Items where Author or Contributor is "Dodd, Matthew"

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Number of items: 28.


Sweeney, Sedona; Laurence, Yoko V; Berry, Catherine; Singh, Maninder Pal; Dodd, Matthew; Fielding, Katherine; Kazounis, Emil; Moodliar, Ronelle; Solodovnikova, Varvara; Tigay, Zinaida; +13 more... Liverko, Irina; Parpieva, Nargiza; Butabekov, Ilhomjon; Usmanova, Ruzilya; Rassool, Mohammed; Motta, Ilaria; Nyangweso, George Mokua; Jolivet, Pascal; Abdrasuliev, Tleubergen; Moe, Soe; Aw, Pei Sun; Samieva, Nazgul; Nyang'wa, Bern-Thomas; (2025) 24-week, all-oral regimens for pulmonary rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in TB-PRACTECAL trial sites: an economic evaluation. The Lancet Global Health, 13 (2). e355-e363. ISSN 2214-109X DOI:



Hasan, Tasnim; Medcalf, Ellie; Nyang'wa, Bern-Thomas; Egizi, Erica; Berry, Catherine; Dodd, Matthew; Foraida, Salah; Gegia, Medea; Li, Mengchun; Mirzayev, Fuad; +6 more... Morgan, Hannah; Motta, Ilaria; Nguyen, Linh; Schumacher, Samuel; Schlub, Tim; Fox, Greg; (2023) The Safety and Tolerability of Linezolid in Novel Short-Course Regimens Containing Bedaquiline, Pretomanid, and Linezolid to Treat Rifampicin-Resistant Tuberculosis: An Individual Patient Data Meta-analysis. Clinical infectious diseases, 78 (3). pp. 730-741. ISSN 1058-4838 DOI:

Kharbanda, Rajesh K; Perkins, Alexander David; Kennedy, James; Banning, Adrian P; Baumbach, Andreas; Blackman, Daniel J; Dodd, Matthew; Evans, Richard; Hildick-Smith, David; Jamal, Zahra; +4 more... Ludman, Peter; Palmer, Stephen; Stables, Rodney; Clayton, Tim; (2023) Routine cerebral embolic protection in transcatheter aortic valve implantation: rationale and design of the randomised British Heart Foundation PROTECT-TAVI trial. EuroIntervention, 18 (17). pp. 1428-1435. ISSN 1774-024X DOI:

Perera, Divaka; Morgan, Holly P; Ryan, Matthew; Dodd, Matthew; Clayton, Tim; O'Kane, Peter D; Greenwood, John P; Walsh, Simon J; Weerackody, Roshan; McDiarmid, Adam; +15 more... Amin-Youssef, George; Strange, Julian; Modi, Bhavik; Lockie, Timothy; Hogrefe, Kai; Ahmed, Fozia Z; Behan, Miles; Jenkins, Nicholas; Abdelaal, Eltigani; Anderson, Michelle; Watkins, Stuart; Evans, Richard; Rinaldi, Christopher A; Petrie, Mark C; REVIVED-BCIS2 Investigators; (2023) Arrhythmia and Death Following Percutaneous Revascularization in Ischemic Left Ventricular Dysfunction: Prespecified Analyses From the REVIVED-BCIS2 Trial. Circulation, 148 (11). pp. 862-871. ISSN 0009-7322 DOI:

Perera, Divaka; Ryan, Matthew; Morgan, Holly P; Greenwood, John P; Petrie, Mark C; Dodd, Matthew; Weerackody, Roshan; O'Kane, Peter D; Masci, Pier Giorgio; Nazir, Muhummad Sohaib; +15 more... Papachristidis, Alexandros; Chahal, Navtej; Khattar, Rajdeep; Ezad, Saad M; Kapetanakis, Stam; Dixon, Lana J; De Silva, Kalpa; McDiarmid, Adam K; Marber, Michael S; McDonagh, Theresa; McCann, Gerry P; Clayton, Tim C; Senior, Roxy; Chiribiri, Amedeo; REVIVED-BCIS2 Investigators; (2023) Viability and Outcomes With Revascularization or Medical Therapy in Ischemic Ventricular Dysfunction: A Prespecified Secondary Analysis of the REVIVED-BCIS2 Trial. JAMA cardiology, 8 (12). pp. 1154-1161. ISSN 2380-6583 DOI:


Howell, Carol Angela; Kemppinen, Anu; Allgar, Victoria; Dodd, Matthew; Knowles, Charles H; McLaughlin, John; Pandya, Preeti; Whorwell, Peter; Markaryan, Elena; Yiannakou, Yan; (2022) Double-blinded randomised placebo controlled trial of enterosgel (polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate) for the treatment of IBS with diarrhoea (IBS-D). Gut, 71 (12). pp. 2430-2438. ISSN 0017-5749 DOI:

Nyang'wa, Bern-Thomas; Berry, Catherine; Kazounis, Emil; Motta, Ilaria; Parpieva, Nargiza; Tigay, Zinaida; Solodovnikova, Varvara; Liverko, Irina; Moodliar, Ronelle; Dodd, Matthew; +9 more... Ngubane, Nosipho; Rassool, Mohammed; McHugh, Timothy D; Spigelman, Melvin; Moore, David AJ; Ritmeijer, Koert; du Cros, Philipp; Fielding, Katherine; TB-PRACTECAL Study Collaborators; (2022) A 24-Week, All-Oral Regimen for Rifampin-Resistant Tuberculosis. New England Journal of Medicine, 387 (25). pp. 2331-2343. ISSN 0028-4793 DOI:

Perera, Divaka; Clayton, Tim; O'Kane, Peter D; Greenwood, John P; Weerackody, Roshan; Ryan, Matthew; Morgan, Holly P; Dodd, Matthew; Evans, Richard; Canter, Ruth; +15 more... Arnold, Sophie; Dixon, Lana J; Edwards, Richard J; De Silva, Kalpa; Spratt, James C; Conway, Dwayne; Cotton, James; McEntegart, Margaret; Chiribiri, Amedeo; Saramago, Pedro; Gershlick, Anthony; Shah, Ajay M; Clark, Andrew L; Petrie, Mark C; REVIVED-BCIS2 Investigators; (2022) Percutaneous Revascularization for Ischemic Left Ventricular Dysfunction. New England Journal of Medicine, 387 (15). pp. 1351-1360. ISSN 0028-4793 DOI:

Pitcher, Alex; Spata, Enti; Emberson, Jonathan; Davies, Kelly; Halls, Heather; Holland, Lisa; Wilson, Kate; Reith, Christina; Child, Anne H; Clayton, Tim; +22 more... Dodd, Matthew; Flather, Marcus; Jin, Xu Yu; Sandor, George; Groenink, Maarten; Mulder, Barbara; De Backer, Julie; Evangelista, Arturo; Forteza, Alberto; Teixido-Turà, Gisela; Boileau, Catherine; Jondeau, Guillaume; Milleron, Olivier; Lacro, Ronald V; Sleeper, Lynn A; Chiu, Hsin-Hui; Wu, Mei-Hwan; Neubauer, Stefan; Watkins, Hugh; Dietz, Hal; Baigent, Colin; Marfan Treatment Trialists’ Collaboration; (2022) Angiotensin receptor blockers and β blockers in Marfan syndrome: an individual patient data meta-analysis of randomised trials. The Lancet, 400 (10355). pp. 822-831. ISSN 0140-6736 DOI:

Sanders, Julie; Bueser, Teofila; Beaumont, Emma; Dodd, Matthew; Murray, Sarah E; Owens, Gareth; Berry, Alan; Hyde, Edward; Clayton, Tim; Oo, Aung Ye; (2022) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on recovery from cardiac surgery: 1-year outcomes. European journal of cardiovascular nursing, 22 (5). pp. 516-528. ISSN 1474-5151 DOI:

Sweeney, Sedona; Berry, Catherine; Kazounis, Emil; Motta, Ilaria; Vassall, Anna; Dodd, Matthew; Fielding, Katherine; Nyang'wa, Bern-Thomas; (2022) Cost-effectiveness of short, oral treatment regimens for rifampicin resistant tuberculosis. PLOS Global Public Health, 2 (12). e0001337-. ISSN 2767-3375 DOI:


Bueser, T; Clayton, T; Dodd, M; Beaumont, E; Owens, G; Murray, S; Sepehripour, A; Oo, A; Sanders, J; (2021) The impact of COVID-19 on recovery after heart surgery: preliminary findings from the CardiacCovid Study. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 20 (Supple). p. 55. ISSN 1474-5151 DOI:

Francis, Rohin; Chong, Jun; Ramlall, Manish; Bucciarelli-Ducci, Chiara; Clayton, Tim; Dodd, Matthew; Engstrøm, Thomas; Evans, Richard; Ferreira, Vanessa M; Fontana, Marianna; +14 more... Greenwood, John P; Kharbanda, Rajesh K; Kim, Won Yong; Kotecha, Tushar; Lønborg, Jacob T; Mathur, Anthony; Møller, Ulla Kristine; Moon, James; Perkins, Alexander; Rakhit, Roby D; Yellon, Derek M; Bøtker, Hans Erik; Bulluck, Heerajnarain; Hausenloy, Derek J; (2021) Effect of remote ischaemic conditioning on infarct size and remodelling in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients: the CONDI-2/ERIC-PPCI CMR substudy. Basic Research in Cardiology, 116 (1). 59-. ISSN 0300-8428 DOI:

Hjortbak, Marie V; Olesen, Kevin KW; Seefeldt, Jacob M; Lassen, Thomas R; Jensen, Rebekka V; Perkins, Alexander; Dodd, Matthew; Clayton, Tim; Yellon, Derek; Hausenloy, Derek J; +2 more... Bøtker, Hans Erik; CONDI-2/ERIC-PPCI investigators; (2021) Translation of experimental cardioprotective capability of P2Y12 inhibitors into clinical outcome in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Basic research in cardiology, 116 (1). 36-. ISSN 0300-8428 DOI:

Patterson, Tiffany; Clayton, Tim; Dodd, Matthew; Khawaja, Zeeshan; Morice, Marie Claude; Wilson, Karen; Kim, Won-Keun; Meneveau, Nicolas; Hambrecht, Rainer; Byrne, Jonathan; +18 more... Carrié, Didier; Fraser, Doug; Roberts, David H; Doshi, Sagar N; Zaman, Azfar; Banning, Adrian P; Eltchaninoff, Hélène; Le Breton, Hervé; Smith, David; Cox, Ian; Frank, Derk; Gershlick, Anthony; de Belder, Mark; Thomas, Martyn; Hildick-Smith, David; Prendergast, Bernard; Redwood, Simon; ACTIVATION Trial Investigators; (2021) ACTIVATION (PercutAneous Coronary inTervention prIor to transcatheter aortic VAlve implantaTION): A Randomized Clinical Trial. JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions, 14 (18). pp. 1965-1974. ISSN 1936-8798 DOI:

Richards, Toby; Baikady, Ravishankar Rao; Clevenger, Ben; Butcher, Anna; Abeysiri, Sandy; Chau, Marisa; Swinson, Rebecca; Collier, Tim; Dodd, Matthew; Dyck, Laura Van; +5 more... Macdougall, Iain; Murphy, Gavin; Browne, John; Bradbury, Andrew; Klein, Andrew; (2021) Preoperative intravenous iron for anaemia in elective major open abdominal surgery: the PREVENTT RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 25 (11). pp. 1-58. ISSN 1366-5278 DOI:


Kemppinen, Anu; Howell, Carol; Allgar, Victoria; Dodd, Matthew; Gregson, John; Knowles, Charles; McLaughlin, John; Pandya, Preeti; Whorwell, Peter; Markaryan, Elena; +1 more... Yiannakou, Yan; (2020) Randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled multi-centre study to assess the efficacy, tolerability and safety of Enterosgel® in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea (IBS-D) in adults. TRIALS, 21 (1). 122-. ISSN 1745-6215 DOI:

Meiksin, Rebecca; Crichton, Jo; Dodd, Matthew; Morgan, Gemma S; Williams, Pippa; Willmott, Micky; Allen, Elizabeth; Tilouche, Nerissa; Sturgess, Joanna; Morris, Steve; +11 more... Barter, Christine; Young, Honor; Melendez-Torres, GJ; Taylor, Bruce; Reyes, H Luz McNaughton; Elbourne, Diana; Sweeting, Helen; Hunt, Kate; Ponsford, Ruth; Campbell, Rona; Bonell, Chris; (2020) A school intervention for 13- to 15-year-olds to prevent dating and relationship violence: the Project Respect pilot cluster RCT. Public Health Research, 8 (5). pp. 1-338. ISSN 2050-4381 DOI:

Richards, Toby; Baikady, Ravishankar Rao; Clevenger, Ben; Butcher, Anna; Abeysiri, Sandy; Chau, Marisa; Macdougall, Iain C; Murphy, Gavin; Swinson, Rebecca; Collier, Tim; +8 more... Van Dyck, Laura; Browne, John; Bradbury, Andrew; Dodd, Matthew; Evans, Richard; Brealey, David; Anker, Stefan D; Klein, Andrew; (2020) Preoperative intravenous iron to treat anaemia before major abdominal surgery (PREVENTT): a randomised, double-blind, controlled trial. LANCET, 396 (10259). pp. 1353-1361. ISSN 0140-6736 DOI:


Hausenloy, Derek J; Kharbanda, Rajesh K; Møller, Ulla Kristine; Ramlall, Manish; Aarøe, Jens; Butler, Robert; Bulluck, Heerajnarain; Clayton, Tim; Dana, Ali; Dodd, Matthew; +33 more... Engstrom, Thomas; Evans, Richard; Lassen, Jens Flensted; Christensen, Erika Frischknecht; Garcia-Ruiz, José Manuel; Gorog, Diana A; Hjort, Jakob; Houghton, Richard F; Ibanez, Borja; Knight, Rosemary; Lippert, Freddy K; Lønborg, Jacob T; Maeng, Michael; Milasinovic, Dejan; More, Ranjit; Nicholas, Jennifer M; Jensen, Lisette Okkels; Perkins, Alexander; Radovanovic, Nebojsa; Rakhit, Roby D; Ravkilde, Jan; Ryding, Alisdair D; Schmidt, Michael R; Riddervold, Ingunn Skogstad; Sørensen, Henrik Toft; Stankovic, Goran; Varma, Madhusudhan; Webb, Ian; Terkelsen, Christian Juhl; Greenwood, John P; Yellon, Derek M; Bøtker, Hans Erik; CONDI-2/ERIC-PPCI Investigators; (2019) Effect of remote ischaemic conditioning on clinical outcomes in patients with acute myocardial infarction (CONDI-2/ERIC-PPCI): a single-blind randomised controlled trial. Lancet, 394 (10207). pp. 1415-1424. ISSN 0140-6736 DOI:

Mullen, Michael; Jin, Xu Yu; Child, Anne; Stuart, A Graham; Dodd, Matthew; Aragon-Martin, José Antonio; Gaze, David; Kiotsekoglou, Anatoli; Yuan, Li; Hu, Jiangting; +10 more... Foley, Claire; Van Dyck, Laura; Knight, Rosemary; Clayton, Tim; Swan, Lorna; Thomson, John DR; Erdem, Guliz; Crossman, David; Flather, Marcus; AIMS Investigators; (2019) Irbesartan in Marfan syndrome (AIMS): a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised trial. The Lancet, 394 (10216). pp. 2263-2270. ISSN 0140-6736 DOI:

This list was generated on Wed Mar 5 03:06:35 2025 GMT.