Items where Author or Contributor is "Mulholland, E Kim"

Number of items: 220.
Manna, Sam;
Werren, Joel P;
Ortika, Belinda D;
Bellich, Barbara;
Pell, Casey L;
Nikolaou, Elissavet;
Gjuroski, Ilche;
Lo, Stephanie;
Hinds, Jason;
Tundev, Odgerel;
+12 more...
Dunne, Eileen M;
Gessner, Bradford D;
Bentley, Stephen D;
Russell, Fiona M;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Mungun, Tuya;
von Mollendorf, Claire;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Cescutti, Paola;
Ravenscroft, Neil;
Hilty, Markus;
Satzke, Catherine;
Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 33G: genetic, serological, and structural analysis of a new capsule type.
Microbiology spectrum, 12 (1).
ISSN 2165-0497
Leach, AJ;
Wilson, N;
Arrowsmith, B;
Beissbarth, J;
Mulholland, EK;
Santosham, M;
Torzillo, PJ;
McIntyre, P;
Smith-Vaughan, H;
Skull, SA;
+11 more...
Oguoma, VM;
Chatfield, M;
Lehmann, D;
Binks, MJ;
Licciardi, PV;
Andrews, R;
Snelling, T;
Krause, V;
Carapetis, J;
Chang, AB;
Morris, PS;
Otitis media at 6-monthly assessments of Australian First Nations children between ages 12-36 months: Findings from two randomised controlled trials of combined pneumococcal conjugate vaccines.
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology, 175.
ISSN 0165-5876
Temple, EB;
Pneumococcal vaccination for developing countries: PCV10 or PCV13?
PhD thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
Do, Lien Anh Ha;
Toh, Zheng Quan;
Licciardi, Paul Vincent;
Mulholland, Edward Kim;
Can early measles vaccination control both measles and respiratory syncytial virus infections?
Lancet global health, 10 (2).
ISSN 2214-109X
Getahun Strobel, Aneley;
Airs, Stephanie;
Nguyen, Cattram;
Vadei, Taina Rokobuli;
Matanitobua, Silivia;
Kama, Mike;
Watson, Conall H;
Crump, John A;
Mulholland, Edward Kim;
Strugnell, Richard A;
+1 more...
Parry, Christopher M;
Assessment of Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Typhoid Diagnosis and Assessment of Febrile Illness Outbreaks in Fiji.
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 106 (2).
pp. 543-549.
ISSN 0002-9637
Manna, Sam;
McAuley, Julie;
Jacobson, Jonathan;
Nguyen, Cattram D;
Ullah, Md Ashik;
Sebina, Ismail;
Williamson, Victoria;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Wijburg, Odilia;
Phipps, Simon;
+1 more...
Satzke, Catherine;
Synergism and Antagonism of Bacterial-Viral Coinfection in the Upper Respiratory Tract.
MSPHERE, 7 (1).
ISSN 2379-5042
Pham, Quang Duy;
Prem, Kiesha;
Le, Tuan Anh;
Van Trang, Nguyen;
Jit, Mark;
Nguyen, Tuan Anh;
Cao, Van;
Le-Ha, Tam-Duong;
Chu, Mai Thi Ngoc;
Le, Ly Thi Khanh;
+8 more...
Toh, Zheng Quan;
Brisson, Marc;
Garland, Suzanne;
Murray, Gerald;
Bright, Kathryn;
Dang, Duc Anh;
Tran, Hau Phuc;
Mulholland, Edward Kim;
Prevalence and risk factors for human papillomavirus infection among female sex workers in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam: a cross-sectional study.
Western Pacific surveillance and response journal, 13 (4).
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 2094-7321
Reyburn, R;
Tuivaga, EJ;
Ratu, FT;
Dunne, EM;
Nand, D;
Kado, J;
Jenkins, K;
Tikoduadua, L;
Jenney, A;
Howden, BP;
+9 more...
Ballard, SA;
Fox, K;
Devi, R;
Satzke, C;
Rafai, E;
Kama, M;
Flasche, S;
Mulholland, EK;
Russell, FM;
The impact of 10-valent pneumococcal vaccine introduction on invasive disease in Fiji.
The Lancet regional health. Western Pacific, 20.
ISSN 2666-6065
von Mollendorf, Claire;
Berger, Daria;
Gwee, Amanda;
Duke, Trevor;
Graham, Stephen M;
Russell, Fiona M;
Mulholland, E Kim;
ARI review group;
Aetiology of childhood pneumonia in low- and middle-income countries in the era of vaccination: a systematic review.
Journal of global health, 12.
ISSN 2047-2978
Beissbarth, J;
Wilson, N;
Arrowsmith, B;
Binks, MJ;
Oguoma, VM;
Lawrence, K;
Llewellyn, A;
Mulholland, EK;
Santosham, M;
Morris, PS;
+3 more...
Smith-Vaughan, HC;
Cheng, AC;
Leach, AJ;
Nasopharyngeal carriage of otitis media pathogens in infants receiving 10-valent non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae protein D conjugate vaccine (PHiD-CV10), 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) or a mixed primary schedule of both vaccines: A randomised controlled trial.
Vaccine, 39 (16).
pp. 2264-2273.
ISSN 0264-410X
Chan, Jocelyn;
Gidding, Heather F;
Blyth, Christopher C;
Fathima, Parveen;
Jayasinghe, Sanjay;
McIntyre, Peter B;
Moore, Hannah C;
Mulholland, Kim;
Nguyen, Cattram D;
Andrews, Ross;
+1 more...
Russell, Fiona M;
Levels of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine coverage and indirect protection against invasive pneumococcal disease and pneumonia hospitalisations in Australia: An observational study.
PLoS medicine, 18 (8).
ISSN 1549-1277
Chan, Jocelyn;
Mungun, Tuya;
Batsaixan, Purevsuren;
Ulziibayar, Mukhchuluun;
Suuri, Bujinlkham;
Otgonbayar, Dashpagam;
Luvsantseren, Dashtseren;
Nguyen, Cattram D;
Narangarel, Dorj;
Dunne, Eileen M;
+9 more...
Fox, Kimberley;
Hinds, Jason;
Nation, Monica L;
Pell, Casey L;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Satzke, Catherine;
von Mollendorf, Claire;
Russell, Fiona M;
PneuCAPTIVE Mongolia Research Group;
Direct and indirect effects of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on pneumococcal carriage in children hospitalised with pneumonia from formal and informal settlements in Mongolia: an observational study.
ISSN 2666-6065
Leach, Amanda Jane;
Mulholland, Edward Kim;
Santosham, Mathuram;
Torzillo, Paul John;
McIntyre, Peter;
Smith-Vaughan, Heidi;
Wilson, Nicole;
Arrowsmith, Beth;
Beissbarth, Jemima;
Chatfield, Mark D;
+8 more...
Oguoma, Victor M;
Licciardi, Paul;
Skull, Sue;
Andrews, Ross;
Carapetis, Jonathan;
McDonnell, Joseph;
Krause, Vicki;
Morris, Peter Stanley;
Interchangeability, immunogenicity and safety of a combined 10-valent pneumococcal Haemophilus influenzae protein D conjugate vaccine (Synflorix) and 13-valent-PCV (Prevenar13) schedule at 1-2-4-6 months: PREVIX_COMBO, a 3-arm randomised controlled trial.
Vaccine: X, 7.
ISSN 2590-1362
Leach, Amanda Jane;
Mulholland, Edward Kim;
Santosham, Mathuram;
Torzillo, Paul John;
McIntyre, Peter;
Smith-Vaughan, Heidi;
Wilson, Nicole;
Arrowsmith, Beth;
Beissbarth, Jemima;
Chatfield, Mark D;
+2 more...
Oguoma, Victor M;
Morris, Peter Stanley;
Otitis media outcomes of a combined 10-valent pneumococcal Haemophilus influenzae protein D conjugate vaccine and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine schedule at 1-2-4-6 months: PREVIX_COMBO, a 3-arm randomised controlled trial.
BMC pediatrics, 21 (1).
ISSN 1471-2431
Toh, Zheng Quan;
Russell, Fiona M;
Garland, Suzanne M;
Mulholland, Edward K;
Patton, George;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Human Papillomavirus Vaccination After COVID-19.
JNCI cancer spectrum, 5 (2).
ISSN 2515-5091
von Mollendorf, Claire;
Ulziibayar, Mukhchuluun;
Gessner, Bradford D;
Do, Lien Anh Ha;
Nguyen, Cattram D;
Beavon, Rohini;
Suuri, Bujinlkham;
Luvsantseren, Dashtseren;
Narangerel, Dorj;
Jenney, Adam;
+5 more...
Dunne, Eileen M;
Satzke, Catherine;
Darmaa, Badarchiin;
Mungun, Tuya;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Evaluation of the impact of childhood 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine introduction on adult pneumonia in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia: study protocol for an observational study.
BMC public health, 21 (1).
ISSN 1471-2458
Boelsen, Laura K;
Dunne, Eileen M;
Gould, Katherine A;
Ratu, F Tupou;
Vidal, Jorge E;
Russell, Fiona M;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Hinds, Jason;
Satzke, Catherine;
The Challenges of Using Oropharyngeal Samples To Measure Pneumococcal Carriage in Adults.
MSPHERE, 5 (4).
ISSN 2379-5042
Do, Lien Anh Ha;
Anderson, Jeremy;
Mulholland, Edward Kim;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Can data from paediatric cohorts solve the COVID-19 puzzle?
ISSN 1553-7366
Driscoll, Amanda J;
Arshad, S Hasan;
Bont, Louis;
Brunwasser, Steven M;
Cherian, Thomas;
Englund, Janet A;
Fell, Deshayne B;
Hammitt, Laura L;
Hartert, Tina V;
Innis, Bruce L;
+13 more...
Karron, Ruth A;
Langley, Gayle E;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Munywoki, Patrick K;
Nair, Harish;
Ortiz, Justin R;
Savitz, David A;
Scheltema, Nienke M;
Simões, Eric AF;
Smith, Peter G;
Were, Fred;
Zar, Heather J;
Feikin, Daniel R;
Does respiratory syncytial virus lower respiratory illness in early life cause recurrent wheeze of early childhood and asthma? Critical review of the evidence and guidance for future studies from a World Health Organization-sponsored meeting.
Vaccine, 38 (11).
pp. 2435-2448.
ISSN 0264-410X
Dunne, Eileen M;
Hua, Yinglei;
Salaudeen, Rasheed;
Hossain, Ilias;
Ndiaye, Malick;
Ortika, Belinda D;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Hinds, Jason;
Manna, Sam;
Mackenzie, Grant A;
+1 more...
Satzke, Catherine;
Insights Into Pneumococcal Pneumonia Using Lung Aspirates and Nasopharyngeal Swabs Collected From Pneumonia Patients in The Gambia.
The Journal of infectious diseases, 225 (8).
pp. 1447-1451.
ISSN 0022-1899
Jenney, Adam WJ;
Reyburn, Rita;
Ratu, Felisita T;
Tuivaga, Evelyn;
Nguyen, Cattram;
Covea, Sokoveti;
Thomas, Sarah;
Rafai, Eric;
Devi, Rachel;
Bright, Kathryn;
+12 more...
Jenkins, Kylie;
Temple, Beth;
Tikoduadua, Lisi;
Kado, Joe;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Kirkwood, Carl D;
Fox, Kimberley K;
Bines, Julie E;
Grabovac, Varja;
Khan, Aalisha Sahu;
Kama, Mike;
Russell, Fiona M;
The impact of the rotavirus vaccine on diarrhoea, five years following national introduction in Fiji.
The Lancet regional health. Western Pacific, 6.
ISSN 2666-6065
Knight, James R;
Dunne, Eileen M;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Saha, Sudipta;
Satzke, Catherine;
Tothpal, Adrienn;
Weinberger, Daniel M;
Determining the serotype composition of mixed samples of pneumococcus using whole-genome sequencing.
Microbial genomics, 7 (1).
pp. 1-10.
ISSN 2057-5858
Kwambana-Adams, Brenda Anna;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Satzke, Catherine;
ISPPD group;
State-of-the-art in the pneumococcal field: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Pneumococci and Pneumococcal Diseases (ISPPD-11).
PNEUMONIA, 12 (1).
ISSN 2200-6133
Mulholland, Kim;
Management of childhood pneumonia in Nigeria.
Pediatric pulmonology, 55 Sup (Suppl ).
ISSN 8755-6863
Neal, Eleanor FG;
Nguyen, Cattram D;
Ratu, Felista T;
Dunne, Eileen M;
Kama, Mike;
Ortika, Belinda D;
Boelsen, Laura K;
Kado, Joseph;
Tikoduadua, Lisi;
Devi, Rachel;
+6 more...
Tuivaga, Evelyn;
Reyburn, Rita C;
Satzke, Catherine;
Rafai, Eric;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Russell, Fiona M;
Factors associated with pneumococcal carriage and density in children and adults in Fiji, using four cross-sectional surveys.
PloS one, 15 (4).
ISSN 1932-6203
Rajapaksa, Anushi E;
Do, Lien Anh Ha;
Suryawijaya Ong, Darren;
Sourial, Magdy;
Veysey, Duncan;
Beare, Richard;
Hughes, William;
Yang, William;
Bischof, Robert J;
McDonnell, Amarin;
+4 more...
Eu, Peter;
Yeo, Leslie Y;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Mulholland, Edward K;
Pulmonary Deposition of Radionucleotide-Labeled Palivizumab: Proof-of-Concept Study.
Frontiers in Pharmacology, 11.
Reyburn, Rita;
Tuivaga, Evelyn;
Nguyen, Cattram D;
Ratu, Felisita T;
Nand, Devina;
Kado, Joe;
Tikoduadua, Lisi;
Jenkins, Kylie;
de Campo, Margaret;
Kama, Mike;
+5 more...
Devi, Rachel;
Rafai, Eric;
Weinberger, Daniel M;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Russell, Fiona M;
Effect of ten-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine introduction on pneumonia hospital admissions in Fiji: a time-series analysis.
The Lancet. Global health, 9 (1).
ISSN 2214-109X
Toh, Zheng Quan;
He, Laura;
Chen, Catherine;
Huang, Angela;
Russell, Fiona M;
Garland, Suzanne M;
Reyburn, Rita;
Ratu, Tupou;
Tuivaga, Evelyn;
Frazer, Ian H;
+2 more...
Mulholland, E Kim;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Measurement of Human Papillomavirus-Specific Antibodies Using a Pseudovirion-Based ELISA Method.
ISSN 1664-3224
Toh, Zheng Quan;
Temple, Beth;
Huu, Tran Ngoc;
Dai, Vo Thi Trang;
Toan, Nguyen Trong;
Uyen, Doan Y;
Bright, Kathryn;
Do, Lien Anh Ha;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Brief communication: immunogenicity of measles vaccine when co-administered with 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.
ISSN 2059-0105
Toh, Zheng Quan;
Temple, Beth;
Huu, Tran Ngoc;
Dai, Vo Thi Trang;
Toan, Nguyen Trong;
Uyen, Doan Y;
Bright, Kathryn;
Do, Lien Anh Ha;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Brief communication: immunogenicity of measles vaccine when co-administered with 10-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.
npj Vaccines, 5 (1).
ISSN 2059-0105
Wu, Ken;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Edwards, Kathryn M;
Choosing a Mass Immunization Program against Meningococcal B.
pp. 379-382.
ISSN 0028-4793
Boelsen, Laura K;
Dunne, Eileen M;
Mika, Moana;
Eggers, Stefanie;
Nguyen, Cattram D;
Ratu, F Tupou;
Russell, Fiona M;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Hilty, Markus;
Satzke, Catherine;
The association between pneumococcal vaccination, ethnicity, and the nasopharyngeal microbiota of children in Fiji.
ISSN 2049-2618
La Vincente, SF;
von Mollendorf, C;
Ulziibayar, M;
Satzke, C;
Dashtseren, L;
Fox, KK;
Dunne, EM;
Nguyen, CD;
de Campo, J;
de Campo, M;
+9 more...
Thomson, H;
Surenkhand, G;
Demberelsuren, S;
Bujinlkham, S;
Do, LAH;
Narangerel, D;
Cherian, T;
Mungun, T;
Mulholland, EK;
Evaluation of a phased pneumococcal conjugate vaccine introduction in Mongolia using enhanced pneumonia surveillance and community carriage surveys: a study protocol for a prospective observational study and lessons learned.
ISSN 1471-2458
Manning, Jayne;
Dunne, Eileen M;
Wang, Nancy;
Pedersen, John S;
Ogier, Jacqueline M;
Burt, Rachel A;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Robins-Browne, Roy M;
Malley, Richard;
Wijburg, Odilia L;
+1 more...
Satzke, Catherine;
Effect of a pneumococcal whole cell vaccine on influenza A-induced pneumococcal otitis media in infant mice.
Vaccine, 37 (26).
pp. 3495-3504.
ISSN 0264-410X
Murad, Chrysanti;
Dunne, Eileen M;
Sudigdoadi, Sunaryati;
Fadlyana, Eddy;
Tarigan, Rodman;
Pell, Casey L;
Watts, Emma;
Nguyen, Cattram D;
Satzke, Catherine;
Hinds, Jason;
+6 more...
Dewi, Mia Milanti;
Dhamayanti, Meita;
Sekarwana, Nanan;
Rusmil, Kusnandi;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Kartasasmita, Cissy;
Pneumococcal carriage, density, and co-colonization dynamics: A longitudinal study in Indonesian infants.
International journal of infectious diseases, 86.
pp. 73-81.
ISSN 1201-9712
Neal, Eleanor FG;
Flasche, Stefan;
Nguyen, Cattram D;
Ratu, F Tupou;
Dunne, Eileen M;
Koyamaibole, Lanieta;
Reyburn, Rita;
Rafai, Eric;
Kama, Mike;
Ortika, Belinda D;
+9 more...
Boelsen, Laura K;
Kado, Joseph;
Tikoduadua, Lisi;
Devi, Rachel;
Tuivaga, Evelyn;
Satzke, Catherine;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Edmunds, W John;
Russell, Fiona M;
Associations between ethnicity, social contact, and pneumococcal carriage three years post-PCV10 in Fiji.
Vaccine, 38 (2).
pp. 202-211.
ISSN 0264-410X
Neal, Eleanor Frances Georgina;
Nguyen, Cattram;
Ratu, Felista Tupou;
Matanitobua, Silivia;
Dunne, Eileen Margaret;
Reyburn, Rita;
Kama, Mike;
Devi, Rachel;
Jenkins, Kylie M;
Tikoduadua, Lisi;
+5 more...
Kado, Joseph;
Rafai, Eric;
Satzke, Catherine;
Mulholland, Edward Kim;
Russell, Fiona Mary;
A Comparison of Pneumococcal Nasopharyngeal Carriage in Very Young Fijian Infants Born by Vaginal or Cesarean Delivery.
JAMA network open, 2 (10).
ISSN 2574-3805
Temple, Beth;
Toan, Nguyen Trong;
Dai, Vo Thi Trang;
Bright, Kathryn;
Licciardi, Paul Vincent;
Marimla, Rachel Ann;
Nguyen, Cattram Duong;
Uyen, Doan Y;
Balloch, Anne;
Huu, Tran Ngoc;
+1 more...
Mulholland, Edward Kim;
Immunogenicity and reactogenicity of ten-valent versus 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines among infants in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: a randomised controlled trial.
pp. 497-509.
ISSN 1473-3099
Toh, Zheng Quan;
Kosasih, Jennie;
Russell, Fiona M;
Garland, Suzanne M;
Mulholland, Edward K;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Recombinant human papillomavirus nonavalent vaccine in the prevention of cancers caused by human papillomavirus.
pp. 1951-1967.
ISSN 1178-6973
Toh, Zheng Quan;
Kosasih, Jennie;
Russell, Fiona M;
Reyburn, Rita;
Fong, James;
Tuivaga, Evelyn;
Ratu, Felisita T;
Nguyen, Cattram D;
Matanitobua, Silivia;
Do, Lien Anh Ha;
+5 more...
Menheniott, Trevelyan;
Frazer, Ian H;
Garland, Suzanne M;
Mulholland, Edward Kim;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Selective Persistence of HPV Cross-Neutralising Antibodies following Reduced-Dose HPV Vaccine Schedules.
Vaccines, 7 (4).
p. 200.
ISSN 2076-393X
von Mollendorf, Claire;
Dunne, Eileen M;
La Vincente, Sophie;
Ulziibayar, Mukhchuluun;
Suuri, Bujinlkham;
Luvsantseren, Dashtseren;
Narangerel, Dorj;
Ortika, Belinda D;
Pell, Casey L;
Nation, Monica L;
+7 more...
Alamrousi, Ahmed;
Hinds, Jason;
Demberelsuren, Sodbayar;
Nguyen, Cattram;
Mungun, Tuya;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Satzke, Catherine;
Pneumococcal carriage in children in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia before and one year after the introduction of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.
VACCINE, 37 (30).
pp. 4068-4075.
ISSN 0264-410X
von Mollendorf, Claire;
La Vincente, Sophie;
Ulziibayar, Mukhchuluun;
Suuri, Bujinlkham;
Luvsantseren, Dashtseren;
Narangerel, Dorj;
de Campo, John;
de Campo, Margaret;
Nguyen, Cattram;
Demberelsuren, Sodbayar;
+2 more...
Mungun, Tuya;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Epidemiology of pneumonia in the pre-pneumococcal conjugate vaccine era in children 2-59 months of age, in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 2015-2016.
PloS one, 14 (9).
ISSN 1932-6203
Balloch, A;
Roalfe, L;
Ekstrom, N;
Nguyen, CD;
Spry, L;
Marimla, RA;
Licciardi, PV;
Goldblatt, D;
Mulholland, EK;
Interlaboratory Comparison of the Pneumococcal Multiplex Opsonophagocytic Assays and Their Level of Agreement for Determination of Antibody Function in Pediatric Sera.
mSphere, 3 (2).
ISSN 2379-5042
Dunne, Eileen M;
Murad, Chrysanti;
Sudigdoadi, Sunaryati;
Fadlyana, Eddy;
Tarigan, Rodman;
Indriyani, Sang Ayu Kompiyang;
Pell, Casey L;
Watts, Emma;
Satzke, Catherine;
Hinds, Jason;
+5 more...
Dewi, Nurhandini Eka;
Yani, Finny Fitry;
Rusmil, Kusnandi;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Kartasasmita, Cissy;
Carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, and Staphylococcus aureus in Indonesian children: A cross-sectional study.
PloS one, 13 (4).
ISSN 1932-6203
Dunne, Eileen M;
Satzke, Catherine;
Ratu, Felisita T;
Neal, Eleanor FG;
Boelsen, Laura K;
Matanitobua, Silivia;
Pell, Casey L;
Nation, Monica L;
Ortika, Belinda D;
Reyburn, Rita;
+10 more...
Jenkins, Kylie;
Nguyen, Cattram;
Gould, Katherine;
Hinds, Jason;
Tikoduadua, Lisi;
Kado, Joseph;
Rafai, Eric;
Kama, Mike;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Russell, Fiona M;
Effect of ten-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine introduction on pneumococcal carriage in Fiji: results from four annual cross-sectional carriage surveys.
ISSN 2214-109X
Le Polain De Waroux, Olivier;
Edmunds, W John;
Takahashi, Kensuke;
Ariyoshi, Koya;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Goldblatt, David;
Choi, Yoon Hong;
Anh, Dang Duc;
Yoshida, Lay Myint;
Flasche, Stefan;
Predicting the impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine programme options in Vietnam.
Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, 14 (8).
pp. 1939-1947.
ISSN 2164-5515
Manna, Sam;
Dunne, Eileen M;
Ortika, Belinda D;
Pell, Casey L;
Kama, Mike;
Russell, Fiona M;
Mungun, Tuya;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Hinds, Jason;
Satzke, Catherine;
Discovery of a Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 33F capsular polysaccharide locus that lacks wcjE and contains a wcyO pseudogene.
PLOS ONE, 13 (11).
ISSN 1932-6203
O'Grady, Kerry-Ann F;
Chang, Anne B;
Cripps, Allan;
Mulholland, Edward K;
Smith-Vaughan, Heidi;
Wood, Nicholas;
Danchin, Margaret;
Thornton, Ruth;
Wilson, Andrew;
Torzillo, Paul J;
+9 more...
Morris, Peter M;
Richmond, Peter;
Rablin, Sheree;
Arnold, Daniel;
Connor, Ann;
Goyal, Vikas;
Stoney, Tanya;
Perrett, Kirsten;
Grimwood, Keith;
The clinical, immunological and microbiological impact of the 10-valent pneumococcal-Protein D conjugate vaccine in children with recurrent protracted bacterial bronchitis, chronic suppurative lung disease and bronchiectasis: A multi-centre, double-blind, randomised controlled trial.
Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, 14 (11).
pp. 2768-2779.
ISSN 2164-5515
Prasad, Namrata;
Jenkins, Aaron P;
Naucukidi, Lanieta;
Rosa, Varanisese;
Sahu-Khan, Aalisha;
Kama, Mike;
Jenkins, Kylie M;
Jenney, Adam WJ;
Jack, Susan J;
Saha, Debasish;
+5 more...
Horwitz, Pierre;
Jupiter, Stacy D;
Strugnell, Richard A;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Crump, John A;
Epidemiology and risk factors for typhoid fever in Central Division, Fiji, 2014-2017: A case-control study.
PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 12 (6).
ISSN 1935-2727
Ratu, Felisita Tupou;
Reyburn, Rita;
Tuivaga, Evelyn;
Tuiketei, Asena;
Jenkins, Kylie;
Mulholland, Kim;
Jenney, Adam;
Russell, Fiona;
Epidemiology of intussusception before and after rotavirus vaccine introduction in Fiji.
Scientific reports, 8 (1).
ISSN 2045-2322
Satzke, Catherine;
Dunne, Eileen M;
Choummanivong, Molina;
Ortika, Belinda D;
Neal, Eleanor FG;
Pell, Casey L;
Nation, Monica L;
Fox, Kimberley K;
Nguyen, Cattram D;
Gould, Katherine A;
+6 more...
Hinds, Jason;
Chanthongthip, Anisone;
Xeuatvongsa, Anonh;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Sychareun, Vanphanom;
Russell, Fiona M;
Pneumococcal carriage in vaccine-eligible children and unvaccinated infants in Lao PDR two years following the introduction of the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.
Vaccine, 37 (2).
pp. 296-305.
ISSN 0264-410X
Temple, Beth;
Toan, Nguyen Trong;
Uyen, Doan Y;
Balloch, Anne;
Bright, Kathryn;
Cheung, Yin Bun;
Licciardi, Paul;
Nguyen, Cattram Duong;
Phuong, Nguyen Thi Minh;
Satzke, Catherine;
+4 more...
Smith-Vaughan, Heidi;
Vu, Thi Que Huong;
Huu, Tran Ngoc;
Mulholland, Edward Kim;
Evaluation of different infant vaccination schedules incorporating pneumococcal vaccination (The Vietnam Pneumococcal Project): protocol of a randomised controlled trial.
BMJ open, 8 (6).
ISSN 2044-6055
Toh, Zheng Quan;
Cheow, Kathleen Wen Bei;
Russell, Fiona M;
Hoe, Edwin;
Reyburn, Rita;
Fong, James;
Tuivaga, Evelyn;
Ratu, Felisita T;
Nguyen, Cattram D;
Matanitobua, Silivia;
+5 more...
Reitsma, Andrea;
Tabrizi, Sepehr N;
Garland, Suzanne M;
Mulholland, Edward K;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Cellular Immune Responses 6 Years Following 1, 2, or 3 Doses of Quadrivalent HPV Vaccine in Fijian Girls and Subsequent Responses to a Dose of Bivalent HPV Vaccine.
Open forum infectious diseases, 5 (7).
ISSN 2328-8957
Kearns, Therese M;
Currie, Bart J;
Cheng, Allen C;
McCarthy, James;
Carapetis, Jonathan R;
Holt, Deborah C;
Page, Wendy;
Shield, Jennifer;
Gundjirryirr, Roslyn;
Mulholland, Eddie;
+2 more...
Ward, Linda;
Andrews, Ross M;
Strongyloides seroprevalence before and after an ivermectin mass drug administration in a remote Australian Aboriginal community.
PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 11 (5).
ISSN 1935-2727
Licciardi, Paul V;
Hoe, Edwin;
Toh, Zheng Quan;
Balloch, Anne;
Moberley, Sarah;
Binks, Paula;
Marimla, Rachel;
Leach, Amanda;
Skull, Sue;
Mulholland, Kim;
+1 more...
Andrews, Ross;
Repeat pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination does not impair functional immune responses among Indigenous Australians.
Clinical & translational immunology, 6 (10).
ISSN 2050-0068
Mackenzie, Grant A;
Hill, Philip C;
Sahito, Shah M;
Jeffries, David J;
Hossain, Ilias;
Bottomley, Christian;
Uchendu, Uchendu;
Ameh, David;
Ndiaye, Malick;
Osuorah, Chidebereh D;
+38 more...
Adeyemi, Oyedeji;
Pathirana, Jayani;
Olatunji, Yekini;
Abatan, Bade;
Ahameefula, Ebirim;
Muhammad, Bilquees S;
Fombah, Augustin E;
Saha, Debasish;
Mackenzie, Roslyn;
Plumb, Ian;
Akano, Aliu;
Ebruke, Bernard;
Ideh, Readon C;
Kuti, Bankole;
Githua, Peter;
Olutunde, Emmanuel;
Ofordile, Ogochukwu;
Green, Edward;
Usuf, Effua;
Badji, Henry;
Ikumapayi, Usman NA;
Manjang, Ahmad;
Salaudeen, Rasheed;
Nsekpong, E David;
Jarju, Sheikh;
Antonio, Martin;
Sambou, Sana;
Ceesay, Lamin;
Lowe-Jallow, Yamundow;
Sowe, Dawda;
Jasseh, Momodou;
Mulholland, Kim;
Knoll, Maria;
Levine, Orin S;
Howie, Stephen R;
Adegbola, Richard A;
Greenwood, Brian M;
Corrah, Tumani;
Impact of the introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination on pneumonia in The Gambia: population-based surveillance and case-control studies.
The Lancet infectious diseases, 17 (9).
pp. 965-973.
ISSN 1473-3099
Mahomed, Nasreen;
Fancourt, Nicholas;
de Campo, John;
de Campo, Margaret;
Akano, Aliu;
Cherian, Thomas;
Cohen, Olivia G;
Greenberg, David;
Lacey, Stephen;
Kohli, Neera;
+9 more...
Lederman, Henrique M;
Madhi, Shabir A;
Manduku, Veronica;
McCollum, Eric D;
Park, Kate;
Ribo-Aristizabal, Jose Luis;
Bar-Zeev, Naor;
O'Brien, Katherine L;
Mulholland, Kim;
Preliminary report from the World Health Organisation Chest Radiography in Epidemiological Studies project.
Pediatric radiology, 47 (11).
pp. 1399-1404.
ISSN 0301-0449
Meiring, JE;
Gibani, M;
Basnyat, B;
Bentsi-Enchill, AD;
Clemens, J;
Darton, TC;
Date, K;
Dougan, G;
Garrett, D;
Gessner, BD;
+16 more...
Gordon, MA;
Heyderman, RS;
Hombach, J;
Kotloff, KL;
Levine, MM;
Luby, SP;
Mohan, VK;
Marfin, AA;
Mulholland, K;
Neuzil, K;
Pitzer, VE;
Pollard, AJ;
Qadri, F;
Salisbury, D;
Zaidi, A;
The Typhoid Vaccine Acceleration Consortium (TyVAC): Vaccine effectiveness study designs: Accelerating the introduction of typhoid conjugate vaccines and reducing the global burden of enteric fever. Report from a meeting held on 26-27 October 2016, Oxford, UK.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Miles, Merinda;
Dung, Khu Thi Khanh;
Ha, Le Thi;
Liem, Nguyen Thanh;
Ha, Khu;
Hunt, Rod W;
Mulholland, Kim;
Morgan, Chris;
Russell, Fiona M;
The cause-specific morbidity and mortality, and referral patterns of all neonates admitted to a tertiary referral hospital in the northern provinces of Vietnam over a one year period.
PloS one, 12 (3).
ISSN 1932-6203
Moberley, Sarah;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Balloch, Anne;
Andrews, Ross;
Leach, Amanda J;
Kirkwood, Marie;
Binks, Paula;
Mulholland, Kim;
Carapetis, Jonathan;
Tang, Mimi LK;
+1 more...
Skull, Sue;
Repeat pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine in Indigenous Australian adults is associated with decreased immune responsiveness.
Vaccine, 35 (22).
pp. 2908-2915.
ISSN 0264-410X
Mulholland, Kim;
Problems with the WHO guidelines for management of childhood pneumonia.
The Lancet Global health, 6 (1).
ISSN 2214-109X
Toh, Zheng Quan;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Russell, Fiona M;
Garland, Suzanne M;
Batmunkh, Tsetsegsaikhan;
Mulholland, Edward K;
Cervical Cancer Prevention Through HPV Vaccination in Low- and Middle-Income Countries in Asia.
Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 18 (9).
pp. 2339-2343.
ISSN 2476-762X
Verani, Jennifer R;
Baqui, Abdullah H;
Broome, Claire V;
Cherian, Thomas;
Cohen, Cheryl;
Farrar, Jennifer L;
Feikin, Daniel R;
Groome, Michelle J;
Hajjeh, Rana A;
Johnson, Hope L;
+15 more...
Madhi, Shabir A;
Mulholland, Kim;
O'Brien, Katherine L;
Parashar, Umesh D;
Patel, Manish M;
Rodrigues, Laura C;
Santosham, Mathuram;
Scott, J Anthony;
Smith, Peter G;
Sommerfelt, Halvor;
Tate, Jacqueline E;
Victor, J Chris;
Whitney, Cynthia G;
Zaidi, Anita K;
Zell, Elizabeth R;
Case-control vaccine effectiveness studies: Data collection, analysis and reporting results.
Vaccine, 35 (25).
pp. 3303-3308.
ISSN 0264-410X
Verani, Jennifer R;
Baqui, Abdullah H;
Broome, Claire V;
Cherian, Thomas;
Cohen, Cheryl;
Farrar, Jennifer L;
Feikin, Daniel R;
Groome, Michelle J;
Hajjeh, Rana A;
Johnson, Hope L;
+15 more...
Madhi, Shabir A;
Mulholland, Kim;
O'Brien, Katherine L;
Parashar, Umesh D;
Patel, Manish M;
Rodrigues, Laura C;
Santosham, Mathuram;
Scott, J Anthony;
Smith, Peter G;
Sommerfelt, Halvor;
Tate, Jacqueline E;
Victor, J Chris;
Whitney, Cynthia G;
Zaidi, Anita K;
Zell, Elizabeth R;
Case-control vaccine effectiveness studies: Preparation, design, and enrollment of cases and controls.
Vaccine, 35 (25).
pp. 3295-3302.
ISSN 0264-410X
Watson, Conall H;
Baker, Stephen;
Lau, Colleen L;
Rawalai, Kitione;
Taufa, Mere;
Coriakula, Jerimaia;
Thieu, Nga Tran Vu;
Van, Tan Trinh;
Ngoc, Dung Tran Thi;
Hens, Niel;
+8 more...
Lowry, John H;
de Alwis, Ruklanthi;
Cano, Jorge;
Jenkins, Kylie;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Nilles, Eric J;
Kama, Mike;
Edmunds, W John;
A cross-sectional seroepidemiological survey of typhoid fever in Fiji.
PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 11 (7).
ISSN 1935-2727
Dunne, Eileen M;
Mantanitobua, Silivia;
Singh, Shalini P;
Reyburn, Rita;
Tuivaga, Evelyn;
Rafai, Eric;
Tikoduadua, Lisi;
Porter, Barbara;
Satzke, Catherine;
Strachan, Janet E;
+7 more...
Fox, Kimberly K;
Jenkins, Kylie M;
Jenney, Adam;
Baro, Silo;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Kama, Mike;
Russell, Fiona M;
Real-time qPCR improves meningitis pathogen detection in invasive bacterial-vaccine preventable disease surveillance in Fiji.
Scientific reports, 6 (1).
ISSN 2045-2322
Hoe, Edwin;
Nathanielsz, Jordan;
Toh, Zheng Quan;
Spry, Leena;
Marimla, Rachel;
Balloch, Anne;
Mulholland, Kim;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Vitamin D on Human Immune Cells in the Context of Bacterial Infection.
Nutrients, 8 (12).
p. 806.
ISSN 2072-6643
Howie, SRC;
Schellenberg, J;
Chimah, O;
Ideh, RC;
Ebruke, BE;
Oluwalana, C;
Mackenzie, G;
Jallow, M;
Njie, M;
Donkor, S;
+13 more...
Dionisio, KL;
Goldberg, G;
Fornace, K;
Bottomley, C;
Hill, PC;
Grant, CC;
Corrah, T;
Prentice, AM;
Ezzati, M;
Greenwood, BM;
Smith, PG;
Adegbola, RA;
Mulholland, K;
Childhood pneumonia and crowding, bed-sharing and nutrition: a case-control study from The Gambia.
The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease, 20 (10).
pp. 1405-1415.
ISSN 1027-3719
Jenkins, Aaron Peter;
Jupiter, Stacy;
Mueller, Ute;
Jenney, Adam;
Vosaki, Gandercillar;
Rosa, Varanisese;
Naucukidi, Alanieta;
Mulholland, Kim;
Strugnell, Richard;
Kama, Mike;
+1 more...
Horwitz, Pierre;
Health at the Sub-catchment Scale: Typhoid and Its Environmental Determinants in Central Division, Fiji.
EcoHealth, 13 (4).
pp. 633-651.
ISSN 1612-9202
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Licciardi, Paul V;
Toh, Zheng Quan;
Clutterbuck, Elizabeth A;
Balloch, Anne;
Marimla, Rachel A;
Tikkanen, Leena;
Lamb, Karen E;
Bright, Kathryn J;
Rabuatoka, Uraia;
Tikoduadua, Lisi;
+7 more...
Boelsen, Laura K;
Dunne, Eileen M;
Satzke, Catherine;
Cheung, Yin Bun;
Pollard, Andrew J;
Russell, Fiona M;
Mulholland, Edward K;
No long-term evidence of hyporesponsiveness after use of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in children previously immunized with pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine.
The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 137 (6).
ISSN 0091-6749
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Mackenzie, Grant A;
Hill, Philip C;
Jeffries, David J;
Hossain, Ilias;
Uchendu, Uchendu;
Ameh, David;
Ndiaye, Malick;
Adeyemi, Oyedeji;
Pathirana, Jayani;
Olatunji, Yekini;
+32 more...
Abatan, Bade;
Muhammad, Bilquees S;
Fombah, Augustin E;
Saha, Debasish;
Plumb, Ian;
Akano, Aliu;
Ebruke, Bernard;
Ideh, Readon C;
Kuti, Bankole;
Githua, Peter;
Olutunde, Emmanuel;
Ofordile, Ogochukwu;
Green, Edward;
Usuf, Effua;
Badji, Henry;
Ikumapayi, Usman NA;
Manjang, Ahmad;
Salaudeen, Rasheed;
Nsekpong, E David;
Jarju, Sheikh;
Antonio, Martin;
Sambou, Sana;
Ceesay, Lamin;
Lowe-Jallow, Yamundow;
Jasseh, Momodou;
Mulholland, Kim;
Knoll, Maria;
Levine, Orin S;
Howie, Stephen R;
Adegbola, Richard A;
Greenwood, Brian M;
Corrah, Tumani;
Effect of the introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination on invasive pneumococcal disease in The Gambia: a population-based surveillance study.
The Lancet infectious diseases, 16 (6).
pp. 703-711.
ISSN 1473-3099
Manning, Jayne;
Dunne, Eileen M;
Wescombe, Philip A;
Hale, John DF;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Tagg, John R;
Robins-Browne, Roy M;
Satzke, Catherine;
Investigation of Streptococcus salivarius-mediated inhibition of pneumococcal adherence to pharyngeal epithelial cells.
BMC microbiology, 16 (1).
ISSN 1471-2180
Steer, Andrew C;
Carapetis, Jonathan R;
Dale, James B;
Fraser, John D;
Good, Michael F;
Guilherme, Luiza;
Moreland, Nicole J;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Schodel, Florian;
Smeesters, Pierre R;
Status of research and development of vaccines for Streptococcus pyogenes.
Vaccine, 34 (26).
pp. 2953-2958.
ISSN 0264-410X
Tashani, Mohamed;
Rashid, Harunor;
Mulholland, Kim;
Booy, Robert;
Carrier priming to improve pneumococcal disease control and reduce the international program's cost in children.
Pneumonia (Nathan Qld), 8 (1).
ISSN 2200-6133
Toh, Zheng Quan;
Russell, Fiona M;
Reyburn, Rita;
Fong, James;
Tuivaga, Evelyn;
Ratu, Tupou;
Nguyen, Cattram D;
Devi, Rachel;
Kama, Mike;
Matanitobua, Silivia;
+9 more...
Tabrizi, Sepehr N;
Garland, Suzanne M;
Sinha, Rohit;
Frazer, Ian;
Tikoduadua, Lisi;
Kado, Joseph;
Rafai, Eric;
Mulholland, Edward K;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Sustained Antibody Responses 6 Years Following 1, 2, or 3 Doses of Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine in Adolescent Fijian Girls, and Subsequent Responses to a Single Dose of Bivalent HPV Vaccine: A Prospective Cohort Study.
Clinical infectious diseases, 64 (7).
pp. 852-859.
ISSN 1058-4838
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Binks, Michael J;
Moberley, Sarah A;
Balloch, Anne;
Leach, Amanda J;
Nelson, Sandra;
Hare, Kim M;
Wilson, Cate;
Morris, Peter S;
Nelson, Jane;
Chatfield, Mark D;
+5 more...
Tang, Mimi LK;
Torzillo, Paul;
Carapetis, Jonathan R;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Andrews, Ross M;
PneuMum: Impact from a randomised controlled trial of maternal 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination on middle ear disease amongst Indigenous infants, Northern Territory, Australia.
Vaccine, 33 (48).
pp. 6579-6587.
ISSN 0264-410X
Boelsen, Laura K;
Dunne, Eileen M;
Lamb, Karen E;
Bright, Kathryn;
Cheung, Yin Bun;
Tikoduadua, Lisi;
Russell, Fiona M;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Satzke, Catherine;
Long-term impact of pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination on nasopharyngeal carriage in children previously vaccinated with various pneumococcal conjugate vaccine regimes.
Vaccine, 33 (42).
pp. 5708-5714.
ISSN 0264-410X
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Dunne, EM;
Tikkanen, L;
Balloch, A;
Gould, K;
Yoannes, M;
Phuanukoonnon, S;
Licciardi, PV;
Russell, FM;
Mulholland, EK;
Satzke, C;
+1 more...
Hinds, J;
Characterization of 19A-like 19F pneumococcal isolates from Papua New Guinea and Fiji.
New microbes and new infections, 7.
pp. 86-88.
ISSN 2052-2975
Hoe, Edwin;
Boelsen, Laura K;
Toh, Zheng Quan;
Sun, Guang Wen;
Koo, Ghee Chong;
Balloch, Anne;
Marimla, Rachel;
Dunne, Eileen M;
Tikoduadua, Lisi;
Russell, Fiona M;
+3 more...
Satzke, Catherine;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Reduced IL-17A Secretion Is Associated with High Levels of Pneumococcal Nasopharyngeal Carriage in Fijian Children.
PloS one, 10 (6).
ISSN 1932-6203
La Vincente, SF;
Mielnik, D;
Jenkins, K;
Bingwor, F;
Volavola, L;
Marshall, H;
Druavesi, P;
Russell, FM;
Lokuge, K;
Mulholland, EK;
Implementation of a national school-based Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine campaign in Fiji: knowledge, vaccine acceptability and information needs of parents.
BMC public health, 15 (1).
ISSN 1471-2458
Leach, Amanda Jane;
Mulholland, Edward Kim;
Santosham, Mathu;
Torzillo, Paul John;
Brown, Ngiare Joy;
McIntyre, Peter;
Smith-Vaughan, Heidi;
Skull, Sue;
Balloch, Anne;
Andrews, Ross;
+4 more...
Carapetis, Jonathan;
McDonnell, Joseph;
Krause, Vicki;
Morris, Peter Stanley;
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines PREVenar13 and SynflorIX in sequence or alone in high-risk Indigenous infants (PREV-IX_COMBO): protocol of a randomised controlled trial.
BMJ open, 5 (1).
ISSN 2044-6055
Mackenzie, Grant A;
Ikumapayi, Usman NA;
Scott, Susana;
Idoko, Olubukola;
Odutola, Aderonke;
Ndiaye, Malick;
Sahito, Shah M;
Osuorah, Chidiebereh D;
Manjang, Ahmed;
Jarju, Sheikh;
+14 more...
Bojang, Abdoulie;
Roca, Anna;
Secka, Ousman;
Zaman, Akram;
Ceesay, Lamin;
Lowe-Jallow, Yamundow;
Sambou, Sana;
Jasseh, Momodou;
Antonio, Martin;
Greenwood, Brian;
Kampmann, Beate;
Mulholland, Kim;
Corrah, Tumani;
Howie, Stephen RC;
Increased disease due to Haemophilus influenzae type b: population-based surveillance in eastern Gambia, 2008-2013.
The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 34 (5).
ISSN 0891-3668
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Mulholland, Kim;
Carlin, John;
Duke, Trevor;
Weber, Martin;
Antibiotic trials for community-acquired pneumonia--authors' reply.
The lancet Respiratory medicine, 3 (3).
ISSN 2213-2600
Full text not available from this repository.
Mulholland, Kim;
Nguyen, Cattram;
Pneumococcal vaccination and childhood pneumonia in South Africa.
Thorax, 70 (12).
pp. 1103-1105.
ISSN 0040-6376
O'Leary, Maureen;
Mulholland, Kim;
Oral cholera vaccines in endemic countries.
Lancet, 386 (10001).
pp. 1321-1322.
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
Sakai, Fuminori;
Chochua, Sopio;
Satzke, Catherine;
Dunne, Eileen M;
Mulholland, Kim;
Klugman, Keith P;
Vidal, Jorge E;
Single-plex quantitative assays for the detection and quantification of most pneumococcal serotypes.
PloS one, 10 (3).
ISSN 1932-6203
Satzke, Catherine;
Dunne, Eileen M;
Porter, Barbara D;
Klugman, Keith P;
Mulholland, E Kim;
PneuCarriage project group;
The PneuCarriage Project: A Multi-Centre Comparative Study to Identify the Best Serotyping Methods for Examining Pneumococcal Carriage in Vaccine Evaluation Studies.
PLoS medicine, 12 (11).
ISSN 1549-1277
Toh, Zheng Quan;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Fong, James;
Garland, Suzanne M;
Tabrizi, Sepehr N;
Russell, Fiona M;
Mulholland, Edward K;
Reduced dose human papillomavirus vaccination: an update of the current state-of-the-art.
Vaccine, 33 (39).
pp. 5042-5050.
ISSN 0264-410X
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Wong, Vanessa K;
Baker, Stephen;
Pickard, Derek J;
Parkhill, Julian;
Page, Andrew J;
Feasey, Nicholas A;
Kingsley, Robert A;
Thomson, Nicholas R;
Keane, Jacqueline A;
Weill, François-Xavier;
+64 more...
Edwards, David J;
Hawkey, Jane;
Harris, Simon R;
Mather, Alison E;
Cain, Amy K;
Hadfield, James;
Hart, Peter J;
Thieu, Nga Tran Vu;
Klemm, Elizabeth J;
Glinos, Dafni A;
Breiman, Robert F;
Watson, Conall H;
Kariuki, Samuel;
Gordon, Melita A;
Heyderman, Robert S;
Okoro, Chinyere;
Jacobs, Jan;
Lunguya, Octavie;
Edmunds, W John;
Msefula, Chisomo;
Chabalgoity, Jose A;
Kama, Mike;
Jenkins, Kylie;
Dutta, Shanta;
Marks, Florian;
Campos, Josefina;
Thompson, Corinne;
Obaro, Stephen;
MacLennan, Calman A;
Dolecek, Christiane;
Keddy, Karen H;
Smith, Anthony M;
Parry, Christopher M;
Karkey, Abhilasha;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Campbell, James I;
Dongol, Sabina;
Basnyat, Buddha;
Dufour, Muriel;
Bandaranayake, Don;
Naseri, Take Toleafoa;
Singh, Shalini Pravin;
Hatta, Mochammad;
Newton, Paul;
Onsare, Robert S;
Isaia, Lupeoletalalei;
Dance, David;
Davong, Viengmon;
Thwaites, Guy;
Wijedoru, Lalith;
Crump, John A;
De Pinna, Elizabeth;
Nair, Satheesh;
Nilles, Eric J;
Thanh, Duy Pham;
Turner, Paul;
Soeng, Sona;
Valcanis, Mary;
Powling, Joan;
Dimovski, Karolina;
Hogg, Geoff;
Farrar, Jeremy;
Holt, Kathryn E;
Dougan, Gordon;
Phylogeographical analysis of the dominant multidrug-resistant H58 clade of Salmonella Typhi identifies inter- and intracontinental transmission events.
Nature genetics, 47 (6).
pp. 632-639.
ISSN 1061-4036
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Flasche, Stefan;
Takahashi, Kensuke;
Vu, Dinh Thiem;
Suzuki, Motoi;
Nguyen, Thi Hien-Anh;
Le, HuuTho;
Hashizume, Masahiro;
Dang, Duc Anh;
Edmond, Karen;
Ariyoshi, Koya;
+3 more...
Mulholland, E Kim;
Edmunds, W John;
Yoshida, Lay-Myint;
Early indication for a reduced burden of radiologically confirmed pneumonia in children following the introduction of routine vaccination against Haemophilus influenzae type b in Nha Trang, Vietnam.
Vaccine, 32 (51).
pp. 6963-6970.
ISSN 0264-410X
Howie, Stephen RC;
Morris, Gerard AJ;
Tokarz, Rafal;
Ebruke, Bernard E;
Machuka, Eunice M;
Ideh, Readon C;
Chimah, Osaretin;
Secka, Ousman;
Townend, John;
Dione, Michel;
+11 more...
Oluwalana, Claire;
Njie, Malick;
Jallow, Mariatou;
Hill, Philip C;
Antonio, Martin;
Greenwood, Brian;
Briese, Thomas;
Mulholland, Kim;
Corrah, Tumani;
Lipkin, W Ian;
Adegbola, Richard A;
Etiology of severe childhood pneumonia in the Gambia, West Africa, determined by conventional and molecular microbiological analyses of lung and pleural aspirate samples.
Clinical infectious diseases, 59 (5).
pp. 682-685.
ISSN 1058-4838
Liberato, Selma C;
Singh, Gurmeet;
Mulholland, Kim;
Zinc supplementation in young children: A review of the literature focusing on diarrhoea prevention and treatment.
Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland), 34 (2).
pp. 181-188.
ISSN 0261-5614
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Licciardi, Paul V;
Russell, Fiona M;
Balloch, Anne;
Burton, Robert L;
Nahm, Moon H;
Gilbert, Gwendolyn;
Tang, Mimi LK;
Mulholland, Edward K;
Impaired serotype-specific immune function following pneumococcal vaccination in infants with prior carriage.
Vaccine, 32 (20).
pp. 2321-2327.
ISSN 0264-410X
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Mulholland, Kim;
Carlin, John B;
Duke, Trevor;
Weber, Martin;
The challenges of trials of antibiotics for pneumonia in low-income countries.
The lancet Respiratory medicine, 2 (12).
pp. 952-954.
ISSN 2213-2600
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Rid, Annette;
Saxena, Abha;
Baqui, Abdhullah H;
Bhan, Anant;
Bines, Julie;
Bouesseau, Marie-Charlotte;
Caplan, Arthur;
Colgrove, James;
Dhai, Ames;
Gomez-Diaz, Rita;
+12 more...
Green, Shane K;
Kang, Gagandeep;
Lagos, Rosanna;
Loh, Patricia;
London, Alex John;
Mulholland, Kim;
Neels, Pieter;
Pitisuttithum, Punee;
Sarr, Samba Cor;
Selgelid, Michael;
Sheehan, Mark;
Smith, Peter G;
Placebo use in vaccine trials: recommendations of a WHO expert panel.
Vaccine, 32 (37).
pp. 4708-4712.
ISSN 0264-410X
Thompson, Corinne N;
Kama, Mike;
Acharya, Shrish;
Bera, Una;
Clemens, John;
Crump, John A;
Dawainavesi, Aggie;
Dougan, Gordon;
Edmunds, W John;
Fox, Kimberley;
+11 more...
Jenkins, Kylie;
Khan, M Imran;
Koroivueta, Josefa;
Levine, Myron M;
Martin, Laura B;
Nilles, Eric;
Pitzer, Virginia E;
Singh, Shalini;
Raiwalu, Ratu Vereniki;
Baker, Stephen;
Mulholland, Kim;
Typhoid fever in Fiji: a reversible plague?
Tropical medicine & international health, 19 (10).
pp. 1284-1292.
ISSN 1360-2276
Dale, James B;
Fischetti, Vincent A;
Carapetis, Jonathan R;
Steer, Andrew C;
Sow, Samba;
Kumar, Rajesh;
Mayosi, Bongani M;
Rubin, Fran A;
Mulholland, Kim;
Hombach, Joachim Maria;
+2 more...
Schödel, Florian;
Henao-Restrepo, Ana Maria;
Group A streptococcal vaccines: paving a path for accelerated development.
Vaccine, 31 Sup (SUPPL2).
ISSN 0264-410X
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Deen, Jacqueline;
Matos, Livio da Conceicao;
Temple, Beth;
Su, Jiunn-Yih;
da Silva, Joao;
Liberato, Selma;
da Silva, Valente;
Soares, Ana Isabel;
Joshi, Vijaya;
Moon, Sarah;
+3 more...
Tulloch, James;
Martins, Joao;
Mulholland, Kim;
Identifying national health research priorities in Timor-Leste through a scoping review of existing health data.
Health research policy and systems, 11 (1).
ISSN 1478-4505
Dunne, Eileen M;
Smith-Vaughan, Heidi C;
Robins-Browne, Roy M;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Satzke, Catherine;
Nasopharyngeal microbial interactions in the era of pneumococcal conjugate vaccination.
Vaccine, 31 (19).
pp. 2333-2342.
ISSN 0264-410X
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Dunne, EileenM;
Ong, EngKok;
Moser, RalfJ;
Siba, PeterM;
Phuanukoonnon, Suparat;
Greenhill, AndrewR;
Robins-Browne, RoyM;
Mulholland, EKim;
Satzke, Catherine;
Multilocus Sequence Typing of Streptococcus pneumoniae by Use of Mass Spectrometry (vol 49, pg 3756, 2011).
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Hajjeh, Rana;
Mulholland, Kim;
Schuchat, Anne;
Santosham, Mathuram;
Progress towards demonstrating the impact of Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccines globally.
The Journal of pediatrics, 163 (1 Supp).
ISSN 0022-3476
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Khowaja, Asif Raza;
Mohiuddin, Syed;
Cohen, Adam L;
Khalid, Ahmed;
Mehmood, Usma;
Naqvi, Farnaz;
Asad, Nargis;
Pardhan, Khatidja;
Mulholland, Kim;
Hajjeh, Rana;
+3 more...
Zaidi, Anita KM;
Shafqat, Saad;
Pakistan Hib Vaccine Study Group;
Mortality and neurodevelopmental outcomes of acute bacterial meningitis in children aged <5 years in Pakistan.
The Journal of pediatrics, 163 (1 Supp).
ISSN 0022-3476
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Khowaja, Asif Raza;
Mohiuddin, Syed;
Cohen, Adam L;
Mirza, Waseem;
Nadeem, Naila;
Zuberi, Talha;
Salam, Basit;
Mubarak, Fatima;
Rizvi, Bano;
Husen, Yousuf;
+14 more...
Pardhan, Khatidja;
Khan, Khalid Mehmood A;
Raza, Syed Jamal;
Zuberi, Hassan Khalid;
Mustafa, Sultan;
Sheikh, Salma H;
Nizamani, Akbar;
Lohana, Heermani;
Mulholland, Kim;
Zell, Elizabeth;
Hajjeh, Rana;
Bosan, Altaf;
Zaidi, Anita KM;
Pakistan Hib Vaccine Study Group;
Effectiveness of Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine on radiologically-confirmed pneumonia in young children in Pakistan.
The Journal of pediatrics, 163 (1 Supp).
ISSN 0022-3476
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Law, Irwin;
Fong, James J;
Buadromo, Eka M;
Samuela, Josaia;
Patel, Mahomed S;
Garland, Suzanne M;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Russell, Fiona M;
The high burden of cervical cancer in Fiji, 2004-07.
Sexual health, 10 (2).
pp. 171-178.
ISSN 1448-5028
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Wong, Sook-San;
Quan Toh, Zheng;
Dunne, Eileen M;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Tang, Mimi LK;
Robins-Browne, Roy M;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Satzke, Catherine;
Inhibition of Streptococcus pneumoniae adherence to human epithelial cells in vitro by the probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG.
BMC research notes, 6 (1).
ISSN 1756-0500
Yoshida, Lay-Myint;
Nguyen, Hien-Anh;
Watanabe, Kiwao;
Le, Minh Nhat;
Nguyen, Ai ThiThuy;
Vu, HuongThi Thu;
Yoshino, Hiroshi;
Suzuki, Motoi;
Takahashi, Kensuke;
Le, ThoHuu;
+6 more...
Moriuch, Hiroyuki;
Kilgore, Paul E;
Edmond, Karen;
Mulholland, Kim;
Dang, Duc-Anh;
Ariyoshi, Koya;
Incidence of radiologically-confirmed pneumonia and Haemophilus influenzae type b carriage before Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine introduction in Central Vietnam.
The Journal of pediatrics, 163 (1 Supp).
ISSN 0022-3476
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Biaukula, Viema Lewagalu;
Tikoduadua, Lisi;
Azzopardi, Kristy;
Seduadua, Anna;
Temple, Beth;
Richmond, Peter;
Robins-Browne, Roy;
Mulholland, Edward Kim;
Russell, Fiona Mary;
Meningitis in children in Fiji: etiology, epidemiology, and neurological sequelae.
International journal of infectious diseases, 16 (4).
ISSN 1201-9712
Birhanu, Zewdie;
Abdissa, Alemseged;
Belachew, Tefera;
Deribew, Amare;
Segni, Hailemariam;
Tsu, Vivien;
Mulholland, Kim;
Russell, Fiona M;
Health seeking behavior for cervical cancer in Ethiopia: a qualitative study.
International journal for equity in health, 11 (1).
ISSN 1475-9276
Dunne, Eileen M;
Manning, Jayne;
Russell, Fiona M;
Robins-Browne, Roy M;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Satzke, Catherine;
Effect of pneumococcal vaccination on nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, and Staphylococcus aureus in Fijian children.
Journal of clinical microbiology, 50 (3).
pp. 1034-1038.
ISSN 0095-1137
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Fine, Paul EM;
Mulholland, Kim;
Community immunity.
pp. 1395-1412.
ISSN 2076-393X
Full text not available from this repository.
Griffiths, UK;
Clark, A;
Gessner, B;
Miners, A;
Sanderson, C;
Sedyaningsih, ER;
Mulholland, KE;
Dose-specific efficacy of Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccines: a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials.
Epidemiology and infection, 140 (8).
pp. 1343-1355.
ISSN 0950-2688
Licciardi, Paul V;
Balloch, Anne;
Russell, Fiona M;
Burton, Robert L;
Lin, Jisheng;
Nahm, Moon H;
Mulholland, Edward K;
Tang, Mimi LK;
Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine at 12 months of age produces functional immune responses.
The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 129 (3).
ISSN 0091-6749
Full text not available from this repository.
Licciardi, Paul V;
Toh, Zheng Quan;
Dunne, Eileen;
Wong, Sook-San;
Mulholland, Edward K;
Tang, Mimi;
Robins-Browne, Roy M;
Satzke, Catherine;
Protecting against pneumococcal disease: critical interactions between probiotics and the airway microbiome.
PLoS pathogens, 8 (6).
ISSN 1553-7366
Lozano, Rafael;
Naghavi, Mohsen;
Foreman, Kyle;
Lim, Stephen;
Shibuya, Kenji;
Aboyans, Victor;
Abraham, Jerry;
Adair, Timothy;
Aggarwal, Rakesh;
Ahn, Stephanie Y;
+181 more...
Alvarado, Miriam;
Anderson, H Ross;
Anderson, Laurie M;
Andrews, Kathryn G;
Atkinson, Charles;
Baddour, Larry M;
Barker-Collo, Suzanne;
Bartels, David H;
Bell, Michelle L;
Benjamin, Emelia J;
Bennett, Derrick;
Bhalla, Kavi;
Bikbov, Boris;
Bin Abdulhak, Aref;
Birbeck, Gretchen;
Blyth, Fiona;
Bolliger, Ian;
Boufous, Soufiane;
Bucello, Chiara;
Burch, Michael;
Burney, Peter;
Carapetis, Jonathan;
Chen, Honglei;
Chou, David;
Chugh, Sumeet S;
Coffeng, Luc E;
Colan, Steven D;
Colquhoun, Samantha;
Colson, K Ellicott;
Condon, John;
Connor, Myles D;
Cooper, Leslie T;
Corriere, Matthew;
Cortinovis, Monica;
de Vaccaro, Karen Courville;
Couser, William;
Cowie, Benjamin C;
Criqui, Michael H;
Cross, Marita;
Dabhadkar, Kaustubh C;
Dahodwala, Nabila;
De Leo, Diego;
Degenhardt, Louisa;
Delossantos, Allyne;
Denenberg, Julie;
Des Jarlais, Don C;
Dharmaratne, Samath D;
Dorsey, E Ray;
Driscoll, Tim;
Duber, Herbert;
Ebel, Beth;
Erwin, Patricia J;
Espindola, Patricia;
Ezzati, Majid;
Feigin, Valery;
Flaxman, Abraham D;
Forouzanfar, Mohammad H;
Fowkes, Francis Gerry R;
Franklin, Richard;
Fransen, Marlene;
Freeman, Michael K;
Gabriel, Sherine E;
Gakidou, Emmanuela;
Gaspari, Flavio;
Gillum, Richard F;
Gonzalez-Medina, Diego;
Halasa, Yara A;
Haring, Diana;
Harrison, James E;
Havmoeller, Rasmus;
Hay, Roderick J;
Hoen, Bruno;
Hotez, Peter J;
Hoy, Damian;
Jacobsen, Kathryn H;
James, Spencer L;
Jasrasaria, Rashmi;
Jayaraman, Sudha;
Johns, Nicole;
Karthikeyan, Ganesan;
Kassebaum, Nicholas;
Keren, Andre;
Khoo, Jon-Paul;
Knowlton, Lisa Marie;
Kobusingye, Olive;
Koranteng, Adofo;
Krishnamurthi, Rita;
Lipnick, Michael;
Lipshultz, Steven E;
Ohno, Summer Lockett;
Mabweijano, Jacqueline;
MacIntyre, Michael F;
Mallinger, Leslie;
March, Lyn;
Marks, Guy B;
Marks, Robin;
Matsumori, Akira;
Matzopoulos, Richard;
Mayosi, Bongani M;
McAnulty, John H;
McDermott, Mary M;
McGrath, John;
Mensah, George A;
Merriman, Tony R;
Michaud, Catherine;
Miller, Matthew;
Miller, Ted R;
Mock, Charles;
Mocumbi, Ana Olga;
Mokdad, Ali A;
Moran, Andrew;
Mulholland, Kim;
Nair, M Nathan;
Naldi, Luigi;
Narayan, KM Venkat;
Nasseri, Kiumarss;
Norman, Paul;
O'Donnell, Martin;
Omer, Saad B;
Ortblad, Katrina;
Osborne, Richard;
Ozgediz, Doruk;
Pahari, Bishnu;
Pandian, Jeyaraj Durai;
Rivero, Andrea Panozo;
Padilla, Rogelio Perez;
Perez-Ruiz, Fernando;
Perico, Norberto;
Phillips, David;
Pierce, Kelsey;
Pope, C Arden;
Porrini, Esteban;
Pourmalek, Farshad;
Raju, Murugesan;
Ranganathan, Dharani;
Rehm, Jürgen T;
Rein, David B;
Remuzzi, Guiseppe;
Rivara, Frederick P;
Roberts, Thomas;
De León, Felipe Rodriguez;
Rosenfeld, Lisa C;
Rushton, Lesley;
Sacco, Ralph L;
Salomon, Joshua A;
Sampson, Uchechukwu;
Sanman, Ella;
Schwebel, David C;
Segui-Gomez, Maria;
Shepard, Donald S;
Singh, David;
Singleton, Jessica;
Sliwa, Karen;
Smith, Emma;
Steer, Andrew;
Taylor, Jennifer A;
Thomas, Bernadette;
Tleyjeh, Imad M;
Towbin, Jeffrey A;
Truelsen, Thomas;
Undurraga, Eduardo A;
Venketasubramanian, N;
Vijayakumar, Lakshmi;
Vos, Theo;
Wagner, Gregory R;
Wang, Mengru;
Wang, Wenzhi;
Watt, Kerrianne;
Weinstock, Martin A;
Weintraub, Robert;
Wilkinson, James D;
Woolf, Anthony D;
Wulf, Sarah;
Yeh, Pon-Hsiu;
Yip, Paul;
Zabetian, Azadeh;
Zheng, Zhi-Jie;
Lopez, Alan D;
Murray, Christopher JL;
AlMazroa, Mohammad A;
Memish, Ziad A;
Global and regional mortality from 235 causes of death for 20 age groups in 1990 and 2010: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010.
Lancet, 380 (9859).
pp. 2095-2128.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Mulholland, E Kim;
Griffiths, Ulla Kou;
Biellik, Robin;
Measles in the 21st century.
The New England journal of medicine, 366 (19).
pp. 1755-1757.
ISSN 0028-4793
Mulholland, Kim;
Satzke, Catherine;
Serotype replacement after pneumococcal vaccination.
Lancet, 379 (9824).
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
Okwaraji, Yemisrach B;
Cousens, Simon;
Berhane, Yemane;
Mulholland, Kim;
Edmond, Karen;
Effect of geographical access to health facilities on child mortality in rural Ethiopia: a community based cross sectional study.
PloS one, 7 (3).
ISSN 1932-6203
Okwaraji, Yemisrach B;
Mulholland, Kim;
Schellenberg, Joanna RM Armstrong;
Andarge, Gashaw;
Admassu, Mengesha;
Edmond, Karen M;
The association between travel time to health facilities and childhood vaccine coverage in rural Ethiopia. A community based cross sectional study.
BMC public health, 12 (1).
ISSN 1471-2458
Balloch, Anne;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Russell, Fiona M;
Mulholland, Edward K;
Tang, Mimi LK;
The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 127 (4).
pp. 1080-1081.
ISSN 0091-6749
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Dunne, Eileen M;
Ong, Eng Kok;
Moser, Ralf J;
Siba, Peter M;
Phuanukoonnon, Suparat;
Greenhill, Andrew R;
Robins-Browne, Roy M;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Satzke, Catherine;
Multilocus sequence typing of Streptococcus pneumoniae by use of mass spectrometry.
Journal of clinical microbiology, 49 (11).
pp. 3756-3760.
ISSN 0095-1137
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Licciardi, Paul V;
Balloch, Anne;
Russell, Fiona M;
Nahm, Moon H;
Mulholland, Kim;
Tang, Mimi LK;
Pneumococcal glycoconjugate vaccines produce antibody responses that strongly correlate with function.
Nature reviews Drug discovery, 10 (5).
ISSN 1474-1776
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Russell, FM;
Balloch, A;
Licciardi, PV;
Carapetis, JR;
Tikoduadua, L;
Waqatakirewa, L;
Cheung, YB;
Mulholland, EK;
Tang, MLK;
Serotype-specific avidity is achieved following a single dose of the 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, and is enhanced by 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide booster at 12 months.
Vaccine, 29 (27).
pp. 4499-4506.
ISSN 0264-410X
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Russell, FM;
Carapetis, JR;
Burton, RL;
Lin, J;
Licciardi, PV;
Balloch, A;
Tikoduadua, L;
Waqatakirewa, L;
Cheung, YB;
Tang, MLK;
+2 more...
Nahm, MH;
Mulholland, EK;
Opsonophagocytic activity following a reduced dose 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine infant primary series and 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine at 12 months of age.
Vaccine, 29 (3).
pp. 535-544.
ISSN 0264-410X
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Tabrizi, Sepehr N;
Law, Irwin;
Buadromo, Eka;
Stevens, Matthew P;
Fong, James;
Samuela, Josaia;
Patel, Mahomed;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Russell, Fiona M;
Garland, Suzanne M;
Human papillomavirus genotype prevalence in cervical biopsies from women diagnosed with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or cervical cancer in Fiji.
Sexual health, 8 (3).
pp. 338-342.
ISSN 1448-5028
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Temple, Beth;
Griffiths, Ulla Kou;
Mulholland, Edward Kim;
Ratu, Felisita Tupou;
Tikoduadua, Lisi;
Russell, Fiona Mary;
The cost of outpatient pneumonia in children <5 years of age in Fiji.
Tropical medicine & international health, 17 (2).
pp. 197-203.
ISSN 1360-2276
Full text not available from this repository.
Balloch, Anne;
Licciardi, Paul V;
Russell, Fiona M;
Mulholland, Edward K;
Tang, Mimi LK;
Infants aged 12 months can mount adequate serotype-specific IgG responses to pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine.
The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 126 (2).
pp. 395-397.
ISSN 0091-6749
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Bellos, Anna;
Mulholland, Kim;
O'Brien, Katherine L;
Qazi, Shamim A;
Gayer, Michelle;
Checchi, Francesco;
The burden of acute respiratory infections in crisis-affected populations: a systematic review.
Conflict and health, 4 (1).
ISSN 1752-1505
Edmond, Karen;
Dieye, Yakou;
Griffiths, Ulla K;
Fleming, Jessica;
Ba, Ousseynou;
Diallo, Ndiouga;
Mulholland, Kim;
Prospective cohort study of disabling sequelae and quality of life in children with bacterial meningitis in urban Senegal.
The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 29 (11).
pp. 1023-1029.
ISSN 0891-3668
Full text not available from this repository.
Hajjeh, RA;
Privor-Dumm, L;
Edmond, K;
O'Loughlin, R;
Shetty, S;
Griffiths, UK;
Bear, AP;
Cohen, AL;
Chandran, A;
Schuchat, A;
+2 more...
Mulholland, EK;
Santosham, M;
Supporting new vaccine introduction decisions: lessons learned from the Hib Initiative experience.
Vaccine, 28 (43).
pp. 7123-7129.
ISSN 0264-410X
Full text not available from this repository.
Licciardi, PV;
Balloch, A;
Russell, FM;
Mulholland, EK;
Tang, MLK;
Antibodies to serotype 9V exhibit novel serogroup cross-reactivity following infant pneumococcal immunization.
Vaccine, 28 (22).
pp. 3793-3800.
ISSN 0264-410X
Full text not available from this repository.
Mackenzie, G;
Okoko, B;
Akinsola, A;
Idoko, OT;
Corrah, T;
Howie, S;
Mulholland, EK;
Greenwood, B;
Adegbola, RA;
Follow-up of Gambian 9-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine trial participants who experienced acute lower respiratory infection aged less than 2.5 years.
International journal of infectious diseases, 14.
ISSN 1201-9712
Full text not available from this repository.
Moberley, S;
Krause, V;
Cook, H;
Mulholland, K;
Carapetis, J;
Torzillo, P;
Andrews, R;
Failure to vaccinate or failure of vaccine? Effectiveness of the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine program in Indigenous adults in the Northern Territory of Australia.
Vaccine, 28 (11).
pp. 2296-2301.
ISSN 0264-410X
Full text not available from this repository.
Mulholland, EK;
Fenn, E;
Zaidi, A;
Global Burden of Neonatal Sepsis.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Mulholland, K;
Korczak, V;
Tangcharoensathien, V;
Confidence in vaccines in developing countries: social, cultural, economic and political influences.
Journal of epidemiology and community health, 64 (7).
pp. 563-564.
ISSN 0143-005X
Full text not available from this repository.
Mulholland, Kim;
Temple, Beth;
Causes of death in children younger than 5 years in China in 2008.
Lancet, 376 (9735).
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
O'Grady, Kerry-Ann F;
Lee, Katherine J;
Carlin, John B;
Torzillo, Paul J;
Chang, Anne B;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Lambert, Stephen B;
Andrews, Ross M;
Increased risk of hospitalization for acute lower respiratory tract infection among Australian indigenous infants 5-23 months of age following pneumococcal vaccination: a cohort study.
Clinical infectious diseases, 50 (7).
pp. 970-978.
ISSN 1058-4838
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O'Loughlin, Rosalyn E;
Edmond, Karen;
Mangtani, Punam;
Cohen, Adam L;
Shetty, Sharmila;
Hajjeh, Rana;
Mulholland, Kim;
Methodology and measurement of the effectiveness of Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine: systematic review.
Vaccine, 28 (38).
pp. 6128-6136.
ISSN 0264-410X
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Russell, FM;
Carapetis, JR;
Balloch, A;
Licciardi, PV;
Jenney, AWJ;
Tikoduadua, L;
Waqatakirewa, L;
Pryor, J;
Nelson, J;
Byrnes, GB;
+3 more...
Cheung, YB;
Tang, MLK;
Mulholland, EK;
Hyporesponsiveness to re-challenge dose following pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine at 12 months of age, a randomized controlled trial.
Vaccine, 28 (19).
pp. 3341-3349.
ISSN 0264-410X
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Russell, FM;
Carapetis, JR;
Satzke, C;
Tikoduadua, L;
Waqatakirewa, L;
Chandra, R;
Seduadua, A;
Oftadeh, S;
Cheung, YB;
Gilbert, GL;
+1 more...
Mulholland, EK;
Pneumococcal nasopharyngeal carriage following reduced doses of a 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and a 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine booster.
Clinical and vaccine immunology, 17 (12).
pp. 1970-1976.
ISSN 1556-6811
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Russell, FM;
Licciardi, PV;
Balloch, A;
Biaukula, V;
Tikoduadua, L;
Carapetis, JR;
Nelson, J;
Jenney, AWJ;
Waqatakirewa, L;
Colquhoun, S;
+3 more...
Cheung, YB;
Tang, MLK;
Mulholland, EK;
Safety and immunogenicity of the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine at 12 months of age, following one, two, or three doses of the 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in infancy.
Vaccine, 28 (18).
pp. 3086-3094.
ISSN 0264-410X
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Russell, Fiona Mary;
Carapetis, Jonathan Rhys;
Tikoduadua, Lisi;
Paeds, Dip;
Chandra, Reginald;
Seduadua, Anna;
Satzke, Catherine;
Pryor, Jan;
Buadromo, Eka;
Waqatakirewa, Lepani;
+1 more...
Mulholland, Edward Kim;
Invasive pneumococcal disease in Fiji: clinical syndromes, epidemiology, and the potential impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.
The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 29 (9).
pp. 870-872.
ISSN 0891-3668
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Rutherford, Merrin E;
Mulholland, Kim;
Hill, Philip C;
How access to health care relates to under-five mortality in sub-Saharan Africa: systematic review.
Tropical medicine & international health, 15 (5).
pp. 508-519.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Satzke, Catherine;
Ortika, Belinda D;
Oftadeh, Shahin;
Russell, Fiona M;
Robins-Browne, Roy M;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Gilbert, Gwendolyn L;
Molecular epidemiology of Streptococcus pneumoniae serogroup 6 isolates from Fijian children, including newly identified serotypes 6C and 6D.
Journal of clinical microbiology, 48 (11).
pp. 4298-4300.
ISSN 0095-1137
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Satzke, Catherine;
Seduadua, Anna;
Chandra, Reginald;
Carapetis, Jonathan R;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Russell, Fiona M;
Comparison of citrated human blood, citrated sheep blood, and defibrinated sheep blood Mueller-Hinton agar preparations for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates.
Journal of clinical microbiology, 48 (10).
pp. 3770-3772.
ISSN 0095-1137
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Waage, Jeff;
Banerji, Rukmini;
Campbell, Oona;
Chirwa, Ephraim;
Collender, Guy;
Dieltiens, Veerle;
Dorward, Andrew;
Godfrey-Faussett, Peter;
Hanvoravongchai, Piya;
Kingdon, Geeta;
+9 more...
Little, Angela;
Mills, Anne;
Mulholland, Kim;
Mwinga, Alwyn;
North, Amy;
Patcharanarumol, Walaiporn;
Poulton, Colin;
Tangcharoensathien, Viroj;
Unterhalter, Elaine;
The Millennium Development Goals: a cross-sectoral analysis and principles for goal setting after 2015 Lancet and London International Development Centre Commission.
Lancet, 376 (9745).
pp. 991-1023.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Black, Steven;
Mulholland, Kim;
Halsey, Neal A;
Developing sustainable funding for vaccine safety infrastructure.
Vaccine, 28 (5).
pp. 1133-1134.
ISSN 0264-410X
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Grant, Gavin B;
Campbell, Harry;
Dowell, Scott F;
Graham, Stephen M;
Klugman, Keith P;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Steinhoff, Mark;
Weber, Martin W;
Qazi, Shamim;
World Health Organization Department of Child and Adolescent Hea;
Recommendations for treatment of childhood non-severe pneumonia.
The Lancet infectious diseases, 9 (3).
pp. 185-196.
ISSN 1473-3099
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Howie, Stephen RC;
Hill, Sarah;
Ebonyi, Augustine;
Krishnan, Gautam;
Njie, Ousman;
Sanneh, Momodou;
Jallow, Mariatou;
Stevens, Warren;
Taylor, Kevin;
Weber, Martin W;
+8 more...
Njai, Pamela Collier;
Tapgun, Mary;
Corrah, Tumani;
Mulholland, Kim;
Peel, David;
Njie, Malick;
Hill, Philip C;
Adegbola, Richard A;
Meeting oxygen needs in Africa: an options analysis from the Gambia.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 87 (10).
pp. 763-771.
ISSN 0042-9686
Jenney, Adam;
Tikoduadua, Lisi;
Buadromo, Eka;
Barnes, Graeme;
Kirkwood, Carl D;
Boniface, Karen;
Bines, Julie;
Mulholland, Kim;
Russell, Fiona;
The burden of hospitalised rotavirus infections in Fiji.
Vaccine, 27 Sup (SUPPL.).
ISSN 0264-410X
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Johnston, Vanessa;
Allotey, Pascale;
Mulholland, Kim;
Markovic, Milica;
Measuring the health impact of human rights violations related to Australian asylum policies and practices: a mixed methods study.
BMC international health and human rights, 9 (1).
ISSN 1472-698X
Mangtani, Punam;
Mulholland, Kim;
Madhi, Shabir A;
Edmond, Karen;
O'Loughlin, Rosalyn;
Hajjeh, Rana;
Haemophilus influenzae type b disease in HIV-infected children: a review of the disease epidemiology and effectiveness of Hib conjugate vaccines.
Vaccine, 28 (7).
pp. 1677-1683.
ISSN 0264-410X
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Niessen, Louis W;
ten Hove, Anne;
Hilderink, Henk;
Weber, Martin;
Mulholland, Kim;
Ezzati, Majid;
Comparative impact assessment of child pneumonia interventions.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 87 (6).
pp. 472-480.
ISSN 0042-9686
O'Brien, Katherine L;
Wolfson, Lara J;
Watt, James P;
Henkle, Emily;
Deloria-Knoll, Maria;
McCall, Natalie;
Lee, Ellen;
Mulholland, Kim;
Levine, Orin S;
Cherian, Thomas;
+1 more...
Hib and Pneumococcal Global Burden of Disease Study Team;
Burden of disease caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae in children younger than 5 years: global estimates.
Lancet, 374 (9693).
pp. 893-902.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Russell, FM;
Balloch, A;
Tang, MLK;
Carapetis, JR;
Licciardi, P;
Nelson, J;
Jenney, AWJ;
Tikoduadua, L;
Waqatakirewa, L;
Pryor, J;
+3 more...
Byrnes, GB;
Cheung, YB;
Mulholland, EK;
Immunogenicity following one, two, or three doses of the 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.
Vaccine, 27 (41).
pp. 5685-5691.
ISSN 0264-410X
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Russell, FM;
Fakakovi, T;
Paasi, S;
Ika, A;
Mulholland, EK;
Reduction of meningitis and impact on under-5 pneumonia after introducing the Hib vaccine in the Kingdom of Tonga.
Annals of tropical paediatrics, 29 (2).
pp. 111-117.
ISSN 0272-4936
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Rutherford, Merrin E;
Dockerty, John D;
Jasseh, Momodou;
Howie, Stephen RC;
Herbison, Peter;
Jeffries, David J;
Leach, Melissa;
Stevens, Warren;
Mulholland, Kim;
Adegbola, Richard A;
+1 more...
Hill, Philip C;
Access to health care and mortality of children under 5 years of age in the Gambia: a case-control study.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 87 (3).
pp. 216-224.
ISSN 0042-9686
Rutherford, Merrin E;
Dockerty, John D;
Jasseh, Momodou;
Howie, Stephen RC;
Herbison, Peter;
Jeffries, David J;
Mulholland, Kim;
Adegbola, Richard A;
Hill, Philip C;
Preventive measures in infancy to reduce under-five mortality: a case-control study in The Gambia.
Tropical medicine & international health, 14 (2).
pp. 149-155.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Savy, Mathilde;
Edmond, Karen;
Fine, Paul EM;
Hall, Andrew;
Hennig, Branwen J;
Moore, Sophie E;
Mulholland, Kim;
Schaible, Ulrich;
Prentice, Andrew M;
Landscape analysis of interactions between nutrition and vaccine responses in children.
The Journal of nutrition, 139 (11).
ISSN 0022-3166
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Steer, Andrew C;
Batzloff, Michael R;
Mulholland, Kim;
Carapetis, Jonathan R;
Group A streptococcal vaccines: facts versus fantasy.
Current opinion in infectious diseases, 22 (6).
pp. 544-552.
ISSN 0951-7375
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Steer, Andrew C;
Jenney, Adam WJ;
Kado, Joseph;
Batzloff, Michael R;
La Vincente, Sophie;
Waqatakirewa, Lepani;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Carapetis, Jonathan R;
High burden of impetigo and scabies in a tropical country.
PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 3 (6).
ISSN 1935-2727
Steer, Andrew C;
Jenney, Adam WJ;
Kado, Joseph;
Good, Michael F;
Batzloff, Michael;
Magor, Graham;
Ritika, Roselyn;
Mulholland, Kim E;
Carapetis, Jonathan R;
Prospective surveillance of streptococcal sore throat in a tropical country.
The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 28 (6).
pp. 477-482.
ISSN 0891-3668
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Steer, Andrew C;
Kado, Joseph;
Jenney, Adam WJ;
Batzloff, Michael;
Waqatakirewa, Lepani;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Carapetis, Jonathan R;
Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in Fiji: prospective surveillance, 2005-2007.
The Medical journal of Australia, 190 (3).
pp. 133-135.
ISSN 0025-729X
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Steer, Andrew C;
Kado, Joseph;
Wilson, Nigel;
Tuiketei, Timaima;
Batzloff, Michael;
Waqatakirewa, Lepani;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Carapetis, Jonathan R;
High prevalence of rheumatic heart disease by clinical and echocardiographic screening among children in Fiji.
The Journal of heart valve disease, 18 (3).
pp. 327-335.
ISSN 0966-8519
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Watt, James P;
Wolfson, Lara J;
O'Brien, Katherine L;
Henkle, Emily;
Deloria-Knoll, Maria;
McCall, Natalie;
Lee, Ellen;
Levine, Orin S;
Hajjeh, Rana;
Mulholland, Kim;
+2 more...
Cherian, Thomas;
Hib and Pneumococcal Global Burden of Disease Study Team;
Burden of disease caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b in children younger than 5 years: global estimates.
Lancet, 374 (9693).
pp. 903-911.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Wong, SH;
Lennon, DR;
Jackson, CM;
Stewart, JM;
Reid, S;
Ypma, E;
O'Hallahan, JM;
Oster, P;
Mulholland, K;
Martin, DR;
Immunogenicity and Tolerability in Infants of a New Zealand Epidemic Strain Meningococcal B Outer Membrane Vesicle Vaccine.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Gessner, Bradford D;
Sedyaningsih, Endang R;
Griffiths, Ulla K;
Sutanto, Agustinus;
Linehan, Mary;
Mercer, Dave;
Mulholland, Edward Kim;
Walker, Damian G;
Steinhoff, Mark;
Nadjib, Mardiati;
Vaccine-Preventable Haemophilus influenza Type B Disease Burden and Cost-Effectiveness of Infant Vaccination in Indonesia.
The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 27 (5).
pp. 438-443.
ISSN 0891-3668
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Gessner, Bradford D;
Sedyaningsih, Endang R;
Griffiths, Ulla K;
Sutanto, Agustinus;
Linehan, Mary;
Mercer, Dave;
Mulholland, Edward Kim;
Walker, Damian G;
Steinhoff, Mark;
Nadjib, Mardiati;
Vaccine-preventable haemophilus influenza type B disease burden and cost-effectiveness of infant vaccination in Indonesia.
The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 27 (5).
pp. 438-443.
ISSN 0891-3668
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Howie, Stephen RC;
Hill, Sarah E;
Peel, David;
Sanneh, Momodou;
Njie, Malick;
Hill, Philip C;
Mulholland, Kim;
Adegbola, Richard A;
Beyond good intentions: lessons on equipment donation from an African hospital.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 86 (1).
pp. 52-56.
ISSN 0042-9686
Mulholland, EK;
Smith, L;
Carneiro, I;
Becher, H;
Lehmann, D;
Equity and child-survival strategies.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 86 (5).
pp. 399-407.
ISSN 0042-9686
Mulholland, Ek;
Smith, L;
Carneiro, I;
Becher, H;
Lehmann, D;
Equity and child-survival strategies.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 86 (5).
pp. 399-407.
ISSN 0042-9686
Rudan, Igor;
Boschi-Pinto, Cynthia;
Biloglav, Zrinka;
Mulholland, Kim;
Campbell, Harry;
Epidemiology and etiology of childhood pneumonia.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 86 (5).
pp. 408-416.
ISSN 0042-9686
Scott, J Anthony G;
Brooks, W Abdullah;
Peiris, JS Malik;
Holtzman, Douglas;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Pneumonia research to reduce childhood mortality in the developing world.
The Journal of clinical investigation, 118 (4).
pp. 1291-1300.
ISSN 0021-9738
Trotter, Caroline L;
McVernon, Jodie;
Ramsay, Mary E;
Whitney, Cynthia G;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Goldblatt, David;
Hombach, Joachim;
Kieny, Marie-Paule;
SAGE subgroup;
Optimising the use of conjugate vaccines to prevent disease caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b, Neisseria meningitidis and Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Vaccine, 26 (35).
pp. 4434-4445.
ISSN 0264-410X
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Greenwood, Brian M;
Weber, Martin W;
Mulholland, Kim;
Childhood pneumonia--preventing the worlds biggest killer of children.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 85 (7).
pp. 502-503.
ISSN 0042-9686
Mulholland, Kim;
Childhood pneumonia mortality--a permanent global emergency.
Lancet, 370 (9583).
pp. 285-289.
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
Wong, Sharon;
Lennon, Diana;
Jackson, Catherine;
Stewart, Joanna;
Reid, Stewart;
Crengle, Sue;
Tilman, Sandrine;
Aaberge, Ingeborg;
O'Hallahan, Jane;
Oster, Philipp;
+2 more...
Mulholland, Kim;
Martin, Diana;
New zealand epidemic strain meningococcal B outer membrane vesicle vaccine in children aged 16-24 months.
The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 26 (4).
pp. 345-350.
ISSN 0891-3668
Full text not available from this repository.
Bines, Julie E;
Liem, Nguyen Thanh;
Justice, Frances;
Son, Tran Ngoc;
Carlin, John B;
de Campo, Margaret;
Jamsen, Kris;
Mulholland, Kim;
Barnett, Peter;
Barnes, Graeme L;
Validation of clinical case definition of acute intussusception in infants in Viet Nam and Australia.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 84 (7).
pp. 569-575.
ISSN 0042-9686
Levine, Orin S;
O'Brien, Katherine L;
Knoll, Maria;
Adegbola, Richard A;
Black, Steven;
Cherian, Thomas;
Dagan, Ron;
Goldblatt, David;
Grange, Adenike;
Greenwood, Brian;
+11 more...
Hennessy, Tom;
Klugman, Keith P;
Madhi, Shabir A;
Mulholland, Kim;
Nohynek, Hanna;
Santosham, Mathuram;
Saha, Samir K;
Scott, J Anthony;
Sow, Samba;
Whitney, Cynthia G;
Cutts, Felicity;
Pneumococcal vaccination in developing countries.
Lancet, 367 (9526).
pp. 1880-1882.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Lim, Yee-Wei;
Steinhoff, Mark;
Girosi, Federico;
Holtzman, Douglas;
Campbell, Harry;
Boer, Rob;
Black, Robert;
Mulholland, Kim;
Reducing the global burden of acute lower respiratory infections in children: the contribution of new diagnostics.
Nature, 444 Su (S1).
pp. 9-18.
ISSN 0028-0836
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Mulholland, E Kim;
Measles in the United States, 2006.
The New England journal of medicine, 355 (5).
pp. 440-443.
ISSN 0028-4793
Mulholland, Kim;
Perspectives on the burden of pneumonia in children.
Vaccine, 25 (13).
pp. 2394-2397.
ISSN 0264-410X
Full text not available from this repository.
Russell, FM;
Biribo, SSN;
Selvaraj, G;
Oppedisano, F;
Warren, S;
Seduadua, A;
Mulholland, EK;
Carapetis, JR;
As a bacterial culture medium, citrated sheep blood agar is a practical alternative to citrated human blood agar in laboratories of developing countries.
Journal of clinical microbiology, 44 (9).
pp. 3346-3351.
ISSN 0095-1137
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Russell, FM;
Carapetis, JR;
Ketaiwai, S;
Kunabuli, V;
Taoi, M;
Biribo, S;
Seduadua, A;
Mulholland, EK;
Pneumococcal nasopharyngeal carriage and patterns of penicillin resistance in young children in Fiji.
Annals of tropical paediatrics, 26 (3).
pp. 187-197.
ISSN 0272-4936
Full text not available from this repository.
Thornton, V;
Lennon, D;
Rasanathan, K;
O'Hallahan, J;
Oster, P;
Stewart, J;
Tilman, S;
Aaberge, I;
Feiring, B;
Nokleby, H;
+6 more...
Rosenqvist, E;
White, K;
Reid, S;
Mulholland, K;
Wakefield, MJ;
Martin, D;
Safety and immunogenicity of New Zealand strain meningococcal serogroup B OMV vaccine in healthy adults: beginning of epidemic control.
Vaccine, 24 (9).
pp. 1395-1400.
ISSN 0264-410X
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Weber, Martin W;
Gopalakrishna, Gowri;
Awomoyi, Agnes;
Cunningham, Adam;
Adegbola, Richard A;
Falade, Adegoke G;
Ogunlesi, Olayinka O;
Whittle, Hilton C;
Mulholland, E Kim;
The role of Chlamydia pneumoniae in acute respiratory tract infections in young children in The Gambia, West Africa.
Annals of tropical paediatrics, 26 (2).
pp. 87-94.
ISSN 0272-4936
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Adegbola, Richard A;
Secka, Ousman;
Lahai, George;
Lloyd-Evans, Nellie;
Njie, Alpha;
Usen, Stanley;
Oluwalana, Claire;
Obaro, Stephen;
Weber, Martin;
Corrah, Tumani;
+4 more...
Mulholland, Kim;
McAdam, Keith;
Greenwood, Brian;
Milligan, Paul JM;
Elimination of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) disease from The Gambia after the introduction of routine immunisation with a Hib conjugate vaccine: a prospective study.
Lancet, 366 (9480).
pp. 144-150.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Ameratunga, Shanthi;
Macmillan, Alex;
Stewart, Joanna;
Scott, David;
Mulholland, Kim;
Crengle, Sue;
Meningococcal Management Team;
Evaluating the post-licensure effectiveness of a group B meningococcal vaccine in New Zealand: a multi-faceted strategy.
Vaccine, 23 (17-18).
pp. 2231-2234.
ISSN 0264-410X
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Carapetis, Jonathan R;
Steer, Andrew C;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Weber, Martin;
The global burden of group A streptococcal diseases.
The Lancet infectious diseases, 5 (11).
pp. 685-694.
ISSN 1473-3099
Full text not available from this repository.
Cherian, Thomas;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Carlin, John B;
Ostensen, Harald;
Amin, Ruhul;
de Campo, Margaret;
Greenberg, David;
Lagos, Rosanna;
Lucero, Marilla;
Madhi, Shabir A;
+3 more...
O'Brien, Katherine L;
Obaro, Steven;
Steinhoff, Mark C;
Standardized interpretation of paediatric chest radiographs for the diagnosis of pneumonia in epidemiological studies.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 83 (5).
pp. 353-359.
ISSN 0042-9686
DOI: /S0042-96862005000500011
Cranswick, N;
Mulholland, K;
Isoniazid treatment of children: can genetics help guide treatment?
Archives of disease in childhood, 90 (6).
pp. 551-553.
ISSN 0003-9888
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Gessner, Bradford D;
Sutanto, Agustinus;
Linehan, Mary;
Djelantik, I Gusti Gede;
Fletcher, Tracy;
Gerudug, I Komang;
Mercer, David;
Moniaga, Vanda;
Moulton, Lawrence H;
+9 more...
Moulton, Lawrence H;
Mulholland, Kim;
Nelson, Carib;
Soemohardjo, Soewignjo;
Steinhoff, Mark;
Widjaya, Anton;
Stoeckel, Philippe;
Maynard, James;
Arjoso, Soemarjati;
Incidences of vaccine-preventable Haemophilus influenzae type b pneumonia and meningitis in Indonesian children: hamlet-randomised vaccine-probe trial.
Lancet, 365 (9453).
pp. 43-52.
ISSN 0140-6736
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Magree, HC;
Russell, FM;
Sa'aga, R;
Greenwood, P;
Tikoduadua, L;
Pryor, J;
Waqatakirewa, L;
Carapetis, JR;
Mulholland, EK;
Chest X-ray-confirmed pneumonia in children in Fiji.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 83 (6).
pp. 427-433.
ISSN 0042-9686
DOI: /S0042-96862005000600010
McIntyre, PB;
Kelly, HA;
Mulholland, EK;
Immunisation at the crossroads: 9th National Immunisation/1st Asia-Pacific Vaccine Preventable Diseases Conference.
[Conference or Workshop Item]
Full text not available from this repository.
Mulholland, E Kim;
Adegbola, Richard A;
Bacterial infections--a major cause of death among children in Africa.
The New England journal of medicine, 352 (1).
pp. 75-77.
ISSN 0028-4793
Mulholland, Kim;
The Gambian pneumococcal vaccine trial - implications for control of childhood pneumonia.
Tropical medicine & international health, 10 (6).
pp. 497-500.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Mulholland, Kim;
Commentary: comorbidity as a factor in child health and child survival in developing countries.
International journal of epidemiology, 34 (2).
pp. 375-377.
ISSN 0300-5771
Full text not available from this repository.
O'Hallahan, Jane;
Lennon, Diana;
Oster, Philipp;
Lane, Robbie;
Reid, Stewart;
Mulholland, Kim;
Stewart, Joanna;
Penney, Liane;
Percival, Teuila;
Martin, Diana;
From secondary prevention to primary prevention: a unique strategy that gives hope to a country ravaged by meningococcal disease.
Vaccine, 23 (17-18).
pp. 2197-2201.
ISSN 0264-410X
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Oster, Philipp;
Lennon, Diana;
O'Hallahan, Jane;
Mulholland, Kim;
Reid, Stewart;
Martin, Diana;
MeNZB: a safe and highly immunogenic tailor-made vaccine against the New Zealand Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B disease epidemic strain.
Vaccine, 23 (17-18).
pp. 2191-2196.
ISSN 0264-410X
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Salama, Peter;
McFarland, Jeff;
Mulholland, Kim;
Reaching the unreached with measles vaccination.
Lancet, 366 (9488).
pp. 787-788.
ISSN 0140-6736
Full text not available from this repository.
Bines, Julie E;
Ivanoff, Bernard;
Justice, Frances;
Mulholland, Kim;
Clinical case definition for the diagnosis of acute intussusception.
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition, 39 (5).
pp. 511-518.
ISSN 0277-2116
Full text not available from this repository.
Carapetis, JR;
Russell, FM;
Mansoor, O;
Darcy, A;
Fakakovi, T;
Metai, A;
Potoi, NT;
Wilson, N;
Mulholland, EK;
Haemophilus influenzae type b infection in children in Pacific countries.
Pacific health dialog, 11 (1).
pp. 79-83.
ISSN 1015-7867
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Mulholland, E Kim;
Use of vaccine trials to estimate burden of disease.
Journal of health, population, and nutrition, 22 (3).
pp. 257-267.
ISSN 1606-0997
Mulholland, Edward Kim;
Global control of rotavirus disease.
Advances in experimental medicine and biology, 549.
pp. 161-168.
ISSN 0065-2598
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Palmer, Ayo;
Carlin, John B;
Freihorst, Joachim;
Gatchalian, Salvacion;
Muhe, Lulu;
Mulholland, Kim;
Weber, Martin W;
WHO Young Infant Study Group;
The use of CRP for diagnosing infections in young infants < 3 months of age in developing countries.
Annals of tropical paediatrics, 24 (3).
pp. 205-212.
ISSN 0272-4936
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Russell, Fiona M;
Mulholland, EK;
Recent advances in pneumococcal vaccination of children.
Annals of tropical paediatrics, 24 (4).
pp. 283-294.
ISSN 0272-4936
Full text not available from this repository.
Sexton, Kerry;
Lennon, Diana;
Oster, Philipp;
Crengle, Sue;
Martin, Diana;
Mulholland, Kim;
Percival, Teuila;
Reid, Stewart;
Stewart, Joanna;
O'Hallahan, Jane;
The New Zealand Meningococcal Vaccine Strategy: a tailor-made vaccine to combat a devastating epidemic.
The New Zealand medical journal, 117 (1200).
ISSN 0028-8446
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Valery, Patricia C;
Torzillo, Paul J;
Mulholland, Kim;
Boyce, Naomi C;
Purdie, David M;
Chang, Anne B;
Hospital-based case-control study of bronchiectasis in indigenous children in Central Australia.
The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 23 (10).
pp. 902-908.
ISSN 0891-3668
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Mulholland, Kim;
Global burden of acute respiratory infections in children: implications for interventions.
Pediatric pulmonology, 36 (6).
pp. 469-474.
ISSN 8755-6863
Full text not available from this repository.
Russell, FM;
Carapetis, JR;
Mansoor, O;
Darcy, A;
Fakakovi, T;
Metai, A;
Potoi, NT;
Wilson, N;
Mulholland, EK;
High incidence of Haemophilus influenzae type b infection in children in Pacific island countries.
Clinical infectious diseases, 37 (12).
pp. 1593-1599.
ISSN 1058-4838
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Russell, Fiona M;
Shann, Frank;
Curtis, Nigel;
Mulholland, Kim;
Evidence on the use of paracetamol in febrile children.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 81 (5).
pp. 367-372.
ISSN 0042-9686
Weber, Martin W;
Carlin, John B;
Gatchalian, Salvacion;
Lehmann, Deborah;
Muhe, Lulu;
Mulholland, E Kim;
WHO Young Infants Study Group;
Predictors of neonatal sepsis in developing countries.
The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 22 (8).
pp. 711-717.
ISSN 0891-3668
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Zar, Heather J;
Mulholland, Kim;
Global burden of pediatric respiratory illness and the implications for management and prevention.
Pediatric pulmonology, 36 (6).
pp. 457-461.
ISSN 8755-6863
Full text not available from this repository.
Chang, Anne B;
Grimwood, Keith;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Torzillo, Paul J;
Working Group on Indigenous Paediatric Respiratory Health;
Bronchiectasis in indigenous children in remote Australian communities.
The Medical journal of Australia, 177 (4).
pp. 200-204.
ISSN 0025-729X
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Russell, Fiona;
Mulholland, Kim;
Prevention of otitis media by vaccination.
Drugs, 62 (10).
pp. 1441-1445.
ISSN 0012-6667
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Weber, Martin W;
Herman, Joanna;
Jaffar, Shabbar;
Usen, Stanley;
Oparaugo, Anslem;
Omosigho, Charles;
Adegbola, Richard A;
Greenwood, Brian M;
Mulholland, E Kim;
Clinical predictors of bacterial meningitis in infants and young children in The Gambia.
Tropical medicine & international health, 7 (9).
pp. 722-731.
ISSN 1360-2276
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Weber, Martin W;
Milligan, Paul;
Sanneh, Mariama;
Awemoyi, Agnes;
Dakour, Raduwan;
Schneider, Gisela;
Palmer, Ayo;
Jallow, Mariatou;
Oparaogu, Anslem;
Whittle, Hilton;
+2 more...
Mulholland, E Kim;
Greenwood, Brian M;
An epidemiological study of RSV infection in the Gambia.
Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 80 (7).
pp. 562-568.
ISSN 0042-9686
Falade, AG;
Adegbola, RA;
Mulholland, EK;
Greenwood, BM;
Respiratory rate as a predictor of positive lung aspirates in young Gambian children with lobar pneumonia.
Annals of tropical paediatrics, 21 (4).
pp. 293-297.
ISSN 0272-4936
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Mulholland, K;
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine--relevance for developing countries.
Indian pediatrics, 38 (5).
pp. 453-460.
ISSN 0019-6061
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Mulholland, K;
Kim Mulholland--drawing together the pieces of international child health.
The Lancet infectious diseases, 1 (3).
pp. 203-209.
ISSN 1473-3099
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Mulholland, K;
Barreto, ML;
Routine vaccination and child survival in Guinea-Bissau. Lessons can be learnt from this study.
BMJ (Clinical research ed), 322 (7282).
ISSN 0959-8138