Bull World Health Organ. 2006 Mar; 84(3): 181–188.
Published online 2006 Mar 22.
Cause-specific mortality rates in sub-Saharan Africa and Bangladesh.
Martin Adjuik,
Tom Smith,
Sam Clark,
Jim Todd,
Anu Garrib,
Yohannes Kinfu,
Kathy Kahn,
Mitiki Mola,
Ali Ashraf,
Honorati Masanja,
Kubaje Adazu,
Ubaje Adazu,
Jahit Sacarlal,
Nurul Alam,
Adama Marra,
Adjima Gbangou,
Eleuther Mwageni, and
Fred Binka Navrongo Health Research Centre, Ghana.
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OBJECTIVE: To provide internationally comparable data on the frequencies of different causes of death. METHODS: We analysed verbal autopsies obtained during 1999 -2002 from 12 demographic surveillance sites in sub-Saharan Africa and Bangladesh to find cause-specific and age-specific mortality rates. The cause-of-death codes used by the sites were harmonized to conform to the ICD-10 system, and summarized with the classification system of the Global Burden of Disease 2000 (Version 2). FINDINGS: Causes of death in the African sites differ strongly from those in Bangladesh, where there is some evidence of a health transition from communicable to noncommunicable diseases, and little malaria. HIV dominates in causes of mortality in the South African sites, which contrast with those in highly malaria endemic sites elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa (even in neighbouring Mozambique). The contributions of measles and diarrhoeal diseases to mortality in sub-Saharan Africa are lower than has been previously suggested, while malaria is of relatively greater importance. CONCLUSION: The different patterns of mortality we identified may be a result of recent changes in the availability and effectiveness of health interventions against childhood cluster diseases.
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