Can home visits for early child development be implemented with sufficient coverage and quality at scale? Evidence from the SPRING program in India and Pakistan.

Hill, Zelee; Zafar, Shamsa; Soremekun, Seyi; Sikander, Siham; Avan, Bilal Iqbal; Roy, Reetabrata; Aziz, Sarmad; Kumar, Divya; Parveen, Nazia; Saleem, Shumaila; +7 more... Verma, Deepali; Sharma, Kamal Kant; Skordis, Jolene; Hafeez, Assad; Rahman, Atif; Kirkwood, Betty; Divan, Gauri; (2023) Can home visits for early child development be implemented with sufficient coverage and quality at scale? Evidence from the SPRING program in India and Pakistan. Frontiers in nutrition, 10. p. 1152548. ISSN 2296-861X DOI:

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