BACKGROUND: careHPV is a new, lower-cost DNA test for human papillomavirus (HPV). There are limited analytic comparisons of careHPV against a referent HPV DNA test like Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2). OBJECTIVE: To assess the test agreement between careHPV and HC2 on self- and clinician-collected specimens. STUDY DESIGN: In a population of 7541 women living in rural China, women provided a self-collected (sc) and two clinician-collected (cc) specimens and underwent visual inspection after acetic acid (VIA). The sc specimen and one cc specimen were tested by careHPV and HC2; a random subset of specimens was tested for HPV genotypes. RESULTS: The percent positive on cc specimens and sc specimens was 14.69% and 14.97% for careHPV, respectively, and 15.05% and 18.53% for HC2, respectively; HC2 testing of sc specimens was more likely to test positive than other combinations of tests and specimens (p<0.0001 for all comparisons). The agreement between different tests on the same specimens (kappa=0.787 and 0.691 for cc and sc specimens, respectively) was better than the same test on different specimens (kappa=0.653 and 0.649 for HC2 and careHPV, respectively). Disagreement between the same test on different specimens increased with increasing participant age (ptrend=0.0001 for HC2 and 0.002 for careHPV). HC2-positive/careHPV-negative specimens were more likely to test positive for non-carcinogenic HPV genotype than test HPV negative whereas the converse was true for HC2-negative/careHPV-positive specimens. DISCUSSION: The agreement for HPV DNA detection between careHPV and HC2 was good to very good.