Items where Author or Contributor is "Price, Alison J"

Number of items: 40.
Dixon, Justin;
Morton, Ben;
Nkhata, Misheck J;
Silman, Alan;
Simiyu, Ibrahim G;
Spencer, Stephen A;
Van Pinxteren, Myrna;
Bunn, Christopher;
Calderwood, Claire;
Chandler, Clare IR;
+52 more...
Chikumbu, Edith;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Hurst, John R;
Jobe, Modou;
Kengne, Andre Pascal;
Levitt, Naomi S;
Moshabela, Mosa;
Owolabi, Mayowa;
Peer, Nasheeta;
Phiri, Nozgechi;
Singh, Sally J;
Tamuhla, Tsaone;
Tembo, Mandikudza;
Tiffin, Nicki;
Worrall, Eve;
Yongolo, Nateiya M;
Banda, Gift T;
Bickton, Fanuel;
Bilungula, Abbi-Monique Mamani;
Bosire, Edna;
Chawani, Marlen S;
Chinoko, Beatrice;
Chisala, Mphatso;
Chiwanda, Jonathan;
Drew, Sarah;
Farrant, Lindsay;
Ferrand, Rashida A;
Gondwe, Mtisunge;
Gregson, Celia L;
Harding, Richard;
Kajungu, Dan;
Kasenda, Stephen;
Katagira, Winceslaus;
Kwaitana, Duncan;
Mendenhall, Emily;
Mensah, Adwoa Bemah Boamah;
Mnenula, Modai;
Mupaza, Lovemore;
Mwakasungula, Maud;
Nakanga, Wisdom;
Ndhlovu, Chiratidzo;
Nkhoma, Kennedy;
Nkoka, Owen;
Opare-Lokko, Edwina Addo;
Phulusa, Jacob;
Price, Alison;
Rylance, Jamie;
Salima, Charity;
Salimu, Sangwani;
Sturmberg, Joachim;
Vale, Elizabeth;
Limbani, Felix;
Interdisciplinary perspectives on multimorbidity in Africa: Developing an expanded conceptual model.
PLOS global public health, 4 (7).
ISSN 2767-3375
Nkoka, Owen;
Munthali-Mkandawire, Shekinah;
Mwandira, Kondwani;
Nindi, Providence;
Dube, Albert;
Nyanjagha, Innocent;
Mainjeni, Angella;
Malava, Jullita;
Amoah, Abena S;
McLean, Estelle;
+3 more...
Stewart, Robert C;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Price, Alison J;
Association between physical multimorbidity and common mental health disorders in rural and urban Malawian settings: Preliminary findings from Healthy Lives Malawi long-term conditions survey.
PLOS global public health, 4 (4).
ISSN 2767-3375
Banda, Louis;
Ho, Antonia;
Kasenda, Stephen;
Read, Jonathan M;
Jewell, Chris;
Price, Alison;
McLean, Estelle;
Dube, Albert;
Chaima, David;
Samikwa, Lyson;
+6 more...
Nyirenda, Tonney S;
Hughes, Ellen C;
Willett, Brian J;
Mwale, Annie Chauma;
Amoah, Abena S;
Crampin, Amelia;
Characterizing the evolving SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in urban and rural Malawi between February 2021 and April 2022: A population-based cohort study.
International journal of infectious diseases, 137.
pp. 118-125.
ISSN 1201-9712
Price, Alison J;
Jobe, Modou;
Sekitoleko, Isaac;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Prentice, Andrew M;
Seeley, Janet;
Chikumbu, Edith F;
Mugisha, Joseph;
Makanga, Ronald;
Dube, Albert;
+2 more...
Mair, Frances S;
Jani, Bhautesh Dinesh;
Epidemiology of multimorbidity in low-income countries of sub-Saharan Africa: Findings from four population cohorts.
PLOS Global Public Health, 3 (12).
ISSN 2767-3375
Asiki, Gershim;
Kadengye, Damazo;
Calvert, Clara;
Wamukoya, Marylene;
Mohamed, Shukri F;
Ziraba, Abdhalah;
Iddi, Samuel;
Bangha, Martin;
Wekesah, Frederick;
Chikozho, Claudious;
+3 more...
Price, Alison;
Crampin, Mia;
Kyobutungi, Catherine;
Trends and risk factors for non-communicable diseases mortality in Nairobi slums (2008-2017).
Global Epidemiology, 3.
ISSN 2590-1133
Risher, Kathryn A;
Cori, Anne;
Reniers, Georges;
Marston, Milly;
Calvert, Clara;
Crampin, Amelia;
Dadirai, Tawanda;
Dube, Albert;
Gregson, Simon;
Herbst, Kobus;
+15 more...
Lutalo, Tom;
Moorhouse, Louisa;
Mtenga, Baltazar;
Nabukalu, Dorean;
Newton, Robert;
Price, Alison J;
Tlhajoane, Malebogo;
Todd, Jim;
Tomlin, Keith;
Urassa, Mark;
Vandormael, Alain;
Fraser, Christophe;
Slaymaker, Emma;
Eaton, Jeffrey W;
ALPHA Network;
ALPHA Network;
Age patterns of HIV incidence in eastern and southern Africa: a modelling analysis of observational population-based cohort studies.
The lancet. HIV, 8 (7).
ISSN 2405-4704
Risher, Kathryn;
Cori, Anne;
Reniers, Georges;
Marston, Milly;
Calvert, Clara;
Crampin, Amelia;
Dadirai, Tawanda;
Dube, Albert;
Gregson, Simon;
Herbst, Kobus;
+15 more...
Lutalo, Tom;
Moorhouse, Louisa;
Mtenga, Baltazar;
Nabukalu, Doreen;
Newton, Robert;
Price, Alison J;
Tlhajoane, Malebogo;
Todd, Jim;
Tomlin, Keith;
Urassa, Mark;
Vandormael, Alain;
Fraser, Christophe;
Slaymaker, Emma;
Eaton, Jeffrey W;
ALPHA Network;
Age patterns of HIV incidence in eastern and southern Africa: a collaborative analysis of observational general population cohort studies.
LANCET HIV, 8 (7).
ISSN 2405-4704
Item availability may be restricted.
Calvert, Clara;
Marston, Milly;
Slaymaker, Emma;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Price, Alison J;
Klein, Nigel;
Herbst, Kobus;
Michael, Denna;
Urassa, Mark;
Clark, Samuel J;
+2 more...
Ronsmans, Carine;
Reniers, Georges;
Direct maternal deaths attributable to HIV in the era of antiretroviral therapy: evidence from three population-based HIV cohorts with verbal autopsy.
AIDS, 34 (9).
pp. 1397-1405.
ISSN 0269-9370
Prynn, Josephine E;
Dube, Albert;
Mkandawire, Joseph;
Koole, Olivier;
Geis, Steffen;
Mwaiyeghele, Elenaus;
Mwiba, Oddie;
Price, Alison J;
Kachiwanda, Lackson;
Nyirenda, Moffat;
+2 more...
Kuper, Hannah;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Self-reported disability in relation to mortality in rural Malawi: a longitudinal study of over 16 000 adults.
BMJ OPEN, 10 (8).
ISSN 2044-6055
Soares, Ana Luiza G;
Banda, Louis;
Amberbir, Alemayehu;
Jaffar, Shabbar;
Musicha, Crispin;
Price, Alison J;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Nyirenda, Moffat J;
Lawlor, Deborah A;
A comparison of the associations between adiposity and lipids in Malawi and the United Kingdom.
ISSN 1741-7015
Chilunga, Felix P;
Musicha, Crispin;
Tafatatha, Terence;
Geis, Steffen;
Nyirenda, Moffat J;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Price, Alison J;
Investigating associations between rural-to-urban migration and cardiometabolic disease in Malawi: a population-level study.
International journal of epidemiology, 48 (6).
pp. 1850-1862.
ISSN 0300-5771
Coates, Matthew M;
Kamanda, Mamusu;
Kintu, Alexander;
Arikpo, Iwara;
Chauque, Alberto;
Mengesha, Melkamu Merid;
Price, Alison J;
Sifuna, Peter;
Wamukoya, Marylene;
Sacoor, Charfudin N;
+12 more...
Ogwang, Sheila;
Assefa, Nega;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Macete, Eusebio V;
Kyobutungi, Catherine;
Meremikwu, Martin M;
Otieno, Walter;
Adjaye-Gbewonyo, Kafui;
Marx, Andrew;
Byass, Peter;
Sankoh, Osman;
Bukhman, Gene;
A comparison of all-cause and cause-specific mortality by household socioeconomic status across seven INDEPTH network health and demographic surveillance systems in sub-Saharan Africa.
Global health action, 12 (1).
ISSN 1654-9716
Mvula, Hazzie;
Chisambo, Christina;
Nyirenda, Vitumbiko;
Geis, Steffen;
Glynn, Judith R;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Nyirenda, Moffat;
Smeeth, Liam;
Walker, Richard;
Price, Alison J;
Community-Level Knowledge and Perceptions of Stroke in Rural Malawi.
Stroke, 50 (7).
pp. 1846-1849.
ISSN 0039-2499
Soares, Ana Luiza G;
Banda, Louis;
Amberbir, Alemayehu;
Jaffar, Shabbar;
Musicha, Crispin;
Price, Alison;
Nyirenda, Moffat J;
Lawlor, Debbie A;
Crampin, Amelia;
Sex and area differences in the association between adiposity and lipid profile in Malawi.
BMJ global health, 4 (5).
ISSN 2059-7908
Sunny, Bindu S;
DeStavola, Bianca;
Dube, Albert;
Price, Alison;
Kaonga, Allan M;
Kondowe, Scotch;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Glynn, Judith R;
Lusting, learning and lasting in school: sexual debut, school performance and dropout among adolescents in primary schools in Karonga district, northern Malawi.
Journal of biosocial science, 51 (5).
pp. 720-736.
ISSN 0021-9320
Glynn, Judith R;
Sunny, Bindu S;
DeStavola, Bianca;
Dube, Albert;
Chihana, Menard;
Price, Alison J;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Early school failure predicts teenage pregnancy and marriage: A large population-based cohort study in northern Malawi.
PloS one, 13 (5).
ISSN 1932-6203
Price, Alison J;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Amberbir, Alemayehu;
Kayuni-Chihana, Ndoliwe;
Musicha, Crispin;
Tafatatha, Terence;
Branson, Keith;
Lawlor, Debbie A;
Mwaiyeghele, Elenaus;
Nkhwazi, Lawrence;
+8 more...
Smeeth, Liam;
Pearce, Neil;
Munthali, Elizabeth;
Mwagomba, Beatrice M;
Mwansambo, Charles;
Glynn, Judith R;
Jaffar, Shabbar;
Nyirenda, Moffat;
Prevalence of obesity, hypertension, and diabetes, and cascade of care in sub-Saharan Africa: a cross-sectional, population-based study in rural and urban Malawi.
The lancet Diabetes & endocrinology, 6 (3).
pp. 208-222.
ISSN 2213-8587
Price, Alison J;
Wright, F Lucy;
Green, Jane;
Balkwill, Angela;
Kan, Sau Wan;
Yang, TienYu Owen;
Floud, Sarah;
Kroll, Mary E;
Simpson, Rachel;
Sudlow, Cathie LM;
+2 more...
Beral, Valerie;
Reeves, Gillian K;
Differences in risk factors for 3 types of stroke: UK prospective study and meta-analyses.
Neurology, 90 (4).
ISSN 0028-3878
Prynn, Josephine E;
Banda, Louis;
Amberbir, Alemayehu;
Price, Alison J;
Kayuni, Ndoliwe;
Jaffar, Shabbar;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Smeeth, Liam;
Nyirenda, Moffat;
Dietary sodium intake in urban and rural Malawi, and directions for future interventions.
The American journal of clinical nutrition, 108 (3).
pp. 587-593.
ISSN 0002-9165
McLean, Estelle;
Price, Alison;
Chihana, Menard;
Kayuni, Ndoliwe;
Marston, Milly;
Koole, Olivier;
Zaba, Basia;
Crampin, Amelia;
ALPHA Network;
Changes in Fertility at the Population Level in the Era of ART in Rural Malawi.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 75 (4).
pp. 391-398.
ISSN 1525-4135
Slaymaker, Emma;
McLean, Estelle;
Wringe, Alison;
Calvert, Clara;
Marston, Milly;
Reniers, Georges;
Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa Whiteson;
Crampin, Amelia;
Price, Alison;
Michael, Denna;
+11 more...
Urassa, Mark;
Kwaro, Daniel;
Sewe, Maquins;
Eaton, Jeffrey W;
Rhead, Rebecca;
Nakiyingi-Miiro, Jessica;
Lutalo, Tom;
Nabukalu, Dorean;
Herbst, Kobus;
Hosegood, Victoria;
Zaba, Basia;
The Network for Analysing Longitudinal Population-based HIV/AIDS data on Africa (ALPHA): Data on mortality, by HIV status and stage on the HIV care continuum, among the general population in seven longitudinal studies between 1989 and 2014.
Gates Open Res, 1.
ISSN 2572-4754
Bórquez, Annick;
Cori, Anne;
Pufall, Erica L;
Kasule, Jingo;
Slaymaker, Emma;
Price, Alison;
Elmes, Jocelyn;
Zaba, Basia;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Kagaayi, Joseph;
+4 more...
Lutalo, Tom;
Urassa, Mark;
Gregson, Simon;
Hallett, Timothy B;
The Incidence Patterns Model to Estimate the Distribution of New HIV Infections in Sub-Saharan Africa: Development and Validation of a Mathematical Model.
PLoS medicine, 13 (9).
ISSN 1549-1277
Crampin, Amelia Catharine;
Kayuni, Ndoliwe;
Amberbir, Alemayehu;
Musicha, Crispin;
Koole, Olivier;
Tafatatha, Terence;
Branson, Keith;
Saul, Jacqueline;
Mwaiyeghele, Elenaus;
Nkhwazi, Lawrence;
+6 more...
Phiri, Amos;
Price, Alison Jane;
Mwagomba, Beatrice;
Mwansambo, Charles;
Jaffar, Shabbar;
Nyirenda, Moffat Joha;
Hypertension and diabetes in Africa: design and implementation of a large population-based study of burden and risk factors in rural and urban Malawi.
Emerging themes in epidemiology, 13 (1).
ISSN 1742-7622
Kroll, Mary E;
Green, Jane;
Beral, Valerie;
Sudlow, Cathie LM;
Brown, Anna;
Kirichek, Oksana;
Price, Alison;
Yang, TienYu Owen;
Reeves, Gillian K;
Million Women Study Collaborators;
Million Women Study Collaborators;
Adiposity and ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke: Prospective study in women and meta-analysis.
NEUROLOGY, 87 (14).
pp. 1473-1481.
ISSN 0028-3878
Price, Alison J;
Glynn, Judith;
Chihana, Menard;
Kayuni, Ndoliwe;
Floyd, Sian;
Slaymaker, Emma;
Reniers, Georges;
Zaba, Basia;
McLean, Estelle;
Kalobekamo, Fredrick;
+3 more...
Koole, Olivier;
Nyirenda, Moffat;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Sustained 10-year gain in adult life expectancy following antiretroviral therapy roll-out in rural Malawi: July 2005 to June 2014.
International journal of epidemiology, 46 (2).
pp. 479-491.
ISSN 0300-5771
Price, Alison J;
Travis, Ruth C;
Appleby, Paul N;
Albanes, Demetrius;
Barricarte Gurrea, Aurelio;
Bjørge, Tone;
Bueno-de-Mesquita, H Bas;
Chen, Chu;
Donovan, Jenny;
Gislefoss, Randi;
+24 more...
Goodman, Gary;
Gunter, Marc;
Hamdy, Freddie C;
Johansson, Mattias;
King, Irena B;
Kühn, Tilman;
Männistö, Satu;
Martin, Richard M;
Meyer, Klaus;
Neal, David E;
Neuhouser, Marian L;
Nygård, Ottar;
Stattin, Par;
Tell, Grethe S;
Trichopoulou, Antonia;
Tumino, Rosario;
Ueland, Per Magne;
Ulvik, Arve;
de Vogel, Stefan;
Vollset, Stein Emil;
Weinstein, Stephanie J;
Key, Timothy J;
Allen, Naomi E;
Endogenous Hormones, Nutritional Biomarkers, and Prostate Cancer;
Circulating Folate and Vitamin B12 and Risk of Prostate Cancer: A Collaborative Analysis of Individual Participant Data from Six Cohorts Including 6875 Cases and 8104 Controls.
European urology, 70 (6).
pp. 941-951.
ISSN 0302-2838
Reniers, Georges;
Wamukoya, Marylene;
Urassa, Mark;
Nyaguara, Amek;
Nakiyingi-Miiro, Jessica;
Lutalo, Tom;
Hosegood, Vicky;
Gregson, Simon;
Gómez-Olivé, Xavier;
Geubbels, Eveline;
+41 more...
Crampin, Amelia C;
Wringe, Alison;
Waswa, Laban;
Tollman, Stephen;
Todd, Jim;
Slaymaker, Emma;
Serwadda, David;
Price, Alison;
Oti, Samuel;
Nyirenda, Moffat J;
Nabukalu, Dorean;
Nyamukapa, Constance;
Nalugoda, Fred;
Mugurungi, Owen;
Mtenga, Baltazar;
Mills, Lisa;
Michael, Denna;
McLean, Estelle;
McGrath, Nuala;
Martin, Emmanuel;
Marston, Milly;
Maquins, Sewe;
Levira, Francis;
Kyobutungi, Catherine;
Kwaro, Daniel;
Kasamba, Ivan;
Kanjala, Chifundo;
Kahn, Kathleen;
Kabudula, Chodziwadziwa;
Herbst, Kobus;
Gareta, Dickman;
Eaton, Jeffrey W;
Clark, Samuel J;
Church, Kathryn;
Chihana, Menard;
Calvert, Clara;
Beguy, Donatien;
Asiki, Gershim;
Amri, Shamte;
Abdul, Ramadhani;
Zaba, Basia;
Data Resource Profile: Network for Analysing Longitudinal Population-based HIV/AIDS data on Africa (ALPHA Network).
International journal of epidemiology, 45 (1).
pp. 83-93.
ISSN 0300-5771
Chihana, Menard L;
Price, Alison;
Floyd, Sian;
Mboma, Sebastian;
Mvula, Hazzie;
Branson, Keith;
Saul, Jacqueline;
Zaba, Basia;
French, Neil;
Crampin, Amelia C;
+1 more...
Glynn, Judith R;
Maternal HIV status associated with under-five mortality in rural Northern Malawi: a prospective cohort study.
Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), 68 (1).
pp. 81-90.
ISSN 1525-4135
Glynn, Judith R;
Calvert, Clara;
Price, Alison;
Chihana, Menard;
Kachiwanda, Lackson;
Mboma, Sebastian;
Zaba, Basia;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Measuring causes of adult mortality in rural northern Malawi over a decade of change.
Global health action, 7 (1).
ISSN 1654-9716
Glynn, Judith R;
Kayuni, Ndoliwe;
Gondwe, Levie;
Price, Alison J;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Earlier menarche is associated with a higher prevalence of Herpes simplex type-2 (HSV-2) in young women in rural Malawi.
eLife, 3.
ISSN 2050-084X
Price, Alison J;
Kayange, Michael;
Zaba, Basia;
Chimbwandira, Frank M;
Jahn, Andreas;
Chirwa, Zengani;
Dasgupta, Aisha Nz;
Katundu, Cynthia;
Saul, Jacqueline L;
Glynn, Judith R;
+2 more...
Koole, Olivier;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Uptake of prevention of mother-to-child-transmission using Option B+ in northern rural Malawi: a retrospective cohort study.
Sexually transmitted infections, 90 (4).
pp. 309-314.
ISSN 1368-4973
Reniers, Georges;
Slaymaker, Emma;
Nakiyingi-Miiro, Jessica;
Nyamukapa, Constance;
Crampin, Amelia Catharine;
Herbst, Kobus;
Urassa, Mark;
Otieno, Fred;
Gregson, Simon;
Sewe, Maquins;
+9 more...
Michael, Denna;
Lutalo, Tom;
Hosegood, Victoria;
Kasamba, Ivan;
Price, Alison;
Nabukalu, Dorean;
Mclean, Estelle;
Zaba, Basia;
ALPHA Network;
Mortality trends in the era of antiretroviral therapy: evidence from the Network for Analysing Longitudinal Population based HIV/AIDS data on Africa (ALPHA).
AIDS (London, England), 28 Sup (4).
ISSN 0269-9370
Streatfield, P Kim;
Alam, Nurul;
Compaoré, Yacouba;
Rossier, Clementine;
Soura, Abdramane B;
Bonfoh, Bassirou;
Jaeger, Fabienne;
Ngoran, Eliezer K;
Utzinger, Juerg;
Gomez, Pierre;
+34 more...
Jasseh, Momodou;
Ansah, Akosua;
Debpuur, Cornelius;
Oduro, Abraham;
Williams, John;
Addei, Sheila;
Gyapong, Margaret;
Kukula, Vida A;
Bauni, Evasius;
Mochamah, George;
Ndila, Carolyne;
Williams, Thomas N;
Desai, Meghna;
Moige, Hellen;
Odhiambo, Frank O;
Ogwang, Sheila;
Beguy, Donatien;
Ezeh, Alex;
Oti, Samuel;
Chihana, Menard;
Crampin, Amelia;
Price, Alison;
Delaunay, Valérie;
Diallo, Aldiouma;
Douillot, Laetitia;
Sokhna, Cheikh;
Collinson, Mark A;
Kahn, Kathleen;
Tollman, Stephen M;
Herbst, Kobus;
Mossong, Joël;
Emina, Jacques BO;
Sankoh, Osman A;
Byass, Peter;
Pregnancy-related mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH Health and Demographic Surveillance System sites.
Global health action, 7 (1).
ISSN 1654-9716
Streatfield, P Kim;
Khan, Wasif A;
Bhuiya, Abbas;
Hanifi, Syed MA;
Alam, Nurul;
Bagagnan, Cheik H;
Sié, Ali;
Zabré, Pascal;
Lankoandé, Bruno;
Rossier, Clementine;
+49 more...
Soura, Abdramane B;
Bonfoh, Bassirou;
Kone, Siaka;
Ngoran, Eliezer K;
Utzinger, Juerg;
Haile, Fisaha;
Melaku, Yohannes A;
Weldearegawi, Berhe;
Gomez, Pierre;
Jasseh, Momodou;
Ansah, Patrick;
Debpuur, Cornelius;
Oduro, Abraham;
Wak, George;
Adjei, Alexander;
Gyapong, Margaret;
Sarpong, Doris;
Kant, Shashi;
Misra, Puneet;
Rai, Sanjay K;
Juvekar, Sanjay;
Lele, Pallavi;
Bauni, Evasius;
Mochamah, George;
Ndila, Carolyne;
Williams, Thomas N;
Laserson, Kayla F;
Nyaguara, Amek;
Odhiambo, Frank O;
Phillips-Howard, Penelope;
Ezeh, Alex;
Kyobutungi, Catherine;
Oti, Samuel;
Crampin, Amelia;
Nyirenda, Moffat;
Price, Alison;
Delaunay, Valérie;
Diallo, Aldiouma;
Douillot, Laetitia;
Sokhna, Cheikh;
Gómez-Olivé, F Xavier;
Kahn, Kathleen;
Tollman, Stephen M;
Herbst, Kobus;
Mossong, Joël;
Chuc, Nguyen TK;
Bangha, Martin;
Sankoh, Osman A;
Byass, Peter;
Adult non-communicable disease mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH Health and Demographic Surveillance System sites.
Global health action, 7 (1).
ISSN 1654-9716
Streatfield, P Kim;
Khan, Wasif A;
Bhuiya, Abbas;
Hanifi, Syed MA;
Alam, Nurul;
Millogo, Ourohiré;
Sié, Ali;
Zabré, Pascal;
Rossier, Clementine;
Soura, Abdramane B;
+50 more...
Bonfoh, Bassirou;
Kone, Siaka;
Ngoran, Eliezer K;
Utzinger, Juerg;
Abera, Semaw F;
Melaku, Yohannes A;
Weldearegawi, Berhe;
Gomez, Pierre;
Jasseh, Momodou;
Ansah, Patrick;
Azongo, Daniel;
Kondayire, Felix;
Oduro, Abraham;
Amu, Alberta;
Gyapong, Margaret;
Kwarteng, Odette;
Kant, Shashi;
Pandav, Chandrakant S;
Rai, Sanjay K;
Juvekar, Sanjay;
Muralidharan, Veena;
Wahab, Abdul;
Wilopo, Siswanto;
Bauni, Evasius;
Mochamah, George;
Ndila, Carolyne;
Williams, Thomas N;
Khagayi, Sammy;
Laserson, Kayla F;
Nyaguara, Amek;
Van Eijk, Anna M;
Ezeh, Alex;
Kyobutungi, Catherine;
Wamukoya, Marylene;
Chihana, Menard;
Crampin, Amelia;
Price, Alison;
Delaunay, Valérie;
Diallo, Aldiouma;
Douillot, Laetitia;
Sokhna, Cheikh;
Gómez-Olivé, F Xavier;
Mee, Paul;
Tollman, Stephen M;
Herbst, Kobus;
Mossong, Joël;
Chuc, Nguyen TK;
Arthur, Samuelina S;
Sankoh, Osman A;
Byass, Peter;
HIV/AIDS-related mortality in Africa and Asia: evidence from INDEPTH health and demographic surveillance system sites.
Global health action, 7 (1).
ISSN 1654-9716
Floyd, Sian;
Molesworth, Anna;
Dube, Albert;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Houben, Rein;
Chihana, Menard;
Price, Alison;
Kayuni, Ndoliwe;
Saul, Jacqueline;
French, Neil;
+1 more...
Glynn, Judith R;
Underestimation of HIV prevalence in surveys when some people already know their status, and ways to reduce the bias.
AIDS (London, England), 27 (2).
pp. 233-242.
ISSN 0269-9370
Chihana, Menard;
Floyd, Sian;
Molesworth, Anna;
Crampin, Amelia C;
Kayuni, Ndoliwe;
Price, Alison;
Zaba, Basia;
Jahn, Andreas;
Mvula, Hazzie;
Dube, Albert;
+3 more...
Ngwira, Bagrey;
Glynn, Judith R;
French, Neil;
Adult mortality and probable cause of death in rural northern Malawi in the era of HIV treatment.
Tropical medicine & international health, 17 (8).
ISSN 1360-2276
Crampin, Amelia C;
Dube, Albert;
Mboma, Sebastian;
Price, Alison;
Chihana, Menard;
Jahn, Andreas;
Baschieri, Angela;
Molesworth, Anna;
Mwaiyeghele, Elnaeus;
Branson, Keith;
+6 more...
Floyd, Sian;
McGrath, Nuala;
Fine, Paul EM;
French, Neil;
Glynn, Judith R;
Zaba, Basia;
Profile: the Karonga Health and Demographic Surveillance System.
International journal of epidemiology, 41 (3).
pp. 676-685.
ISSN 0300-5771
Price, Alison J;
Allen, Naomi E;
Appleby, Paul N;
Crowe, Francesca L;
Travis, Ruth C;
Tipper, Sarah J;
Overvad, Kim;
Grønbæk, Henning;
Tjønneland, Anne;
Johnsen, Nina Føns;
+26 more...
Rinaldi, Sabina;
Kaaks, Rudolf;
Lukanova, Annie;
Boeing, Heiner;
Aleksandrova, Krasimira;
Trichopoulou, Antonia;
Trichopoulos, Dimitrios;
Andarakis, George;
Palli, Domenico;
Krogh, Vittorio;
Tumino, Rosario;
Sacerdote, Carlotta;
Bueno-de-Mesquita, H Bas;
Argüelles, Marcial V;
Sánchez, Maria-José;
Chirlaque, Maria-Dolores;
Barricarte, Aurelio;
Larrañaga, Nerea;
González, Carlos A;
Stattin, Pär;
Johansson, Mattias;
Khaw, Kay-Tee;
Wareham, Nick;
Gunter, Marc;
Riboli, Elio;
Key, Timothy;
Insulin-like growth factor-I concentration and risk of prostate cancer: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition.
Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention, 21 (9).
pp. 1531-1541.
ISSN 1055-9965
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Price, Alison J;
Allen, Naomi E;
Appleby, Paul N;
Crowe, Francesca L;
Jenab, Mazda;
Rinaldi, Sabina;
Slimani, Nadia;
Kaaks, Rudolf;
Rohrmann, Sabine;
Boeing, Heiner;
+21 more...
Pischon, Tobias;
Benetou, Vassiliki;
Naska, Androniki;
Trichopoulou, Antonia;
Palli, Domenico;
Sieri, Sabina;
Tumino, Rosario;
Vineis, Paolo;
Bueno-de-Mesquita, H Bas;
Donate, Ignacio;
González, Carlos A;
Sánchez, Maria-José;
Chirlaque, Maria-Dolores;
Ardanaz, Eva;
Larrañaga, Nerea;
Khaw, Kay-Tee;
Rodwell, Sheila;
Gallo, Valentina;
Michaud, Dominique S;
Riboli, Elio;
Key, Timothy J;
Plasma phytanic acid concentration and risk of prostate cancer: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition.
The American journal of clinical nutrition, 91 (6).
pp. 1769-1776.
ISSN 0002-9165
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