Jensen, H; Keogh-Brown, M; Smith, R; Bretscher, M; Chico, RM; Drakeley, C; (2018) Documentation of a fully integrated epidemiological-demographic-macroeconomic model of Malaria: The case of Ghana. Working Paper. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK.
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We develop a novel and fully integrated epidemiological-demographic-macroeconomic EDM-malaria simulation model framework for modelling of P. falciparum malaria transmission in Ghana. Our model framework represents a milestone, as the first fully integrated EDM model framework for any type of infectious disease. The complex specification and integration of regional epidemiological-demographic models within a malaria-focussed macroeconomic Computable General Equilibrium model is fully described and documented, and ideas are outlined for future applications to investigate the interplay between macroeconomic and health disease burdens, to measure the health and economic impacts of economic growth and malaria interventions, and to study the importance (or lack thereof) of the general omission of proper epidemiological underpinnings and integration of economic incentive feedback effects in the existing literature on macroeconomic assessment of infectious disease.
Filename: Documentation-of-a-fully-integrated-epidemiological-demographic-macroeconomic-model of-Malaria.pdf
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