Crisis responses, opportunity, and public authority during Covid-19's first wave in Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Sudan.

Kirk, Tom; Green, Duncan; Allen, Tim; Carayannis, Tatiana; Bazonzi, José; Ndala, José; Stys, Patrycja; Muzuri, Papy; Nyenyezi, Aymar; Vlassenroot, Koen; +10 more... Nyuon, Abraham Diing Akoi; Macdonald, Anna; Owor, Arthur; Storer, Liz; Okello, Joseph; Hopwood, Julian; Porter, Holly; Oryem, Robin; Parker, Melissa; Akello, Grace; (2021) Crisis responses, opportunity, and public authority during Covid-19's first wave in Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Sudan. Disasters, 45 Sup (Suppl ). S195-S215. ISSN 0361-3666 DOI:

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