Background: Surgical subclavian (SC) and direct aortic (DA) access are established alternatives to the default transfemoral route for transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI).We sought to find differences in survival
and procedure-related outcomes after SC- versus DA-TAVI.
Methods:Weperformed an observational cohort analysis of cases prospectively uploaded to the UK TAVI registry. To ensure the most contemporaneous comparison, the analysis focused on SC and DA procedures performed from 2013 to 2015.
Results: Between January 2013 and July 2015, 82 (37%) SC and 142 (63%) DA cases were performed that had validated 1-year life status.Multivariable regression analysis showed procedure durationwas longer for SC cases (SC
193.5±65.8 vs. DA 138.4±57.7min; p b .01) but length of hospital staywas shorter (SC 8.6±9.5 vs. DA 11.9±10.8 days; p = .03). Acute kidney injury was observed less frequently after SC cases (odds ratio [OR] 0.35, 95%
confidence interval [CI 0.12–0.96]; p=.042) but vascular access site-related complications were more common (OR 9.75 [3.07–30.93]; p b .01). Procedure-related bleeding (OR 0.54 [0.24–1.25]; p=.15) and in-hospital stroke rate (SC 3.7% vs. DA 2.1%; p=.67) were similar. There were no significant differences in in-hospital (SC 2.4% vs. DA 4.9%; p =.49), 30-day (SC 2.4% vs. DA 4.2%; p= .71) or 1-year (SC 14.5% vs. DA 21.9%; p =.344) mortality.