
Afolabi, Muhammed O;
Folayan, Morenike Oluwatoyin;
Munung, Nchangwi Syntia;
Yakubu, Aminu;
Ndow, Gibril;
Jegede, Ayodele;
Ambe, Jennyfer;
Kombe, Francis;
Lessons from the Ebola epidemics and their applications for COVID-19 pandemic response in sub-Saharan Africa.
pp. 25-30.
ISSN 1471-8731
Cohen, Damien;
Ghosh, Sumantra;
Shimakawa, Yusuke;
Ramou, Njie;
Garcia, Pierre Simon;
Dubois, Anaëlle;
Guillot, Clément;
Kakwata-Nkor Deluce, Nora;
Tilloy, Valentin;
Durand, Geoffroy;
+12 more...
Voegele, Catherine;
Ndow, Gibril;
d'Alessandro, Umberto;
Brochier-Armanet, Céline;
Alain, Sophie;
Le Calvez-Kelm, Florence;
Hall, Janet;
Zoulim, Fabien;
Mendy, Maimuna;
Thursz, Mark;
Lemoine, Maud;
Chemin, Isabelle;
Hepatitis B virus preS2Δ38-55 variants: A newly identified risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma.
JHEP Rep, 2 (5).
ISSN 2589-5559
Cohen, Damien;
Shimakawa, Yusuke;
Ndow, Gibril;
Sow, Amina;
Tamba, Saydiba;
Njie, Ramou;
Lo, Gora;
Ghosh, Sumantra;
Toure-Kane, Coumba;
Ka, Mourtalla;
+11 more...
Mboup, Souleymane;
Okeke, Edith;
Toure, Souleymane;
Diop, Madoky;
D'Alessandro, Umberto;
Taylor-Robinson, Simon;
Mendy, Maimuna;
Zoulim, Fabien;
Thursz, Mark R;
Lemoine, Maud;
Chemin, Isabelle;
[Prevention of liver fibrosis and liver cancer linked to hepatitis B virus in Africa: the Prolifica study].
Medecine sciences : M/S, 35 (5).
pp. 431-439.
ISSN 0767-0974
Shimakawa, Yusuke;
Ndow, Gibril;
Njie, Ramou;
Njai, Harr Freeya;
Takahashi, Kazuaki;
Akbar, Sheikh Mohammad Fazle;
Cohen, Damien;
Nayagam, Shevanthi;
Jeng, Adam;
Ceesay, Amie;
+11 more...
Sanneh, Bakary;
Baldeh, Ignatius;
Imaizumi, Masayasu;
Moriyama, Kazushige;
Aoyagi, Katsumi;
D'Alessandro, Umberto;
Mishiro, Shunji;
Chemin, Isabelle;
Mendy, Maimuna;
Thursz, Mark R;
Lemoine, Maud;
Hepatitis B Core-related Antigen: An Alternative to Hepatitis B Virus DNA to Assess Treatment Eligibility in Africa.
Clinical infectious diseases, 70 (7).
pp. 1442-1452.
ISSN 1058-4838
Shimakawa, Yusuke;
Njie, Ramou;
Ndow, Gibril;
Vray, Muriel;
Mbaye, Papa Saliou;
Bonnard, Philippe;
Sombié, Roger;
Nana, Jean;
Leroy, Vincent;
Bottero, Julie;
+14 more...
Ingiliz, Patrick;
Post, Gerrit;
Sanneh, Bakary;
Baldeh, Ignatius;
Suso, Penda;
Ceesay, Amie;
Jeng, Adam;
Njai, Harr Freeya;
Nayagam, Shevanthi;
D'Alessandro, Umberto;
Chemin, Isabelle;
Mendy, Maimuna;
Thursz, Mark;
Lemoine, Maud;
Development of a simple score based on HBeAg and ALT for selecting patients for HBV treatment in Africa.
Journal of hepatology, 69 (4).
pp. 776-784.
ISSN 0168-8278
Lemoine, Maud;
Shimakawa, Yusuke;
Nayagam, Shevanthi;
Khalil, Mustapha;
Suso, Penda;
Lloyd, Jo;
Goldin, Robert;
Njai, Harr-Freeya;
Ndow, Gibril;
Taal, Makie;
+7 more...
Cooke, Graham;
D'Alessandro, Umberto;
Vray, Muriel;
Mbaye, Papa Saliou;
Njie, Ramou;
Mallet, Vincent;
Thursz, Mark;
The gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase to platelet ratio (GPR) predicts significant liver fibrosis and cirrhosis in patients with chronic HBV infection in West Africa.
Gut, 65 (8).
pp. 1369-1376.
ISSN 0017-5749
Lemoine, Maud;
Shimakawa, Yusuke;
Njie, Ramou;
Taal, Makie;
Ndow, Gibril;
Chemin, Isabelle;
Ghosh, Sumantra;
Njai, Harr F;
Jeng, Adam;
Sow, Amina;
+19 more...
Toure-Kane, Coumba;
Mboup, Souleymane;
Suso, Penda;
Tamba, Saydiba;
Jatta, Abdullah;
Sarr, Louise;
Kambi, Aboubacar;
Stanger, William;
Nayagam, Shevanthi;
Howell, Jessica;
Mpabanzi, Liliane;
Nyan, Ousman;
Corrah, Tumani;
Whittle, Hilton;
Taylor-Robinson, Simon D;
D'Alessandro, Umberto;
Mendy, Maimuna;
Thursz, Mark R;
PROLIFICA investigators;
Acceptability and feasibility of a screen-and-treat programme for hepatitis B virus infection in The Gambia: the Prevention of Liver Fibrosis and Cancer in Africa (PROLIFICA) study.
The Lancet Global health, 4 (8).
ISSN 2214-109X
Shimakawa, Yusuke;
Lemoine, Maud;
Bottomley, Christian;
Njai, Harr Freeya;
Ndow, Gibril;
Jatta, Abdoulie;
Tamba, Saydiba;
Bojang, Lamin;
Taal, Makie;
Nyan, Ousman;
+4 more...
D'Alessandro, Umberto;
Njie, Ramou;
Thursz, Mark;
Hall, Andrew J;
Birth order and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic carriers of hepatitis B virus: a case-control study in The Gambia.
Liver international, 35 (10).
pp. 2318-2326.
ISSN 1478-3223
Full text not available from this repository.
Shimakawa, Yusuke;
Lemoine, Maud;
Njai, Harr Freeya;
Bottomley, Christian;
Ndow, Gibril;
Goldin, Robert D;
Jatta, Abdoulie;
Jeng-Barry, Adam;
Wegmuller, Rita;
Moore, Sophie E;
+7 more...
Baldeh, Ignatius;
Taal, Makie;
D'Alessandro, Umberto;
Whittle, Hilton;
Njie, Ramou;
Thursz, Mark;
Mendy, Maimuna;
Natural history of chronic HBV infection in West Africa: a longitudinal population-based study from The Gambia.
Gut, 65 (12).
pp. 2007-2016.
ISSN 0017-5749
Shimakawa, Yusuke;
Takao, Yuki;
Anderson, Suzanne T;
Taal, Makie;
Yamaguchi, Takashi;
Giana, Lamin;
Ndow, Gibril;
Sarr, Louise;
Kambi, Abubacarr;
Njai, Harr Freeya;
+8 more...
Bottomley, Christian;
Nyan, Ousman;
Sabally, Saihou;
D'Alessandro, Umberto;
Taylor-Robinson, Simon D;
Thursz, Mark;
Lemoine, Maud;
Njie, Ramou;
The prevalence and burden of symptoms in patients with chronic liver diseases in The Gambia, West Africa.
Palliative medicine, 29 (2).
pp. 184-185.
ISSN 0269-2163
Full text not available from this repository.