Increasing practice nurse access to alcohol training.
Deehan, Ann;
McCambridge, Jim;
Ball, David M;
Strang, John;
Increasing practice nurse access to alcohol training.
Drug and alcohol review, 21 (3).
pp. 281-286.
ISSN 0959-5236
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Policy makers have repeatedly placed emphasis on the role of primary care in screening for at-risk alcohol consumption and delivering public health messages to the general population. Research has pointed to primary care staff holding negative attitudes towards alcohol misusing patients. Training has traditionally been seen as the key to increasing the capacity of the medical field to engage with alcohol misusing patients but little work has been undertaken to examine the potential barriers to training take up. Consequently, the aim of this study was to explore the willingness of practice nurses to be trained in alcohol screening and brief intervention, and whether identifiable barriers to training exist and how they may be overcome. All practice nurses (n = 82) in an outer London (UK) Health Authority Area were twice mailed an invitation to an alcohol training seminar and a telephone invitation was made to all of those who did not reply to the mailings. Those who did not attend (n = 66) were contacted to take part in a short structured telephone interview - 89% (59/66) were contacted successfully and interviewed. Respondents were experienced in primary care and viewed health promotional activity as a valid part of their role. Few had undertaken previous alcohol training and as a group they were highly active in attending training events with training undertaken tending to be related directly to perceived practice needs and priorities: thus this group could not be characterized as unwilling to be trained. Barriers to training at alcohol events were found to be either personal or work-related, with most nurses interested in receiving further training or information. These data imply that the ways in which training is organized and delivered require sensitivity to identifiable barriers if it is to reach and effect changing practice among practice nurses successfully. A range of possibilities are identified as alternative approaches to the provision of elective training events which may be more acceptable to the target population of health-care staff.