Protein Biomarkers of New-Onset Heart Failure: Insights From the Heart Omics and Ageing Cohort, the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, and the Framingham Heart Study.

Girerd, Nicolas; Levy, Daniel; Duarte, Kevin; Ferreira, Joao Pedro; Ballantyne, Christie; Collier, Timothy; Pizard, Anne; Björkman, Jens; Butler, Javed; Clark, Andrew; +19 more... Cleland, John G; Delles, Christian; Diez, Javier; González, Arantxa; Hazebroek, Mark; Ho, Jennifer; Huby, Anne-Cécile; Hwang, Shih-Jen; Latini, Roberto; Mariottoni, Beatrice; Mebazaa, Alexandre; Pellicori, Pierpaolo; Sattar, Naveed; Sever, Peter; Staessen, Jan A; Verdonschot, Job; Heymans, Stephane; Rossignol, Patrick; Zannad, Faiez; (2023) Protein Biomarkers of New-Onset Heart Failure: Insights From the Heart Omics and Ageing Cohort, the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, and the Framingham Heart Study. Circulation Heart failure, 16 (5). e009694-. ISSN 1941-3289 DOI:

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