The objectives of preconception care for women with blood disorders are to provide women and their partners with information on the implications of blood disorders for pregnancy; reproductive choices; and the management of potential or future pregnancies. Advances in hematology have led to improved diagnosis and treatment of blood disorders, thereby contributing to longevity and quality of life for women who are either affected by or are carriers of blood disorders. Women with blood disorders pose unique challenges: physiologic events such as pregnancy and menstruation influence the manifestations of blood disorders; blood disorders are a risk factor for adverse pregnancy outcomes; pregnancy imposes the risk of potential genetic transmission of the blood disorder to the offspring;and medications used for treatment of blood disorders pose additional challenges to conception and pregnancy. Hence, it is crucial that women of childbearing age with blood disorders be provided proper care for their conditions and be counseled before they become pregnant, in time to prevent complications to mothers and infants related to blood disorders. The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview of the current knowledge related to blood disorders in women of reproductive age, the interventions needed to manage these conditions, and the implications of these conditions and their management for the health of women and their infants.