Items where Author or Contributor is "Sautkina, E"

Number of items: 4.
Goodwin, DM;
Cummins, S;
Sautkina, E;
Ogilvie, D;
Petticrew, M;
Jones, A;
Wheeler, K;
White, M;
The role and status of evidence and innovation in the healthy towns programme in England: a qualitative stakeholder interview study.
Journal of epidemiology and community health, 67 (1).
pp. 106-12.
ISSN 0143-005X
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Amador, S;
Sautkina, E;
Analysing incivilities in places of business open to the public: linking theory, research and practice.
In: EdgertonE; RomiceO; SpencerC, (eds.)
Environmental Psychology: Putting research into practice.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge, UK, pp. 61-73.
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Rouquette, M;
Sautkina, E;
Castro, P;
Felonneau, M;
Guillou-Michel, E;
Social representations theory and environmental studies.
In: Martens B, KeulAK, (ed.)
Designing Social Innovation - Planning, Building, Evaluating.
Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, Göttingen, pp. 107-15.
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Sautkina, E;
Amador, S;
Castano, C;
Casal, A;
Koutaba, M;
Étude du lien socio-environnemental: distinction sociale et conduites d’incivilité dans les espaces commerciaux ouverts au public (gares de la SNCF, bureaux de poste, Galeries Lafayette) [A study of socio-environmental link: social distinction and incivilities in places of business open to the public (SNCF railway stations, french post offices, Galeries Lafayette)].
Technical Report.
Laboratoire de Psychologie Environnementale CNRS UMR 8069, Université Paris Descartes, Paris.
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