Items where Author or Contributor is "Jones, L"

Number of items: 10.
Bibliographic data only
Allen, P;
Jones, L;
Increasing the diversity of health care providers.
In: Mays, N; Dixon, A; Jones, L, (eds.)
Understanding New Labour's Market Reforms.
Kings Fund, London.
Full text not available from this repository.
Dixon, A;
Jones, L;
Local implementation of market-based policies in the NHS.
In: Mays, N; Dixon, A; Jones, L, (eds.)
Understanding New Labour's Market Reforms.
Kings Fund, London.
Full text not available from this repository.
Mays, N;
Dixon, A;
Jones, L;
Understanding New Labour's market reforms of the English NHS.
Kings Fund, London.
Full text not available from this repository.
Mays, N;
Dixon, A;
Jones, L;
Return to the market: Objectives and evolution of the NHS system reforms.
In: Mays, N; Dixon, A; Jones, L, (eds.)
Understanding New Labour's market reforms.
Kings Fund, London.
Full text not available from this repository.
Exworthy, M;
Frosini, F;
Jones, L;
Peckham, S;
Powell, M;
Greener, I;
Anand, P;
Holloway, J;
Decentralisation and performance: Autonomy and incentives in Local Health Economies.
Technical Report.
NCCSDO, Southampton.
Jones, L;
Policy as discursive practice: an ethnographic study of hospital planning in England.
PhD thesis, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
Jones, L;
Mays, N;
The experience of potentially vulnerable people during cold weather: implications for policy and practice.
Public health.
ISSN 0033-3506
Milner, J;
Chalabi, Z;
Wilkinson, P;
Armstrong, B;
Cairns, J;
Das, P;
Davies, M;
Duffy, S;
Eggen, B;
Hajat, S;
+6 more...
Hamilton, I;
Jones, L;
Petticrew, M;
Scovronik, N;
Taylor, J;
Vardoulakis, S;
Evidence review and economic analysis of excess winter deaths. Review 1: Factors determining vulnerability to winter- and cold-related mortality/morbidity.
Technical Report.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), London.
Milner, J;
Chalabi, Z;
Wilkinson, P;
Armstrong, B;
Cairns, J;
Duffy, S;
Hajat, S;
Jones, L;
Petticrew, M;
Scovronik, N;
Evidence review and economic analysis of excess winter deaths. Review 2: Interventions and economic studies.
Technical Report.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), London.
Milner, J;
Chalabi, Z;
Wilkinson, P;
Duffy, S;
Jones, L;
Petticrew, M;
Evidence review and economic analysis of excess winter deaths. Review 3: Delivery and implementation of approaches for the prevention of excess winter deaths and morbidity.
Technical Report.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), London.